I think the urge to smoke will never go away, even after quitting for 3 years. Clearly this is not an addiction built upon a substance. It is more of a behaviour - to respond to stress by watching �naked people movies�, eating candy or taking substances.

Nicotine itself is not harmful to the body, only all the other substances in the classic cigarette are the problem.

But the experience with e-cigarettes isn't comparable to a real cigarette. With normal cigarettes I would wait until the urge build up and then I release during smoking. With e-cigarettes I start to vape earlier and don't wait for peaks. But the smoking during a stress peak is the better experience for me.

If you then report how it changes your productivity then there is another mental side on the action.

The more often I went on and off from smoking the less I believed in the changes it created upon my life. The only change that remains would be the impact on my lungs. Still, stress is a killer too and I haven't found a way to cope with stress other than doing the things I mentioned in my first sentence.
I'm not a "chain vaper" but when I'm not busy I will puff at any time. While sitting on the couch I might take 5-6 puffs, put it down for 20 minutes, take 2 or 3 puffs, put it down for 45 minutes, then be clouding up the room for 20 minutes. A lot of times it's out of boredom when sitting at home or because I'm really into the flavor in my tank. Side note - vaping can dehydrate you. When I'm drinking coffee in the morning sometimes I don't taste what I'm vaping. Once I start drinking water and everything gets moist again the flavors come back.

I'm fully addicted to nicotine and have zero plans to quit unless medically necessary. Super happy that my lungs aren't inhaling 7k chemicals 20-30x a day too.

Plus people like the smell. Makes them hungry lol. The only person who complains is my father in law. This is a man who locks the windows in his car when he's farting to force people to smell it (he can be an asshole). One day I was standing outside with 10 people, half of them were smoking. He caught a whiff of what I was vaping and started complaining that it smelled bad. The non smokers jumped on him right away saying it smelled great and they'd rather smell that vs cig smoke. He stormed off embarrassed.
huge-girth;759368 said:
One thing I've been trying to achieve since 2012 is to stop smoking marijuana. I have stopped for a total of 3 times but each of this time only lasted for 3 months but I also noticed something. Whenever I quit smoking, I notice that I'm much more active than normal and I don't feel lazy or postpone things unlike when I smoke. Also, even if I succeed in controlling my appetite for food, I still get some sort of anxiety when I smoke and that's a very negative sign indicating that smoking is not my calling.

There used to be a friend I motivated/encouraged to quit smoking during my last 3 months of quitting last year. I didn't see this friend of mine for a year and just yesterday, I ran into him. I was shocked when he told me he has stopped smoking since May 2017. He said he noticed so much changes in his life. Back then he used to complain that smoking gives him some sort of anxiety like myself.

After our encounter yesterday, I told myself I'm going to do all it takes to quit smoking marijuana. One thing I'm going to lose is the constant erection/big flaccid hang I get daily whenever I smoke. I'm willing to sacrifice this and stick to Kegel. I need to give my spirit what it's required.

try to limit yourself or set a budget or something, life is short. smoking once in a while is ok
Chaoskampf;759581 said:
I think the urge to smoke will never go away, even after quitting for 3 years. Clearly this is not an addiction built upon a substance. It is more of a behaviour - to respond to stress by watching �naked people movies�, eating candy or taking substances.

Nicotine itself is not harmful to the body, only all the other substances in the classic cigarette are the problem.

But the experience with e-cigarettes isn't comparable to a real cigarette. With normal cigarettes I would wait until the urge build up and then I release during smoking. With e-cigarettes I start to vape earlier and don't wait for peaks. But the smoking during a stress peak is the better experience for me.

If you then report how it changes your productivity then there is another mental side on the action.

The more often I went on and off from smoking the less I believed in the changes it created upon my life. The only change that remains would be the impact on my lungs. Still, stress is a killer too and I haven't found a way to cope with stress other than doing the things I mentioned in my first sentence.

im not sure vaping really helps you want to quit... it doesnt for me and i dont think it did for any of my friends
Chaoskampf;759581 said:
I think the urge to smoke will never go away, even after quitting for 3 years. Clearly this is not an addiction built upon a substance. It is more of a behaviour - to respond to stress by watching �naked people movies�, eating candy or taking substances.

Nicotine itself is not harmful to the body, only all the other substances in the classic cigarette are the problem.

But the experience with e-cigarettes isn't comparable to a real cigarette. With normal cigarettes I would wait until the urge build up and then I release during smoking. With e-cigarettes I start to vape earlier and don't wait for peaks. But the smoking during a stress peak is the better experience for me.

If you then report how it changes your productivity then there is another mental side on the action.

The more often I went on and off from smoking the less I believed in the changes it created upon my life. The only change that remains would be the impact on my lungs. Still, stress is a killer too and I haven't found a way to cope with stress other than doing the things I mentioned in my first sentence.

After 90 days of quitting, the urge to smoke normally reduce drastically and the only reason why I end up smoking after that 90 days break period was because i didn't cut off from the smokers friends I have. I don't know how to wrap weed so if I want to smoke and there is no one to wrap it for me, I cannot smoke. This time, I'm cutting off all smokers from my life and I believe this would help me stay consistent
acromegaly;759663 said:
try to limit yourself or set a budget or something, life is short. smoking once in a while is ok

I cannot limit myself, I rather stop. Why should I be smoking something that makes me eat like a gorilla? Why should I be smoking something that makes me feel uncomfortable to operate machines like computers and drive? When I smoke, it makes it difficult to listen to loud music on my headphone, it causes anxiety for me. The disadvantages are just too much when compared to the advantages. I can keep mentioning numerous disadvantages
I also worked for quite some time to limit smoking. But it doesn't work. As long as there is a pack of cigarettes in the house I have a problem. When there are no cigarettes in the house then the urge will come on certain time intervals, mostly in the evening but certainly not everyday. Now it would be nice to just have access in those moments where the urge is the highest. But there is no machine which would enable this limited access.

My throat is clogged right now, started two days ago. I have to take a break again. Might aswell just throw away the current tobacco pouch.
acromegaly;759664 said:
im not sure vaping really helps you want to quit... it doesnt for me and i dont think it did for any of my friends

I was surprised too. The first time vaping I instantly reduced cigarettes to 1 per day. Then I had bad e-liquid. Two weeks passed by without e-cigarette. Now I have the good e-liquid again. Still I continue with the normal cigarettes. Seems like when I first started with e-cigarettes I wanted to take a break from smoking anyway.
doublelongdaddy;759737 said:

At first glance, I thought it was a photo of someone standing with an erect penis.
Big Schwanz Acht;759926 said:
I quit 25 years ago...best decision EVER!

I'm currently heading towards this direction as I write this
huge-girth;760013 said:
I'm currently heading towards this direction as I write this

Almost 2 years for me :)
I took a break from smoking again after being involved in this thread. Did some research and it became clear that nicotine is responsible for the addiction but that the tar and all the other substances are creating the health issues. As a result vaping can't be compared to smoking at all. Nicotine is not harmful per se AND for some people nicotine can be helpful (Prof. Dr. Bernd Mayer)! This was new to me.

I am continuing with vaping. Last week I was returning from the gym and vaped a bit along with watching some 'movies'. It was great, for the first time it felt better than a cigarette. Normally vaping doesn't give you the same feeling as a real cigarette. For the first time it was different.
Chaoskampf;761024 said:
I took a break from smoking again after being involved in this thread. Did some research and it became clear that nicotine is responsible for the addiction but that the tar and all the other substances are creating the health issues. As a result vaping can't be compared to smoking at all. Nicotine is not harmful per se AND for some people nicotine can be helpful (Prof. Dr. Bernd Mayer)! This was new to me.

I am continuing with vaping. Last week I was returning from the gym and vaped a bit along with watching some 'movies'. It was great, for the first time it felt better than a cigarette. Normally vaping doesn't give you the same feeling as a real cigarette. For the first time it was different.

I hate crapital Blow Cross because they classify me as a smoker and charge me an extra $21.50/WEEK because of it. Plus I'm always arguing with the doctors and nurses at appointments asking why they're putting me in as a smoker.

It's hard to tell when to stop vaping at first. With a cigarette you know when you're done. Plus your body actually gets used to the 7k chemicals you're inhaling. That's a signal to your brain that you've gotten enough. Deadly chemical levels are where is used to, stop smoking now.

As I'm typing this I'm enjoying a great cinnamon sugar cookie liquid. It's making me hungry and is oh so awesome. I don't care for smelling cig smoke anymore and I'm sure if I took a drag I'd cough my head off. I'm spending the next 5 weeks training my daughter to run another 5k in July and running isn't an issue for my lungs anymore. What an awesome feeling.
cladre60;761083 said:
I hate crapital Blow Cross because they classify me as a smoker and charge me an extra $21.50/WEEK because of it. Plus I'm always arguing with the doctors and nurses at appointments asking why they're putting me in as a smoker.

It's hard to tell when to stop vaping at first. With a cigarette you know when you're done. Plus your body actually gets used to the 7k chemicals you're inhaling. That's a signal to your brain that you've gotten enough. Deadly chemical levels are where is used to, stop smoking now.

As I'm typing this I'm enjoying a great cinnamon sugar cookie liquid. It's making me hungry and is oh so awesome. I don't care for smelling cig smoke anymore and I'm sure if I took a drag I'd cough my head off. I'm spending the next 5 weeks training my daughter to run another 5k in July and running isn't an issue for my lungs anymore. What an awesome feeling.

I understand. This topic was addressed during the interviews with this prof-doctor in pharmacology on German television and YouTube too. Ignorant doctors, media and society classifies vaping as smoking which is very wrong. The UK follows a different policy. The UK is where the positive studies about vaping come from. The rest tries to demonize it - Jesus!

Nicotine can be helpful for people that have a predisposition for Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or inflammatory bowel diseases. There nicotine protects from these diseases.

On the other hand nicotine can be harmful during chemotherapy or after a heart attack.

The doctor also gave an example about caffeine. It would be more healthy to consume pure caffeine because the coffee is actually the harmful part (even though it is far less harmful than cigarettes). Vice versa the nicotine is not the problem, if it is consumed 'clean' (clean means vaping).
Chaoskampf;761091 said:
I understand. This topic was addressed during the interviews with this prof-doctor in pharmacology on German television and YouTube too. Ignorant doctors, media and society classifies vaping as smoking which is very wrong. The UK follows a different policy. The UK is where the positive studies about vaping come from. The rest tries to demonize it - Jesus!

Nicotine can be helpful for people that have a predisposition for Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or inflammatory bowel diseases. There nicotine protects from these diseases.

On the other hand nicotine can be harmful during chemotherapy or after a heart attack.

The doctor also gave an example about caffeine. It would be more healthy to consume pure caffeine because the coffee is actually the harmful part (even though it is far less harmful than cigarettes). Vice versa the nicotine is not the problem, if it is consumed 'clean' (clean means vaping).

I was arguing with crapital Blow Cross when setting up my policy at work about how the Royal College of Physicians, the smartest damn doctors on earth, said vaping isn't dangerous. The US is all about big tobacco. If you're not going to get illnesses from smoking because you vape they're going to make you pay for it anyway.

I read something not too long ago how coffee and the caffeine is actually beneficial for many people. I know it is for me. I'd murder people without it.
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