
Oct 4, 2012

I'm a french (sorry for my bad english) newbie user of Hercule Bathmate, I just got it yesterday and I could not help trying it imediately ;)

I must say the result is very impressive after my 1st use, it's amazing ! Really amazing !

It was easy to use, painless, comfortable, funny...

I just gained 1.5 inch lenght on the 1st use, and i don't even talk about girth... Waw !

I can't wait for my next routine tonight ;)

I hope I'll be able to have permanent increase in the future :s

See you all !
1.5 inch in length wow thats impressive! I find that im only able to get a cm or so outside of Bathmate after using it, so im jealous :p
this result was temporary of course, but I knew it...
I will practice with DLD routine everyday and I hope having a permanent increase in the future ;)
Merlinux_FR;509787 said:
this result was temporary of course, but I knew it...
I will practice with DLD routine everyday and I hope having a permanent increase in the future ;)

Temporary but a quick look into the future of what you will have! I am happy that you have sone so well with the Bathmate so quickly! Good job my friend!
Merlinux_FR;509810 said:
I just had to follow your routine :p:s

It is a good routine and you will grow with it! Keep up the good work my friend!
Hi, after 10 days of routine with my X-40 Bathmate (about 20 min a day in my bath after work) I'm happy to notice that I already have some good increase in my penis girth. It's really awesome !
Show must go on ! :cool:
Merlinux_FR;512242 said:
Hi, after 10 days of routine with my X-40 Bathmate (about 20 min a day in my bath after work) I'm happy to notice that I already have some good increase in my penis girth. It's really awesome !
Show must go on ! :cool:

Congratulations! I am glad the gains are coming with ease! When is your official measurement date? What are your goals?
I remember my first Bathmate session so clearly. Pulled it out of the X-40 and it looked like someone else's piece. It was big and red and angry and as thick as my wrist!

Glad you're enjoying it!
My goals are full expansion I'll be able of... I decided to stop measuring my penis to avoid being under pressure...
I mostly want to see any esthetic increases in my penis size... and I can already notice that after 14 days of using my Bathmate.
I can see increase in girth, I can feel it whan I hold it full erected, it's wonderful ! I already feel more confident in myself !
And I love my penis appearence after my 20 minutes routine every evenig...
Sorry for my bad english, I'm a french guy...
Merlinux_FR;512459 said:
My goals are full expansion I'll be able of... I decided to stop measuring my penis to avoid being under pressure...
I mostly want to see any esthetic increases in my penis size... and I can already notice that after 14 days of using my Bathmate.
I can see increase in girth, I can feel it whan I hold it full erected, it's wonderful ! I already feel more confident in myself !
And I love my penis appearence after my 20 minutes routine every evenig...
Sorry for my bad english, I'm a french guy...

I complete understand you! I am very happy for your success and future potentials.
Hi guys !
after two months of Bathmate daily use, 10 mn every morning under shower, and twice 20/25 mn on weekends in bath, I can see some lenght and girth increases !

- Two months ago : 14.5 cm or 5,5 inches
- Now : 17,5 cm or 6,88 inches

My penis is now more thick, slightly longer, slightly darker, manlier in fact ! :s:cool:
My erections are very harder too. I really like, and I'm not the only one, to take it in my hand !
My partner has noticed a difference and is quite satisfied with my new penis.
I feel more confident, more manly. I take more pleasure in watching me naked in the mirror than before using my X-40 Bathmate.
I'll keep on practicing my routine, which is DLD's one, thank again DLD ! I'm aware that if I stop, my progresses would be only temporary...
Great stuff. Looking forward to getting mine very soon :) inspirational.
Merlinux_FR;521143 said:
Hi guys !
after two months of Bathmate daily use, 10 mn every morning under shower, and twice 20/25 mn on weekends in bath, I can see some lenght and girth increases !

- Two months ago : 14.5 cm or 5,5 inches
- Now : 17,5 cm or 6,88 inches

My penis is now more thick, slightly longer, slightly darker, manlier in fact ! :s:cool:
My erections are very harder too. I really like, and I'm not the only one, to take it in my hand !
My partner has noticed a difference and is quite satisfied with my new penis.
I feel more confident, more manly. I take more pleasure in watching me naked in the mirror than before using my X-40 Bathmate.
I'll keep on practicing my routine, which is DLD's one, thank again DLD ! I'm aware that if I stop, my progresses would be only temporary...

Progress is only temporary in the beginning, over the course of a few weeks gains will start to stick and new, temporary gains will appear. It is a constant process of gaining and cementing the gains. Be sure to check out my SRT Routine and how it may help you with your new Bathmate. Here is the link: Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory (SRT)
Merlinux_FR;521143 said:
Hi guys !
after two months of Bathmate daily use, 10 mn every morning under shower, and twice 20/25 mn on weekends in bath, I can see some lenght and girth increases !

- Two months ago : 14.5 cm or 5,5 inches
- Now : 17,5 cm or 6,88 inches

My penis is now more thick, slightly longer, slightly darker, manlier in fact ! :s:cool:
My erections are very harder too. I really like, and I'm not the only one, to take it in my hand !
My partner has noticed a difference and is quite satisfied with my new penis.
I feel more confident, more manly. I take more pleasure in watching me naked in the mirror than before using my X-40 Bathmate.
I'll keep on practicing my routine, which is DLD's one, thank again DLD ! I'm aware that if I stop, my progresses would be only temporary...

Progress is only temporary in the beginning, over the course of a few weeks gains will start to stick and new, temporary gains will appear. It is a constant process of gaining and cementing the gains. Be sure to check out my SRT Routine and how it may help you with your new Bathmate. Here is the link: Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory (SRT)
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