
Oct 7, 2006
I know there are some great legends here like DLD and Red (those are the two I've heard the most about) so really I just want everyone who cares to just to state their starting size, time frame, and gains...or just gains/time frame.


Start: 6" bpel x 5" mid-shaft eg
Time: 6 months
Gains: 8" bpel x 6" mid-shaft eg (2" length 1" girth)

I'm just curious and want a general idea of how much time will be required to see more impressive gains.
been doin pe for over a year or so but started takin it real serious 4-5 weeks ago. since those few weeks, 0.4" lenght, 0.2" girth.
Good thread Aero. You know my gains, but just to let others know..

Starting: 6.9 (nbp) x 5.5 (mid)
Penis Enlargement time: 3 months spring '06 + 1.5 months fall '06 = 4.5 months
Current: 7.25* (nbp) x 5.9 (mid)

Total gains: 0.3" length, 0.4" girth

*My length has been increasing like crazy and I am probably 7.5" now but I don't measure again until November 8th.

I do nothing but work with my hands - wet jelqs, dry jelqs, compression squeezes, and all kinds of stretching. I have a feeling I'll hit the coveted 8x6 by '07.
Started 6.5L x 4.75G
within 6 months: 8 x 5
18 months: 9 x 5.5 to 6
3 years: 10.5 x 6.5
dld, wat got you that original 1.5 inches in length from 6.5 to 8 in that half a yr.
doublelongdaddy said:
Started 6.5L x 4.75G
within 6 months: 8 x 5
18 months: 9 x 5.5 to 6
3 years: 10.5 x 6.5


Those are some sweet gains DLD, as you know, but it's just always so inspiring to read.
Mine dont compare to DLD like but here you go lol

Started 5.75 by 4.75
Now 7.25 by 5.25

When i last measured. it will still be the same now i imagine, trying to start a new routine and gain again.
Took me about 7months or so for that. Now gains since!

Pissed OFF!
Start: 7.5"nbp x 5.5" mid-shaft eg
Time: 6 months
Gains: 8.2" bpel x 6" mid-shaft eg (.7" length .5" girth)
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good to hear what technics did you all use, manual (stretching/jelqing) hanging, pumping, clamps, etc. just whatever gave you the best gains

more people should give their info too this will be a great thread to inspire!
Starting: 6.4 (bp) x 4.5 (mid)
Penis Enlargement time: 14 months
Current: 8.1 (bp) x 5.1 (mid)

Total gains: 1.7" length, 0.6" girth

give me .3 length and .4 girth and tht will be me happy:)
These results are def motivation. I was very inconsistent with the Newbie Routine...

I joined this board over two years ago, and have yet to actually stick with the routine. I'm ashamed that I could've gained 2 inches already, but I've slacked and gained NOTHING. These results you guys claim are enough motivation to get me in gear.
Starting length: 5.8"
Starting Girth : 4.5"

Current length: 7 5/8"
Current Midshaft Girth: 6 3/8" (16.2 cm)
Current Base Girth: 7"
Vaseline_Knight said:
Starting length: 5.8"
Starting Girth : 4.5"

Current length: 7 5/8"
Current Midshaft Girth: 6 3/8" (16.2 cm)
Current Base Girth: 7"

wow you came a long way! Did you pe every day? How long do your sessions last?
hypoallergeni said:
wow you came a long way! Did you pe every day? How long do your sessions last?

I've already responded to this question in This Thread: Results of 5 weeks of Clamping Everyday with minimal Rest

I'll just copy and paste what I said there.

Re: Results of 5 weeks of Clamping Everyday with minimal Rest
goldmember said:
Basing the effectiveness of a routine off 5 weeks results? Especially as a long-time Penis Enlargement'er?

Well, no. You know me well enough to know I take quite a bit of time researching and thinking things over before making a statement.

The 5 week routine wasn't what showed me the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of this routine. As I said, what rang a bell was the amount of fatigue I felt after a 2 day break, compared to all the much more intense routines I was doing.

I was also thinking about the history of my gains.
I've always been trying to reproduce what gave me my post newbie gains.
I gained .25" of length initially in 2 weeks which boosted me to slightly over 6 inches. I was around 16 at the time around november. I wasn't really motivated at that time in my life cause i didnt have much exposure to girls, and the ones that I did have exposure too where 14-15, and had barely ever seen a penis.

when I pe'd again, it was summer, and did it again for 2 weeks (without ejaculation) and gained another .25". again around 6 months of no Penis Enlargement, and a one month period of no ejaculation and with a 5 day on , 2 day off routine of just jelqing, I gained yet another .25 inches. I was around 6 3/4" and i remember i did Penis Enlargement inconsistantly for some days, but never enough and didnt gain. the summer I was turning 19 (summer of 2002), I did another 30 day period when I went on vacation with family. My bpfsl went from 6 3/4 to slightly over 7 inches. I stopped Penis Enlargement'ing around mid july and didn't Penis Enlargement till october, when I did another 30 day routine and gained another .25".

After my last 0.25" gain, having moved out on my own, and feeling the NEED for size more and more, I started to do Penis Enlargement on and off in hopes of gaining an inch in 2-3 months of consistent Penis Enlargement as it seemed natural to me with my consisten rate of .25" every 2-3 weeks. I kept Penis Enlargement'ing almost 5 days a week but I didnt have the dicipline to not ejaculate, and i made no gains what so ever. I was also inconsistent as in I was Penis Enlargement'ing sometimes 5 days in a row, sometimes 10 days in a row.

Frustrated, I was convinced that in order to gain i must decipline myself and not ejaculate for 30 days. It was tough but doable, cause at this time (fall of 2003) i was consistantly having sex. But I did it, with a strict Penis Enlargement regimen, and no ejaculation, and guess what... NO GAINS.

I never really understood why I didn't gain from that routine as I had from all the other ones. But university pressure and girls made me forget all about Penis Enlargement very quickly.

I didn't Penis Enlargement until the following summer, summer of 2004, I had to go to vacation with my family, and I decided to go on a Penis Enlargement regimen for 30 days and not ejaculate. I remember I didn't gain at all for the first 2 weeks. I was jelqing and using a sock hanger doing 3 sets at 5 lbs, one SD and one to each side, Penis Enlargement'ing for 5 days on and 2 days in a row off. I remember measuring the day before my second week's rest. no gains. after the 2 days of rest, I couldnt believe my eyes. My fsl went from around 7.2" to 7 5/8th.

Happy that I had found the KEY to Penis Enlargement (not ejacualting) and ignoring that one time that I didnt gain even though I refrained from ejaculation, I went ahead with a consistent Penis Enlargement routine, never really resting, but never really into it enough to do 30 day regimens. until spring of 2005, I did another 30 day thing, with no gains. kept Penis Enlargement'ing harder, still no gains. July of 2005 until today I have Penis Enlargement'd non stop. Some of you guys know of my consistent presence on these forums. but again, Aside from some minor gains in girth, over the last year and 4 months, I have nothing to show for all my efforts.

until this recent clamping routing of 5 weeks, which was also non ejaculatory. I realized, the true COMMON factor IN ALL MY GAINS wasn't the fact that I wasn't ejaculating. I'm sure that enhanced my gains, I have no doubt about that. What was the true common factor in all my gains was that my penis had deconditioned for a good couple of months before starting the routine. my most recent gain of 7.2 to 7 5/8 was the steepest gain I have ever realized and if it wasn't for that gain I would have thrown in the towel by now thinking that my other gains were newbie gains and that I have maxed out.

It happened after 2 weeks. And Xeno's IPR confirms this.

I'm not trying to convince anyone to Penis Enlargement less or to Penis Enlargement more. This is just my observation and my understanding so far of how Penis Enlargement truely works. Fortunately I have my own gains to guide me through. Perhaps some people can consistantly gain from Penis Enlargement without decon breaks. It truely hasn't been the case for me as I have had the presistance, the dicipline and the patience to stick to Penis Enlargement even though I haven't gained much the past 2 years and four months.

I have been Penis Enlargement'ing for 7 years. My only effort in making these threads is that IF i do something that leads to gains, for it to be transparent, and for others with similar physiology to mine to understand that they're not the only ones who are not seeing gains and that sometimes LESS is MORE.
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