man. ok fine. Give him time though. I'm sure he'll eventually say it if he actually hasn't. It's not as if the guy is the sharpest tool in the shed or he hasn't said ridiculously puzzling shit before. Listening to him "speak" is just insanely annoying as it is. Can anyone tell him he should understand some of the things he is talking about before he addresses anyone? He's perfected the art of reading to an audience something written for him as though we're all children trying to understand what is going on in some children's book.
But there is enough bullshit on this incopetent ass of a President that is indisputable that one doesn't have to go making up shit or, almost as bad, citing ridiculous sources like a Palestinian PR pimp. It's obvious that you do not like the man. I do not like him either, for some of the same reasons you don't, and for many different ones, being a lean conservative. That is no reason to go so far into left field that your four blocks from the ballpark to get arguments of his misdoings. Kal-el and other can criticize Fox News programs all day long, but they are still far more mainstream than what the left is using to try and convince the swingvote. The verdict is in on Michael Moore, Jeannine Garafolo, and that stupid cunt Cindy Sheehan. America has spoke in the past few elections. That kind of bullshit only energizes the extreme base (of which you may be a part of) and partisan hacks who would call Bush the greatest thing since sliced bread, if he were the same man with a "D" next to his name. That will NOT get a candidate that can win nominated. And I would like to be able to vote for a real Republican, and if not a real Democrat, but not another dipshit like this.
Kal-el said:
But 51% isnot a mandate to radicalize this country to the extreme right.

This propaganda has got to stop too. Bush is the farthest thing from "extreme right", assuming by right you mean conservative, as most anyone would.

A real conservative believes in a real free market and entrepreneurialism, not an economic oligarchy of fortune 500 corporations. A real conservative would have pushed to break down the bureaucratic walls between intelligence and law enforcement agencies without threatening to wire tap people like myself at will. You name the issue and I could probably go on an on.

To call Bush a conservative is an insult to conservatives. I used to think he was kind of liberal. In some ways yes, in some ways no. One could argue his actions to be extreme right or extreme left, depending on how you slant it, but the point is he is radically out of the mainstream.
penguinsfan said:
But there is enough bullshit on this incopetent ass of a President that is indisputable that one doesn't have to go making up shit or, almost as bad, citing ridiculous sources like a Palestinian PR pimp. It's obvious that you do not like the man. I do not like him either, for some of the same reasons you don't, and for many different ones, being a lean conservative. That is no reason to go so far into left field that your four blocks from the ballpark to get arguments of his misdoings. Kal-el and other can criticize Fox News programs all day long, but they are still far more mainstream than what the left is using to try and convince the swingvote. The verdict is in on Michael Moore, Jeannine Garafolo, and that stupid cunt Cindy Sheehan. America has spoke in the past few elections. That kind of bullshit only energizes the extreme base (of which you may be a part of) and partisan hacks who would call Bush the greatest thing since sliced bread, if he were the same man with a "D" next to his name. That will NOT get a candidate that can win nominated. And I would like to be able to vote for a real Republican, and if not a real Democrat, but not another dipshit like this.

Where does that come from? I know you have to realize Michael Moore and whoever else did not front any bills for Cindy Sheehan like so many other lies have been spread about the woman. She did what she did because she wanted to voice her question to the President. If you're not a parent then you'd never understand losing your child. Regardless of who'd exploit her for whatever reasons it makes no difference because what she started needed to be covered. It's insane when you pop on the tv and some hack is draggin her name through the mud insinuating she is some kind of wacko nut. And what is the difference between a REAL republican and a REAL democrat? I think we need to realize we've long been electing the guys with the most money invested in their campaigns. Whatever happens after the person is elected we can only hope that they do an adequate job taking into consideration the country's needs as opposed to a party's interest. Something must have happened in the last few years for this country to be split the way it is right now. I'll say it is the impregnation of the obscene right wing into middle america...don't know where the republican party went, but I'd like it back myself. I'll take any liberal over one of the so called "conservatives" that we see and hear so much from. The real conservatives are finally starting to wake up enough to SAY something rather than just hoping everything will work out in the end. You could barely hear the echoes from the conservatives a while back, last year you could kind of make out some of the words, and now you can really hear them and they are saying..DAMN we were told this guy WASN'T a Conservative...we might be far left, but I'd rather be that than someone that puts corporate interests before people's like no other we've seen in a long while.
iwant8inches said:
Where does that come from? I know you have to realize Michael Moore and whoever else did not front any bills for Cindy Sheehan like so many other lies have been spread about the woman. She did what she did because she wanted to voice her question to the President. If you're not a parent then you'd never understand losing your child. Regardless of who'd exploit her for whatever reasons it makes no difference because what she started needed to be covered. It's insane when you pop on the tv and some hack is draggin her name through the mud insinuating she is some kind of wacko nut.

No, I think Ms. Sheehan loves her moment of glory, the cameras tracking every action, the politicians and celebrities speaking so fondly of her, and the possibility that she'll get a sentence or two in future history books and that every child in America will read about Cindy's grandstanding. When you project yourself into the limelight, you open yourself up to criticism by the hacks. That is just the with it, if you want to play the game.

It is not about not having sympathy for one that has lost a child. No, I haven't lost a child in combat and I'm sure neither have you, given your young age. Many people have over the past couple of years. Some cope with it better than others. Only one has made a complete ass of herself. And I didn't feel that way initially. Sure, I disagreed with her methodology and knew it wasn't going to get her anywhere, but it's her right to protest. But you become a stupid cunt, IMHO, when you make a statement such as "This country is not worth dying for." Guess what. That extremist rhetoric doesn't hit home with John and Nancy American. Casey Sheehan is NOT bigger than America, no matter how tragic his death may be. I can't be so cynical as to say her actions are completely phony, as her son did die afterall, but if it were anything less, I would suspect her to secretly be on Karl Rove's payroll. After all, Rove is a sneaky bastard and he's downright good at what he does. But in the end, I'm sure she is really just a woman with some possible mental issues that has had a difficult time dealing with her loss, and she looks to be such a coolaid drinking partisan hack that she just can't stop herself.

Sheehan said she would be responding to Casey's death in the same manner if he had died in the hunt for bin Laden and there had been no Iraq. Now Casey Sheehan is, in her warped mind, bigger that all of those that died on 9/11. Hell, even that fuckin' screwball Ralph Nader said if he had been President that there would have been no choice but some form of military response to 9/11. Again, that doesn't hit home with the average American. That is being a stupid cunt. Her speeches have chastized Israel for its policies towards the Palestinians and said terrorism would stop if the U.S. would withdrawl from Iraq and Israel would give in to all Palestinian demands. That's just being plain stupid, cunt or no cunt. But her most downright stupid comment was probably when she demanded that the national guard withdrawl from "occupied New Orleans" as if the relief effort by those men and women was some form of warfare.

So, I don't want there to be any confusion about my sentiments: I think she's a STUPID CUNT.
penguinsfan said:
This propaganda has got to stop too. Bush is the farthest thing from "extreme right", assuming by right you mean conservative, as most anyone would.

A real conservative believes in a real free market and entrepreneurialism, not an economic oligarchy of fortune 500 corporations. A real conservative would have pushed to break down the bureaucratic walls between intelligence and law enforcement agencies without threatening to wire tap people like myself at will. You name the issue and I could probably go on an on.

To call Bush a conservative is an insult to conservatives. I used to think he was kind of liberal. In some ways yes, in some ways no. One could argue his actions to be extreme right or extreme left, depending on how you slant it, but the point is he is radically out of the mainstream.

Bush a liberal? Dude, I was born at night, but not last night,ok? The only thing he does that even remotely classifies him as liberal is that he is spending money like a ****ing drunken sailor, and he seems to be perfectly happy borrowing money until the damn fiscal cows come home.

If I remember correctly, in the 2000 election, he fooled the hell out of me by campaigning as a moderate. His slogan seemed to be, "Run center, govern right". The day after inaguration, I, as was alot of Americans were in for a rude awakening. And his stupid "compassionate conservative" election strategy is probably the greatest deception in US history. It was coined to show that the American public had indeed moved to the left. I remember him saying, "I'm not Newt Gingrich." His deceptive strategy actually fooled many people and acted as a "trojan horse"- to smuggle into Washington the most radical far-right agenda in decades.

This link is straight from the White House, so I don't intend on hearing the stupid political football ****.
penguinsfan said:
But there is enough bullshit on this incopetent ass of a President that is indisputable that one doesn't have to go making up shit or, almost as bad, citing ridiculous sources like a Palestinian PR pimp. It's obvious that you do not like the man. I do not like him either, for some of the same reasons you don't, and for many different ones, being a lean conservative. That is no reason to go so far into left field that your four blocks from the ballpark to get arguments of his misdoings. Kal-el and other can criticize Fox News programs all day long, but they are still far more mainstream than what the left is using to try and convince the swingvote. The verdict is in on Michael Moore, Jeannine Garafolo, and that stupid cunt Cindy Sheehan. America has spoke in the past few elections. That kind of bullshit only energizes the extreme base (of which you may be a part of) and partisan hacks who would call Bush the greatest thing since sliced bread, if he were the same man with a "D" next to his name. That will NOT get a candidate that can win nominated. And I would like to be able to vote for a real Republican, and if not a real Democrat, but not another dipshit like this.

Dude, I kinda agree with you on Cindy Sheehan, although any protesting of this bloodshed can't be bad. After the anti-protest rally's accross the nation, make no mistake about it, the media is definately conservative and definately pro-war. There was hardly any mention of the largest anti-war protests since the Vietnam War from any of the major media outlets. The ones that did mention it, barely had two sentences of reporting. Unless you deliberately went looking for it, you would hardly know of the historical events of 2 weeks ago. So I say to all media in the US, you suck!

If a liberal media bias did exist, there would have been a lot more coverage of what happened in Washington. Liberal media is a myth. Conservative media is a reality.
Well, conservative's corporate media. Exclude Fox News from news outlets in general though. The heads over there for Bush and the right wing and money. The right wing is where their bread is buttered.

I think Sheehan has taken more shit for what little she has said that might seem ignorant than the damn leader of this country who says some of the most deceptive and manipulative shit. Never stop riding that jackass in the Oval Office.

But honestly the things the source has said sound exactly like George W. Bush. The use of God to get votes is the oldest trick in the political handbook. Only idiots vote for those that use God and religion as a basis for taking a stand on any issue especially the dumb shit some people like to focus on banning or illegalizing. That being said, Bush is as full of himself as anyone we've seen lead this country in a long while. He'd like to think he's changing the WHOLE world for the better. It's too bad he can't see the shit he's caused HERE let alone abroad.
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