Ok for a while now i have been researching Penis Enlargement and learnt quite a considerable deal, Penis Enlargement has it's secrets, secrets that need to be unlocked and/or made widespread knoledge. Heres something i have been trying to nail down for a while.
Penis Enlargement works, most people will testify to that and i tho i have little Penis Enlargement experience accept that. But..how does it work, so say it works through an enlargement of cells/enlargemtn of capacity of cellular tissue, some say its through an increase in the number of cells.
About 6 Months ago i bought some cheap penis [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] devise(stretcher) off of the interent it resembled a [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]Jes[/words]/Andro [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] in function, but was obviosuly nothing of the quality, it featured a hard nylon cord for fastening, with no instuction on how to use. Beliving what i was doing to be safe i began using the devise at any spare moment i could, not really focusing on my level of stretch but noticing the level was increasing. And after a week i had actaully gained 1/5 of an inch, i jumped with excitment, my penis was noticably bigger that little gain made all the difference somehow, had soem sex n kept on stretching afterwars stirght away and all night, it atcuallyl hurt but i had no clue i was doing damage. Kept it up actaully lost size n sotpped using it. Back to where i was b4 now. But something the cord was very restrictive on my glands and i think ic aused cell death as the size is greatly reduced and there was brusing where the cord was, so now i'm wondeirng abotu a few things.
Will Penis Enlargement increase the amount of cell in my head/glands, so i can repair the damge or will it just increase the size, either way i guess it doesnt matter but i am wondeirng if the loss of cell is permenant?
Cheer Riley
Penis Enlargement works, most people will testify to that and i tho i have little Penis Enlargement experience accept that. But..how does it work, so say it works through an enlargement of cells/enlargemtn of capacity of cellular tissue, some say its through an increase in the number of cells.
About 6 Months ago i bought some cheap penis [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] devise(stretcher) off of the interent it resembled a [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]Jes[/words]/Andro [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] in function, but was obviosuly nothing of the quality, it featured a hard nylon cord for fastening, with no instuction on how to use. Beliving what i was doing to be safe i began using the devise at any spare moment i could, not really focusing on my level of stretch but noticing the level was increasing. And after a week i had actaully gained 1/5 of an inch, i jumped with excitment, my penis was noticably bigger that little gain made all the difference somehow, had soem sex n kept on stretching afterwars stirght away and all night, it atcuallyl hurt but i had no clue i was doing damage. Kept it up actaully lost size n sotpped using it. Back to where i was b4 now. But something the cord was very restrictive on my glands and i think ic aused cell death as the size is greatly reduced and there was brusing where the cord was, so now i'm wondeirng abotu a few things.
Will Penis Enlargement increase the amount of cell in my head/glands, so i can repair the damge or will it just increase the size, either way i guess it doesnt matter but i am wondeirng if the loss of cell is permenant?
Cheer Riley