Met an awesome chick tonight. We had a BLAST! One of the most memorable nights at college. We had a crazy ass time, almost got into a big wreck, etc. It was a blast. Ended up having an immediate date with her as her friend had to leave right when we were being seated at the restaurant. Either that or it was planned. I saw this FINE babe, HB9+, eyeing me at the party. After talking with a few buddies and playing with my cell I simply approached the two-set and started building report. Turns out she's into meditation, yoga, is really smart and ambitious, etc. She also doesn't like to sleep around which is great. She said she is the type that has sex only when she feels something for the person, and I couldn't agree more. Ended up having some hot kino and making out after hanging out all night long. I've been working on how I give/receive energy from others (building a border for psychological trade). Oh man tonight was just GREAT!

And she's a computer geek too, who would've thought? Haha. It was funny because she told me she thought I was some hot and fly frat boy who just worked his way with women, but she was intrigued when she found out all I love to do. I have been learning a lot about inner game. I was totally happy the whole night, NONE of my energy was based on people's own barriers. We have no control what others do; but, we fully control ourselves.
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it sounds like someone caught a couple episodes of the vh-1 pick up artist rofl...i'm glad you had a good need more good nights like that...
10inchadvantage;296239 said:
Met an awesome chick tonight. We had a BLAST! One of the most memorable nights at college. We had a crazy ass time, almost got into a big wreck, etc. It was a blast. Ended up having an immediate date with her as her friend had to leave right when we were being seated at the restaurant. Either that or it was planned. I saw this FINE babe, HB9+, eyeing me at the party. After talking with a few buddies and playing with my cell I simply approached the two-set and started building report. Turns out she's into meditation, yoga, is really smart and ambitious, etc. She also doesn't like to sleep around which is great. She said she is the type that has sex only when she feels something for the person, and I couldn't agree more. Ended up having some hot kino and making out after hanging out all night long. I've been working on how I give/receive energy from others (building a border for psychological trade). Oh man tonight was just GREAT!

And she's a computer geek too, who would've thought? Haha. It was funny because she told me she thought I was some hot and fly frat boy who just worked his way with women, but she was intrigued when she found out all I love to do. I have been learning a lot about inner game. I was totally happy the whole night, NONE of my energy was based on people's own barriers. We have no control what others do; but, we fully control ourselves.

congrats my good man. there is life after whores...haha. concentrate on this one, sounds like she could be something very great
torrents link please? I would be interested. I've been trying to overcome shyness and quietness for a little over a year. I need to work on my game.
Nice man, I am glad that your getting over that situation and moving on. I also have been working on my inner game, alot to learn! Right now I am just doing some research, reading books, writing down notes, then its time to test. But great job on the jealousy game, she needs it shoved in her face!!rofl
Texasguy;296334 said:
Nice man, I am glad that your getting over that situation and moving on. I also have been working on my inner game, alot to learn! Right now I am just doing some research, reading books, writing down notes, then its time to test. But great job on the jealousy game, she needs it shoved in her face!!rofl

Jealousy comes from an idea based on lack of resources for a future situation. I got that from that [words=]DVD[/words] lecture.
Well, so I've realized that I (with the help of my cousin) need to have sex with another woman in order to grow out of this. He says I still have some of the boyish mentality, which I do. I haven't been all the way with a girl yet, and I know it's because I'm worried I'll become attached to her. He says it's an unfounded fear that will go away after I finally have sex with someone else. He said it's a part of "becoming a man." I'm thinking this Spring Break would be a good time to go out there with that attitude.
dude fuck that this may be an old thread but take it from a guy that was cheated on while on his first deployment in iraq, you can't trust her anymore fuck her for the last time in the ass there are girls way better out there man. I found a gal that is 10x better than my last. I hate bitches that cheat bro i hate it!
longstretch;298687 said:
Okay I'm not used to torrents. How do I download them? Also I bought "The Game" by Strauss and I have learned a lot. I'm starting to apply the concepts, somewhat loosely starting out, when I interact with women and I'm getting great results. I can't wait to check out DeAngelo says about Cocky Funny which I know is very good advice too.
The Game was a good story but wasn't really a teaching book... imo, Magic Bullets by Savoy is the best book on pick-ups... it's kinda the next evolution of TMM. That said, The Mystery Method is still a great book.

Magic Bullets, TMM, and David Deangelo's DYD are the three best books and should be the first books you read.
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Well I figured I needed to update this thread. I just had sex with a girl who I've chilled with in the past (a 9 stoner chick). I was high and was nervous and being high only made the problem worse, but on the third try I got hard enough to fuck for a minute or two before I lost my erection. However, I didn't let the situation turn awkward and kept my confidence 100% and was having a great time and made sure she did by fingering her, etc. Also, was having ejaculation problems because I was so nervous (was breathing as well as possible, etc) but don't have problems getting it up about 10 minutes after popping off. It's good that she's a patient girl and not some snobby bitch. I need to hang out with more hot stoner chicks.

I joked, "Damn, so many condoms laying around, looks like someone had a condom education class in here." She loved life C&F comment (which came totally natural).

All I got to say is these past few weeks I haven't been having sex with other women because I've been "building the network." Now I've got over five hot girls who are interested that I'm cycling through at one time, and more to come. However, I do have some problems managing all of them, making sure three of them aren't at the same party as the one I'm currently with, etc. What a great problem to have!

Oh, and I had sex with my ex again today to. Some hot, anal sex after blowing three times with the other girl.
This will be my first post here. My eyes are bleeding from reading everything.

I have been Penis Enlargementing for about 3 years now. But the reason for the post here is the issue with female infidility. I just had to share this story.

I had a wife for 17 years. Big mistake (but the kids made up for that).

Anyway, during the last year I knew she was cheating. I had no real evidence but I just new it. Then right after 911 she told me she was moving out because she needed space. She was moving in with my best friend, who had just left his girlfriend. Duh!

I was so fucking happy I had to supress the smile while she was being so serious trying to let me down,, you know?

Anyway, I immediatally filed for divorce, got the kids, turned into a man whore (great fun that) and a few years later after my 'best friend' dropped her I called him up and asked him out for a beer.

He was hesitant at first but met me at the local pub.

I bought him several rounds of beer and thanked him over and over again for getting her out of my life.

You might discover later that your friend that pounded your girl really did you a favor. So dont go kicking his ass.

hangs2theright;305317 said:
This will be my first post here. My eyes are bleeding from reading everything.

I have been Penis Enlargementing for about 3 years now. But the reason for the post here is the issue with female infidility. I just had to share this story.

I had a wife for 17 years. Big mistake (but the kids made up for that).

Anyway, during the last year I knew she was cheating. I had no real evidence but I just new it. Then right after 911 she told me she was moving out because she needed space. She was moving in with my best friend, who had just left his girlfriend. Duh!

I was so fucking happy I had to supress the smile while she was being so serious trying to let me down,, you know?

Anyway, I immediatally filed for divorce, got the kids, turned into a man whore (great fun that) and a few years later after my 'best friend' dropped her I called him up and asked him out for a beer.

He was hesitant at first but met me at the local pub.

I bought him several rounds of beer and thanked him over and over again for getting her out of my life.

You might discover later that your friend that pounded your girl really did you a favor. So dont go kicking his ass.


He was an acquaintance, not a friend. This wasn't cheating! We were in an open relationship, in which the deal was to tell the partner if we had slept with anyone (especially without a condom!) She just never told me. Still was a breach of trust, don't get me wrong.

I'm doing good though and the situation is behind me. It really helps getting out and seeing other women. This girl I'm seeing now has wanted to come over every night to get shagged by me, must be doing something right rofl
twins172_up;305344 said:
hey 10inchadvantage...i kind of lost track of this thread..but i'm glad to hear everything worked out for you.

Thank you my friend. I always think of deleting this thread to remove the memory, yet I hope this thread can help show other guys out there that just because some shit in their love lives comes up, things will get better.
youknowme123321;610491 said:
it'll be funny if any of these guys from years get back to you and are still dealing with this

Sometimes a bump in a thread will bring a lost Brother back.
If u keep her u xan make her ur bitch. Im a Capricorn so let me tell u, nothing is wirse to me tgan being cheated on if u decide to find another, make sure U INSTALL FEAR into her subconscious about cheating.that plus good sex and friendship. Ive only been cheated on twice. I got my revenge so no permanent heart scars but best thing is to fuck as many women as possible with rge least amount of strings attached
If u keep her u xan make her ur bitch. Im a Capricorn so let me tell u, nothing is wirse to me tgan being cheated on if u decide to find another, make sure U INSTALL FEAR into her subconscious about cheating.that plus good sex and friendship. Ive only been cheated on twice. I got my revenge so no permanent heart scars but best thing is to fuck as many women as possible with rge least amount of strings attached

Wow, install fear in her conscienceless? I would never want to woman who stayed with me because she feared me.
fear releases a similar chemical as love. women are very tricky. its beautiful though. they respect a dominant man. when you fuck them you can communicate through your sex. you never hit a woman when your mad. but when you fuck her you can choke her, smack her ass stare deep in her eyes call her all sorts of names. when you are pounding hard makes sure shes cumming or close too and you tell her "if you cheat on me ill kill you" smack her ass, grab her by her neck, pull her hair and u tell her, "this my pussy!" women love that shit. they want to feel like the center of the universe. Rhianna sang it best. If you want to learn about what a woman likes, listen to her music. every eve has a lilith side, tap into that. nice guys finish last. women beaters beat their wives because they are pussies and they are uber insecure. real men take their rage out on the pussy. sex is a dance of life and death. you stab into her body. you relese semen which has blood and life force. you orgasm and relese dmt in your brain just like at death and birth. women when you make them cum so hard they almost hit subspace, they say they feel like they're gonna die. then they drift off and cant speak or function they just cum and cum. sex brings life. life condemns a soul to death because it's life has just begun, therefore one day it has to die. it's a beautiful dance of opposites like the universe. creation started with a SPARK! not a gentle caress. GOD said "LET there be light" not "may I add some light?" he MOVED on the waters. he didn't dip his toes. that doesnt mean cannon ball, that means just claim your worth. Learn each woman's needs but also make certain she respects yours.
we are mars, we are force, as men. we must, as in our nature, enact our will. women are venus, love, they are here to help us enact our will by combining her anti thesis with our thesis, forming a child: synthesis. just like a woman can make you fear cheating on her without raising a finger, so can we. its all a mind thing. you need to be confident in yourself, women can read that.
if your girl does cheat, you fuck the SHIT out of her, harder than you ever have. (take a viagra if you have to doesnt matter) you make her cum harder than she ever did. then heres the rub. YOU WEAR HER OUT AND DONT CUM. you dont give her the satisfaction of your pleasure. you gotta make them respect the dick. she may respect the man, the friend, the lover, companion, but she needs to respect the dick as well. as above so below. and you need to respect the pussy just the same. i assume you are the guy never to cheat so it needs not be said: cheating = blah. LEARN HOW TO EAT PUSSY, MOST OF US THINK WE DO BUT WE DONT. if you can eat pussy you beat most men no matter what size. I'm well endowed but i was still insecure as a youth so i learned how to eat. im telling you, eating pussy is the holy grail, next is fingering, next master toys. lesbians are stealing our women inmass numbers. strap ons beat all sizes lol. thats why I give her foreplay like a woman, then fuck her like a man. dick is literally 30-45% of sex. exert your WILL!!!!!!!!!!!
sometimes they'll fuck with you n be like "what would you do if i cheated on you?" make up some scary mike Myers ass scenerio. she'll giggle. don't laugh with her just poker face and stare dead at the spot between her eyebrows but a little above. let the silence get crazy stilll then just kiss her n eat the shit out her pussy. good orgasms always make up for minor infractions. I don't wine and dine women, I'm not a gentleman. I'm an asshole. I lost my virginity late and didnt meet my mom til i was 18 so bitterness towards women was at a high. but over the years ive surrounded myself with only women. now i understand them. I can think like them. and I can Sympathize with some of their plights. I went from that bitter awkward virgin to that funny, cynical, radical, crazy, yet loving dude with a big dick. my bitterness turned to curiosity. my insecurity turned to confidence. As soon as I learned about the woman orgasm I was free to examine her mind. Once I tapped into her mind, I was gifted keys to the heart. not all women want a monogamous relationship.
STUDY YOUR NATAL CHART IN ASTROLOGY and you can learn what signs are best for you. there are so many ways to learn about women-and human nature in general-in astrology and ancient texts. if you need any literature on astrology, or body language, or sexual techniques, I know quite a few. I semi lost my virginity at 12, but i lost it all the way at 20. I've only been fucking for 8 years (9 in jan) but I've transformed into a very mild playboy. reading these books are y this happened. luck had nothing to do with shit. i slaved to break out of the old matrix of "not good enough".
one day, as long as you strive for it, you will snap out of it and it will usually be after a period of your lowest of lows. rock bottom. my father died and i got stabbed. got hooked on pcp cuz of the pain. lost my sense of self and then one day i just rebooted. and I just started FUCKING! i fucked the virgin mindset out of my mind completely. Pussy is literally "just pussy" to me now. Learn your astrology and sexual tengiques and also study YOURSELF. know thyself and you will know GOD" never lose hope and never let a woman dictate your worth. when she seems like shes smashing you into the mud, she may really just be testing you. like the sphynx guarding the entrance. at first she's mean (sphynx's are female) then you solve the riddle, and she's warm and grants you passage.
Guys I'm in a real dilemma here. I can't believe my girl has slept with another guy (a fucking ugly beta-male guy at that). The thing that really gets me is that she had sex, multiple times I believe, with no protection, then slept with me the next morning.

I can't fucking believe it! I'm devastated. This is un-fucking-believable. I've been in a stage of "fight or flight" for the whole day. I have been unable to eat any solid foods. All I've had today is a big Smoothie King. I'm also planning on kicking the guy's ass who she slept with. I've known the guy and he has known me for a while; plus he always saw us together. I'm going to give it to him really good.

I can't believe this happened. She was such an outstanding girl morally. She said, "I didn't know what I was thinking. We started making out and one thing led to another and..." Also, she said, "It didn't even mean anything; it wasn't even good. It was over fast."

FUCKING BITCH! Just trying to justify her lieing. FUCK FUCK FUCK. I've never been this angry in my life.
Ohh be careful she did wrong you she cheat at you but a good human who forgive other human who make bad on them forgive her
Ohh be careful she did wrong you she cheat at you but a good human who forgive other human who make bad on them forgive her

We should forgive others as God has forgiven us!
I think you'd be better getting a good quality flesh light, and fuck it whenever you want, however you want. Modeled from real adult entertainment pussy, feel like the real thing, and MOS will have these tasty fuckers on sale in the future from the store.
I think you'd be better getting a good quality flesh light, and fuck it whenever you want, however you want. Modeled from real adult entertainment pussy, feel like the real thing, and MOS will have these tasty fuckers on sale in the future from the store.

The all new FleshLight 5000 :D
Guys I'm in a real dilemma here. I can't believe my girl has slept with another guy (a fucking ugly beta-male guy at that). The thing that really gets me is that she had sex, multiple times I believe, with no protection, then slept with me the next morning.

I can't fucking believe it! I'm devastated. This is un-fucking-believable. I've been in a stage of "fight or flight" for the whole day. I have been unable to eat any solid foods. All I've had today is a big Smoothie King. I'm also planning on kicking the guy's ass who she slept with. I've known the guy and he has known me for a while; plus he always saw us together. I'm going to give it to him really good.

I can't believe this happened. She was such an outstanding girl morally. She said, "I didn't know what I was thinking. We started making out and one thing led to another and..." Also, she said, "It didn't even mean anything; it wasn't even good. It was over fast."

FUCKING BITCH! Just trying to justify her lieing. FUCK FUCK FUCK. I've never been this angry in my life.

Wondering, by some miracle you see this post and let us know how it all turned out. ?
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