I was talking to this slut i shagged years aog before on msn, and shes really pissed me off!

She said her boyfriend is 9x6, her ex was 10x6. And she knows how to measure a dick BPenis EnlargementL. She even asked me do i know!!!!

Then she says the average is 7". I said thats bollocks, and told her it is 5.5 to 6" and she said no way, they just say that to make lads and men feel better about them selves thinking they are big and above average.

She said i have slept with over 100 lads (Whore) and only a few have been small, lots were average at 7" and shes had big and huge after that being at 8 to 11 inches!!!!!! And she knows how to measure!!

Well annoyed! Just throught id share my anger with you!
How the fuck am i going to get to that size!!!! im just above 7"!!!!!!

Need get serious length!!
awww fuck bro, dont worry bout it so much, sluts or not, bitches dont know shit when it comes to size....to her twisted mind, a five incher may look like 7.
hey there... I don't know if this will help or make you feel any better but here it goes..

This girl I know, she is a good friend of mine.. We had sex close to 2 years ago. I was her first, so I guess I feel partly responsible for what happened next just kidding.. She has probably slept with 50 or more guys in these 2 years.. Major slut, no morals what so ever.. She even claims it's been near 100 guys I'm not sure why she would admit to this but hey you never know.. So anyway my point is when we were fucking I was already on and off into P.E. so I was into the whole measuring thing... Like I said she was a virgin before me and she had only seen 2 or 3 guys dicks before mine. So I wasn't shocked when she thought mine was gigantic... I mean she's only seen 2 or 3 other guys I was close to 8 inches bone-pressed at that point and showed her that on a ruler, when she asked.. So she knows how to measure and apparently this is something she got into while fucking all these other guys..

So like I said we still talk.. she's a friend, I definitely would never fuck her again but oh well... so she was telling me that out of the claimed more than 100 guys she has slept with, only 1 or 2 were bigger than I was at 8" bone-pressed.. So take that for what it's worth...
Hey bulc 9 my friend...Wanna know what i think ??! NO FUCKING WAY IN HELL, this girl wants you BAD. She has nowhere near the experience she leads you to believe. I tend to think that she's is trying to mess with your mind cause at some point she'll say to you: " Ohh yeah !! Then let me see yours again so i can "measure" it ..."

Don't take any of her words for real, she is only a teaser IMO.

What ??! Are we going to throw away all the professional studies on male averages done by the likes of Kingsey Institute, Durex, Control, Etc, Etc just because she knows better ???!!! Fuck that, do not believe her and remember, if she is into this kind of talk with you then all she wants is to get laid big time cause she remembers you well for sure. I'll even say that there is a very big chance that you were her biggest until now. You've grown since then so show her how to look for oil with a man made probe. :D That's all she really wants anyway. Na'meeean ????

That shit is wacked dude, hint, ask her to show YOU how to measure and let her do it. Then just let her go and tell her: " BUFU " or in English, By Us Fuck You...

Yes average is, 5.5"BPenis EnlargementL x 5"MSEG. She is absolutely wrong on 7" being average. Way way wrong.

Peace dawg,

good responses,

She is a major slut, and i know she has fucked all these guys. That is one thing i do know, shes had gangbangs with like 10 guys, i was gonna get my football team do her in. thats how bad she is, i dont not believe her when she says she has had big dicks, but i think shes exagerating it abit! Because we are mate, and talk openly about dick size, coz im interested in wat shes had and her opinions on dick size, so i can compare haha.

I am not the biggest shes had tho no way, when i shagged her i was sumat like 5.5 or 6". And i was pissed out my head, so that didnt help! This was like 4 years ago now, yet she still keeps in touch;

I told her im 7.5ish nearly that 8 i sooo badly want! She started askin me about how i do it etc. Then she says 7" is average, no fucking chance! She loged off after that.

How big do you have to be fore some women!!!!
I mean what size are u classed as before your big and huge!

Says her fella is 9x6 and hes 3rd in her big dick hall of fame! thats how much of a slut she is!

Just pissing me off, doing all this Penis Enlargement and u get some dirty whore like that saying that! and heres me trying to get to 8" for god knows how many months!!!!
dude 9 nbp is fucking HUGE!! 8 nbp is HUGE!! no one can dispute that. i think if you got 8 nbp and shown her she would be in awe! (but would prob still tell you shes had bigger ;) ) not to mention - just cos shes had bigger doesnt mean it all fit in, does it?
Look bulc, if you are certain she's had all that dick and if she is saying that on her big dick hall of fame a 9x6 is 3rd and she's had about 100 guys then her own average is wacked. If 7" was to be average then in 100 men being that 9x6 is 3rd, just do the math mate. It comes out somit like this:

3% of these dudes are bigger than 9" so, being that a 9x6 came 3rd then,

97% are bellow that so,

if 50% of those 97 are bellow 9" then 47.5% of those are betwin 5" and 8.9". Do you really believe that the lower 47.5% are close to 8.9"?! Hope not mate.
The other 47.5% comes at bellow 5". Get my point ?

If in 100 dudes, a 9x6 is 3rd ( and 2nd would be a 9.5 or a 10 incher, 3rd would be at 11+ ) Can you really believe that in 100 men she's had about the biggest there is?!! C'mon an 11" ?!! I doubt thoses odds. And even if she did have those, then out of 100 men you get top 3 bigger than 9" how could 97 of them be bellow that and still average a 7" ??!! Doesn't make mathematical sense mate. She's overestimating for sure.

I'll try and make things more simple if i can. ( i'm no good at math )

3 dudes 9" or bigger.
97 dudes bellow that. For 7" to be average you'd have to get dick starting at o inches up to 14". That would give you a 7" average if excluding the top 3 dudes that can fuck the average up.

If we get a bit more realistic about this then look at it this way, she's had 4" to 9" ( at best ) and that average is like 5" even. If she started at 6" then the average is 6". If the smallest she's had was a 7" the it makes even less sense doesn't it? Cause that would result in a 8" average. So if she's had from 6" to 9" and her average should be 7" smack on. If she had bigger than a 9" then the average goes up exponencialy. Now, if she is hypin' the values then it goes down a lot.

maybe she did have about the biggest dicks out there ( in the whole World ) and is nothin'but a true size queen whore.


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Think of something you can tell her to make her feel self-conscious. I remember there was a thread on here about telling a chick that one breast is bigger than the other and you'll have her looking at herself from every angle with a half-dozen mirrors.

She obviously is fucking with you.
I call reverse pychology here my NORTHERN FREIND :) us northern lads can overcome this. Shes fucking with your head. She probably has had some HUGE dick and some small dick, if has had 100+ cocks than obviosly she will have little and large but her estimate and averages dont stack up and to be frank its mentioned to you in the attempt to upset and fuck your head, it would do to many men but ignore as it doesnt matter ... shes a whore your decent and your making it bigger ... bollocks to her, they are 2 a penny [sluts] and decent careing guys are RARE .. trust me on that, I get told it allot at work.

(if penis size was a lottery)

Wow, this girl is extremely lucky, almost impossibly lucky. If a 9" penis is only 1 in 500,000 and a 10" penis is one in 50 million (estimates of course but I am trying to show the absurdity of her comments) than this girl just happened to hit the lottery twice...pretty fucking rare and extremely doubtful she even had one of these sizes.

Even if woman know ELBP, EG, OTS, FBPL, ect. this still does not exclude them from there most powerful weapon against men, belittling them sexually to attain power over them. It is almost like me saying to another person, your ugly. The only reason I would do this is because I feel badly about myself and I want more personal power to feel better about myself.

When a woman is insecure in a relationship with a man, be it any type of relationship, they inherently attack a man's sexuality. Now doing this outright would be too bold for most so they do it in a more indirect way. Telling a man that they have had an enormous penis or two (or 100) will, they feel, shift their own insecurity onto the man and with this shift that invariably works, will make the man weak and them strong...it is called Penis EnlargementNIS ENVY and it has been around since the beginning of humanity.
Step back a little. You're freaking out about 2.5 inches...AT MOST. In reality you're probably freaking out about a difference of 1-1.5 inches (especially if she thinks 7 is average). Check out how small 1-1.5 inches is and reconsider how crazy this is.

PLUS there's the fact that with a few years of work you can be sure of being bigger than even these imaginary stats.
She's a prick teaser!! Ignore her. It doesn't matter the size of the prick she is teasing!!! Right now she's focused on yours!! DLD's right!! She has a bad case of P.E=Penis Envy!!!
Just show her a video of mandingo. If she says what most "normal" people would say she'll say something like "omg that's like 14-15 inches, OMG!", but really we know he isn't more than 11"(still MASSIVE, just not 14-15), then she's lying about her "huge partners."

Honestly I have had one girl who used to want me bad fuck with me because I wouldn't sleep with her(butt ugly). She said that I don't "have it where it counts" and that my penis is nothing special. I told her she has never had a penis bigger than mine. She said "well I think length matters to me more." I told her she obviously must've not had a THICK girth in her. She says "oh I've had a few really thick ones", but she says that she hasn't slept with more than 10 guys. Even if she has slept with 50, I'd be bigger than all of them unless there was a freak in there or something.

Whatever, the bitch just wanted my cock and I wasn't giving it to her. Only AFTER I didn't give it to her that she started making fun of my "problem". Ya, if I have a problem at 8+x6 then I feel sorry for 99.9% of guys out there.

Screw it, I'm just gonna get a 10x7, then it'll never be any contest ;)
10inchadvantage said:
Whatever, the bitch just wanted my cock and I wasn't giving it to her. Only AFTER I didn't give it to her that she started making fun of my "problem".

Like Hemingway said: it's the oldest trick in the book to get at a man.
@ 8inchMike - yeah i see what you mean mate, when you look at it like that! She has got to be lieing. This is what i thought, but what made me think was when she said she knew how to measure! Oh well, she knows i do Penis Enlargement now, and she has gotta be fucking with my head saying all this, coz she knows now, that i want a bigger dick!

Thing is i aint ever gonna shag her! prob why she is saying it all! maybe?

@ RED - Hi mate, im over it now, just at the time it pissed me off! I was thinking how big to you have to be! I dont what size it is, but i want the reaction of when you flop it out your pants you get "OMG" etc etc! But shes a slut and shes a size queen obviously! But like everyone is saying i think shes adding a few inches on to it, coz she knows i do Penis Enlargement and im contious about size! Silly cow ha.

@ DLD - This is very true, women can be evil and always have the upper hand. Comments such as "It didnt touch the sides" "hes got a tiny dick" "hes crap in bed" etc etc! I have never had any of these comments thankfully. But they are evil some girls to guys!
[words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] bring so much hope and can attain mans self asteam to avoid comments like the above! Very greatfull to everyone on here all helping eachother! I wouldnt say im insecure with my size, i dont think i should be at 7.5ish inches. I just want 8" to be deemed as big!! if you know what i mean!??

- i know and so does everyone else that 7" is NOT average! i would love her to get fucked by DLD or mandingo and rip the bitch in 2, she know what 10" really is then!!! maybe she has had 10" bu now way was all the rest true!

Quick question - What size do you have to get to in length and girth to get the "OMG" reaction from girls!

Also being 7.5" is it possbile to get to 9x6??? How long would this take?

Thanks guys!!
I have gotten the OMG reactions to girls I have sent my pics to over the internet. Never have gotten one in real life.

As for 7.5 to 9, ya dude in two years of consistent hanging you should be able to get there.

You look bigger than me man? What are your physical stats?
bulc9 said:
Also being 7.5" is it possbile to get to 9x6??? How long would this take?
My goals are much more ambitious than that, and I'm not questioning whether I can get there. Read some of DLD's threads on mental penis enlargement and developing unwavering faith in your capabilities as a man. 1.5 inches is nothing, so of course you can get there.
Some of you guys talk as though she should expect to be called a slut. I say drop the double standards. You say she's your mate bulk9, which suggests that you see a lot of each other. But you still call her a slut. Why don't you give the poor girl a break and stop insulting her? So she has sex with other guys? Why should that make her a bad person? If you insult her (by calling her a slut) for having sex with someone (or lots of guys - what's the difference?) other than you, how do you expect her to react? No wonder she fights back by trying to make you feel insecure. You should come to terms with the fact that she's exaggerating - both the number of men she's slept with, and the size of their cocks. Now you're obsessing about your cock size not measuring up to her claims, so her method of getting back at you (in self defence) is working isn't it? If you are mates, why don't you drop your negative attitude towards her, stop insulting her, and try to build up her self esteem by protecting her from the jibes of other half wits in your mutual circle of friends. She'll probably repay the complement by bigging you up in front of others. You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Riven650 said:
Some of you guys talk as though she should expect to be called a slut. I say drop the double standards. You say she's your mate bulk9, which suggests that you see a lot of each other. But you still call her a slut. Why don't you give the poor girl a break and stop insulting her? So she has sex with other guys? Why should that make her a bad person? If you insult her (by calling her a slut) for having sex with someone (or lots of guys - what's the difference?) other than you, how do you expect her to react? No wonder she fights back by trying to make you feel insecure. You should come to terms with the fact that she's exaggerating - both the number of men she's slept with, and the size of their cocks. Now you're obsessing about your cock size not measuring up to her claims, so her method of getting back at you (in self defence) is working isn't it? If you are mates, why don't you drop your negative attitude towards her, stop insulting her, and try to build up her self esteem by protecting her from the jibes of other half wits in your mutual circle of friends. She'll probably repay the complement by bigging you up in front of others. You'd like that, wouldn't you?

Ok... firstly she isnt THAT much of a mate, i talk to her over the Internet, i never see her in person. We dont txt or ring each other, i shagged her years ago and never bothered deleting her MSN, but when she logs on chat now and again!

She has every right to have a sex life, fair play to her, she gets lots of it! It is double standards calling her a slut, but hey, lads can get away with it and girls get called for it, it is double standards, but i never made that rule! its quite a good one tho.

I dont call her to her face (MSN). But she is a slut, no two ways about it, if a girl has shagged over 100 blokes and had 10 in one session... she is a slut!

I see what you mean mate, but there is no circle, it was a one night stand. All im saying is it pissed me off, yes her comments probably working as you said, but im here on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] to stay, and when i get to 9" or watever, my mission will be complete.... Then i will meet up with her and show her what a real 9" looks like!!!! ha

@ 10inchAdvantage - I have got "God thats well big" last night, all pissed at a Halloween party and mates gf looked through phone and saw my Penis Enlargement pics, and she said wow thats well big that!!! etc etc. but on small screens on phones they to look bigger, its looked bout 8 maybe 9inch lol. maybe in few years! haha

My stats are roughly 7.5 by 5.2ish, 6EG at base.
But i am going to have to measure again soon i think get more accurate reading, BPSFL was 7.5. Im hoping its changed now! ;-)

At the moment im doing AM and PM hanging and jelqing straight after. I need to add in manual stretches and sock stretches in AM, but i always wake up with a hard on and cant stretch! Need to get it sorted tho. Everyday i am Penis Enlargementing tho at the least its 1 set of Hang then Jelq!

2 years will be great to get to 9" but ill need add grith as well dont want a pencil dick, im just gonna keep going to i get there, 2 years ill still be 25! Glad my goals are realistic and achievable!

Thanks guys!
I don't care anymore lol. I just want to fuck someone nowadays. It doesn't matter any more. I'm over it. I just want to make the girl cum and I want to get my freak on. I'm 22 years old. Why should I care what some woman thinks about my cock? Even if you're dating a person that likes them big and tells you they've had bigger who cares? They are with you and if they are not then fuck it.

Look at the condom sales too as well as the number that are produced each year. I'm sure there is enough data to form some kind of relevant statistic that would indicate the average size. I know a lot of guys are fucking more than others and some aren't using condoms at all, but the condom manufacturers ought to know a thing or two about who is buying their products. I think we have enough reason (qualitative and quantative data) to believe the average length is around 5.5 to 6 inches and girth being anywhere from 4.5 to 5 inches.
iwant8inches said:
I don't care anymore. I just want to fuck someone nowadays. It doesn't matter any more.

...and it shouldn't. Women are easy, mentally, they will believe the image you portray.
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