
Jun 9, 2003
Hey, all. I posted this question at �other forum� quite a while ago and got a few responses. I figured I'd throw it out here as well.

Many of us face differences in NBP and BP. For me, it is nearly an inch. However I've often wondered how much length can actually be used to penetrate a woman, or whatever your flavor. It seems as though it could be slightly more than your NBP, but not quite all of your BP length. Has anyone ever thought about this or is it just me? Maybe I'm just looking for an easy excuse to increase my size. Shit....aren't we all?
Yeah, I have thought about this, too. It seems to me that the usable length depends on position. In positions with the greatest penetrations I would agree with you that it is slightly larger than NBP but not as long as BP.
I vary from my bp and non bp 1.25" right now. Gonna change that after I get on some Hydroxycut hopefully. "Useable" length I would say varies from 7 to 7.5". With goats....probably 7". ;) Just kidding about the goats.
Hey, Still: What is your BP and NBP measurement? Just curious...
Luvdadus has always stated 1/2 the difference between bp and npb is useable, depending upon position. I agree.
Its all in the sexual position.
If a guy had 6.5 inces NBP and 8 BP he could still use the 8 inches.......but hed have to know a thing or two about sexual positions, what to do.
I do lucky enough so my BP size is used to the full.
It's all about positions. In the right position, you can use nearly all your length. I'm 8" BP, and 7.25" NBP. My wife likes to bone press me inside her ;)
At around 8.5" I ran out of room in Jens vagina. I end up holding the base when we have sex now. I assume I have about 10" useable, if I could get it in.
DLD: I remember you said once in a thread at �other PE site� or Penis EnlargementForums that you could fit in all but 4" :confused:
Originally posted by shower
DLD: I remember you said once in a thread at �other PE site� or Penis EnlargementForums that you could fit in all but 4" :confused:

My fist full measures about 4"
So what position do you reckon provides the most depth?
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
My fist full measures about 4"

So you can only fit in 6.5"?!?

This is taking your BPenis EnlargementL at 10.5".

Surely you use more than that :eek:
Forgot to add... I feel once you reach a certain LOT, additional length gains from lig stretching yield little insertable gains, unless you get into some really funky positioning... I think working your LOT below 8 doesn't get you much more that is truly useable.

As far as best position for most insertable length, depends on the partners, their builds and how well they mesh together. For me and my wife, missionary yileds the deepest plunge.
Originally posted by shower
So you can only fit in 6.5"?!?

This is taking your BPenis EnlargementL at 10.5".

Surely you use more than that :eek:

In the position we use, her seated on top, this is the most comfortable. When I want to make her squirt I let a little more in until I hit the end. Maybe 8.5-9" I know that if we have sex without my hand there I always have a couple inches out when hitting bottom.
Acer;7183 said:
Hey, all. I posted this question at �other forum� quite a while ago and got a few responses. I figured I'd throw it out here as well.

Many of us face differences in NBP and BP. For me, it is nearly an inch. However I've often wondered how much length can actually be used to penetrate a woman, or whatever your flavor. It seems as though it could be slightly more than your NBP, but not quite all of your BP length. Has anyone ever thought about this or is it just me? Maybe I'm just looking for an easy excuse to increase my size. Shit....aren't we all?

It depends on the sex position. From doggy style, you might not be able to use all your BP. But if you are doing advance missionary, you should be able to use your entire NB length.
huge-girth;757599 said:
It depends on the sex position. From doggy style, you might not be able to use all your BP. But if you are doing advance missionary, you should be able to use your entire NB length.

The only way I could have sex with Jew was with her on top of me so she could take how much cock she wanted.
doublelongdaddy;757675 said:
The only way I could have sex with Jew was with her on top of me so she could take how much cock she wanted.

Honestly, some times I feel scared to exceed the 8 inches mark but I don't have a choice because having a cemented 8 inches in length will require me to get to at least 8.5 inches before stopping.
just like men, every woman is girl has no issues accommodating me fully (after a few hot minutes of foreplay :))...petite Asian women, nada
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