Riven650 said:
Some of you guys talk as though she should expect to be called a slut. I say drop the double standards. You say she's your mate bulk9, which suggests that you see a lot of each other. But you still call her a slut. Why don't you give the poor girl a break and stop insulting her? So she has sex with other guys? Why should that make her a bad person? If you insult her (by calling her a slut) for having sex with someone (or lots of guys - what's the difference?) other than you, how do you expect her to react? No wonder she fights back by trying to make you feel insecure. You should come to terms with the fact that she's exaggerating - both the number of men she's slept with, and the size of their cocks. Now you're obsessing about your cock size not measuring up to her claims, so her method of getting back at you (in self defence) is working isn't it? If you are mates, why don't you drop your negative attitude towards her, stop insulting her, and try to build up her self esteem by protecting her from the jibes of other half wits in your mutual circle of friends. She'll probably repay the complement by bigging you up in front of others. You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Ok... firstly she isnt THAT much of a mate, i talk to her over the Internet, i never see her in person. We dont txt or ring each other, i shagged her years ago and never bothered deleting her MSN, but when she logs on chat now and again!
She has every right to have a sex life, fair play to her, she gets lots of it! It is double standards calling her a slut, but hey, lads can get away with it and girls get called for it, it is double standards, but i never made that rule! its quite a good one tho.
I dont call her to her face (MSN). But she is a slut, no two ways about it, if a girl has shagged over 100 blokes and had 10 in one session... she is a slut!
I see what you mean mate, but there is no circle, it was a one night stand. All im saying is it pissed me off, yes her comments probably working as you said, but im here on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] to stay, and when i get to 9" or watever, my mission will be complete.... Then i will meet up with her and show her what a real 9" looks like!!!! ha
@ 10inchAdvantage - I have got "God thats well big" last night, all pissed at a Halloween party and mates gf looked through phone and saw my Penis Enlargement pics, and she said wow thats well big that!!! etc etc. but on small screens on phones they to look bigger, its looked bout 8 maybe 9inch lol. maybe in few years! haha
My stats are roughly 7.5 by 5.2ish, 6EG at base.
But i am going to have to measure again soon i think get more accurate reading, BPSFL was 7.5. Im hoping its changed now! ;-)
At the moment im doing AM and PM
hanging and jelqing straight after. I need to add in manual stretches and sock stretches in AM, but i always wake up with a hard on and cant stretch! Need to get it sorted tho. Everyday i am Penis Enlargementing tho at the least its 1 set of Hang then Jelq!
2 years will be great to get to 9" but ill need add grith as well dont want a pencil dick, im just gonna keep going to i get there, 2 years ill still be 25! Glad my goals are realistic and achievable!
Thanks guys!