
Thats what I like to call it. Fantasy Penis Enlargement. I wonder how many guys who post on these various forums I visit/have visited just have nothing better to do with their time....they get their kicks pretending they do Penis Enlargement...and boasting sizes and new gains that they never really have/get? The sad thing is, I KNOW they exist. Some of them get so wrapped up in this fantasy Penis Enlargement realm that they, hang around these Penis Enlargement forums for literally, YEARS. Posting about their Penis Enlargement career...how they went from whatever size to 9x7....and, advising other men who are probably doing Penis Enlargement....as if they have real world experience when, truth be told, they have never done a Penis Enlargement workout in their life. Anyone else ever wonder about this stuff? What drives these men to do this type of thing? I mean, is their life so meaningless they have nothing better to do with their free time?
I'm not sure, but I do know what you're talking about. It makes me wonder about all of the 'big guys' on other forums who have never EVER posted a pic...

Originally posted by ItsElectric
I'm not sure, but I do know what you're talking about. It makes me wonder about all of the 'big guys' on other forums who have never EVER posted a pic...


Not everyone has a Digital Camera, or maybe some people just don't want to post pics. I will never ever post a pic of my Dick on the internet.

I have never really heard of someone not doing Penis Enlargement but saying they have and have gotten excellent gains from it. But I think their maybe people who have exaggerated on the time they have been doing it.
Originally posted by stillwantmore
Well the Large Penis Support Group (Yes, really) www.lpsg.org...is a wonderful example of exagerated size claims.

I have been their before, they say they are all like 10" plus and there are like 10000 users. But I don't really care if people lie about Penis Size, I am here to make my penis grow bigger and not worry about other people's penis size, although I do use people who post pics as prove of their size as inspirtation like DLD and Redzulu.
Originally posted by Long Worm
Not everyone has a Digital Camera, or maybe some people just don't want to post pics. I will never ever post a pic of my Dick on the internet.

I have never really heard of someone not doing Penis Enlargement but saying they have and have gotten excellent gains from it. But I think their maybe people who have exaggerated on the time they have been doing it.

Well, they don't HAVE to post a pic, but they should lead by example if you ask me. Oh well, just my opinion. :)

I never really thought about it.
I agree with SWM on that site he mentioned, but I'd say they must be big or very sad to be posting their.
Why lie constantly about size? makes no sense.

They must suffer from something mental, I feel sorry for them of they have any problems like this as they are more than likely 100% on the floor low self-esteem no confidence, they aint doing me any harm so I never gave a fucking toss until you brought it up.
It wouldn't suprise me... those who are lazy, BSers, or for any other reason, feel the need to lie about gains... Goes back to basics here. The instincts to prove you are better then any others, so you get the best... Like in this case:

Men lieing about how well they enlarge their dicks to make others feel inferior, and to probably impress women in some ridiculous way? Sounds crazy? Yes. Possible? Incredibly. The simple Strive for Competition... The lie because they're afraid that in reality, they're the ones who are inferior...

As for posting pictures, Long Worm said so, but I'll mention it again. Not everyone can take pics, and even if they could, they're probably not wanting to for some obvious reasons. I don't feel comfort in having any dick pics of mine shown to the internet. The internet is not really secure to me...
Originally posted by Unknown_One__
It wouldn't suprise me... those who are lazy, BSers, or for any other reason, feel the need to lie about gains... Goes back to basics here. The instincts to prove you are better then any others, so you get the best... Like in this case:

Men lieing about how well they enlarge their dicks to make others feel inferior, and to probably impress women in some ridiculous way? Sounds crazy? Yes. Possible? Incredibly. The simple Strive for Competition... The lie because they're afraid that in reality, they're the ones who are inferior...

As for posting pictures, Long Worm said so, but I'll mention it again. Not everyone can take pics, and even if they could, they're probably not wanting to for some obvious reasons. I don't feel comfort in having any dick pics of mine shown to the internet. The internet is not really secure to me...

The way I see it, my dick isn't GARGANTUAN enough to be passed around on the internet. When I see my dick picture on Kazaa and it can be downloaded from 1027 different users, then I know my quest is complete. ;)

I can't imagine what would have become of me if I never posted pictures. I sometimes get pissed when I think about how much shit I got, and I prooved myself, and then you have people putting so much belief into someone who has made huge claims and never prooved themselves. Life aint fair...oh well.
Such is life DLD. The more proof you show the critics the more critical they become. We both know that.
LOL!! I love the Kaaza comment!!! Thats the goal!!
yeah me too. i like that one

however everyone one is saying that people need to post their pictures up here so then people can believe them. well i don't really see it that way. i know there are liars and i know there are people who are telling the truth. i don't give a shit if someone is lying because they are only deluding THEMSELVES. if they have a six incher and lie and say it's 7 or 8. good for them they are just fuckin with their own heads and ultimately knocking down their self esteme because they say they are bigger and then they look at their dicks when they are taking a piss and feel guilty that they lied their asses off and bring themselves down.

so if people lie on here, then it's only hurting them. me personally..i have no need to lie about my gains although i'm not going to post my dick on here. i just don't feel comfortable with thousands of people looking at my dick. if you want to believe me about my size then good, because i have no reason to lie on here. if you DON'T believe me then i don't really care.

but that's just me
the #1 use of the net is self glorification.

these people who are fakes for some reason always get really really defensive when you hint that they may be a fake.
you'd think if they had that free time to lie about Penis Enlargement, that they could just do it....

it's not like it's hard (hehe) to find time, i do mine (all dry work) at my computer in the morning while i'm checking e-mail and the news....
Originally posted by Idiot666
the #1 use of the net is self glorification.

these people who are fakes for some reason always get really really defensive when you hint that they may be a fake.

not necessarily, i'm not faking yet i find that people shouldn't have to post their picture on here. some people just don't want to do it for no good reason than just THAT. they don't wann
I don`t know... people like that must be real losers, if there are any.Such low esteem.... Makes me sick
Hi Guy Red, You said "but I'd say they must be big or very sad to be posting their. Why lie constantly about size? makes no sense."

Now I have seen posts that you claim to have an eight inch cock. Well prove it. show us a picture of this massive member, If you Can that is?

REDZULU2003 said:
I never really thought about it.
I agree with SWM on that site he mentioned, but I'd say they must be big or very sad to be posting their.
Why lie constantly about size? makes no sense.

They must suffer from something mental, I feel sorry for them of they have any problems like this as they are more than likely 100% on the floor low self-esteem no confidence, they aint doing me any harm so I never gave a fucking toss until you brought it up.
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