Hey fb, yes for sure. When you lose
weight you will definitely have more visible penis. Your fat pad is pushed out surrounding the shaft base of your penis. As you lose
weight more of your penis shaft will be visible.
I'm speaking from experience. I have lost 34 lbs in a pretty short period of time so I can tell you 100% this is true. You can also monitor how much fat pad you lose by pressing a ruler into your pubic bone above your penis and keep track of what measurements you get with your
weight loss.
I myself could still stand to lose another 30 lbs if I could get to be very trim which should mean another 1 inch at least in more exposed penis shaft. I think the rule is approximately an inch of penis for every 30 lbs overweight you are.
I lost my
weight by reducing my carbohydrate intake to 20-30 gram max per day. It is like eating the Atkins dietary plan but It is more like a lifestyle change than anything else. I no longer eat processed foods, sugars, very little fruit juice, starchy foods etc. My diet consists of sea food, pork, beef, lots of veggies (mostly barbequed or broiled, whole cheeses, some nuts, almond milk, lot's and lot's of water, small amounts of berries, eggs, low carb flax flour breads, small amounts of coconut, low carb Splenda or Stevia made deserts and chocolates, and a cup or two of coffee a day.
I also take Ginseng, Royal Jelly bee products, Maca, prostate health capsules, Horny Goat Weed, and Zinc at the moment. I just started taking these products.
I have so much energy since the
weight loss and the better eating. My sex drive has never been better and I feel great. I started off losing about 3.5lbs/week and now I am losing on the average about 2.4 lbs/week without even trying anymore because I don't have to keep track of the carbs I eat because I know which foods are good and which are bad.
I hope you are successful with the calorie counting diet. I have gone that route before but it didn't work well for me. We all have different things that work better for us. The main importance is that you fill your diet with good whole foods that have a lot of nutritional value in them.
For example if you are going to eat 4000 calories in the day make sure it is made up of good healthy food, not 4000 calories of white bread and sugary processed products because even if your BathmateI says you can eat "blank" amount of calories in a day and lose
weight you will find that is not true if those calories are "empty" bad calories. I got to the point in my life (I was 65 lbs overweight) where my back was severely injured, my knees were hurting, and I had no energy so I said enough is enough and made a drastic change in my lifestyle and it was the best thing I have ever done.
Good luck and keep at it. Penis enlargement works if you are dedicated and put the time in and so does
weight loss if you put your mind to it and set goals for yourself along the way.