
Jun 8, 2003
I don't know if anyone read this article in the last Rolling Stone Magazine, but it was about a man named __________ who has a 13.5 inch penis and girth the size of "flexed forearm". I was just wondering if anyone thinks it is possible to be born with this kind of size, or did he just do a lot of Penis Enlargement? Also, I think they should do an article on DLD, since it would provide a lot of men with motivation to improve their size.
I seen a show with him on it and his sizes that he stated on that show and the package he showed on that show were no way near 13 inches ...Granted he is a good sized guy ...he is not 13 and his girth is not the size of a fore arm flexed or unflexed .....i have seen every sight i have been to has this article posted there , but it is not a fact it is just rolling stone is just using this as a ploy to sell rolling stone mags.i will state the facts as he told them and also he was naked in the interview and i will agree with the sizes that i heard on him ..from him ....

1.his flaccid hang is around 7-8inches
2. his hard size is around 11.5 inches
3.his flaccid girth was around 4.5
4.his erect girth was around 6-6.5
5.his sexual preference is men
6.and he knows there are bigger men out there , but they need not call him ,because he isn't interested in a mate that big.

again i say that he has a great size to him ..but it is not the size that article would have you to believe ...i mean i don't think he has a 13-16 inch girth ...and that is the size of my fore arm flexed...take that article as a good read and leave it at that .Don't take it as fact .
Doesn't someone have pictures of this guy?
I don't know the link to the article ...when i got there and saw who it was I knew it was bogus . So I didn't bother saving the link . I am at R.S. trying to look it up now ...
Let me reiterate...Does someone have a picture of his dick?:D
I knew a guy in High School whose girlfriends'-sisters' boyfriends' brother had 13" too...but, nobody ever actually saw it so who knows? ;)
Originally posted by stillwantmore
I knew a guy in High School whose girlfriends'-sisters' boyfriends' brother had 13" too...but, nobody ever actually saw it so who knows? ;)

Hey guys. I found this pic of that guy on a google search. This guy has his own website, but has went over his monthly bandwith limit. This must be his flacid pic


  • jonahfalcon1.jpg
    15.6 KB · Views: 1
Hey good work getting that pic ....but I don't think he is totally flaccid in it if you look at it , I would say he is not 100%erect either ....but I now say after seeing this pic if he is 11.5 then he did some pe..because this pic is smaller than the interview i saw ...So i guess DLD will give us the low-down on it .....
Is this the best picture this brothers got? For someone with a 13" penis and so much hype you would think he would have some decent shots.
lol@dld....but you are right if I was gonna brag on my pecker i would make dam sure i put up my best pics lol
I have seen pictures of this guy flacid and he is clearly like 8 MAYBE 9 inches flacid. I simply chalk it up to him being very big erect but being a complete shower. He probly has like a 10X7 inch cock or something but 13 inch? No way.
Shitchyea guys, if I was 13" I'd have pics galore, videos, and a paysite. That last idea I really like;) Geez as big of an exhibitionist as I am now with my 'mere' 7.5x6....oh man lookout!
The guy has impressive size.
Length in that picture is about 9 inches, but aint his correct length as its pointing down, it should be straight out, so he'd be summut like 8.5 inches BP.

As for girth, me thinks 6.5 inches AT LEAST.

Goodluck to the guy.
I dont like him, but he must have done NPenis Enlargement/Penis Enlargement so more evidence of more success.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
I dont like him, but he must have done NPenis Enlargement/Penis Enlargement so more evidence of more success.

Damn Red, you crack me up. How did I become such a good friend?

When I said I didnt like him, I meant.....I dont like the look of him kind of thing....messin about like.

As for you.......I like you.

I am a picky person anyway.
And its a good thing Red likes you ...we know how he is if he dont like someone seriously RED is a loyal friend to his friends and I am glad to be able to call him a friend .

well thank you.
I would think of ma self as Fair But Firm.
Not firm but fair.

I am a soft shell with a hard center.
I am very loyal, but today its hard to find freinds who are loyal.
I know you and DLD are.
I mean outside life.

Its rare nowadays.
That guy has a nice size, but I've definately seen a bigger semi than that. :) Too bad it wasn't while looking down, but soon!!

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