Adolf Hilter

Just tried looking at at this site, called Penis Advantage, has any one tried their methods?

This is what they claim.

"How To Add At Least 1-Inch To Your Penis In Just 6 Minutes Per Day, Using Powerful Secrets Most Men Wish You Didn't Know!"

* NO Pills
* NO Pumps
* NO Weights
* NO Surgery
* NO False Promises
I doubt they have anything half as good as every single exercise here. DLD and crew are on the forefront of Penis Enlargement.
Honestly, all those exercise sites offer jelq, stretch, and kegels, which are all fine and dandy, but why poay 60$ to get the free info here plus more?

MoS has every single free and pay site beat by leaps and bounds. Atmosphere, community, approach, exercises, help, everything.
DLD's home page says something close to that but at like 10 mins a day.
Im a member of penisadvantage,you will find nothing special on that site,i did gain an inch in length from following there routines but it is all stuff you can get for free from here.

6 minute workout.i tried to copy and paste it straight from the site but it wont let you.

warmup 1 min

50x3 second wet jelqs 45-55% 2.5 mins

30 second stretch pulling parallel to floor 30-35% 30 seconds

30 dry jelqs 2 seconds each 55-65% 1 minute

12x5 second wet jelqs 60-65% 1 minute
yea dont pay for that. instead donate some money to this site
I've got a membership over at PA. It's just basic beginners stuff. You can find way better stuff at this forum.

That 6 minute routine accounts for no breaks or anything. It would take most people at least 15 minutes to get through it.
Thank you guy's very much for your honest input and suggestions.
Yeah, that is one of the few other sites I have joined and the methods are okay, but just very basic. I haven't been there in months.
I can honestly tell ya that I have joined several pay sites before MOS. I followed their programs to the tee and gained NOTHING. MOS has a support second to none and is there to help you fine tune the exercises or whatever. Here its like Bushs "no child left behind", only its no man left behind. If you wanna grow ALL the info you could ever need is available. Wish I had all the cash I blew on other pay sites. I could donate it to mos and DLD could breathe easier for a couple of months.
The guy from Cheeky Cherry, Matt runs PA.
I have had access to it, and I wasnt too impressed....its not bad, but its not good either, if your gunna go into paysites than Its dld's site or Penile Secrets I would advise.
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