
Jun 28, 2010
I will keep straight to the point. This guide is dedicated to potential Bathmate buyers.

Due to my strange size (7" NBPenis EnlargementL and with a BPenis EnlargementL with curved straightened of nearly 8" and with at the time 5" of girth"), the Bathmate X-40 hadn't been designed for such a odd size.

In 2010 I went from 4.85" EG to 5.25" EG :) This was from a melange of jelqing, SSJ and The Bathmate.

Whilst the Bathmate is a great product, be warned. For me it:

1) Made my DICK DARK
2) Gave me Turkey Neck
3) Gave me little scars on my Dick

From this, I was pissed off as I had suffered the symptoms of Penis Enlargement that plagues the veterans but without the gains of a veteran. There is hope though.

Put off and disapointed, I came back to P.E after a 3 month break, in Jaunary of 2011.

Sicne then I have gained (will not publish any results just yet :) ! ) and luckily, some of the Bathmate side effects have been reversed.

Through the use of Amlactin Cream, and only after 2 weeks of using it, My dick is going back to its original colour and the little scars are fading. This leaves me with a slight TN which I am receiding through testicle stretches.

Bathmate have excellent customer service and make a great product, but please be aware of the conequences. Unlike me as I did not have this information at the time, protect your dick.

Apply Amlactin cream onto your dick each day you use the Bathmate to prevent the darkening and the scrathes.

I was really upset. I would be sitting on the toilet just staring at my dick asking myself how did it get so dark, so quickly, with such small gains.

Thankfully, there is a happy ending as Amlactin Cream has been found to be the miracle cure for discoularation, so if there are any of you out there who are in my position or who haev been, order this cream. It's the SHIT ;)

I feel much more confident about using the Bathmate in the future now that this cream is here which could possibly lead to some sort of Tripod between MoS, Bathmate and Amlactin.

Thanks guys and happy
well this cream shit is getting bought in some near future thanx 4 sharing!
When you wake up, before you go to bed, and then whenever else you have the time during the day. It's really easy to use, squeeze a little out, rub it into your hands and then your dick. You will naturally get the correct feel for it. It kinda gets absorbed by the skin and you should see clear results. I would love to post some pictures up once I've made a full recovery
Have been using Amlactin lotion for 3 weeks or so and my dick color is almost back to normal before I started Penis Enlargement.
This is a good thing cause i became so dark from using the Bathmate that i got discouraged and stopped for awhile .
This lotion is great and will lighten the skin on ur dick!
Yeah, I have same problem right now, kinda depressing, my dick is darkdarkblue, dont dare to show it to any girls , wondering when it gonna dissapear, i guess it wont if I dont stop using the Bathmate :-/ I live in sweden, dont think we have that cream there..
I'm not linked with the Bathmate in anyway and dont use one ATM but during most of 2010 I did use the X-40 and gained permanently with it. My discolouration wasn't too bad, already had a tan to my penis anyway so most likely didn't notice but let me point out this issue isn't Bathmate-specific.

This is something you will find with any brand of Pump on the market and is partly due to the way it works. I cant remember off the top of my head now but something to do with Iron particles from your blood stream being embedded into the layers of skin as the penis engorges and this is the darker colour we see.

Clamping does it and so to will other Penis Enlargement that involves intensity with sessions where blood is held in place.
I would have that thing on tight as a vice grip and it should over a month or so pulled my sack up.
REDZULU2003;423598 said:
How did the Bathmate give you a turkey neck?
I can totally relate. You NEEd to get this cream, it work a miracle. You could get it off an international supplier, here let me give you a link

press the itnernational button at the top right and select sweeded
Razorsharp;423622 said:
Yeah, I have same problem right now, kinda depressing, my dick is darkdarkblue, dont dare to show it to any girls , wondering when it gonna dissapear, i guess it wont if I dont stop using the Bathmate :-/ I live in sweden, dont think we have that cream there..
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