Ok, first off, I feel like an idiot doing this, but I thought I was doing good. I've been doing yoga, pushups and situps like a madman for over a year. A little over a year ago I was 220. I hover between 170 and 180 now. I started lifting a month ago and I'm pretty happy with the fact that I don't have much of a gut. However, I thought I was getting big, arms and whatnot.

Had the wife take these pics and I'm disgusted. My left arm is still smaller (rotator cuff op with staples in shoulder)

Never did the PT properly, that was years ago.

Anyhow, I'm trying to eat mass ammounts of protein. Lot's of chicken, oatmeal, rice. I still eat too much crap though.

Question. I mostly do dumbells as I have no weights. I have no time or desire for the gym. I want big arms and forearms. I do the dumbells 3x a week. I do about 4 sets of 30 of the following.

Curls, wrist curls, underarm, lying on back with arms to side bringing dumbells up above me. Sorry, I don't know any of the terms. The dumbells I use are 30 lbs each.

I saw the other guys BF% post. What do you think my BF% is? Scale says 22%? I got no gut. How could I be 22%

Am I asking too much for only 1 month? Anyhow, cut me to pieces, praise me, whatever. Tell me I'm fucking ugly, I can take it rofl
dude there is no way ur 22% bodyfat.
in that last pic u can c ur abs which is a good indication that u dont have a high body fat.
I'd say about 15%.

Ok heres the constructive criticism......
U want big arms, but ur using the same dumbbells over and over and u dont have the desire to join a gym?
U dont have the desire for big arms if u dont have the desire to put the hard yards into the gym. Dumbbells alone wont do it.
Your muscles grow when they're exposed to gradually greater stress over time. They have to adapt to survive the stress. Its really that simple. Doing the same weights over and over will just get ur muscles more efficient at doing the exercise.
I think ur expecting too much too soon like u said. U have a great body neway (from a hetro male).

Hope this helps mate and i respect ur courage in posting pics of urself and asking for honest opinions.
Good luck in reaching ur goals.
It's going to be difficult to build muscular arms without lifting for other parts of your body too. You have to put on all-around muscle to see much improvement in the arms. If you don't want to go to a gym, get a barbell, a bench, and some plates, and build a squat rack if you don't want to buy one. Squats and deadlifts are essential if you want an impressive upper body, even though they are lower body lifts. A good place to get this equipment is www.newyorkbarbell.com

Here's a great [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] for once you have access to the equipment:

Here's a routine for beginners suggested by Mark Rippetoe, who specializes in getting beginners big and strong. A 30-40 lb increase in muscular bodyweight over a 6 month period is pretty standard with his athletes.

Workout A

3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift

Workout B

3x5 Squat
3x5 Military Press
3x5 Power Clean

Warm up using several sets before doing the 3 work sets (or 1 for the deadlift). If you're using 175, for example, it would look like this:

Warm up sets

2x5xbar (sets x reps x weight)

Work sets


You alternate workout A and B, 3 non-consecutive days per week. So you might do:

Week 1


Workout A


Workout B


Workout A

Week 2


Workout B


Workout A


Workout B

Add weight to the bar whenever possible. If you're very new to lifting weights, or if most of your lifting has focused on curls and other isolation movements, you'll probably be able to add some weight each workout. Maybe 5-10 lbs each time in the squat and deadlift, and about 5 lbs in the other three lifts. Eventually you won't be able to sustain such progress, and you'll have to get microplates so you can increase by smaller increments. Or you could make them out of chain:


And eat a lot of food. A whole lot.

It's fine to add some assistance work such as abs, hypers, or maybe some direct biceps and triceps work, but don't overdo it. For direct arm work, 3 sets of 8 of one lift for each muscle at the end of your last workout of the week will be plenty. Your arms are getting hit hard all week on this routine, so you don't want to blast them with iso stuff as well.

The part about food is important. You MUST eat big to get big. Rippetoe recommends 4 meals per day, plus a gallon of milk spread throughout the day. That seems to be working well for me. Make the meals big. You may gain a little fat, but it's much easier to lose fat and preserve muscle mass than it is to gain muscle without gaining fat.

I guarantee you'll get great results on a program like this. Mark Rippetoe is one of the best coaches in the nation for beginners. If you aren't familiar with these lifts, check here:

Lol mr rippoff i mean rippetoe is just regurgetating randall j strossen's supersquats routine that was written back in the 60s,thats the abbr. routine he recommends to follow inbetween cycles of high rep squatting,even down to drinking a gallon of milk.

You will gain on it but it won't all be muscular .
Lets start by saying that you have done great so far. Yes, your scale is off. Mine is off too. I have both a little B.F. tester and the scale type and they are higher than the professional type at the gym.

I am 6'2" 238 lbs with a large frame and I am 23.1% I still have a gut from losing 95 Lbs in the last two years. I am lifting more... doing 45 Minutes of cardio a day 5 times a week. 12% is my goal for this year.

From what I've seen you are probably at under 12%. You are poised to make huge gains and should work on your back. Widen that and continue on the arms and you'll like the results.

Keep up the hard work.
Thanks, what do you mean by 3x5?
Is the the ammount of times you lift? like if your doing bench presses, you do 3, but 5 sets total? = 15?

Perhaps I should join a gym, I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. I got the stomach, If I lost 10-15 my abs would show. I just want larger biceps and forearms, but if I must do all the other crap too, perhaps a gym is what I should do.

I just find the gym environment very boring and I'm not the type that could spend 2 hour a day in the gym. Realistically, what am I looking at for time?

3 days a week in the gym for an hour? Or more? My brain can only handle so much boredom.

My problem is that I've always been the type to absolutely KILL myself for 30-45 minutes, absolutely sweating and almost coughing up blood, but with weights this isn't applicable is it? Thanks for the honest replies. It's amazing when your flexing in the mirror and you think your huge, then you look at actual pictures. FUCKING A

if u find the gym booring, make it interesting.
look at it as a means to getting to ur goals.
much like pe, u have to put in the hard yards to get the results.
perhaps get an ipod and make a game of going to the gym.
ur goal is to move more weight than last time u were there, ie either more weight or reps in the same amount of time.

I go to the gym three times per week, mon, wed, fri, and train for football (soccer) on thrus fri. I also do kickboxing on wed and saturday.
I do arms and chest on mon, legs on wed, arms and back on fri. with abs done every day im at the gym. I never spend more than 45 mins in the gym, that includes warm updown. Go hard or go home is my motto.

All sets are performed at a medium weight, working up to a very heavy weight so that my muscles fail on the fourth rep of the last set, then i stop that muscle group.

Mon - bicep curls, bench press, incline bench press, smith machine, dumbbells raises, every dumbbell motion u could imagine lol
Wed - Squat, leg extensions, leg curls, calf raises.
Fri - pullups widegrip and slim grip, rowing machine, triceps and shoulders.

After my friday session in the morning, i return to the gym that night and beat the shit out of a punching bag for 30 mins, with thai kickboxing, this will fuck you up in a good way. try punching a bag for 30 secs as fast and powerfuly as u can, i garantee ull be stuffed.
once you have goals in the gym I find it's very easy to motivate yourself in the gym. At my peak I was in the gym 6 days a week cause I enjoyed it so much but had to cut it down to 5 cause I was overworking it. I'll include a picture of my goal. I am currentely about 11% body fat and i've added about 20 pounds lean muscle since starting the gym. If you really want to lose the weight bro I would recommend going on a diet. The best way I like is not to have a set meal everyday just make sure NO sweets, NO soda, NO high sodium meals, NO high fat meals, NO high sugar meals. You put these 5 together it's a winning combination. When you have something to work towards and you see yourself changing everyday it makes it a great deal easier. Good luck and I Hope this helps.
also I thought I might mention if you do join the gym I would recommend when you finish your workout everyday buying whey protein *make sure it's whey* I recommend Isopure strawberry flavored. You take that and mix 2 scoops with milk for about 55grams of protein total. Once you get more advanced you can worry about other supplements.
BiggerThanBefor said:
also I thought I might mention if you do join the gym I would recommend when you finish your workout everyday buying whey protein *make sure it's whey* I recommend Isopure strawberry flavored. You take that and mix 2 scoops with milk for about 55grams of protein total. Once you get more advanced you can worry about other supplements.

Post workout should be with water not milk.
BiggerThanBefor said:
once you have goals in the gym I find it's very easy to motivate yourself in the gym. At my peak I was in the gym 6 days a week cause I enjoyed it so much but had to cut it down to 5 cause I was overworking it. I'll include a picture of my goal. I am currentely about 11% body fat and i've added about 20 pounds lean muscle since starting the gym. If you really want to lose the weight bro I would recommend going on a diet. The best way I like is not to have a set meal everyday just make sure NO sweets, NO soda, NO high sodium meals, NO high fat meals, NO high sugar meals. You put these 5 together it's a winning combination. When you have something to work towards and you see yourself changing everyday it makes it a great deal easier. Good luck and I Hope this helps.

Um dood, you got my body. FITE ME lol
Nice bod dud. I'm rock hard now. LOL. Just kidding but man, you got the arms I want. Maybe a bit more than I'm looking for. I just want to be able to punch peoples teeth out. LOL. What a joker ha? Well, my #1 fault is the ammount of garbage I eat. However I'm getting 5 dental implants next week, so I'll be juicing for a good while and oat mealin it. I should be 220 with the amount of crap I eat. I eat healthy stuff too, but I'll down a pan of brownies at 3am when I wake up in the middle of the night. I just have to get on a fixed diet 7 days a week with no deviations. Thanks for all the advice fellas.

that is my goal. I wish I looked like that. I've been hitting gym for about a year now. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] it's all preferance. It's good to have a lil sugar to help absorb the protein. Like I said no set diet just make sure to stay away from bad foods.
Yeah, bad foods. Tell me about it. One thing I've done is boycott high fructose corn surup. I look at a motts apple cider today. HEALTHY HA?
Silicon Dioxide? WTF is that? I read the box carefully now. Heinz Katsup? Healthy ha? It's got LYCOPenis EnlargementNE in it. Powerful antioxidant, right? What else has it got in it? You guessed it. High fructose corn surup. HFCS is what is killing this country and causing diabetes. I've done a lot of research on it. But these KROOKED food companies would go bankrupt converting their manafacturing processes to have to use something healthy.

Sorry for the rant, but this shit really burns my ass. If I want a cracker, it should have the following ingredients. SALT, FLOWER. Not 400 other ingredients that you need a degree in quantum physics to figure out. So I eat organic when I can, and I get all my required antibiotics from the meat that I eat rofl
well here's my typical day bro. I work at burger king so this will explain some of it. I wake up and will have a bowl of oatmeal made with milk. Good protein and lil sugar to jump start your day. Then for lunch I have a tender grill chicken ceaser salad with a glass of water. For my second break I'll have a side salad with a glass of water. When I get off work I hit the gym and come home have a glass of milk mixed with whey protein for my 4th meal. And I shop a lot at trader joes and have a microwave meal for my last dinner usually killer on the sodium though. That's my average daily diet I make sure not to consume too much from any field and I keep my fat and sugar down. My fat is very low in my diets and sugar is below 40 grams a day I beleive. Prince albert please don't act like an expert on bb'ing i've read some of your post.
prince Albert said:
Lol mr rippoff i mean rippetoe is just regurgetating randall j strossen's supersquats routine that was written back in the 60s,thats the abbr. routine he recommends to follow inbetween cycles of high rep squatting,even down to drinking a gallon of milk.

You will gain on it but it won't all be muscular .

Wrong. The routine Strossen outlines is this:

5x5 Power Clean
5x5 Alternating DB Press
5x5 Incline Bench
5x5 Upright Rows
5x5 Alternate DB Curls
5x5 Squat supersetted with DB Pullovers
2x25 Leg Raises

Besides, whether Rippetoe found that routine from somewhere else or whether he wrote it himself is irrelevant. It's a great program for beginners and that's what matters. And before you go off on Rippetoe, consider that his book, Starting Strength is considered by Jim Wendler from Westside (along with many others) to be one of the best books for teaching the lifts. He goes so far as to say anyone that lifts weights should own a copy. A recommendation like that from Wendler says something big.
9c9 remember the thread were i said what worked in the past still works today and you and MM got all pissed off about it throwing the names of the latest training gurus about.

Strossen,mcrobert and paul kelso have all written similar stuff in the past and this is just the latest rehash,yes it works and works well no doubt about it.

It won't give you 30-40lbs in muscular bodyweight though,30-40lbs possibly but not muscular.
Edit function isn't working.

Just to add for a book on technique stuart mcroberts The Insider's Tell-All Handbook on Weight-Training Technique is one of the best ive read.
prince Albert said:
9c9 remember the thread were i said what worked in the past still works today and you and MM got all pissed off about it throwing the names of the latest training gurus about.

Strossen,mcrobert and paul kelso have all written similar stuff in the past and this is just the latest rehash,yes it works and works well no doubt about it.

It won't give you 30-40lbs in muscular bodyweight though,30-40lbs possibly but not muscular.

I'm not claiming that just anyone can gain 30-40 lbs of muscle on this program. I'm talking about a total beginner, which Rippetoe specializes in training. In Texas, he's very well-known for his ability to take a beginner and add that much muscle within 6 months, so it doesn't make much sense to argue that.

I'm also not claiming anything magical about the routine. It's just a very basic routine, which is exactly what a newbie needs, and nothing more. The real good stuff about Rippetoe's book is not the program he outlines, but the nearly 200 pages and tons of pictures dedicated to teaching proper form and how to recognize and correct errors. I'm sure you know who Jim Wendler is and you know he's not just "the latest training guru." A recommendation like this from Wendler speaks volumes. If you disagree with that, then we aren't going to get anywhere with this discussion and should just drop it.
9C9 i said the program will work but i don't care who recommends it 30-40lbs of MUSCLE in 6 months is a physical impossibility even for someone using gear,beginner or not.
prince Albert said:
9C9 i said the program will work but i don't care who recommends it 30-40lbs of MUSCLE in 6 months is a physical impossibility even for someone using gear,beginner or not.

Tell that to everyone he's coached and everyone that knows his reputation here in the US. I'm not going to hijack Kevin's thread any further. Whether he gains 30 lbs of muscle or not, it's a great beginner's program and we can both agree on that.
9cyclops9 said:
Tell that to everyone he's coached and everyone that knows his reputation here in the US. I'm not going to hijack Kevin's thread any further. Whether he gains 30 lbs of muscle or not, it's a great beginner's program and we can both agree on that.

Agreed that is a good sensible beginners program:)
i quite like muscletech - nitrotech. its expensive and tastes disgusting but damn the results are good! (been on a 5x5 routine for benchpress, i do one week to my max and next week i would do max - 15lbs) *active rest* ive gained 20 kilos on my bench press since september.
EVO said:
i quite like muscletech - nitrotech. its expensive and tastes disgusting but damn the results are good! (been on a 5x5 routine for benchpress, i do one week to my max and next week i would do max - 15lbs) *active rest* ive gained 20 kilos on my bench press since september.

Way overpriced. There's nothing in it that justifies the outrageous prices they charge. It's just protein powder.
Isopure in my opinion is the best for protein. It's a tossup creatine. VPX Redline Gel Caps best for diet supplement. And for workout any Ab Power drink.
There isn't that much difference in protien powders they are all sourced from only a few bulk suppliers,the individual supp companys buy from these bulk suppliers,add flavourings and there unique extras:s put a fancy label on and pay some pro to endorse it.

In the uk there are a number of companys now selling no frills protein in bulk,same stuff you get off the big names but without having to pay an arm and a leg,sure there must be something similar in the states.
adding 30-40 lbs of pure muscle would be the equivalent of adding 100lbs to your bench ( thats probablly not accurate but the point is that 30-40lbs of muscle means an incredible increase in strength. 1 year yes possible, 6 months...never)
prince Albert said:
There isn't that much difference in protien powders they are all sourced from only a few bulk suppliers,the individual supp companys buy from these bulk suppliers,add flavourings and there unique extras:s put a fancy label on and pay some pro to endorse it.

In the uk there are a number of companys now selling no frills protein in bulk,same stuff you get off the big names but without having to pay an arm and a leg,sure there must be something similar in the states.

there are different types of portien powders, such as how fast it gets metabolised, quality, fat to carb to protein ratio, etc.
From all the studies that ive read about gaining mass... 2lbs of muscle per week is just about the absolute max on can hope to gain (and that's if you're on AAS with perfect diet). Anything more is fat, water, and/or glycogen which are all temporary.
a good amount to aim for pw would be about 1 pound from what ive read, I;ve also read that 2 is possible but not sustainable over the long term.
a PWO should have Dextrose, MaltoDextrine and Whey...address most of your needs after working out
I'm 5.5" NBPenis EnlargementL and 5.5" EGMS <:( But with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words], that shit's gonna change! rofl
prince Albert said:
Of course there are different types of protien powders,they still all come from a few big supply companys.All companys whatever they make will buy the raw ingredients/components in bulk.

As you were saying previously, never mix whey with milk after a gym..

1) your body needs water not slow absorption milk
2) Whey is good after a workout because if absorbs in 30-40 mins. Put it with wilk and you've just slowed the absorption drastically.

Bodybuilding.com has quite a big variety and ships any volume for 5$ to your house... I'm not affiliated with it, but that might be good for someone here... May I reccomend this one... http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/opt/whey.html but they got like 200 variety...

have fun man, gym should NEVER last 1 + hour because at this point your testosterone level drops, and you won't be as productive as you should.

1 hours isnt that long, and I swear it can be made a hobby, as some 1 said previously.
Shoot, I've been working out for years and I rarely go more than an hour and and fifteen, maybe an hour and a half. You can only keep up the intensity for so long, then you start winding down. A solid hour of straight, no jibber-jabber lifting usually gets me.
Damn it! Accidentally posted before I was done! I didn't acknowledge ggogeta, who I was agreeing with. And dude, those home body fat testers are not that accurate. One told me I was at 12%, and I had veins in my lower abs, and striations in my tris. If you're 22% I've got a three-foot erect length.
AlreadyPackin' said:
Damn it! Accidentally posted before I was done! I didn't acknowledge ggogeta, who I was agreeing with. And dude, those home body fat testers are not that accurate. One told me I was at 12%, and I had veins in my lower abs, and striations in my tris. If you're 22% I've got a three-foot erect length.

hehe glad we're on the same track :) So many people have different opinion related to BB :S
pyro said:
I think you need to focus on your diet.

Lose some body fat with proper diet, cardio program and work on your chest/shoulders...

Those 2 areas alone will make you look completely different.

Hopefully you are not suggesting he only trains those 2 parts... but rather put an emphasis on it ;)