
Sep 24, 2007
I'm feeling frustrated today with BTC at My New Size over my Max Vac order.

I absolutely hate knocking someone's company, product, or service. That being said I have to share my experience here for other MV potential customers.

First I need to say that I'm not telling anyone not to order a Max Vac. I just want you to know what to expect. I wish I could tell you about the product but oh yeah I don't have mine yet.>:(

This company is in California and I'm in Arizona. A long ways away I know. I've been waiting 7 weeks for my order. This is 2008 for Christ's sake. I haven't waited more than 4 weeks for any mail order product since probably 1995.

I really hope the product is good because the service blows. I was debating between the bib and the MV and went with the MV because of all of SWM's praise.

I don't blame SMW. I like him a lot. He's contributed a lot here and at MNS. My feeling is that he got better service.

I read a lot about how great Bib's service is and I'm almost sorry I didn't order from him first. I ordered the MV because I think it will be a better product but I hate doing business with people that don't give a shit about customer service.

I've had 2 emails, 2 phone calls, and 2 pms ignored by MNS. Funny though how I post 1 negative comment on their forum and I get a pm within the hour. This was last week. As soon as I replied to the pm my post on the forum disappeared. I pm'ed yesterday and still haven't received a reply. I guess I need to bitch again in public for a response. I know they get the phone messages, pms, amd emails over there. Why can't they answer them in a timely manner????

Like I said at the start of this I hate to bitch but I had to. I hope the rest of you can plan accordingly before ordering a Max Vac. If you think you might hang with one this year you should probably order now.

Then again I don't know if you should. If the service so far reflects the service once I have the product in hand then I say FUCK IT! Never order one.

BTC please respond and tell us how you've been so busy and don't need our orders.>:(

I am a one man show with distribution. I had surgery 3 weeks ago and have been resting often and completing as much business affairs as my healing will allow. I have help coming for the weekend on orders, I expect to clear all orders.

The BTC Killer;302377 said:

I am a one man show with distribution. I had surgery 3 weeks ago and have been resting often and completing as much business affairs as my healing will allow. I have help coming for the weekend on orders, I expect to clear all orders.

Here I sit at 9 weeks and no order yet. I've clearly overpaid and been under served.

Here's a record of my pm's from over at MNS. The first is a response to a public complaint about my order on their forum. Keep in mind this response came within an hour of my post while other pm's, emails, and phone calls were ignored.

From: mynewsize
To: Chaco
Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:19 pm
Subject: order Quote message

Can you PM your address and what you ordered, and I will check. I do know it will go out this week.
It did not go out that week! Thanks for telling me it would and not following through.
From: mynewsize
To: Chaco
Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:55 pm
Subject: Re: order Quote message

We will get this out this week, I was away for over a week, and things got delaye a bit. Thank you for your patience.

Once again this did not happen.
From: mynewsize
To: Chaco
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:54 pm
Subject: Re: order Quote message
Chaco :
Did my order go out this past week? How was it shipped? USPS, UPS???



I've been out of the office a little more than I would like the last few weeks. I have somebody helping me with (definetely your order) this weekend. As mentioned, you will receive tracking once it ships priority.

Why didn't it go out the week before like I was told it would? Priority USPS??? I got a tracking number emailed to me on Monday. I'm assuming it's a delivery confirmation number since you said it would be sent priority. US Priority takes 2-3 days. I got the email 6 days ago. Why the F did I have to pay $22.95 for Sitting and Handling. I've had a terrible experience here and I haven't even received the product yet. MNS business practices suck ass.
I had to order some sheaths yesterday. I asked how long before I get them and he said it should ship in a couple of days after an order. I think the actual MV's and Extenders take longer to get a hold of. Mynewsize sells excellent products but if someone were to come out with something similar it would be put down fast because of customer service. BTC seems to be having a hard time but I do have faith that he can get it together!
Tomorrow will be ten weeks and still nothing. Got a tracking number that doesn't track last Monday. Someone being slow is one thing. Someone just telling lies is another. BTC lied to me plain and simple.
Maybe we could get the money to bulk order 1000 MVs. After waiting for potentially several months we'd get them in. Then we'd simply charge $20 higher than what BTC does with the guarantee that it'll be in within two weeks. I think we could make a killing.
10inchadvantage;303610 said:
Maybe we could get the money to bulk order 1000 MVs. After waiting for potentially several months we'd get them in. Then we'd simply charge $20 higher than what BTC does with the guarantee that it'll be in within two weeks. I think we could make a killing.

You may be on to something:)

I just emailed BTC for a refund. This email will most likely be ignored like the rest but we'll see what happens. I really wanted the MV but I just don't feel good about giving my money to MNS/BTC.

I'd rather give my money to Bib.

If anyone knows of any comfortable ADS devices please let me know. No extender suggestions cause I've already got one and don't really like it.

I missed quite a few weeks with my Penis Enlargement surgery recovery, and the holiday weekend. Now back in the office 100% and I am trying my best to keep up with everybody. Please keep in mind I now have hundreds of clients to take care of. Usually my days are filled with dealing with surgery centers, doctors, patients, natural Penis Enlargement & surgical clients.

I can understand looking from the outside it may seem like I am taking my time, in reality I am working 10 hours a day to serve every possible client as effectively as possible.

I dedicated 3 days last week to packaging MV products, and plan the same in the week to come. Everybody's order should be current up to May 15th by the end of next week. We are seriously considering raising the prices for our equipment, potentially curbing sales. Right now there are men coming out of the woodwork. Please keep in mind, for every slow delivery there are 10 that are very quick and efficient. When men start calling our phones repeatedly trying to get there orders bumped up, this ALWAYS backs up another order. This is one aspect that really drives me crazy, but I like Penis Enlargement and I will always serve this cause.

Again, Thanks to all MNS clients!
Chaco;303628 said:
You may be on to something:)

I just emailed BTC for a refund. This email will most likely be ignored like the rest but we'll see what happens. I really wanted the MV but I just don't feel good about giving my money to MNS/BTC.

I'd rather give my money to Bib.

If anyone knows of any comfortable ADS devices please let me know. No extender suggestions cause I've already got one and don't really like it.

Actually, before I read any of your PM, emails ect, I offered you a refund. I'd rather return the few dollars than reading any of this, dealing with you almost daily. I understand your frustration, but you make it seem like your ordering something from walmart. I am the only one in the world producing what we deliver. That carries a huge responsibility. If I'm out a few weeks, I have a month of work to catch up with.
The BTC Killer;303631 said:
Actually, before I read any of your PM, emails ect, I offered you a refund. I'd rather return the few dollars than reading any of this, dealing with you almost daily. I understand your frustration, but you make it seem like your ordering something from walmart. I am the only one in the world producing what we deliver. That carries a huge responsibility. If I'm out a few weeks, I have a month of work to catch up with.

Well this post along with your last pm clearly sealed the deal for me. Never once have I been offered a straight answer or an apology. Just a "Thanks for your patience." Patience is me being told 4 weeks ago that it's going to be another 4 weeks. Not telling me it's shipping out when it never does.

Your walmart comment makes no sense to me. It doesn't matter to me how special you think your product is. Nothing is more special to me than integrity. I appreciate the fact that you're a one man show. I always try to give business to the little guy over the walmarts of the world. Your excuses are inexcusable and I do discourage anyone from doing business with you.

I'm sorry that you've had to deal with me "almost daily." That's funny cause you haven't really been dealing with me at all. Brushing me off maybe but not dealing with anything.

So here's yesterday's last nail in the coffin for all to see the kind of business you run.

From: mynewsize
To: Chaco
Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 7:27 pm
Subject: refund Quote message
If you can't wait... your product is packaged, which takes several hours to complete. Now multiply that by hundreds and you have mynewsize work load. If you are tired of waiting, I can give you back the little money I make for your extender. Or, you can wait for THE BEST Penis Enlargement product available.
Packaged???? This is May 30th. I got a tracking number for this package 2 weeks ago. What a joke. Several hours to package something??? Step 1 put MV into box. Step 2 tape box. Step 3 Put address label on box. If it takes several hours to do this now I clearly see why you are sooooo far behind. WOW is all I can say. Quit whining to me about your workload. You told me my order would be shipped nearly a month ago. If you did what you said you were going to do I'd most likely be making a post about how much I love my MV.
Let me know,

From: Chaco
To: mynewsize
Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 7:37 pm
Subject: Re: refund Edit message
Why should I have to wait? You've been telling me it was going to ship for the past 4 weeks. Your workload is none of my concern. My concern is you just not being honest from the get go. Why was I told it was shipping 4 weeks ago and then again 3 weeks ago? Why did I receive a tracking number last Monday and come to find out today that you haven't even shipped it yet. How much longer should I have to wait? Don't lie to me this time. Please just give me a straight answer.

From: Chaco
To: mynewsize
Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 11:23 am
Subject: Re: refund Edit message
You still didn't respond to my PM from yesterday. Yes give me a refund. I'm appalled that you haven't even shipped my order yet.

I hope if you choose to do business with BTC you are now fully aware of how business with him is done.
I agree with you Chaco. I thought about buying one a while back, but after reading several posts from unhappy people I bought a bib hanger and I am glad I did. First class all the way. It doesn't matter how great your product is or you think it is, the customer should come first.
Well I got my refund in my Paypal account. They take 3% plus $0.30 in fees so this whole thing still cost me 5 bucks. I guess I just have to laugh at this point.

Bib starter here I come.

Can a mod please change the title of my Chem Progress Thread? I need it to say Chaco's Chem Penis Enlargement and Bib Progress not Chaco's Chem Penis Enlargement and MVII Progress.

Chaco;303705 said:
Well I got my refund in my Paypal account. They take 3% plus $0.30 in fees so this whole thing still cost me 5 bucks. I guess I just have to laugh at this point.

Bib starter here I come.

Can a mod please change the title of my Chem Progress Thread? I need it to say Chaco's Chem Penis Enlargement and Bib Progress not Chaco's Chem Penis Enlargement and MVII Progress.


I'm on it.
Chaco;303705 said:
Well I got my refund in my Paypal account. They take 3% plus $0.30 in fees so this whole thing still cost me 5 bucks. I guess I just have to laugh at this point.

Bib starter here I come.

Can a mod please change the title of my Chem Progress Thread? I need it to say Chaco's Chem Penis Enlargement and Bib Progress not Chaco's Chem Penis Enlargement and MVII Progress.



This isn't about the money, beside the refund, I will be sending your products to you being that it is already packaged and at the shipping company. That way you could start different hangers at the same time and see which you prefer.
The BTC Killer;303744 said:

This isn't about the money, beside the refund, I will be sending your products to you being that it is already packaged and at the shipping company. That way you could start different hangers at the same time and see which you prefer.

Sounds great man. I run my mouth around here. Like I said in previous posts I never wanted to be negative I just told the truth of what happened. I also said if I had the MV a month ago I would probably have been on here singing its praises.

I ordered a bib starter today and I will use both products. Thank you for standing up and trying to make things right. I will be giving a full report on my experience with both products. If I like the MV everyone here will know all about it.

I'm looking forward to receiving the MV.
Have you recieved your MV yet CHACO? After reading what you went through to get it, it leaves me hesitant to order mine. I know BTC is a stand-up guy, but I believe he spreads himself alittle thin and in the end his customer service pays for it. It's a shame too because he makes an excellent product that really helps alot of people.
KingD;304794 said:
Have you recieved your MV yet CHACO? After reading what you went through to get it, it leaves me hesitant to order mine. I know BTC is a stand-up guy, but I believe he spreads himself alittle thin and in the end his customer service pays for it. It's a shame too because he makes an excellent product that really helps alot of people.

NO NO and NO. I got my Bib in about 4 days. I've been using it and like I said in a previous post I would use the MV too and share my experiences and opinions on the 2 products. I haven't had the opportunity to do this yet because as always for me BTC does not do what he says.
Since my last post I have received shipping information and a courtesy phone call from BTC. My order should arrive soon.:) I'll keep you posted.
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