
Jun 8, 2003
That´s VERY simple... it´s like the RB´s fake arm stretch.... Just sit on your toilet seat. And now use your toiletrim as a resistance and stretch downwards...
Try it!

Are you using the Fake Arm with this stretch?
Sounds good, but I do most of my manual Penis Enlargement in public restroom stalls. I don't think it will work well there. :)

Have you tried to just pull over your arm that is anchored on one side by your elbow and thigh, and lays on your other thigh? That seems to work good too.

@ Questor: yep, that´s how I do it normally....

well, I know, that´s a problem.... but you can lay toilet paper on the toilet seat, that would be ok....

Originally posted by SlamInTheLamb
I think the toilet seat is the fake arm.

Allright, I wanted to be sure. I got another stretch I do that involves the toilet seat and the fake arm.
playa7;6377 said:
That´s VERY simple... it´s like the RB´s fake arm stretch.... Just sit on your toilet seat. And now use your toiletrim as a resistance and stretch downwards...
Try it!


Devices have since made it a lot easier to do this stretch. You can just replace this particular exercise with the LengthMaster rolls. In other words, buy a LengthMaster and start making great gains
RB's fake arm, My goodness have we come a long way! :) I would have never dreamed back then that the LengthMaster would become a reality. I was mentally working on the LengthMaster as soon as 6 months in. I saw a video of a tribal man doing rolls with a stick and then he did bundles and I was watching this thinking if I could create something to mimic this it would change PE forever. It was until I made the PowerAssist that I started to see a way. I met a carpenter that was wiling to make prototypes. Within a months time we were ready to sell. Years later the LengthMaster has gone through many changes but the original use still remains intact and the most powerful way to stretch.
doublelongdaddy;757684 said:
RB's fake arm, My goodness have we come a long way! :) I would have never dreamed back then that the LengthMaster would become a reality. I was mentally working on the LengthMaster as soon as 6 months in. I saw a video of a tribal man doing rolls with a stick and then he did bundles and I was watching this thinking if I could create something to mimic this it would change PE forever. It was until I made the PowerAssist that I started to see a way. I met a carpenter that was wiling to make prototypes. Within a months time we were ready to sell. Years later the LengthMaster has gone through many changes but the original use still remains intact and the most powerful way to stretch.

This is wonderful and inspiring
huge-girth;757711 said:
This is wonderful and inspiring

Indeed, a long journey that led to one of the best Length tools of all time! Every it of time was worth it.
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