Jun 3, 2003

As everyone on MOS probably knows, we are a partner with FastSize Extenders and for good reason, as a matter of fact, better reason than I ever knew. I purchased a couple of the competitors extenders recently to compare the differences in quality. When ordering, everything looked fine and the price was lower then a FastSize so I confused on how they could sell at a lower price than we get at MOS. The extenders came in and I did an open box comparison (will have video up tonight). EVERYTHING is different EVERYTHING! I wanted to make a thread letting guys know these differences before you buy an extender.

What are the differences?

Base attachment on FASTSIZE: High quality, slightly flexible, medical grade PVC.
Base attachment on COMPenis EnlargementTITOR: Hard, thin, low grade plastic

Glans attachment on FASTSIZE: High quality, slightly flexible, medical grade PVC with Noose Style or Strap
Glans attachment on COMPenis EnlargementTITOR: Hard, thin, low grade plastic with Noose Style

Rods on FASTSIZE: .25" surgical steel
Rods on COMPenis EnlargementTITOR: .125" low grade steel

Sturdiness of FASTSIZE: Very solid, once on extremely stable
Sturdiness of COMPenis EnlargementTITOR: Very weak, you can feel the difference in rod quality here big time, extremely unstable

Spring Tension of FASTSIZE: Very thick spring with excellent tension after attachment
Spring Tension of COMPenis EnlargementTITOR: Very much like a spring you would find in a ballpoint pen, very weak, no real reason for the spring at all.

Ease of AttacHydromaxent FASTSIZE: With the better stability it is very easy to attach an take off
Ease of AttacHydromaxent COMPenis EnlargementTITOR: Flimsy design makes it very hard to put on, comes off easily

Tension of FASTSIZE: Excellent tension, incredible stretch
Tension of COMPenis EnlargementTITOR: Very weak stretch, tension seems non existent.

Comfort of FASTSIZE: After a good wrap very comfortable, even with maximum tension (not comfortable without wrap)
Comfort of COMPenis EnlargementTITOR: After a good wrap very comfortable, even with maximum tension (not comfortable without wrap)

When I first saw some of these extenders selling for a cheap price it worried me that maybe MOS was not getting the best deal. I wanted to try to understand why some companies were able to sell their extenders at the same price or lower than the MOS FastSize Extender. Online they looked identical with the exception of colors, packaging and glans attachment...I really could not see any difference so I ordered 2 competitor models to compare and possibly get a better deal for MOS. The extenders came in, one I will not even review...it was pathetic. The other, at first glance, appeared to be similar but when I got into the guts of it I was really blown away by the shit construction and materials.

The FastSize is much heavier than the competitor, lending to it's much higher quality construction and materials. The base attachment on the FastSize is very sturdy and slightly flexiable which really helps with comfort at the base of the penis. This may not seem like a big deal but when worn over time you really start to appreciate this flexible medical grade PVC. The shape of the base attachment on the FastSize is contoured nicely, aslo giving a more comfortable feel. The competitor models base attachment was sharp and hard, very uncomfortable. The plastic they use seems very hard and easy to break.

The rods on the FastSize are very thick and machined with perfect precision allowing for micro-adjustments in length of rods. The rods also work nicely at uneven settings for the correction of curvature. Very heavy and thick rods really make you feel like you are dealing with a professional piece of equipment. The competitor rods were half the thickness and heaviness as the FastSize making it very cumbersome. The machining of the competitors rods are very poor making small adjustments impossible and very unstable. Uneven settings on the competitor model was impossible, the flimsy-ness of the rods made it highly unstable...VERY FRUSTRATING.

The springs in the Fastsize are very thick and sturdy...excellent compression and extension after the extender is attached. The competitor models springs were a joke, just like the kind in a ballpoint pen. I don't even know why they even have them...totally useless.

Intensity and stretch of the FastSize is, as most users agree, superior. Gains can be made using the FastSize alone. It delivers an incredible stretch which I can keep attached for hours with no problems. I like to stop every hour or so to reattach and check blood flow. The competitor model, after attached, felt like it was going to fall off. No real stretch to speak of as when intensity is applied the rods just seem to buckle.

Do not waste your money on any extenders other than the FastSize...you will be disappointed. Yes, you can go on Ebay and find extenders for $50, $90, etc. but you will be getting junk. I can not see how an extender can cost less than the FastSize and still have quality. At $150.00 you are getting the highest quality extender at the lowest price possible. The FastSize will last for years of use and will always be up for an intense stretch.

When purchasing use the coupon code: MOS60 in the coupon box
You will receive and instant discount

<a href="http://www.fastsize.com/?rid=5017"><img src="http://affiliates.fastsize.com/images/fch/1-315x400-FS.gif" border="0" alt=""></a>

For all of those who own or are about to purchase a FastSize Extender
here is a Video MoS put together on how to wear it.
Special Thanks to StillWantsMore for Shooting it.


For all of those who own or are about to purchase a FastSize Extender, here is a Video MoS put together on how to wear it.
Special Thanks to StillWantsMore for Shooting it.


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/I32eFxBckqc&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/I32eFxBckqc&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
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