
Mar 15, 2005
Republicans have officially started the campaign to amend the constitution by repealing the 22nd Amendment - the one that confines the President to 2 terms. If the Republicans hold their current strength, or increase it, in the 2006 Congressional elections, expect this measure to pass allowing Bush to remain President...

I wouldn't worry about that happening. It's a universal concern that would be rejected by the public no matter what political allignment. We'd roll over all barriers and take Washington if that shit happened. There'd be no point in believing in the current government if that ever did pass so we'd have to take matters into our own hands. The term limitation is there for a good reason. But again it's highly unlikely that it would happen. It's worrisome when this comes up though.
Originally posted by iwant8inches:
I wouldn't worry about that happening. It's a universal concern that would be rejected by the public no matter what political allignment. We'd roll over all barriers and take Washington if that shit happened.

Yea, I personally find it hard to believe that an amendment of this sort would any kind of stable ground in D.C., especially now as Bush and company tarnish the GOP image. The passage of such an amendment would bring forth the wrath of the American people- in a way nobody wants to see.

I wish they would try to vote in in- and watch the political fallout as Bush is run out of Washington with the rest of his crooked entourage.
nobody wants it essentially even some republicans. but bush always pulls a trick or two out of his ass.technically he's not even the president. he wasn't legitimately voted in for either term.
Somehow he always manages to hijack election victories. But anyway some Republicans in the House apparently believe there aren't any GOP Presidential candidates who can win in 2008. No chance in hell of it passing, since it would require a 2/3 vote in both the House and Senate before being suBathmateitted to the states. The Repuplicans would have to pick up 12 seats in the Senate and about 60 in the House to win a 2/3 partyline vote.
Both sides have considered this in the past. It's not an evil republican conspiracy to keep Bush in the Whitehouse. If this passes, Clinton would be able to run again as well.
Originally posted by LambdaCalc:
Both sides have considered this in the past. It's not an evil republican conspiracy to keep Bush in the Whitehouse. If this passes, Clinton would be able to run again as well.

Why would Clinton need to run again? The exact same thing can be accomplished by putting Hilary in the Oval Office in 2008.
Well, not that it has anything to do with the fact that both sides have discussed this in the past but...

Bill Clinton vs GW or
Hillary Clinton vs GW

One of these sounds better than the other.
I'm not going to have a serious discussion with people that spout this rhetoric about "stealing" elections (2004 is just laughable), but I'll just say that this idea has been tossed around by Reagan and Clinton supporters in the past.

Deep breath. Relax.
About some of those earlier posts. Clinton has said that if given the chance, he does not believe he would want to run again. The Presidency is a very stressing and demanding job. Look at Clinton before taking office then look at him leaving. 8 years is a long time but that man lost a lot of weight and looked very pale and tired towards the end. However, Hillary still is wanting a go at the presidency, and her husband says that he will support her 100%.
I'm curious what is your position on the election of 04 guys? What have you read that has you convinced one way or another that the election was legitimate and should or should not have been recounted fairly in a key state like Ohio? Have you read the Conyers Report? Have you read articles in the paper or online about the thousands of voting irregularities? This should be a universal issue as the voting process should be near the very top of our concerns.
Well, I doubt there's a big conspiracy, but lousy vote counting? Prolly.

I think everyone legal should be required to vote. That's something I'd like to see happen.

>I'm curious what is your position on the election of 04 guys? What have you read that has you convinced one way or another that the election was legitimate and should or should not have been recounted fairly in a key state like Ohio? Have you read the Conyers Report? Have you read articles in the paper or online about the thousands of voting irregularities? This should be a universal issue as the voting process should be near the very top of our concerns.<

I believe I have seen almost every single major news organization questioned as to why they did not investigate the 04 election. Each and every one has said they DID investigate it, and that no significant irregularities were found.

In particular, I watched a round table with audience participation on CSPAN, of the heads of the major print and media companies. Whether left or right, they each, in turn, said that any story of fraud would have been 'front page', and a welcome monetary gain for them. They also each said there was nothing to write about. Just nothing. Talk about sour grapes?

Do you think the Conyers report was written from an unbiased point of view? Do you realize that there are at least two democrat party representatives at each precinct, and can dispute anything at any time? Do you realize that the democrat party is represented at each stage, and at every instance of tabulation, and that they have to sign off on the results? Did you know that the Ohio vote was recounted, as a matter of course, and the recount viewed by representatives of the democrat party?

Bush received more votes than any candidate ever in US history. He has been through the same shit with Ann, Mark, Al and John. He has been called every name in the book, and accused of about every act humanly possible. All he has done is win each time.

I and over 60 million other voters put him back in office. Deal with it. My wish is that the Republicans have cloture, 60 Senate votes in '06. If the dems continue as they have, it will be easy.

BTW, isn't it odd that for such a numbskull as Bush, the Republicans have made gains in Congress, Senate and House, Governors, state houses, etc., for each and every election since he has been in office? Even made historical precedent in his first term, mid-term election gains? We must find a clue.

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