
Mar 15, 2005
From what I understand, good ole Mel was speeding drunk, got stopped, and when told that he's not getting off with a warning, had a coniption fit, and frantically started spewing anti-semetic remarks.

This guy just showed his true colors. His dad is known as a holocaust denier. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I know Mel apologized, but in all seriousness, I know when I'm drunk, I have no inhibitions, that's when you're true feelings come out.
Let me get this straight. He got drunk and then got stopped for speeding. Now this might just be me but I'm pretty sure that in that situation I'd be pretty pissed off.

What he said was inconsiderate and wrong but hold on. Anyone heard of freedom of speach?

Just imagine how many people in the world there are that say, let alone do much, much worse things than this on a daily basis. And now Mel Gibson gets angry and says some dumb stuff and all of a sudden he's a demon.


If every word I have said to anyone was scrutinised like this then I'd probably have been on death row long ago.

And just before someone replies saying that he has a responsibility to the public to 'be nice' well, I just don't buy it. He is an actor and a director (and a very, very good one) but that doesn't mean that he should be hounded and watched for the slightest slip up. I think the deputy sheriffs are much more in the wrong simply for going to the press with this.

How pathetic and hurtful is that? I'm sure it will effect him much more than his comments hurt them.

This is a pile of BS!!!
Well in all actuality, if he was a regular John Q Public and did this, no one would bat an eyelash. He'd just be another racist. But he's a public figure, what kinda example is this little coniption fit gonna send? The fact that he gives monetary donations to his dad's white power organization, and said on tv nontheless, that his own wife is going to hell, and the fact that in the movie the passion, he practically placed the blame on the Jews for Christ's death, it's no suprise he finally came out of the closet as a racist. I guess he forgot that his very own messiah was a Jew? I think Mel Gibson is a piece of ****, and deserves to burn in his fictional hell with all of the Jews that started all the wars (like all the ones they had NOTHING to do with).

Mel Gibson, director of Jesus gore-fest The Passion of the Christ, was pulled over for drunk driving early Friday morning, launching almost immediately into a Jew-hating tirade of, well, biblical proportions.

"F*****g Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." Gibson then asked the deputy, "Are you a Jew?"

In addition he threatened to...

fuck the officer several times, snapped at a female officer, "What do you think you're looking at, sugar tits?", bragged that he "owns Malibu" and that he "will spend all of his money to 'get even' with me," according to Deputy James Mee's report.

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Am I the only one that can see the funny side of this?
TomdW said:
Am I the only one that can see the funny side of this?

:) Definetly not, I also think it's really funny. If it was anyone else, I'd probably wouldn't even pay it any attention, but Mel claims to be "Holy" and sincere in his religious beliefs, too bad he's a f'n hypocrite.

Edit: if it's true, which I doubt, and the Jews really do run Hollywood, Gibson better be able to suck a golfball through a gardenhose, or else you can put a fork in his career.
Kal-el said:
:) Definetly not, I also think it's really funny. If it was anyone else, I'd probably wouldn't even pay it any attention, but Mel claims to be "Holy" and sincere in his religious beliefs, too bad he's a f'n hypocrite.

Edit: if it's true, which I doubt, and the Jews really do run Hollywood, Gibson better be able to suck a golfball through a gardenhose, or else you can put a fork in his career.

I would say they do run hollywood,just look at the surnames of the producers of big budgets movies.
I would say that they run a lot more than just Hollywood. Hence the U.S's aid for Israel.
Yea, and the fact that Hollywood refused to finance "Passion of the Christ", so the bigot financed it himself.
Kal-el said:
Yea, and the fact that Hollywood refused to finance "Passion of the Christ", so the bigot financed it himself.

Well, good for him. Freedom of speach, freedom of opinion and freedom of expression.

Actually I thought it was a fantastic movie in all.
TomdW said:
Well, good for him. Freedom of speach, freedom of opinion and freedom of expression.

Actually I thought it was a fantastic movie in all.

Yea I thought that was a noble move, as for the movie, it was a big sucess, so that goes to show that the public lines Gibson's wallet, so yes, he's under a microscope. He sold his ideas and religion to everyone, and they ate it all up, so he must live up to the image he made of himself.
Kal-el said:
Yea I thought that was a noble move, as for the movie, it was a big sucess, so that goes to show that the public lines Gibson's wallet, so yes, he's under a microscope. He sold his ideas and religion to everyone, and they ate it all up, so he must live up to the image he made of himself.

How about this. He put out some ideas in the form of art. Whether or not people take it is up to them but by no means should that entitle them to put his entire life under the microscope.

It's about the art not the artist and in my opinion this misunderstanding is a reflection of where modern society is getting it very wrong. People tend to become almost obsessed with the person, be it actor, musician, artist, spiritual leader, etc, as opposed to seeing the art or message in and of itself.

Oh one more thing. The collective public line everyones wallet. There is no lining of any wallet that is not done by the public.


Edit: Man I always know with you that I'm going to get a real discussion. LOL
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TomdW said:
How about this. He put out some ideas in the form of art. Whether or not people take it is up to them but by no means should that entitle them to put his entire life under the microscope.

It's about the art not the artist and in my opinion this misunderstanding is a reflection of where modern society is getting it very wrong. People tend to become almost obsessed with the person, be it actor, musician, artist, spiritual leader, etc, as opposed to seeing the art or message in and of itself.

Oh one more thing. The collective public line everyones wallet. There is no lining of any wallet that is not done by the public.

Gibson must answer to the public because it is the public who lines their wallets with cash. If not for the public, Gibson wouldn't be where he is today. Why do you think he was so quick to apologize? He needs the public's approval. They are PUBLIC figures. They use their position to use the public for their own personal gain. So yes, they have to answer to the public. If they don't like that, they can go get a nine to five job in an office or clean toilets for a living.

A 2004 ABC interview:http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,206228,00.html

"To be anti-Semitic is a sin," he said. "It's been condemned by one Papal Council after another. To be anti-Semitic is to be un-Christian, and I'm not."

"F*****g Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." Gibson then asked the deputy, "Are you a Jew?"

Can you say hypocrite?

Edit: Man I always know with you that I'm going to get a real discussion. LOL

Yea, I'm quite the opinionated pe'er, but I just heard Mel's working on another documentary about the holocaust. I wonder if in it he's going to deny it happened?
He's just another super religious weirdo. Blame and condemnation is a big part of religion, whether they like to admit it or not, and ol' Mel has a scapegoat. He's a fucking loser and is getting what he deserves for being an obnoxious prick- if only all dumbass racists could be publicly embarrest for what they say or the retarded beliefs they hold. Now, Im not saying that freedom of speech is bad in any way, he has the right just like anyone else to say whatever he wants. But, I also believe in the right to get your ass beat for being a douchebag, in hopes of maybe changing terrible, destructive behavior.
I feel that when Gibson said "the Jews" he meant to say "the Zionists" or "the Elite Jews". You see there are different types of Jews.

The small elite that control the majority and think they speak for the majority. These are the people you see turning up in high places of power (bankers, presidents, oil tycoons etc..) reason being is because evil people seek power. If you want to do evil and not get caught you must elevate yourself to the highest pedestal. Which is why one can never trust their government.

Side issue though. He was drunk and what he said was true but he broadened the term and is being demonized for it.

Did you know Israel is one of the biggest exporters of Ecstacy?

Did you know Israel is a big exporter of Snuff films (executions on tape)?

Did you know Israel profits in the billions each year from white slavery?

But that is not saying Jews are bad. I am just tired of how if you expose anything criminal that is Jewish you are anti-semite when Jewish people will tell you themselves that the Zionist speak for them. You know the ones who are into all of this weird shit.
Duppi_Krizzle said:
Did you know Israel is one of the biggest exporters of Ecstacy?

Did you know Israel is a big exporter of Snuff films (executions on tape)?
To the first statement: The jewish mafia from Israel and GUS is at the moment authorized by the CIA to import the lot of the MDMA ("extasy") into the USA (produced in the netherlands/Belgium/England). Thats about the same as the licenses given to heroin importers - lately the Taliban now more Paksitan "freedom fighter" (before the "golden triangle - ever heard about "Air America" fuckers?).

To the second statement:Thats just bullshit. Any decent jew hater can come up with better then this, be ashamed.
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What cracks me up about this incident is that people are forgetting who they're dealing with and ignoring the salient point of the incident.
First the ludicrous:
1. Mel Gibson...drinking !?! Who'da thunk it, huh?
2. Drunk Mel Gibson acting like a wild man !?! (see above)
3. A drunk wild man pulled over for DUI spouting off ridiculous, regrettable bullshit !?! (insert conniption here)

But the real crime here is the sheriff's department attempting to sanitize something which is, and should be, a matter of public record.

Everybody (with a clue at least) expects a raging alky to make a fool of themselves, that's kinda fun to watch, actually.
But elected/appointed officials falsifying records, for whatever motivation; that's criminal.
Kal-el said:
he practically placed the blame on the Jews for Christ's death,

Well...that's what actually happened if you accept the Biblical account of history, which I know you don't. To portray it as anything else would be washing the story for political correctness.

That being said, to hold the Jewish population or faith accountable for it is asinine. The Christian community as a whole does not do this and anyone that does is just expressing some fringe idea.

Sadly, yes, Gibson does appear to be someone different than what we would have hoped.
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