doublelongdaddy;329724 said:
I heard that 90% of the patients who got Penis Enlargement surgery wish they never had the procedure.

Thats 100 % cold truth.
Blue Whale;334785 said:
Thats 100 % cold truth.

It is, but in their desperation to find a quick fix many men will go to these lengths. I wish I could interview each of these men after they receive their consultation...I know I could save a lot of men much heart ache and money.
doublelongdaddy;334649 said:
Surgery should be avoided and only pursued when every other solution failed. It should also be avoided if the goal is of the surgery is excessive. Cutting into the body in evasive and almost always creates more problems than were originally present. Body dysmorphic disease run rampant in many of the surgery cases. Most phalloplasty is performed on men with average to above average penis's.

Hey man...

Where did you get this info from.. I'd actually like to read up on it! About the whole surgery thing..

ontheball;334872 said:
Hey man...

Where did you get this info from.. I'd actually like to read up on it! About the whole surgery thing..


Any article that I have read that gives results on surgery (not by surgeon) consistently has a massive dissatisfaction percentage.
If you do penis surgery only to enlarge your penis and not due to a medical condition, you will destroy your penis. There is no need for it. There exists so effective methods nowadays
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