Hey guys kingsnake here. I had that imfamous past sexual experience talk with my girlfriend again and no good came out of it. I told you guys a while ago that she told me the biggest penis she's ever had was one of her ex boyfriends named Joe with a 7 inch length and a massive girth that she couldn't close her middle finger and thumb around. I asked her to discribe his unit in detail and she said there would be almost a full inch gap between her thumb and middle finger through out his entire length. Something new came to her about a reference point that she use to measure with the girth of her upper forearm and her ex boyfriend's dick. She has a birtHydromaxark on her upper forearm which circumrence measured the exact same girth that her ex had. I measure the girth of her upper forearm where the birtHydromaxark is and to my horrific surprise it was 7.4 girth. I can't f#cking believe this. Her ex boyfriend of many years ago has a 7.4 girth. That's bigger then Shane Deasal's girth. My girlfriend told me not to worry about it because her ex was an achololic drug addicted a#shole as she discribes. She sez she thinks my dick is fine and I am better in bed, but I still feel inferior at times compared to her ex. I know I should be thankful for my 8.4 inch non bonepressed length but to me girth is way more important. I would gladly give an inch of my length for an extra inch of girth. I know realistically I proprably will never achieave a 7.4 girth like my girl's ex but hopefully this clamping I've been doing will at least get my midshaft girth up to 6 inches. Sorry for b#tching but I had to get that off my chest.