Do any of you know a site similar to this one for women? I want to talk about lots of things realted to sex, but don't feel right asking here. It's good to get a mans perspective, but I don't want ya'll to get sick of my "woman questions" and kick me off.
Well don't worry about getting kicked off for asking ANYTHING. Legitimate questions are always welcome here. I guarantee we've had 100x worse. That said I'm sure a quick google search will turn up what you need, if theres something you don't think we can answer, but even still.......try us.
thewife said:
Do any of you know a site similar to this one for women? I want to talk about lots of things realted to sex, but don't feel right asking here. It's good to get a mans perspective, but I don't want ya'll to get sick of my "woman questions" and kick me off.

Please ask away and let's learn from each either. That is our spirit here afterall. If you get any guff from any of the guys here, I will kick them off!!!:O
Thanks for that guys! I thought about doing a google search......will try that.

I guess my apprehension is because some of my questions are things that pertain to my husband that I don't want to ask him but need opinions or suggestions on how to handle. I don't want anyone to think I am here to judge him (or men in general) or doing things behind his back or that I'm that type person. I'm really just a sweet shy girl who happens to be extremely sexually charged. If you saw me on a day to day basis you would die. I'm a secretary for an executive and a mother of a toddler. Not what you would picture when the lights go out :)

My husband is very pleased with my new found sexual energy. He's a bit puzzeled, but not asking any questions ;) I've ALWAYS been a very sexual being....but used to try and push it down or hide it. I started pleasing myself at the age of 12 after seeing the definition of "Masterbation" in a book. Lost my virginity at 13. Currently masterbate at least once a day (usually in private, on occasion when my husband is in bed).

So I guess that is a little of history. As for the present, I'm really confused. I really want to have this side life filled with erotica and sexual fantasy....but I don't think hubby is cut out for it. Which REALLY REALLY sucks. He is a great lover - can go FOREVER and a DAY. But as far as foreplay and fanatsy or anything above and beyond the norm - he's clueless. He tries, but he's just a good ol' country boy......and sometimes that is a good thing, when I want to dominate. But sometimes I want HIM to throw me around and come up with crazy stuff for us to do. He's into exibition (sp?) - doing it on the beach is his fantacy. But I'm a mother, and I'm always so scared some little kid will see us and be scarred for life - otherwise I'd be really, really into that too. His response is (that's what blankets are for :)) Bless his little heart.

We had a nice long sex talk last night. I told him that I found a website that was about enhancing your sex life, and I was really interested in doing some of it. I told him I was going to start doing kegels (even though I've been doing them everyday for more than a year already) and that they had some exersises for guys to stretch their penis. He was TOTALLY on board. He said yea baby, I'll hang a weight from my dick for you. So where do we start with that?

I might end up telling him about this board - but probably not. I just want stuff I can take home to him to show him the exersises and all. Pictures would be good for him to demostrate. Is there a video or soemthing?

I have more questions, but enough is enough for now......sorry for the loooong post. Just have a lot on my mind?:(

Oh - and thanks so much for being so sweet and for the replies........this is a nice far.......
You really sound like a good wife. Your husband is a lucky man. You seem to be a good mother but also have a more 'dirty' side. That's great.

There are videos on the paysite here but you could always buy him the [words=]MOS[/words] [words=]DVD[/words]. That would explain everything he needed to know. Failing that you can do some searches for 'jelqing' or 'jelq', 'slow squash jelqs', 'uli', 'horse 440', 'supra slammers', 'erect bends', etc.

For clamping this is the place to go:

For hanging go here:


and here:

All the best. :)
Aww, thank you Tomdw! That is sweet. We have a good relationship....I just hope we can stand the long haul :) Keeping it interesting is key, and that's what I am attempting to do here.

I'm going to read through the links you gave me to get a better understanding before I ask anymore questions. Truth be known, he probably know what some of this stuff I should just give it to him and let him figure it out. I don't give him enough credit know, being a man and all.............HAHA!! Just kidding.......had to get my female dig in there :)

Thanx again!
joe_smith said:
this is actually a really good site and is probably what you are looking for.
Yes, this is the perferct women environment. We can also talk about interior design, fashion, and secretarial duties or whatever "you" feel like talking about. ;)
welll i'mglad to hear thathe took it lightly, you brought it up pretty well..other girls i know brought up this site to their men like "ur dick is small go here". naturally they refused?? idk. but anywhoo. if he should so happen to come on board then awsome, we'll do all we can. there are guys who are monster gainers with girth and length..reallly know their shit about Penis Enlargement. i'm too fuckin tired to throw out any god i need coffee.
but good luck with that extra spark there, i'm sure that deep down in himis the sexual devient that your'e looking for. he might need that extra kick in the ass to get it started.
There are videos here, but you would have to sign up for the paysite, and didn't you say he wasn't very computer savvy? So I would probably buy the [words=]Dvd[/words] if you actually want him to have a visual guide. As far as the hanging goes, I gained a good deal of length from it, but he should start with the [words=]newbie routine[/words] first. Just a quick search here for "newbie routine", or a look in the newbie forum because I believe it is stickied there should bring it up. He should definitely do that first until he stops gaining from it.
Then he can move on to hanging if you want him to get really long, or advanced girth exercises if you want him to get really fat (his penis I mean:) ). I would recommend he focus on one at a time. Just make sure you read everything in detail if you don't want to order the [words=]DVD[/words].

Also something that no one has brought up. Definitely DO NOT try to push or rush his progress. Definitely encourage him, motivate him, remind him when its time to work out, but for the love of God don't try to pressure him into trying to gain faster as it could result in his injuring his penis permanently. I don't mean to scare you, nor do you seem like someone who would do this, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Anyway, keep the questions coming, this is fun.rofl
bIgjOe said:
There are videos here, but you would have to sign up for the paysite, and didn't you say he wasn't very computer savvy? So I would probably buy the [words=]Dvd[/words] if you actually want him to have a visual guide. As far as the hanging goes, I gained a good deal of length from it, but he should start with the [words=]newbie routine[/words] first. Just a quick search here for "newbie routine", or a look in the newbie forum because I believe it is stickied there should bring it up. He should definitely do that first until he stops gaining from it.
Then he can move on to hanging if you want him to get really long, or advanced girth exercises if you want him to get really fat (his penis I mean:) ). I would recommend he focus on one at a time. Just make sure you read everything in detail if you don't want to order the [words=]DVD[/words].

Also something that no one has brought up. Definitely DO NOT try to push or rush his progress. Definitely encourage him, motivate him, remind him when its time to work out, but for the love of God don't try to pressure him into trying to gain faster as it could result in his injuring his penis permanently. I don't mean to scare you, nor do you seem like someone who would do this, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Anyway, keep the questions coming, this is fun.rofl

Thanks BigJoe.....I will print out the [words=]newbie routine[/words] and see about the video if he wants to go that far. I would like to see him gain an inch or two in length and girth.

I guess another question is - are the results permanent? Do you have to keep doing the exersises to keep the results or once you get it where you want it - your done??

Oh, I wouldn't push him on it. He knows that I'm satisfied (sexually) by his's just the asthetic value for me. I just LIKE THE LOOK OF A BIG COCK. Makes me wet just picturing it :)

I'm going to post my other questions ina new thread. Look for it - okay?
thewife said:
Thanks BigJoe.....I will print out the [words=]newbie routine[/words] and see about the video if he wants to go that far. I would like to see him gain an inch or two in length and girth.

I guess another question is - are the results permanent? Do you have to keep doing the exersises to keep the results or once you get it where you want it - your done??

Oh, I wouldn't push him on it. He knows that I'm satisfied (sexually) by his's just the asthetic value for me. I just LIKE THE LOOK OF A BIG COCK. Makes me wet just picturing it :)

I'm going to post my other questions ina new thread. Look for it - okay?
The consensus on maintaining size, is that if you quit cold turkey, you would probably lose a little bit because it's what we call "uncemented". That is in Penis Enlargement you gain size, and then you must keep exercising for a period of time afterward to make your size permanent. For how long depends on the person, but the easiest indicator is when you make your next gain, more than likely the size you gained before that will be cemented by then.
When a size is cemented, your penis has accepted those new cells as part of itself and their is no taking it back.
Usually though people who have gained all they want from Penis Enlargement still do a little maintenance from time to time because of some of the health benefits it offers the penis and libido. Usually this means wet jelqing a couple times a week so that the raging hardons and healthy bloodflow continue into his golden years:) . Of course if he's like alot of us he'll become addicted to it, and at that point he'll take some coaxing to stop if he starts getting too big for you:s .

Anyway hope that helps, I'll keep an eye out for your other thread.
The weird thing about Penis Enlargement is that it is addictive but in a positive way. Like fitness. Once you start and see the benefits it can give you then want to repeat the experience. I can't see myself giving it up any time soon and I've been a Penis Enlargementer for 3 + years. I might find that your husband is the same and really embraces Penis Enlargement.

It's also an on going challenge and it's not easy to do right. It takes a lot of experimentation and a lot of perseverance but the rewards are well worth it. I love the fact that it's difficult because, as the saying goes, things that are easy to get are usually not worth having. That's what keeps you coming back for more. There's always that little bit more you can do. And then once you have the size you want there are the added sexual benefits of continuing a maintenance routine.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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