
Jun 3, 2003
I wrote in the thread for the "Penis Poll" about the fact that I am writing a size database program.

Just wanted to say that I got a good deal of the base code done over the past couple days. I expect this venture to take awhile though, seeing as programming is a time-consuming process. I anticipate having it fully done somewhere in the middle to late August timeframe. I can't dedicate much more than a half-hour a day to programming, so this is why it may seem like a long time. However, I hope everyone likes it by the time I finish it.

Here is the basic breakdown of what I have planned:

It is going to definitely include measurements of BPenis EnlargementL, NBPenis EnlargementL, EG, FSL, and erect volume (which it will calculate on-the-fly). Optional measurements I'm thinking of including are erect width, flaccid length (BP and NBP), and flaccid girth. Any thoughts on measurements that should be included are welcome.

In the end, it should be a fairly comprehensive database that will allow you to sort by name, date, or any of the measurement criteria. Also, it will most likely have the ability to show results in different units of measurement (inches, centimeters, etc.), based on user preference.

Well, guess that's all for now. I'll post any updates to progress on this thread.

- d_s
Nice Job dyslexic_smile.

This is Going to be Something very Useful Here.
Or if you want to, you can go all out and make devices that we wear that measures it all for us and instantaneously reports back. ;)
Or if you want to, you can go all out and make devices that we wear that measures it all for us and instantaneously reports back.

Haha, maybe I can add this on version 2.0 of the database. ;)
Here's the latest progress on the size database:

I got all of the coding done for the actual table output which shows all users' stats. It allows you to sort by any of the criteria, such as bpel, etc. by user. So basically, if you want to see who have the biggest girth, simply click at the top of the "girth" column and it will sort from highest to lowest. If you click again, it will sort from lowest to highest. Therefore, you can see who has the biggest or smallest or whatever size as of the time you are viewing the data. It still shows all data from all people, but just sorts it by person in the correct order according to the sort criteria. I am considering adding a couple of little features yet, but all in all, the data table is pretty solid, and in its current form is pretty decent.

Next I am going to start on the code to allow users to enter their data. This shouldn't be too bad, although it is important that I do it properly, for security reasons. So I will take my time with that part and make sure it is solid.

Once I get a decent chunk of the data entry page done, I'll give another update.

That is all for now.

- d_s

PS: if any of this sounds confusing, it will all make sense upon the release.
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Alright, here's the latest...

Today I decided to completely recode the page where all of the size results are displayed. I made pretty much every piece of code dynamic, such that it will be trivial to add new fields in the future if need be. Also, I put in code to figure out average size from all current data, for all of the criteria. That along with minimum and maximum and the standard deviation between sizes. Not sure how relevant any of that will be, but I'll keep it in for now.

As for the data input page, I got a good chunk of that done, but am trying to do a lot of testing to cover all of the odd cases that might pop up (just in case I didn't code something 100% properly). I still have a lot of work to do on this page however, and will continue to add functionality to it, as well as debug along the way.

Okay, that's it for this update. Time to head to sleep.

- d_s
Just wanted to say I took a bit of a hiatus from the size database coding for awhile. I code all day at work, and usually the last thing I want to do later in the day is code some more. However, I started coding again, and I still intent on finishing it. Once I get my first release candidate of my code, I will update here saying that. Until then, back to coding.

- d_s
Originally posted by dyslexic_smile
Just wanted to say I took a bit of a hiatus from the size database coding for awhile. I code all day at work, and usually the last thing I want to do later in the day is code some more. However, I started coding again, and I still intent on finishing it. Once I get my first release candidate of my code, I will update here saying that. Until then, back to coding.

- d_s

You are such a value to this forum! Thanks for all your time put into this project and how it will help the MOS forums.
Hey guys, thanks for the kind words.

Decided to check out the forum between my girth and length work here. Always nice to hear encouraging words, as it makes me even more eager to continue on my work. Hopefully I'll get this licked soon, then we can all enjoy it.

- d_s
Alright, here's the latest:

I had planned on having this thing done by now, but I guess I really want this thing to be perfect when all is said and done. The main issue is that every day I think of something cool to add and it sets me back further as I have to keep debugging and testing to make sure it works. Well, that and the fact that I'm not getting as much spare time to develop it as I'd like either. I mean, if I had one day I could dedicate to solely coding, I could get a lot done. Instead, when I work on it for 20 minutes one day and 40 minutes on another, a decent chunk of the time is spent with me trying to remember what I was working on and what to add/fix. Needless to say, that doesn't help getting the coding done any faster. I guess sometimes that life happens though and you can't always get done what you want.

Anyways, on a positive note, I have all database security-related issues all taken care of, and just have to focus on stuff which should be pretty straight-forward and easy. This namely comprises of data entry of gains. Other than that it is mainly done, other than some little ideas I'm pondering in the back of my mind. I kinda want to implement most of these if I can, but we shall see how it goes.

One thing I've learned from this all though is that I now realize why programmers often times don't like to dedicate to a release date, and instead just say, "It'll be done when it's done." I kinda feel bad having previously said that it'd have a mid to late August release date, as right now I don't know if that is going to be a reality. I hope I can get it done for the end of the month, and I apologize in advance if September rolls around without me having it done.

Maybe I can just release something soon and release another updated version later as I get around to implementing some more of my own ideas, as well as getting feedback from users.

Well, back to notepad to do some more coding, since I have a healthy chunk of time today. Hopefully my next post to this thread will be announcing that I have this thing done (at least the first version of it).

- d_s
I can see your putting alot of work into this DS , i hope it comes out all fine and dandy. Good luck.
Alright, it has been a long time (months) since I posted any progress on this. I honestly have barely touched the code in the last 2 months, as I've been overwhelmed with code at work and what not. I think there's about 2 hours of coding left to get it in a workable form, so I'm going to get inebriated and try get most or all of it done, since I seem to do my best coding when I'm not overly focused on what I'm working on.

Well, that and the fact that I don't have anything else going on for tonight.

I just have to do the data input part so people can enter stats (it's partially done), and add a little bit of code so that the column headings make any sense. I kind of regret making this thing so dynamic, since I have to put in about three times the code to do it, even if it's not at all necessary. Would've probably been easier to keep it static and do code updates if necessary to add more functionality. Anyways, I'll post what I accomplished tomorrow.

Keep on tugging.

- DS
I've been Looking forward to this for a Few Months, This will be a Great Addition to MoS!!!! Lets Do This!!!
Yeah, I just fixed about 5 bugs in the last 10 minutes. Sorry for the delay on this thing. If I don't deliver soon, you guys should ban me or something, haha.

But seriously...I'll be hanging out in chat and check there periodically, so if anybody want to ask me anything or comment or whatever, see you there.

- DS
Alright, last night I got mostly bug fixes done, and added a couple more features. I will work on it more tonight and tomorrow at work (if I find time there), and should come close to completion I hope. I thought I only had a couple hours of work left, but it was more like 10. I think I have about 6 hours of coding left now, so hopefully it'll all get done in the next day or two.

Thanks everyone for waiting on me.

- DS
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