
Well-known member
Regardless of your LOT, the key to length gains is found in stretching the tunica. Even guys with a very high LOT only have so much extra length found in their ligs; guys with lower LOTs have even less.
Even with a LOT of 9:00 to 11:00, I bet there is only about 1" to be found with lig lengthening. With LOTs below 8:00, there may not even be a 1/2 inch to be found.
The thing about lig gains - if they're there - is that they come fairly quickly. But in my case, as with others, there weren't any lig gains for me.
I started with a low LOT and didn't begin to see length gains at all until I began stretching above 8:30-9:00 or so. Therefore, I would recommend that everyone test their LOT. If your LOT is low, then at least 80% of all your stretching should be above your LOT. If your LOT is high, then stretch your ligs in the beginning, until your length gains stop, then switch to tunica stretching.
It doesn't hurt to mix in some stretching at lower angles also, but as Bib has often said, You should work smarter, not just harder.
So whether you've gained length quickly, then stopped (ligs) - or haven't gained any length at all - it may be time to switch your focus to the tunica. When I began taking my ligs out of the stretches, I made my best length gains ever.
Give it a try.
so, supra, give us the scoop on how to best stretch the TUNICA. I agree that you can only get so much on the Lig gain, but what is the secret to Tunica stretch. GS
how do you do a manual stretch towards the head? I'm having a really hard time finding a grip that works. The palms upp grip just doesn't cut it, the skin slips alot and the palms down is impossible to do if you're stretching at 12.00. Any suggestions supra? :)
I only do upward stretches, all others don't seem to be doing anything with me.

For getting a good grip, I grip it with my hands/glans pointing straight out(9:00) while stretching the penis upward (12:00), with the bend this gives me some stability in the stretch and able to hold for much longer.
Thanks a lot Wadzilla, we needed some new info in here. I did what I had to do.

This goes back to my Post about new threads, this was a very good thread and people her at [words=]MOS[/words] needed it so I brought it over. Thanks again WaxN.
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Supra, If a guy could stretch his penis 10 inches (bpfl), yet when erect he was only 8 inches (bpel), do you think that the tunica was restricting him being 10 inches erect? So to remedy this, he should also work the tunica, so as to catch up with the 10 inch lig stretch that he already has. What are your or anyone's thoughts on this? Thanks!!!

Originally posted by Supra
Regardless of your LOT, the key to length gains is found in stretching the tunica. Even guys with a very high LOT only have so much extra length found in their ligs; guys with lower LOTs have even less.
Even with a LOT of 9:00 to 11:00, I bet there is only about 1" to be found with lig lengthening. With LOTs below 8:00, there may not even be a 1/2 inch to be found.
The thing about lig gains - if they're there - is that they come fairly quickly. But in my case, as with others, there weren't any lig gains for me.
I started with a low LOT and didn't begin to see length gains at all until I began stretching above 8:30-9:00 or so. Therefore, I would recommend that everyone test their LOT. If your LOT is low, then at least 80% of all your stretching should be above your LOT. If your LOT is high, then stretch your ligs in the beginning, until your length gains stop, then switch to tunica stretching.
It doesn't hurt to mix in some stretching at lower angles also, but as Bib has often said, You should work smarter, not just harder.
So whether you've gained length quickly, then stopped (ligs) - or haven't gained any length at all - it may be time to switch your focus to the tunica. When I began taking my ligs out of the stretches, I made my best length gains ever.
Give it a try.
Your post looks suprisingly similiar to a post I made at Thund3rs Pl@ce about 3 months ago.....well, judge for yourself:
The key to length gains
Regardless of your LOT, the key to length gains is found in stretching the tunica. Even guys with a very high LOT only have so much extra length found in their ligs; guys with lower LOTs have even less.
Even with a LOT of 9:00 to 11:00, I bet there is only about 1" to be found with lig lengthening. With LOTs below 8:00, there may not even be a 1/2 inch to be found.
The thing about lig gains - if they're there - is that they come fairly quickly. But in my case, as with others, there weren't any lig gains for me.
I started with a low LOT and didn't begin to see length gains at all until I began stretching above 8:30-9:00 or so. Therefore, I would recommend that everyone test their LOT. If your LOT is low, then at least 80% of all your stretching should be above your LOT. If your LOT is high, then stretch your ligs in the beginning, until your length gains stop, then switch to tunica stretching.
It doesn't hurt to mix in some stretching at lower angles also, but as Bib has often said, You should work smarter, not just harder.
So whether you've gained length quickly, then stopped (ligs) - or haven't gained any length at all - it may be time to switch your focus to the tunica. When I began taking my ligs out of the stretches, I made my best length gains ever.
Give it a try.
(09-21-2003 05:51 PM)
That's an odd coincidence, isn't it?
Originally posted by WaxN
Your post looks suprisingly similiar to a post I made at Thund3rs Pl@ce about 3 months ago.....well, judge for yourself:
The key to length gains
Regardless of your LOT, the key to length gains is found in stretching the tunica. Even guys with a very high LOT only have so much extra length found in their ligs; guys with lower LOTs have even less.
Even with a LOT of 9:00 to 11:00, I bet there is only about 1" to be found with lig lengthening. With LOTs below 8:00, there may not even be a 1/2 inch to be found.
The thing about lig gains - if they're there - is that they come fairly quickly. But in my case, as with others, there weren't any lig gains for me.
I started with a low LOT and didn't begin to see length gains at all until I began stretching above 8:30-9:00 or so. Therefore, I would recommend that everyone test their LOT. If your LOT is low, then at least 80% of all your stretching should be above your LOT. If your LOT is high, then stretch your ligs in the beginning, until your length gains stop, then switch to tunica stretching.
It doesn't hurt to mix in some stretching at lower angles also, but as Bib has often said, You should work smarter, not just harder.
So whether you've gained length quickly, then stopped (ligs) - or haven't gained any length at all - it may be time to switch your focus to the tunica. When I began taking my ligs out of the stretches, I made my best length gains ever.
Give it a try.
(09-21-2003 05:51 PM)
That's an odd coincidence, isn't it?

What is going on here?
Yea it is thats why I said about 5 post down below it? Duh?

Its from Wadzilla at Thunders, I knew we needed this thread so I brought it over.

And then again

Thanks a lot Wadzilla, we needed some new info in here. I did what I had to do.

This goes back to my Post about new threads, this was a very good thread and people her at [words=]MOS[/words] needed it so I brought it over. Thanks again WaxN.

I think that was pretty obvious, I said it was from you and I said were I got it from and I said thanks a lot. WTF else do you want?

If you read the threads below I said that I got it from Thunders and it was from you, I cant believe you people cannot understand this. It amazes me.
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How bought you bring a army before me before you think you can even accuse me of such a small matter in which I am innocent and have done nothing wrong exept try to help you guys out. I am pissed off.
Originally posted by Supra
How bought you bring a army before me before you think you can even accuse me of such a small matter in which I am innocent and have done nothing wrong exept try to help you guys out. I am pissed off.
no worries, just in the future when reposting someone else's post put a little line at the top saying who posted it, nobody should have a problem with that
Yea I was going to post that right after I posted the thread, nut I forgot, and my computer fucked up and people started posting so I could not. But I made sure I did, Not once, Twice.
I accept you apology. No worries. I would really like those accusation threads to be removed so we can get back to the subject at hand and not all of this Drama. It is a good thread, THANKS TO WAXN, and it can help out a lot of people
Originally posted by anon23
It might be a good idea to ask before stealing other people's material from a rival forum..

If credit is given to the author it is not stealing. The biggest thing people need to remember about open forums is that if something is posted at one forum it can be reposted at another. There is really no rules about this. We should credit the author and I do agree with this but if there is valuable information anywhere on the net that concerns Penis Enlargement and it is not here I completely agree with copying it and pasting it. JUST GIVE DUE CREDIT.
Thank you for your help DLD, I appreciate it I agree with you 100% its not like we are selling these words spoken here. I gave credit, here, if people would just read before they speak, there would be no problems!
Ok so back to the real thread about length gains!

This is really awesome and it works, just do what it says, thats what I did and thats how I got my gains!! It works perfect. I know that if anyone does it they will have gains!!
Call me paranoid or maybe even stubborn but I am too scared to give up lig work. I have gone to a 50/50 workout splitting my stretches amoung ligs and tunica but I still would be too scared to abandon lig work. I made 90% of my gains in length through lig work. As far as tunica stretches are concerned I concentrate on upward rotary stretches or OTL to each side.
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
If credit is given to the author it is not stealing. The biggest thing people need to remember about open forums is that if something is posted at one forum it can be reposted at another. There is really no rules about this. We should credit the author and I do agree with this but if there is valuable information anywhere on the net that concerns Penis Enlargement and it is not here I completely agree with copying it and pasting it. JUST GIVE DUE CREDIT.

I agree wholeheartedly, DLD. No one man "invented" Penis Enlargement, nobody has a patent on Penis Enlargement; we all learn from each other - myself included, for sure. I had no problem with Supra posting the thread "Top 15 Length Exercises From WaxN," but this thread was a little different. My nic was not in the thread title, nor in his opening post; furthermore, let's be clear, the attribution to me was not mentioned until Gardenier90 commented on the thread.
In addition, I saw another thread entitled "LOT Theory - Simplified," which was clearly ripped from Bib of Thund3rs Pl@ce; in fact, the post seems verbatim from the "Condensed Penis Enlargement Guide" pdf at Thunder's.
So, no need for Supra to get all self-righteous. This is not an "apology," just a statement of clarification from me. I've learned a lot from others, and even posted about their ideas, but I always gave credit to whomever came up with the concept (and if I wasn't sure, I threw it out there clearly, asking if anyone knew whose idea it was originally).
Supra, I'm glad if any of my ideas have helped you at all - I also follow your posts about hanging. This is NOT an attack on you - I think we should be sensitive, however, to making sure that nobody feels slighted when they're sharing with us, for our benefit.
- WaxN
Bro, like I said again, If you people would read the threads I posted I did give credit. ON the LOT theory- simplified, I SAID AT THE VERY TOP THA IT WAS FROM BIB, How much clear can I get than that. AND when Gardenier90 said that my computer was fucked and could not get back on ok. I forgot and I am sorry. What else do you want. I have never tried to take someone material. WTF?
There are many different forms of hangin besides SD
OTS-Over the Shoulder
OTL-Over The lef
SO-Strait out
SD-Starit down
Under the Desk Fulrum hanging SO
what's over the shoulder, is that then stretching upwards, towards 12.00, see i just figured that you always 'hung' the same way, just put some weights on you penis and let them hang towards the floor for an hour??
I'm buying one of those BIB hangers, so i'm trying to find out as much info as i can.
Its getting it out there for more people to see. I did not pretend to invent anything. I posted credit on were I got my Idea about the Ring ofd Power, can you read?

Watch the name calling everyone!
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LOL.... that is some funny shit, arguing in a penis enlargement forum. rofl

Listen, while I have to agree that the world of Penis Enlargement is full of OCD-type people that are pretty damn weird, it's still a free country. You can make fun of them, but you can't stop them. *shrug* So just let Supra be, as weird as he is, with all his freaky gadgets. :P Shit, I'll even bet that he's a straight-laced white-collar guy in real life. I'll be he does someone's taxes all day behind a desk! rofl
The bumbing is for getting the thread so more people can read it and learn about the info to help them with Penis Enlargement, you Retard.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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