Thats what I like to call it. Fantasy Penis Enlargement. I wonder how many guys who post on these various forums I visit/have visited just have nothing better to do with their time....they get their kicks pretending they do Penis Enlargement...and boasting sizes and new gains that they never really have/get? The sad thing is, I KNOW they exist. Some of them get so wrapped up in this fantasy Penis Enlargement realm that they, hang around these Penis Enlargement forums for literally, YEARS. Posting about their Penis Enlargement career...how they went from whatever size to 9x7....and, advising other men who are probably doing Penis Enlargement....as if they have real world experience when, truth be told, they have never done a Penis Enlargement workout in their life. Anyone else ever wonder about this stuff? What drives these men to do this type of thing? I mean, is their life so meaningless they have nothing better to do with their free time?