Jun 3, 2003
As some may have seen, the original study focused on how we visualize �naked people movies� and how it effects us. We learned about photographic illusion, video illusion and language illusions. We took a closer look at the bigger guys in �naked people movies� and dispelled many uncertainties concerning these "monsters of cock" We conducted interviews with blacks, whites and asians concerning pressure and expectation when it comes to penis size. The study basically covered every possible portion of penile visual distortion. I created the study to help alleviate much of the anxiety of the unknowns in penis size and it was hugely successful.

Over the past two years, since the original study, I have been collecting data on every conceivable avenue concerning the penis. I am open to any ideas that you guys would like to see included in the part 2 study. This edition will focus heavily on how we create positive or negative self-views based on thoughts, emotions and actions. There will be video this time and some other additions I was not able to include in part 1. I will explore brain chemistry and how events change us on a cellular level. This study will be an extensive version of the original.

I am very excited as I am now putting all of the components together. I am very open to suggestions or inclusions you would like to see appear in this edition. Please contribute your ideas and I will include the relevant ones.

The original study is here: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=24035

Please read this study and contribute feedback for part two. Thank you.

Hey Mike what's up mate... I see you are very busy collecting the "ingredients" to yet another excelent article that for sure is already creating huge antecipation on many of us here. This study should clear many psycologic issues that so many of us have. Me for one.

I think it would be very usefull if you could include more info on the MYTH ( yes the one about race diferences in penis size again ) cause i'm sure many still buy the whole thing and i can relate to that cause all you see in �naked people movies� is that the industry only hires HUGE ENORMOUS BLACK COCKS and the regular average ones just don't make it to �naked people movies�. That creates the ilusion that THEY REALLY ARE ALL HUGE. We know it's not true, there are HUGE ones in ALL races and all over the world.

Also, it would be nice if some kind of "universal comparison tool" could be thought up for peeps to really be able to "grasp" the dimensions of one's size goals. I suggest a 33 cl glass coke bottle cause that is ( i think, correct me if i'm wrong please ) betwin 9 and 10" and makes for a great visual comparison when placed near the penis, the opening is rounded and hence it can be safely pressed against the pubic bone and will give " an idea " of what the "real" penis size is. I find that this would also help clear the size illusions caused by either, small hands vs big hands, small hips vs large ones, distance from penis insertion to navel ( varies greatly also ) and other ilusions. These ilusions i speak of are for instance when a guy is grabbing his unit and then someone will say: "hey i see you can place 2 hands on the shaft and so that means you must be a 7 incher..." well not really IMO, for someone with huge hands this "visual comparison" may robe someone's due size and for someone with tiny hands this will give him more than it really is. The same goes for wrist size and hip breath. With the bottle one CAN'T go wrong and they can be found anywhere in the world. Agree ??? Or am i way off here ???

You could also adress other issues like the body dysmorphia and the way we tend to perceive our penis smaller than it really is and how one could go about eliminating this "problem".

There could be something there about REALISTIC EXPenis EnlargementCTATIONS cause i find that some people out there just set to hi a goal to start with and that alone may bring them into desperation, for instance a dude wants to go from 4" to 11", is this a reallistic goal ?! Or should this example dude set a 4" to 6" and then from 6" to 7" or 8"??!! This i think will make things easier cause your not THAT MUCH AWAY from the goal.

And what about something adressing skinny guys vs not so skinny guys and the resulting ilusion ?? Just a thought here.

Hope this helps in any way dld and by the way, keep up the good work cause we are all counting on YOU. :cool:

P.s. I never said anything before but i'm a graphic designer and have been working with photoshop for the last 15 years or so...so, yes i know when something was "faked" if i take the time to "evaluate a pic" , so if this in any way helps, count me in.


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8InchMIKE said:
Hey Mike what's up mate... I see you are very busy collecting the "ingredients" to yet another excelent article that for sure is already creating huge antecipation on many of us here. This study should clear many psycologic issues that so many of us have. Me for one.

I think it would be very usefull if you could include more info on the MYTH ( yes the one about race diferences in penis size again ) cause i'm sure many still buy the whole thing and i can relate to that cause all you see in �naked people movies� is that the industry only hires HUGE ENORMOUS BLACK COCKS and the regular average ones just don't make it to �naked people movies�. That creates the ilusion that THEY REALLY ARE ALL HUGE. We know it's not true, there are HUGE ones in ALL races and all over the world.

Also, it would be nice if some kind of "universal comparison tool" could be thought up for peeps to really be able to "grasp" the dimensions of one's size goals. I suggest a 33 cl glass coke bottle cause that is ( i think, correct me if i'm wrong please ) betwin 9 and 10" and makes for a great visual comparison when placed near the penis, the opening is rounded and hence it can be safely pressed against the pubic bone and will give " an idea " of what the "real" penis size is. I find that this would also help clear the size illusions caused by either, small hands vs big hands, small hips vs large ones, distance from penis insertion to navel ( varies greatly also ) and other ilusions. These ilusions i speak of are for instance when a guy is grabbing his unit and then someone will say: "hey i see you can place 2 hands on the shaft and so that means you must be a 7 incher..." well not really IMO, for someone with huge hands this "visual comparison" may robe someone's due size and for someone with tiny hands this will give him more than it really is. The same goes for wrist size and hip breath. With the bottle one CAN'T go wrong and they can be found anywhere in the world. Agree ??? Or am i way off here ???

You could also adress other issues like the body dysmorphia and the way we tend to perceive our penis smaller than it really is and how one could go about eliminating this "problem".

There could be something there about REALISTIC EXPenis EnlargementCTATIONS cause i find that some people out there just set to hi a goal to start with and that alone may bring them into desperation, for instance a dude wants to go from 4" to 11", is this a reallistic goal ?! Or should this example dude set a 4" to 6" and then from 6" to 7" or 8"??!! This i think will make things easier cause your not THAT MUCH AWAY from the goal.

And what about something adressing skinny guys vs not so skinny guys and the resulting ilusion ?? Just a thought here.

Hope this helps in any way dld and by the way, keep up the good work cause we are all counting on YOU. :cool:

P.s. I never said anything before but i'm a graphic designer and have been working with photoshop for the last 15 years or so...so, yes i know when something was "faked" if i take the time to "evaluate a pic" , so if this in any way helps, count me in.



Incredible Ideas! Just Excellent, I really appreciate this as I know many other will. Thank You!
8InchMIKE said:
Also, it would be nice if some kind of "universal comparison tool" could be thought up for peeps to really be able to "grasp" the dimensions of one's size goals. I suggest a 33 cl glass coke bottle cause that is ( i think, correct me if i'm wrong please ) betwin 9 and 10" and makes for a great visual comparison when placed near the penis, the opening is rounded and hence it can be safely pressed against the pubic bone and will give " an idea " of what the "real" penis size is.

Not a bad idea. Are those iconic bottles still sold in the better part of the world though? Around here I almost only see the plastic ones. I've taken some pics with a Miller bottle for the same reason. The only thing is that it probably doesn't allow for a "proper" BPenis EnlargementL for overweight guys since there's too much tissue to displace in orde to reach the pubic bone.
Well what an, easy to read and very factual article, Well done DLD ;) . A quick example of how we percieve things in a 2 and 3 dimentional world, is to look around your surroundings with both eyes. Then cover one eye and do the same thing. You should find that you lose your depth of field, which makes it very hard to judge the size or distance of things in the foreground compared to the background. This is because you are cutting your view point from 3 to 2 Dimensions. Awesome, keep it coming DLD. ;)
Camel said:
A quick example of how we percieve things in a 2 and 3 dimentional world, is to look around your surroundings with both eyes. Then cover one eye and do the same thing. You should find that you lose your depth of field, which makes it very hard to judge the size or distance of things in the foreground compared to the background. This is because you are cutting your view point from 3 to 2 Dimensions. Awesome, keep it coming DLD. ;)

Awesome idea and it will be researched and included. Your self-test to show your meaning was awesome too:)
doublelongdaddy said:
Awesome idea and it will be researched and included. Your self-test to show your meaning was awesome too:)
This test came from an old photography book I have somewhere. Awesome resource of info. Have to see if I can find it. It backs up alot of what your study said. ;)
doublelongdaddy said:
Incredible Ideas! Just Excellent, I really appreciate this as I know many other will. Thank You!

Dude, no need to thank me EVER... I told you once i'd give back and this is NOTHING compared to what more i can contribute with. More ideas in the oven right now. Just bear with me.


I would be most interested in the opinions of women. Even if they don't know the the exact size, what they thought about their various partners would be informative. What did they like, not like, longer/shorter better, thick/thin, was technique more important, could a good licking make up for anything, etc, etc. For those that have not had a larger one, do they fantasize about it (if so when, how, why, etc), do they ever see �naked people movies� and would like to try out what they see, or do they just not care? If they happen to like toys, what size do they get the most pleasure from (would probably be smaller than their cock preference due to the "give" of real flesh - but informative nonetheless). Do they ever discuss how guys measure up in size or skill with their friends. And, anything else we can think of......
soyelmocano said:
I would be most interested in the opinions of women. Even if they don't know the the exact size, what they thought about their various partners would be informative. What did they like, not like, longer/shorter better, thick/thin, was technique more important, could a good licking make up for anything, etc, etc. For those that have not had a larger one, do they fantasize about it (if so when, how, why, etc), do they ever see �naked people movies� and would like to try out what they see, or do they just not care? If they happen to like toys, what size do they get the most pleasure from (would probably be smaller than their cock preference due to the "give" of real flesh - but informative nonetheless). Do they ever discuss how guys measure up in size or skill with their friends. And, anything else we can think of......

I am not sure if you guys remember but I was working on a female size poll last year. I have been adding to this poll since that time and I will include these results in the part 2 study.
Dude i've go a lot more ideas almost ready to post, then, if you want, you'll sort'em out and use what you find is usefull...



P.s. This ( your part 2 ) WILL FOR SURE BE AN EXCELENT READ...
8InchMIKE said:
Dude i've go a lot more ideas almost ready to post, then, if you want, you'll sort'em out and use what you find is usefull...



P.s. This ( your part 2 ) WILL FOR SURE BE AN EXCELENT READ...

I am open to anything, post away.

Another thing, there are many men in �naked people movies� that men have been curious about their size, please list these too.
doublelongdaddy said:
Another thing, there are many men in �naked people movies� that men have been curious about their size, please list these too.

This was for me dld ??

If it was, then i'll do it gladly, only thing i ask is send me as many of those pics with these �naked people movies� guys and i'll do my very best to extensively analyze them and figure out every ones true size in both lenght and girth. Remember guys, the more elements in the pics the better, as in girls, everyday life objects or even dildos. That'll do it and is more than enough for a complete analisys. I'm asking for the pics cause i don't know who everyone is most curious about and i don't really follow the �naked people movies� world as in i don't even know the names or the reputation for being big. I'm portuguese remember??!!

Send the most you guys can find and i'll start right away as soon as they start coming.

It'll be a pleasure contributing. This week end i'll find time to make some kind of a sketch with my own views on size misconception and the anxiety causing factors in today's men.


8InchMIKE said:
This was for me dld ??

If it was, then i'll do it gladly, only thing i ask is send me as many of those pics with these �naked people movies� guys and i'll do my very best to extensively analyze them and figure out every ones true size in both lenght and girth. Remember guys, the more elements in the pics the better, as in girls, everyday life objects or even dildos. That'll do it and is more than enough for a complete analisys. I'm asking for the pics cause i don't know who everyone is most curious about and i don't really follow the �naked people movies� world as in i don't even know the names or the reputation for being big. I'm portuguese remember??!!

Send the most you guys can find and i'll start right away as soon as they start coming.

It'll be a pleasure contributing. This week end i'll find time to make some kind of a sketch with my own views on size misconception and the anxiety causing factors in today's men.



If you want to help in that capacity I would be more than open to this. The first study I spent much of my time analyzing the size of many �naked people movies� stars which helped put allot in perspective. In this study I would like to do the same and your help would be great so I can spend more time on the psychological portions of the study.
doublelongdaddy said:
If you want to help in that capacity I would be more than open to this. The first study I spent much of my time analyzing the size of many �naked people movies� stars which helped put allot in perspective. In this study I would like to do the same and your help would be great so I can spend more time on the psychological portions of the study.

Then OK, i'm in for it, it's agreed then...

Just send the pics my way and i'll do a detailed study on them.

Remember, the best you can come up with ( pics wise ), the better/more reliable results you get back...


How about trying to set up some kind of video shoot with the �naked people movies� guys, and actually measuring them? Have plenty of V available and some �naked people movies� chicks to "fluff" them to maximum size. I saw a clip on TV some time ago, it was a show about male strippers and at this club they had all the guys come out wearing those sock things on their dicks and measured them, the biggest got a prize. They didn't show or mention the measurements, but the girl doing it was at least measuring from the top lol. I think that something like a clear pump cylinder with measurements marked on it would be a good measuring tool.

After reading DLD's original study, and applying that knowledge to my own research it's my opinion that the biggest dicks I've seen in �naked people movies� are somewhere around 10" - 11" NBP at the most - and very few are near that, __________ being one of them. I believe it's possible for someone to have 12", but I've never seen one that looks legitimate.

Just to note, it's also my conclusion that for the majority of women girth is more important than length. At 6" or more girth, most can't take more than 7 or 8 inches. From the new pics here, Ramone looks to be around 8.5" NBP x 6.5", and very few can take the whole thing. Most vids I've seen of __________ and other big guys, the girls can't take near all of it. From what I've seen in both commercial and amateur �naked people movies�, women seem to get off more on a really thick dick that's not too long. I know that there are "size queens" who can take a big one, but they're a small minority IMO.
this will be great, i can't wait till you finish this. this will be some mind blowing shit
I hope this idea hasn't been mentioned yet.
I'm curious about the effects television/magazine/radio/movies could have on how we view ourselves. I mean it just dawned on me how often the topic of penis size is mentioned in them.

It's amazing the things Seignfeld will make you think of. "What's the deal with DLD?" haha, couldn't resist.

The Rasta-Christ
Christafarian said:
I hope this idea hasn't been mentioned yet.
I'm curious about the effects television/magazine/radio/movies could have on how we view ourselves. I mean it just dawned on me how often the topic of penis size is mentioned in them.

It's amazing the things Seignfeld will make you think of. "What's the deal with DLD?" haha, couldn't resist.

The Rasta-Christ

:D at the Seignfeld remark:)

Yes, the media will be a big part of this study. As a matter of fact I assembled the media section today:) This 2nd installment of the original study will be much more extensive than the first. I will discuss and show photographic and video distortions of the truth. The psychological impact of media including print, photography, film and language. We will take a psychological journey from childhood into adulthood and discuss how social environments contribute to the decline of male self-view. We will get to the root of the pathological preoccupation with the penis and discuss the steps towards a complete rehabilitation. I will further explore PDD (penis dysmorphic disorder) a mental disorder where an imagined or slight physical defect causes significant stress or behavioral impairment. We will take a peek into the cellular world and how we are effected on the most primordial scale. Of course there will be many pictures of the biggest penises out there and what their true sizes are. I will also show how vulnerable the human mind is to illusion in a 2 dimensional environment. I will conduct interviews with races that fall victim to myths and how it effects their life. I will trace male sexuality back thousands of years and show just how influential fallacies were to our forefathers. There is so much information that I will be working everyday, all day just sorting and assembling information. So far it is beautiful and I really hope it will help men put their sexuality in perspective.
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