Nah dont be so harsh guys.
Godsize why the hell should he be banned??? dont be so arrogant.
Its one of 'those' questions that has been asked. Sure this is a dick makeing forum, but he has only asked is it possible to de-enlarge it. Is that really a shooting offense? he hasnt said he would like to de-enlarge his or anyone elses dick. Its a simple question. I myself have also wanted to know. Is it possible to shrink your penis permanently useing Penis Enlargement-Type methods...not drugs and crap like that....too easy.
My take is to de-enlarge the penis useing Penis Enlargement-Type methods, well ways messing with the penis to actually shrink it are jelq in reverse. Jelq inwards towards your body, that WILL kill your penis with time and fuck the in and out flow. It would damage the internals of the penis and with time IMHO when impotence kicks in the penis could shrink. In effect its a PS exercise - PS = Penis Shrinking.