Recently it has been more obvious that the skin on my penis gets "wrinkles" because i have more skin on the shaft than necessary.
This is very clear when i'm flaccid at least. I notice it everytime i'm going to pee when i pull back the skin to show my glans.
It also feels pretty awkwardly to jerk off my shaft before it gets pretty big. If a girl doesn't grip correctly it just feels like she is pulling on skin
rather than actually getting the correct skin to roll over my glans so it feels good.
On the other hand when i'm fully erect i don't have enough skin vertically, my skin doesn't cover the glans etc.
Instead it pulls on the skin from the pubic & scrotum.
I have always been a grower, and with PE it just feels like i'm an even bigger "grower" now.
Can someone bring some insight please?
Recently it has been more obvious that the skin on my penis gets "wrinkles" because i have more skin on the shaft than necessary.
This is very clear when i'm flaccid at least. I notice it everytime i'm going to pee when i pull back the skin to show my glans.
It also feels pretty awkwardly to jerk off my shaft before it gets pretty big. If a girl doesn't grip correctly it just feels like she is pulling on skin
rather than actually getting the correct skin to roll over my glans so it feels good.
On the other hand when i'm fully erect i don't have enough skin vertically, my skin doesn't cover the glans etc.
Instead it pulls on the skin from the pubic & scrotum.
I have always been a grower, and with PE it just feels like i'm an even bigger "grower" now.
Can someone bring some insight please?