How to STOP the �naked people movies�? What can be done to eliminate this from my life?

Thr???-X said:
Usually I can care less about �naked people movies� today, I actually get bored with it very quickly ...

Last night I thought I would look at some old classic �naked people movies� (70's-80's) for a few minutes. Kinda reminiscing from my younger days when I was in my 20's-30's. I remember in those days, I thought it was easy to get �naked people movies� because of the VHS Video Tapes. I would go to the Video store and spend a couple of hours in the Adult section looking to find the right video(s) to take home and watch. I was obsessed with �naked people movies� at the time and would think about it at least once a day if not half the day and what am I going to watch next. I recall a few times I would deliberately take a day off from work so I could watch �naked people movies� all day by myself. I look back at it now and think, "that was crazy, how could I be so obsessed with it."

whoa! I could have written this. There'd be anticipation and planning for which video store I could visit w/out the chance of being recognized...then going through rack after rack of VHS tapes (being burned on a few w/great covers and titles, I learned how to weed-out the fluff) and then having the entire evening with no one around...crazy! After watching a few classic John Holmes videos, I think that will be a size to shoot-for, huge for sure but it looked like most of his partners were able to accommodate him. Anyone have a clue to his dimensions (when he was younger and could maintain decent EQ)?
Thr???-X said:
Usually I can care less about �naked people movies� today, I actually get bored with it very quickly ...

Last night I thought I would look at some old classic �naked people movies� (70's-80's) for a few minutes. Kinda reminiscing from my younger days when I was in my 20's-30's. I remember in those days, I thought it was easy to get �naked people movies� because of the VHS Video Tapes. I would go to the Video store and spend a couple of hours in the Adult section looking to find the right video(s) to take home and watch. I was obsessed with �naked people movies� at the time and would think about it at least once a day if not half the day and what am I going to watch next. I recall a few times I would deliberately take a day off from work so I could watch �naked people movies� all day by myself. I look back at it now and think, "that was crazy, how could I be so obsessed with it."

I kept clicking on the different video clips last night and telling myself, "Ok, just one more video and I'm done." I ended up doing that for about 6-hours. Insane how by me watching a few old �naked people movies� videos I watched in my younger days triggered me right back to my old �naked people movies� habits. In today's world, it's so much easier to access �naked people movies�. You don't even have to leave your bedroom if you have a internet connection. Also, so much harder to abstain from the temptation when it's so easily available... a couple of clicks and you have an endless amount of �naked people movies� to watch. Computers are evil machines if you left them control you (LoL)

And this is why I have started this crusade! If everyone was as honest as you they would get the help they need. Addiction sucks and �naked people movies� is worse than Heroin. The temptations are endless and so open to anyone who wants to see. I can not even watch the Disney channel without thinking lustful thoughts (due to the way they dress these chicks). The summer is coming and this whole situation gets worse! The short shorts, the low tops, the tits and asses hanging out...Aggggg! I wish God would just eliminate �naked people movies� with a magic wave of His Mighty Hand! But no, we are meant to suffer this and learn to master ourselves and the bodies we occupy.

Thanks Thr???-X for your honesty.
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