Provider said:
Should HAVE listened not should OF!

The majority of Americans WERE listening to Al Gore. He won the popular vote, remember, in 2000, and should be our president. But he lost it in a non-violent "coup."

Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot. We don't live in a democracy. We live in a republic. And here we are trying to spread "democracy" around the world. We don't even practice what we preach.
stelth said:
The last stats I have shows that 70% of Americans just hear the liberal side, of the news. Most of those don't even know there is a conservative side that they don't hear about.
It's sad but truly annoying:s

Maybe they "choose" to watch the liberal side. Maybe they do know that Fox News exists and it makes them puke. And maybe, just maybe, there is an effort in some of the so-called "liberal" media, to strive for objective reporting. Is it possible that the word "liberal" might simply mean "objective?"

I think a better statement would be that 70% of Americans are cynical and turned off by the lack of real journalism nowadays, sad to say, that they don't believe anything they read or hear in the media, conservative, liberal, whatever, or maybe they've been so dumbed down that they just don't give a shit.
lol, ohhh boy. I thought this might happen.

I don't know what liberal means anymore, but whatever liberal talk radio existed in the beginning of "talk radio" I'm pretty sure it was drowned out by the conservative shows only to resurface fairly recently. I guess it depends on what is considered liberal. Right now there surely are more "liberal" programs on the radio to listen to than there used to be or an alternative to "conservative" talk programs if you will.

The Left will always be somewhat in the minority if you ask me and people tend to associate the word liberal with the Left in general. I don't know if liberal radio will ever be THE money maker because for the most part change and opposing arguments appeal to the fringe. There is really only a limited market for the Left I think simply because of what the Left is supposed to embody, which is why I think that the whole notion that liberal radio is King in the U.S. is likely bunk. "DEM" radio is still mainstream and is not exactly liberal or Left. It's just not conservative and certainly not neo-conservative.

I really don't see much of it mattering either as far as which side gets more attention. Money and those who have it for the most part get the last say as to what is heard or said. In turn that shapes public opinion and it shouldn't be the case. Facts are facts and when it comes to the important aspects of life politicizing them earns us little in the way of progress. We'll never all agree on how to act on such problems hence politics. It's key to retain some sort of prospectus for the future when we're done arguing because if we fail in that regard all we'll have are a couple of idiots bickering over what to do with the uninhabitable parts of Earth. It's reached the point where ideology reigns supreme here. When it comes to issues like Global Warming make up your own minds and check your allegiances at the door.

I really hope that someday we can get over labeling each other. It's a matter of convenience for all the rest of us just trying to get by while at the same time a sacrificial tool long since been wielded by those preying upon our devotion to dividing ourselves. We haven't gotten it right, yet and as young as our species is we can ill afford to move at this pace toward annihilation without pause for perspective. It's like we've been battling ourselves forever and we've come as far as we have only to forget the quintessential part of life, which is to survive.
I agree with you pal!! Labels limit us and our perspectives. And we don't have to really think things through if we put labels on ideas or people. They also limit the possibilities of our connecting with each other.
iwant8inches said:
lol, ohhh boy. I thought this might happen.

I don't know what liberal means anymore, but whatever liberal talk radio existed in the beginning of "talk radio" I'm pretty sure it was drowned out by the conservative shows only to resurface fairly recently. I guess it depends on what is considered liberal. Right now there surely are more "liberal" programs on the radio to listen to than there used to be or an alternative to "conservative" talk programs if you will.

The Left will always be somewhat in the minority if you ask me and people tend to associate the word liberal with the Left in general. I don't know if liberal radio will ever be THE money maker because for the most part change and opposing arguments appeal to the fringe. There is really only a limited market for the Left I think simply because of what the Left is supposed to embody, which is why I think that the whole notion that liberal radio is King in the U.S. is likely bunk. "DEM" radio is still mainstream and is not exactly liberal or Left. It's just not conservative and certainly not neo-conservative.

I really don't see much of it mattering either as far as which side gets more attention. Money and those who have it for the most part get the last say as to what is heard or said. In turn that shapes public opinion and it shouldn't be the case. Facts are facts and when it comes to the important aspects of life politicizing them earns us little in the way of progress. We'll never all agree on how to act on such problems hence politics. It's key to retain some sort of prospectus for the future when we're done arguing because if we fail in that regard all we'll have are a couple of idiots bickering over what to do with the uninhabitable parts of Earth. It's reached the point where ideology reigns supreme here. When it comes to issues like Global Warming make up your own minds and check your allegiances at the door.

I really hope that someday we can get over labeling each other. It's a matter of convenience for all the rest of us just trying to get by while at the same time a sacrificial tool long since been wielded by those preying upon our devotion to dividing ourselves. We haven't gotten it right, yet and as young as our species is we can ill afford to move at this pace toward annihilation without pause for perspective. It's like we've been battling ourselves forever and we've come as far as we have only to forget the quintessential part of life, which is to survive.

Good call on this, but in the age of punditry it's too easy for media personalities to make a living by labeling somebody's politics and then boiling it down into a pretty serious misreprsentation.

Most surveys show that the majority of Americans care about the same issues and are actually fairly clustered around the more central area of the political spectrum. The whole idea of 'culture war' and red states versus blue has created the idea that people slightly more conservative or loberal political beliefs are supposedly at war in this country, but that's just a bunch of overblown hype.

The real damage though, is an important issue like climate change gets hung up in the public perception by the idea because a few tastemakers say it's just a 'liberal' cause manufactured by a Clintonite politician, which couldn't be more wrong. Climate change is a problem for everybody, and the folks that let the media make up their minds about what's true and what's not (and tend to rigidly subscribe to liberal vs. conservative viewpoints) will end up disregarding a very serious issue because Sean Hannity or whoever makes a living by being contrarian to Democratic politicians.

It always interests me when I hear people that are so certain that climate change couldn't possibly be real - rarely, if ever, have they actually looked into this much, they just know Al Gore made a movie about it and some media demagouges told them that it was liberal nonesense. All they'll ever say is that the earth could have a natural warming cycle - screw the vast majoirty of scientific experts on the planet, Rush Limbaugh understands atmospheric science and ecology better than anyone.

The same people that constantly bitch about the 'liberal media' have no problem subscribing to blatantly partisan infortainment masquerading as serious news. I'll hop off the soapbox now, but it really bugs me to hear the same tired old taglines on this stuff, even in a Penis Enlargement forum.
goinfor11x7 said:
Maybe they "choose" to watch the liberal side. Maybe they do know that Fox News exists and it makes them puke. And maybe, just maybe, there is an effort in some of the so-called "liberal" media, to strive for objective reporting. Is it possible that the word "liberal" might simply mean "objective?"

I think a better statement would be that 70% of Americans are cynical and turned off by the lack of real journalism nowadays, sad to say, that they don't believe anything they read or hear in the media, conservative, liberal, whatever, or maybe they've been so dumbed down that they just don't give a shit.
I do not believe liberal is "objective" nor do I Conservative is always right either. However dumb down we are I found some 8th grade exit tests from 100 years ago that most collage grads could not pass.
try 95% of Americans are cynical and don't care what happens to the country.
I have no intent of flaming anyone, anything I would add will sound that way, so I'm going to stop now.
stelth said:
I do not believe liberal is "objective" nor do I Conservative is always right either. However dumb down we are I found some 8th grade exit tests from 100 years ago that most collage grads could not pass.
try 95% of Americans are cynical and don't care what happens to the country.
I have no intent of flaming anyone, anything I would add will sound that way, so I'm going to stop now.

You bring up a really good point. Most Americans from what I have observed either don't know or don't care (mostly both) about what the spirit of America really is. For all we know we could be living in a Chinese-style government and they'd still be just as content. You can see this due to what is on the news these days.
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