Jan 26, 2006
Hello I just joined the site and am waiting for the DVD to arrive also.. I just wanted to introduce myself and really ask you all a question based on your personal experiences. I am 20 years old, around 5' 10" 160 lbs... a little history, I have taken the pills since I was 18 and as we know they don't enlarge on their own. I truly believe using your excericises is the only way to get there permanently. I started thinking seriously about enlargement about 2 months ago and have been pumping and jelqing with a jelq device for those 2 months and have experienced close to a half inch increase in girth, but nothing for length. Ok enough with the story my questions is, I am starting today with 8" of bone pressed length although I barely have a fat pad and close to 6" of girth, Now although I am above average and I know that I still am looking for more. And I know you all understand that. I am very dedicated when it comes to something I want and now with your site I at least have a plan. Now my question for you DLD and everyone else is and this will help me with my visualization of my goal.. What do you honestly and reasonably see my final result gain being in length and girth, given I follow everything you have laid out to a t.. Due to my body type and starting size information, and all of your experiences what is your opinion of what kind of gains I can expect and how long I can expect them in. I am asking for motivation and visualization purposes. Again sorry for making this so long, I just wanted you to see where I was coming from... Thank you again DLD and everyone else...
oh and by the way i just wanted to let you all know my routine thusfar before this site, and please I know it is alot but tell me if I am overdoing it and thus creating a negative affect on my gains..

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

600 jelqs in shower
(4) 15 min. pump sessions with 100 jelqs between each one, (1) 20 min. head pump
500 jelqs in shower
then in the evening 500 more jelqs with the jelq device. 2000 for the day.

Tuesday and Thursday

600 jelqs in shower
(2) 10 - 15 min. combined (scrotum and penis) pump sessions with 100 jelqs between each one, (4) 15 min. pump sessions with 100 jelqs between each one, (1) 20 min. head pump
400 jelqs in shower
then in the evening 400 more jelqs with the jelq device. 2000 for the day.

Any feedback on all of this both posts would be greatly appreciated...
Looks like a pretty desent routine, 2000 jelqs a day is enough, make them last a good 2 secs or more if you'd like. You will probably get more girth with the pumps included, but it depends on how erect you are when jelqing. Higher erections will give you more girth and lower ones is more of a stretch for lenth. It is a hard question you asked on how much you can gain, but your diffenetly on the right road and have come to the proper place, that should be your motivation. I wouldn't skip the weekends where that's the time I get the most Penis Enlargement work in but I also don't have big stats as you do and that's my motivation.
I always wanted a head pump, what's yours all about?
Well first off I usually do around a 1000 jelqs a day on the weekend only because do to my job I have more time during the week for Penis Enlargement. Also.. My pumps are fom Kaplan which I am evry happy with, I hope that answered your question on the head pump. I know it is difficult to predict what gains might be but I was just hoping to hear from some veterans on what they might think due to their experiences, thanks again..
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