It makes sense to measure in centimeters. That way, you will see any little gain that is available. No matter how little it is.
Yes! Indeed.
But there is a balance. Measuring to much can lead to obsession about your length. I like to edge with the ruler, and try to push my erection as high as possible. But sometimes it's good to put the ruler to the side, and trust the process, and just enjoy it.
Yes! Indeed.
But there is a balance. Measuring to much can lead to obsession about your length. I like to edge with the ruler, and try to push my erection as high as possible. But sometimes it's good to put the ruler to the side, and trust the process, and just enjoy it.

As for me, I will fight the urge to measure until 26th of July 2024. Nothing in this world will make me measure before this date.
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