
Feb 27, 2013
I have read so many threads on LM and countless post on how amazing this device is but there are very very few who actually stated what their gains were.
I thought it will be beneficial for future LM buyers to know what gains other members are getting with this device.
It will help other users to make a better decision buying LM. I would appreciate if those of you who own a LM please tell us your gains and in what time frame.
Doesn't have to be a long post but just state your gains and how long it took you. Adding what you do will be great as well.
Looking forward to some replies from you guys :)
ssaj;691954 said:
I have read so many threads on LM and countless post on how amazing this device is but there are very very few who actually stated what their gains were.
I thought it will be beneficial for future LM buyers to know what gains other members are getting with this device.
It will help other users to make a better decision buying LM. I would appreciate if those of you who own a LM please tell us your gains and in what time frame.
Doesn't have to be a long post but just state your gains and how long it took you. Adding what you do will be great as well.
Looking forward to some replies from you guys :)

There are many progress threads in the Routines forum that will give you many men who have made great gains with the LengthMaster. You can also read through those threads and find some great reviews. Here is a Google link to all LengthMaster review threads on MOS: LengthMaster Reviews
close to half an inch (length) in 1-3months and a lot of girth with bundled stretching. i don't measure as much but more-so go off visual gains now. im somewhere around 7.7nbpl and 6.3 girth since using LM.

all i do is bundle stretch for a solid hour a few times a week. can get up to 4 rotations with a decent stretch.
e2274964;692089 said:
close to half an inch (length) in 1-3months and a lot of girth with bundled stretching. i don't measure as much but more-so go off visual gains now. im somewhere around 7.7nbpl and 6.3 girth since using LM.

all i do is bundle stretch for a solid hour a few times a week. can get up to 4 rotations with a decent stretch.

Wow, excellent gains my Brother! Congratulations!
Great gains brother. Is it 1 month or 3 months? Any criticism or cons you would like to highlight?
Any other bros out there can share their gains?
Thank you.
You could use your BM on light pressure as a way to warm-up/down
blackego33;692516 said:
Ive done that. The BM may get skipped every now and then but I NEVER skip a day with the LM and SG.

Keeping your head in the game is so important. Even on days when PE is no easily worked in, a quick session of piss pulls or kegels will keep you in the PE state of mind.
my new favorite is getting 100% pumped-up in my X40 and then doing Kegels and reverse Kegels...trying to emulate almost a 'wave' motion and then holding the last one of the set for as long as I can. Doing it in the BM is incredibly intense
I really need to start using my LengthMaster. Its just starting it and getting used to it. My time is s busy and I keep putting it off
doublelongdaddy;692523 said:
Keeping your head in the game is so important. Even on days when PE is no easily worked in, a quick session of piss pulls or kegels will keep you in the PE state of mind.


I sent you and LIGHTNING pm.Are you guys still selling in case I decide to get one?
ssaj;692658 said:

I sent you and LIGHTNING pm.Are you guys still selling in case I decide to get one?

Yes, the LengthMaster is a permanent product. It will always be available.
How are people able to stretch 20mins+ in the LM?

I thought its a hanger that clamps down on your penis that will eventually cut circulation?

Or are guys taking it off during sessions to restore blood flow?
Max Whitewood;692793 said:
How are people able to stretch 20mins+ in the LM?

I thought its a hanger that clamps down on your penis that will eventually cut circulation?

Or are guys taking it off during sessions to restore blood flow?

I might take it off after I did bundled stretches and DLD-Blasters to attach it lower on the shaft.
But sometimes I attach lower from the very beginning and it isn't really an issue.
I dont take it off either,but i dont spend that much time using i only use it for a 20 mins period(newbie stretchings).+5 mins of bundled strtching...
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