How long should i expect this thing to last? I pump twice a day so far

There is no defined time. If properly maintained, the SiliSleevs will last many, many months. Keep them cleaned and powdered and not stretched out (rolled up). Leaving them rolled up will deform and losen them.
@Haursen you may want to report your experience with overnight use.

You rang? LOL

My experience was positive with overnight use...I used the shortest sleeve and was able to sucessfully stay in a deep sleep with it on unlike the Stealth Innerwear.

This experience gets the ninja thumbs up!

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You rang? LOL

My experience was positive with overnight use...I used the shortest sleeve and was able to sucessfully stay in a deep sleep with it on unlike the Stealth Innerwear.

This experience gets the ninja thumbs up!


Thanks for replying so quickly! And also thanks for testing this through the night because it means I don’t have to LOL
You really should be testing the products!

I’ve done plenty of testing! I’ve been the guinea pig for overnight testing of the SiliStretcher so I was very happy that somebody else did the testing of the overnight Silisleeve so I don’t have to do that now. I’ve been busy testing every part of this device and that’s why I’ve already written 2 routines.
I’ve been going for overnight. First time was 2 hrs and i awoke from a lil pain. Next time was 4 hrs. Presumably at some point soon my gear will be strong enough to take the stretch
I’ve been going for overnight. First time was 2 hrs and i awoke from a lil pain. Next time was 4 hrs. Presumably at some point soon my gear will be strong enough to take the stretch

I plan on doing four hours and then after that if things look good I’ll go for another four hours. I think it’s important to do this while sleeping instead of do it while awake. The environment is completely different so it should not be considered the same. Four hours during the day is not equal to four hours during the night as it is completely different situation when you’re unconscious.

So I will do four hours with an alarm check things out and then go for another four hours. I already know I can wear the SiliStretcher for eight hours straight during the day so I have confidence. But it needs to be done with safety.
Update: We are developing a new heavier SiliSleev called the "SiliSleev Duro" for heavy weight hanging with the SiliStretcher. We are aiming to have them available within 6 weeks. They will be the same great elastic durable SiliSleev but much more durable with a thicker wall. We will send a complimentary one out to each SiliStretcher owner if you cover shipping.
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Tips on sleeping with sleeve? I almost went to bed with the thicker one on, but the fact that It basically holds it straight out made me nervous as it seems i might go all night with no blood, even though it’s not constricted. (Lightning, you right. I checked and my FG is around 4.25 without pumping. Take wins where you can get em)
Honestly don’t worry about it. It basically adjusts to nocturnal erections. Plus that’s the best time to heal. Sometimes I use the length master before bed and just heal. Bam two birds one stone.
I decided to share some pics of how i'm wearing the sleeve during the day, after a length routine.

  1. 27mm sleeve with tight end at the head
  2. a cockring at the base to keep the sleeve from rolling back up
  3. 1cm wide band of the 20mm sleeve i cut, under the head to help the sleeve hold
View attachment 1821036
View attachment 1821037

You can also see where the sleeve buckled in the middle from, first, leaving the sleeve rolled up when not in use (oops), and second, from my dick's tugback fighting the extension of this setup.
I actually have a similar set up! Good minds think alike. Except funny story....instead of a cock ring I’m using the old rubber caps that came with the phallson forte. I rolled them shits up and they accommodate erections no problem. They literally act like cock rings. I leave them on all day and I don’t have any issues.
Hey quick question when wearing the silisleeve for an all day flaccid hang is it ok to wear the silicap to bc sometimes with out it if I bend over or squat it will turtle a little inside the sleeve but I don’t have that problem with the silicap with it I only ask bc I’m sure I read here that the silicap should only be worn when doing an excersise like pumping or extending
I would wear the silicap with in. Think of it like a cockring but for the glans. when you have some restriction of blood flow to the glans and I’m not saying it’s a bad thing but it will keep your dick head extended versus without it. Make sense?

Because without it I’m sure you will see some turtling of the head into the sleeve. Plus the designer of the product was a genius with the product design. When you have the silicap on and under the sleeve it looks like your not wearing it when you have underwear on or going comandos. It legit just looks like you have a huge flaccid.

Basically Dick print game is strong especially if you’re at the gym or if girls are watching ??‍♂️ . That basically comes with the perks of P.E
should i switch to using the silisleeve, instead of the theraband/elastic wrap, for lengthmaster use? i hang and use twisted stretches? it is looking like it could work when i see it in my head because wrapping is always a 3-5 minute pain. reading that it is good for pumping is also a plus. i feel like i need to make a step up to keep making gain.
should i switch to using the silisleeve, instead of the theraband/elastic wrap, for lengthmaster use? i hang and use twisted stretches? it is looking like it could work when i see it in my head because wrapping is always a 3-5 minute pain. reading that it is good for pumping is also a plus. i feel like i need to make a step up to keep making gain.

As crazy as it sounds ....I’ve used the length master without anything and I feel just fine. There is a benefit to the wrapping though as you will protect yourself / heal afterwords in a stretched state. But, what I do is put the sili sleev on right after.

I’ve also used the silisleev while using the length master. However, be careful with the sleev as it can stretch out / lose its durability.

I’m on my second pair of silisleev’s . The first one I had was the wrong order . They’re now stretched out. Thankfully I just got the correct order and I’m trying to take extra care of them this time around.

Reasons they could stretch:

1) definitely pumping...... especialy with a bathmate. Also the inconsistency in girth. If you pump everyday obviously your thick as hell when you remove the pump , but for the remainder of the day you go back to your regular size over time

2) wearing them to workout. I find that they have a nice bulge effect , BUT when sweat and other factors come to play it can ruin the material. I’ve also made the mistake of going into the sauna with it on (I forgot I had it on) and I think that may have played a role to it being stretched out

3) not wearing a band at the base. Before I would just put on the sili sleev and then over time it started rolling up at the base because I have the dreaded turkey neck (skin from the balls to the shaft )

The band I have now stops it from rolling up . But let’s see how long that lasts.

I also may buy a new set of sili sleeves to test more durability scenarios .

If I were you Id definitely buy one set for strictly pumping /stretching and one more for ADS when not pumping/stretching. That way it won’t be at a lost if one set is stretched out from pumping or stretching with the hanger.

They’re good sleeves, but definitely not meant for everything as you want at least a pair that is meant for ads
should i switch to using the silisleeve, instead of the theraband/elastic wrap, for lengthmaster use? i hang and use twisted stretches? it is looking like it could work when i see it in my head because wrapping is always a 3-5 minute pain. reading that it is good for pumping is also a plus. i feel like i need to make a step up to keep making gain.

The SiliSleev is the new alternative for wrapping. You can try a few variations ane see what makes sense for you and your time frame.
should i switch to using the silisleeve, instead of the theraband/elastic wrap, for lengthmaster use? i hang and use twisted stretches? it is looking like it could work when i see it in my head because wrapping is always a 3-5 minute pain. reading that it is good for pumping is also a plus. i feel like i need to make a step up to keep making gain.

Another tip. When using the SiliSleeve with the Lengthmaster with heavier weight or stretching doubling up the sleeve can be a great help, lots of comfort and cusion for heavy stretches and hanging up to 50 pounds. You could also use 2 Sleeves.
I got some water based lube with the idea of stopping myself from sticking to the inside on the smaller tube. (I feel like i get stuck in there and thereby cant maximize the gains in the small tube and am forced into the larger one) Are the sleeves fine with lube?
I got some water based lube with the idea of stopping myself from sticking to the inside on the smaller tube. (I feel like i get stuck in there and thereby cant maximize the gains in the small tube and am forced into the larger one) Are the sleeves fine with lube?

Water based lube no problem.
I bought the lube and used it once but it didn’t seem to make a difference. But i guess now i have lube
I bought the lube and used it once but it didn’t seem to make a difference. But i guess now i have lube

☹️ Sorry my Brother. I am sure we will figure something out. Do not lose confidence search for another solution!
I got some water based lube with the idea of stopping myself from sticking to the inside on the smaller tube. (I feel like i get stuck in there and thereby cant maximize the gains in the small tube and am forced into the larger one) Are the sleeves fine with lube?

I'm a bit lost here. What tube and what lube? I thought the question you were asking was if water soluble lube was safe on the silisleevs.
When using the silisleeve and cap with the lengthmaster the cap gets pushed up and out instead of hugging the glans anyway to prevent this I think its rubbing against my glans over time in the workout and desensitizing them. Thick side just below the gland with the cap on I'm also using the smaller width long sleeve.
When using the silisleeve and cap with the lengthmaster the cap gets pushed up and out instead of hugging the glans anyway to prevent this I think its rubbing against my glans over time in the workout and desensitizing them. Thick side just below the gland with the cap on I'm also using the smaller width long sleeve.

You dont need to use the SiliCap with the LengthMaster. The SiliCap is for vacuum exercise tools to help prevent fluid build up.

Use the thicker end of the SiliSleev below the glans and the glans should not be inside the clamp of the LM.
I am using mos powder, I dont really know how other people dont experience this problem, maybe i just have a weird dick
Just wearing a sleeve and cap probably isn't enough for the lengthmaster. I still use good ol' sports underwrap, athletic wrap, and ace bandage along with a sleeve and cap for extra comfort. And I tape my meatus with sensitive skin tape. It works great.

The only problems I experience are just the standard problems from using compression hangers but I'm gonna stick with this for a minute before I decide on a vacuum hanger.
Just wearing a sleeve and cap probably isn't enough for the lengthmaster. I still use good ol' sports underwrap, athletic wrap, and ace bandage along with a sleeve and cap for extra comfort. And I tape my meatus with sensitive skin tape. It works great.

The only problems I experience are just the standard problems from using compression hangers but I'm gonna stick with this for a minute before I decide on a vacuum hanger.
Do u wrap under the sleeve? Do you mean you tap the glans with the sensitive tape or just as another part of the wrap
I am using mos powder, I dont really know how other people dont experience this problem, maybe i just have a weird dick

Go to your local pharmacy and get this sticky tape or order here with free shipping...

Stretch and wrap your penis first with the tape, then put the SiliSleev on. You can also wrap the outside of the SiliSleev with the same tape as an extra step if needed.

These alternate methods work for mostly everyone.
Stretch and wrap your penis first with the tape, then put the SiliSleev on. You can also wrap the outside of the SiliSleev with the same tape as an extra step if needed.

These alternate methods work for mostly everyone.

Very smart fix. We should make a thread showing this way to wrap in the wrapping forum. Never thought about it this way.
Nah dude you just gotta use the yellow wrap that was provided to you with the length master. It came with the package.

That’s literally what I use or nothing at all. So long as it’s clamped down tightly I’m good to stretch in any direction.

All you gotta do is screw down the bolts to secure your dick in the length master. Don’t be afraid to bolt it down all the way or almost all the way.

Obviously don’t do it where it feels painful, but you’re supposed to be soft when working out anyways not hard (not that I’m saying you were or anything).

You can even slide your head forward so that the LM clamps on easier. You don’t have to have it exactly “behind” the glans.

A good indicator that it’s clamped too tight is if your dick head is really “cold” (no circulation). But so long as your giving your dick a 15 minute on and then “let it breathe” for a minute ......then rinse/repeat you should be fine.

I normally just switch it up where I clamp the LM (mid shaft, base , behind the glans) to mix up my work outs/ or get all types of stretches per workout.

Try that
Is there a video or anything that shows how to get the silisleeves on? I'm still having a bit of trouble getting the sleeve on. I cut mine down and that helped, but the only way I can get it on is stretching it out all the way with my fingers and slowly adjusting it in place. You don't wanna use lube right? Cuz then it'll fall off while you're wearing it. I just feel like I'm still doing something wrong.

It definitely feels better to wear than the cockrings. I understand some people wear it to sleep. Do you have to adjust it in the middle of the night? I felt the cold head; and looking at some of the existing threads I'm getting the idea that it needs to be readjusted every couple of hours or so.

Perhaps it varies from person to person?
I don't *mind* the cold, but I don't want my dick to fall off from improper technique. I'm already paranoid that my arm's gonna stop working if I sleep on it wrong. (This is apparently a genuine thing to be worried about.)
Is there a video or anything that shows how to get the silisleeves on? I'm still having a bit of trouble getting the sleeve on. I cut mine down and that helped, but the only way I can get it on is stretching it out all the way with my fingers and slowly adjusting it in place. You don't wanna use lube right? Cuz then it'll fall off while you're wearing it. I just feel like I'm still doing something wrong.

It definitely feels better to wear than the cockrings. I understand some people wear it to sleep. Do you have to adjust it in the middle of the night? I felt the cold head; and looking at some of the existing threads I'm getting the idea that it needs to be readjusted every couple of hours or so.

Perhaps it varies from person to person?
I don't *mind* the cold, but I don't want my dick to fall off from improper technique. I'm already paranoid that my arm's gonna stop working if I sleep on it wrong. (This is apparently a genuine thing to be worried about.)

What size sili sleev did you get?

And don’t worry when you first buy some of these things it’s like trial and error the first couple of times until it feels right.

When I first bought the silisleev they gave me the wrong size and I had no idea. I received the smaller ones when I was supposed to get the long kit. But now that I have both I alternate depending on a bath mate session or a Length master session

Also this type of silicone does stretch/accommodate your size/any size (erect or not) . I’ve been sleeping with mine and wearing it all day.

With the long one right now my flaccid rests at around 5.75 -6 inches. The first few times it can be awkward because that’s not my normal flaccid size. Before I got my length master and sili sleevs my flaccid varied between 4.25 -4.75 inches (depending on cold environments/activities)

Since then after my workouts my flaccid can stay stretched out due to the sili sleev which is cool because it’s like having a big flaccid swinging around. Ultimately , over time I hope the gains solidify where my actual flaccid becomes 6 inches.

Sorry for the rant , but if you stretch it over your dick you should be fine because they stretch easily. The thicker part should be at your glans , but some guys put the thicker part to the base if they’re not big enough to accommodate the length of the sleeve. Does that make sense?

Also Do not put lube because it will ruin the material. Also your dick would slip out kinda... so don’t do it. Also If you plan on jerking off or fucking a girl try to dry your dick before putting it back on.

Also if you sleep alone try sleeping naked. If you wear tight underwear or boxers it can be restricting. Not to be tmi but I’ve been sleeping naked for a long time now. It’s just more comfortable and more free especially if you’re trying to stretch over night
Is there a video or anything that shows how to get the silisleeves on? I'm still having a bit of trouble getting the sleeve on. I cut mine down and that helped, but the only way I can get it on is stretching it out all the way with my fingers and slowly adjusting it in place. You don't wanna use lube right? Cuz then it'll fall off while you're wearing it. I just feel like I'm still doing something wrong.

It definitely feels better to wear than the cockrings. I understand some people wear it to sleep. Do you have to adjust it in the middle of the night? I felt the cold head; and looking at some of the existing threads I'm getting the idea that it needs to be readjusted every couple of hours or so.

Perhaps it varies from person to person?
I don't *mind* the cold, but I don't want my dick to fall off from improper technique. I'm already paranoid that my arm's gonna stop working if I sleep on it wrong. (This is apparently a genuine thing to be worried about.)

Here I just found this if you go to the first page of this thread there’s pictures and videos
SiliSleevs and SiliCaps back in stock and shipping today!

View attachment 1820819
Just wondering....can these sleeves be used during a bathmate session? I've been a little over zealous and have the bruising/broken blood vessel dots and think this may help alleviate some of that. However, I've read somewhere that pumping with sleeves like this would reduce girth gains, but not too sure that is correct.
Just wondering....can these sleeves be used during a bathmate session? I've been a little over zealous and have the bruising/broken blood vessel dots and think this may help alleviate some of that. However, I've read somewhere that pumping with sleeves like this would reduce girth gains, but not too sure that is correct.
I've used mine with success. The sleeves expand and the girth expansion will be more uniform with the sleeves.
I have also been able to have more succesful pump sessions with the sleeves compared to without sleeves.
I've used mine with success. The sleeves expand and the girth expansion will be more uniform with the sleeves.
I have also been able to have more succesful pump sessions with the sleeves compared to without sleeves.

Are you using the siliring post workout? I've noticed that my siliring has stretched out a bit from continual use. The stretched out ring is more comfortable to wear all day, still provides some constriction, but it's definitely larger than from when it first arrived.
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Are you using the siliring post workout? I've noticed that my siliring has stretched out a bit from continual use. Still provides some constriction but it's definitely larger than from when it first arrived.

From time to time. I wear different rings. During the years I've "hoarded" a collection ... :D
But limited experience now with the Silirings and possible stretch out.
They are wear and tear items in the end.

On a sidenote, I did have a good session with the Silisleeve and Silicap! Despite a frenulum cut I could do my 5x5x3 routine without big discomfort but in all honesty I think I need a small break. :)
From time to time. I wear different rings. During the years I've "hoarded" a collection ... LOL
But limited experience now with the Silirings and possible stretch out.
They are wear and tear items in the end.

On a sidenote, I did have a good session with the Silisleeve and Silicap! Despite a frenulum cut I could do my 5x5x3 routine without big discomfort but in all honesty I think I need a small break. :)

Any suggestions for rings outside of the siliring? Right now I'm alternating between that and rubberbands that I change out everyday.

When you say frenulum cut, you mean turkey neck?
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
      P (Guest) pedguin: ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master...