I fail to see what masturbation, level of intensity or libido have to do with puberty because they are in most mens lives anyway. Sure puberty you wank more and are more horny but I'm really sexed up now. I think what you mean is that edging or ballooning as some like to call it, is said (No scientific proof) to increase various hormones in the male body and more so localised to the penile area, which could translate into better gains. Intensity is a separate variable on its own and libido, well my sex drive is great when I want it to be and better still its CONTROLLED now and not like when I was a kid.
Something else, none of us are proper medical exerts and I don't pretend to be one unlike some and if puberty is mocked and synthetic's brought into the body you may get size increase, that's a possibility but the sides that come with it will outweigh the risks. I don't know the list of sides but common sense will tell you that playing with a chemist set and knowing fuck all about what your doing, will one-day blow up in your face .. especially if your using potent chemicals and in this case its potent hormones.