it's not the guy who slept with her who should get his ass kicked. put yourself in his position...some guys hot-ass girlfriend is making the moves on you and she's willing to fuck you? i know i'd go for it. She's the bitch, not him. he was taking advantage of a good situation...leave that bitch and forgive him...or ignore him. bottom line, not his fault.
tyandhisrod;294935 said:
it's not the guy who slept with her who should get his ass kicked. put yourself in his position...some guys hot-ass girlfriend is making the moves on you and she's willing to fuck you? i know i'd go for it. She's the bitch, not him. he was taking advantage of a good situation...leave that bitch and forgive him...or ignore him. bottom line, not his fault.

its not his fault but don't forgive him, its the girls fault. never talk to either of em again is what i would do and that would eat em up alive for the rest of their lives.
I still think the best thing to do in this scenario, is to hook up with her one last time...gawd, PLEASE use a condom now...have sex (at HER place) cuddle till she falls asleep, then leave a $20 on her pillow with a note that says something like "Thanks for the good time, I'll pass your number along so you stay busy!" ;) :O Then, you never talk to the 'lady' again.:O
10inchadvantage;294882 said:
Well. I went out with my best friend tonight somewhere off Loop 360 and meditated for a while. I came to the realization that to truly be happy and spread the Divine Love everywhere I just truly needed to forgive both of them. I did so (haven't in person yet) and I feel so free. What is done is done. I'm not taking her back due to emotional scaring. However, I still have the Love for her that I did beforehand. It's just that due to the fragile circumstance I can no longer sleep or really see her for a long time. I'm excited to meet women whom I really connect with on another level. The ego is never satisfied. Spirit simply IS.
Sounds like you're finally getting your head straight... Bro, you need to stay cool and keep things in perspective. It's better she did this now than a year from now... hear me??

Keep cool if/when you talk to her and don't let her see you upset or hurt in any way. Just tell her that everything is good betwen the two of you now and that you wish her the best with whatever she does... let her know that you're moving on and hope she does too. Tell her that if she wants to be friends that you're cool with that and if she doesn't, then that's cool too. Keep the conversation short and tell her that you're meeting up with friends and have to run. If she ever calls you, pick up but after a minute or so tell her that you're with someone right now and can't really talk but you'll call her later... never call her back. If she sees that she hurt you then she wins... what you need to do is show her that you have a life without her and don't need her at all. If you do this, she WILL want you back and the power shift back to you. YOU get to decide her fate not her deciding yours.

As for the guy she screwed... he doesn't really matter cuz if it wasn't him she would have just found someone else. But since he was your friend, i would talk to him and tell him that whatever happened between your girl and him is between them and if he still wants her... he can have her. Tell him that what he did was fucked up and totally disrespected your friendship, as friends just don't do that to friends. Since he felt it necessary to do that to you... he ended your friendship, not you. Tell him that you don't plan on starting any shit between the two of you but if he ever crosses you again for any reason, you will treat him like an enemy. Remember to always keep your head straight and never let any of them know that got to you or that they've hurt you. Show them that you're in control and you're goot to go... peace bro.
Well, instead of physical conflict, which us males seem to lean toward in these situations, try going another route. Bang her friend, acutally try all her friends...You should also video tape it, and send it to her as a parting gift;) Payback is a bitch!!!
tyandhisrod;294935 said:
it's not the guy who slept with her who should get his ass kicked. put yourself in his position...some guys hot-ass girlfriend is making the moves on you and she's willing to fuck you? i know i'd go for it. She's the bitch, not him. he was taking advantage of a good situation...leave that bitch and forgive him...or ignore him. bottom line, not his fault.

10inch said he knew the guy on some level and this guy he knew he was steppin out with this girl. its an 'at your own risk matter'.

keep pushing
atlyroc;294926 said:
read you were from texas good man . me too

Well I might as well say it. Anyone in the ATX area who wants to go out club hopping (I am underage btw but don't give a shit, I don't care if I get alcohol or not) one night, I'd be down to do it. By the way, you should be a cool confident guy who can pick up chicks and not get nervous. Had a friend of mine kill a set with a HOT girl who was interested in me at a party two weeks ago.

Austin is really where it's at.

I'm surprised how well I'm getting over this whole situation, too. :cool:
sikdogg;294951 said:
Sounds like you're finally getting your head straight... Bro, you need to stay cool and keep things in perspective. It's better she did this now than a year from now... hear me??

Keep cool if/when you talk to her and don't let her see you upset or hurt in any way. Just tell her that everything is good betwen the two of you now and that you wish her the best with whatever she does... let her know that you're moving on and hope she does too. Tell her that if she wants to be friends that you're cool with that and if she doesn't, then that's cool too. Keep the conversation short and tell her that you're meeting up with friends and have to run. If she ever calls you, pick up but after a minute or so tell her that you're with someone right now and can't really talk but you'll call her later... never call her back. If she sees that she hurt you then she wins... what you need to do is show her that you have a life without her and don't need her at all. If you do this, she WILL want you back and the power shift back to you. YOU get to decide her fate not her deciding yours.

As for the guy she screwed... he doesn't really matter cuz if it wasn't him she would have just found someone else. But since he was your friend, i would talk to him and tell him that whatever happened between your girl and him is between them and if he still wants her... he can have her. Tell him that what he did was fucked up and totally disrespected your friendship, as friends just don't do that to friends. Since he felt it necessary to do that to you... he ended your friendship, not you. Tell him that you don't plan on starting any shit between the two of you but if he ever crosses you again for any reason, you will treat him like an enemy. Remember to always keep your head straight and never let any of them know that got to you or that they've hurt you. Show them that you're in control and you're goot to go... peace bro.

I wrote her a letter to give to her in lab today (she's in my class). She ended up skipping again. It seems she's too ashamed to even go to school right now. Whatever, I'm not the one who should be changing my schedule. I'm not saying she deserves to get her grade fucked up, but I don't feel sorry for her at all. I want to share with you guys this letter. I wrote it after meditating and this is it. If she doesn't respond then that's cool, as she'll prove to me her immaturity.

Dear Brooke,

The past few days have been hard on both of us. I have experienced the depths of very low energies. However, last night Jacob and I went out under the stars and moon and meditated. The remarkable transformation that happened surprised even me. The great veil of ego ceased to have hold on the past and situation. Friday afternoon I would like to sit and talk with you honestly; no yelling, no more hurting than what is necessary. If you cannot talk with me Friday for whatever reason, I wish you the life that you need to experience.


I'm expecting her to not contact me Friday. In which case, I'll be even happier. If she can't be an adult and man-up to her fuck ups then I'm infinitely glad I wouldn't spend any more time with such a weak-charactered woman. Feel me?
sikdogg;294987 said:
Keep us posted bro...

Will do. I'm doing my best to calm myself when I get flashes of hatred. They're much less frequent than they were three days ago. When your blood is boiling like that you're not rational.

I saw the guy today on campus at an event some of his other frat brothers (my good friends) were at. He stayed on the total opposite side of the area facing away.

My roommate told me he talked with him last night, and he's scared for his life it seems.
10inchadvantage;294977 said:
I wrote her a letter to give to her in lab today (she's in my class). She ended up skipping again. It seems she's too ashamed to even go to school right now. Whatever, I'm not the one who should be changing my schedule. I'm not saying she deserves to get her grade fucked up, but I don't feel sorry for her at all. I want to share with you guys this letter. I wrote it after meditating and this is it. If she doesn't respond then that's cool, as she'll prove to me her immaturity.

Dear Brooke,

The past few days have been hard on both of us. I have experienced the depths of very low energies. However, last night Jacob and I went out under the stars and moon and meditated. The remarkable transformation that happened surprised even me. The great veil of ego ceased to have hold on the past and situation. Friday afternoon I would like to sit and talk with you honestly; no yelling, no more hurting than what is necessary. If you cannot talk with me Friday for whatever reason, I wish you the life that you need to experience.


I'm expecting her to not contact me Friday. In which case, I'll be even happier. If she can't be an adult and man-up to her fuck ups then I'm infinitely glad I wouldn't spend any more time with such a weak-charactered woman. Feel me?

don't give her the note! let her try to contact you. stand your ground. she doesn't deserve any info on your state of being..
Don't give her that note. You'll regret it so much in the future. Wait at least a month before you even think about talking with her again.
spinner2;294992 said:
Don't give her that note. You'll regret it so much in the future. Wait at least a month before you even think about talking with her again.

I gave it to a girl in her sorority. I'm not playing any games dude. I set an ultimatum as an adult and she can either take it or leave it.
In my experience girls don't react to conversations like this. My guess is she'll either lose interest in you or tell you whatever you want to hear. Pay attention to actions and not words.
spinner2;295017 said:
In my experience girls don't react to conversations like this. My guess is she'll either lose interest in you or tell you whatever you want to hear. Pay attention to actions and not words.

I'm just trying to be mature about this.
Here is just my 2 bits. I would dump her and go out looking for more skirt. Skirt is so easy to find and it will make you feel so much better. Any chic that would bone a dude that you "both" know is bad news. Doesn't matter what excuse she gives you. As for the guy well , I was in your situation a long while ago and I always had the motto that if a guy I knew banged my girlfriend I would have to make sure he remembered me. But your talking 20 years ago when you could mess someone up and get away with it or you would be buying beers for each other later on. I would forget the guy and move on. Sounds like your in school and that is way more important than a girl. Someday you will look back and think what the fuck did I see in that me!!
She wrote me a letter back. Basically, I'm not going to talk with her anymore. Maybe somewhen long down the road, but now, I've got my business prospects, school, and tons of hot babes at UT to deal with. I just have to look at the future. Nothing but anger will come from me hearing her voice. Her grasp over my thoughts are quickly fading. The second I hook up with an interesting girl who I want to pursue she'll be dropped in my mind for good.

Walking home tonight from doing some programming I was reaffirming to myself, "I am the decision maker of my future. I would not do something I wouldn't rationally want to do. I am the sole authority for my decisions and actions. I am influenced not by what other people want or think, but what I want to happen."
I crumbled up and threw the letter that she wrote me into the dumpster. I'm through with her. Time to meet other people. Two big parties this weekend I'm going to. Lots of opportunities.
10inchadvantage;295074 said:
I crumbled up and threw the letter that she wrote me into the dumpster. I'm through with her. Time to meet other people. Two big parties this weekend I'm going to. Lots of opportunities.

Now you're thinking in the right direction. Women come and go.....
dude, i havent' talked with you that much, but i just damned near teared up lol. i have been in your shoes just very recently and i feel your pain.
samzman;295079 said:
dude, i havent' talked with you that much, but i just damned near teared up lol. i have been in your shoes just very recently and i feel your pain.

Ya when you get really emotionally involved with anything it'll hurt when it fucks up. I imagine it's similar to trying to start your own business, see it working well for a few years, then just watching it collapse. Although at least in this situation I didn't lose any money.

Honestly if I even heard her voice it'd enrage me. It was hard to let that letter go, the emotional side of me that was still holding on was saying, "No, don't do it. She still loves you. This is something you can hold on to to remember her." SPLAT! The logic/reason side of me is vastly starting to overpower the emotional attachments. I just looked at it, crumbled it up, and threw it in the dumpster without looking back. Time to start a new chapter in my life.
Well, she called today and we talked. What I basically said (I kept it short and sweet) was, "Hey, I thought a few days ago I wanted to sit down and talk about this. But now I think we both need some time apart. I'll talk to you later." Then just ended the conversation.

I had seen her earlier in the day when I was riding on my board (before the phone conversation which she had postponed with a call earlier in the day). I was wearing a smile because I have felt so happy and like I'm having the best time of my life. She looked surprised and said, "Hey, how are you?" I just responded with, "We'll talk later," with a smile on my face.

The thing is I went walking on a nature trail here and got into some meditation about it. I truly felt self-actualized, like all of my happiness does come from within. It's great. I'm going to do my best to keep this attitude up, I feel so full of life, like I have unlimited potential to grow.
Fuck. She has been spreading rumors about me that I'm a "man whore" and a "player." I had two girls tonight who were interested in me at a party (until I went to the restroom allowing times for the girls to "talk about the predators to help each other out") that ended up calling me out on hearing of me being a "man whore", even though these girls have never met me in my life.

FUCK I'M SO PISSED OFF! This is such immature and untrue bullshit. God damnit!
10inchadvantage;295282 said:
Fuck. She has been spreading rumors about me that I'm a "man whore" and a "player." I had two girls tonight who were interested in me at a party (until I went to the restroom allowing times for the girls to "talk about the predators to help each other out") that ended up calling me out on hearing of me being a "man whore", even though these girls have never met me in my life.

FUCK I'M SO PISSED OFF! This is such immature and untrue bullshit. God damnit!

Thats even more of a reason to walk away from her. Maybe they called you a man whore because of how you came across to them. I just saying, look at the sitiuation from all angles. You just never know unless you got 100% proff.
crazyed27;295291 said:
Thats even more of a reason to walk away from her. Maybe they called you a man whore because of how you came across to them. I just saying, look at the sitiuation from all angles. You just never know unless you got 100% proff.

Yeah could be, but I found it odd when, after I'd come back, the girls wouldn't even feel like talking anymore. I was just messing around, having fun, too. The only time I actually tried to elicit states (through NLP) was with that girl. However, she stayed with me I guess because she was still interested to see if I was really a "man whore." Did my best to prove I wasn't by trying not to go into her apartment with her and just being a gentleman.

I've gotta stay true to myself. I'm not any sort of player. I'm not someone who just bangs random hot girls. Just not my style.
spinner2;295335 said:
If a girl has you walk her home then it's not a shit test. She expects you to escalate in that situation.

She was expecting me to escalate to prove I was a "man whore." By not trying to get in her pants I was proving her wrong, and hopefully she could possibly turn the tide against what my now-vengeful ex is trying to create. I'm just going to be a gentleman dude. I'll go this whole semester without getting pussy, I don't really care right now.
Being a gentleman is all good but pussy is pussy... i think you need to get laid to help clear your head from all this crap. You know that they say... it's easier to get over someone when you're under someone else. Bro who cares if they think you're a man-whore or not. If it comes up then explain to them that man-whores don't have year long relationships with one chick.
sikdogg;295372 said:
Being a gentleman is all good but pussy is pussy... i think you need to get laid to help clear your head from all this crap. You know that they say... it's easier to get over someone when you're under someone else. Bro who cares if they think you're a man-whore or not. If it comes up then explain to them that man-whores don't have year long relationships with one chick.

That's what I did. Plus, she was a 6 at best. Not my style to go that low.

Thing are going a LOT better but I'll update y'all tomorrow.
10inchadvantage;295331 said:
Yeah could be, but I found it odd when, after I'd come back, the girls wouldn't even feel like talking anymore. I was just messing around, having fun, too. The only time I actually tried to elicit states (through NLP) was with that girl. However, she stayed with me I guess because she was still interested to see if I was really a "man whore." Did my best to prove I wasn't by trying not to go into her apartment with her and just being a gentleman.

I've gotta stay true to myself. I'm not any sort of player. I'm not someone who just bangs random hot girls. Just not my style.

I understand where your coming from, and it seems that you got your head on straight. Do it for you and nobody else, no matter what it is, be you. That is key.
Well here's a bit of an update.

So I have a date lined up with a girl from the first party today. I'm not too interested in her because she doesn't look great (yes I'm picky). However, supposedly she's one of those Christian girls who goes to church a lot not because she's a religious nut necessarily, but she has a good sex drive. Eh, you can't turn down a good blowjob, huh?

I ended up talking with my ex about shit talking. She said she had said that I was "an angry person" but never told them anything of me being a player or man whore. It seems that girl just has been wooed many a time by sly words, which I was using. Anyway, we sat and talked for a while and I learned a lot. She didn't have sex with another person for preemptive reasons. I told her I didn't want to get an explanation why she slept with him, that I've accepted the fact that it has happened and have moved on.

So we walked back with my arm around her shoulder and was laughing about shit. We ended up fucking. The odd thing is I felt so ill emotions at all. I didn't think anything of who she had sex with. It certainly was more detached sex, but still good. We went out to eat after (no I don't pay) and talked about how we can only hang out as friends from now on. Turns out we're both glad with the free time we have now. I'm using my free time to do Penis Enlargement for at least 90 minutes everyday, she's using it to tan. Fair enough.

The odd thing was sex helped me "clarify" the situation. It was like everything fell into place for how it was. No, that guy never knew we had been together. Yes, it was her conscious decision. The thing that killed me was she told me she had been out of love with me since the summer. I thought she still loved me like I loved her, but she had already somewhat distanced herself. I wish she would've told me this more often (she told me at the beginning of the fall semester, but I quickly assumed she changed because of how much we were hanging out and fucking). I told her that I'm looking for someone else, but I have no time frame. When I do find her though, I still want to be friends with her.

It seems she had a lot of remorse for what she did (or rather didn't SAY). The action she did (have sex with another guy) was fine in our open relationship rules, but the rule was we had to tell our partner right after we had sex with someone else. She didn't say out of fear of how I would react, which is natural, but I hope next time this happens with someone else she tells him.

As for the guy, I couldn't go to the party last night due to his fear. I ended up going at around 2ish though because he supposedly left. Turns out he was inside the house and we did cross eyes. I gave him a weird time of smile with "piercing" eyes and he didn't even bother talking with me. I'm not going to kill the guy, he was at little fault in this whole ordeal I realize. He'll probably never talk with me because he's so scared, but I'm fine with that.

So anyway I was just blazin and chillin in my wife beater + bathing suit + toga. Everytime I wear a wife beater to a party girls flock to me (have a very nice body now after lots of running plus lifting). I had the hottest girl at that party stop talking with a group of guys, come over, and introduce herself to me. Sadly there were mostly ugly girls at the party (poor turnout) so I'd say she was an 8 at best, not bad, but she seemed quite immature (like a little girl). We chilled for a bit. The group of guys were pissed though, and I did my best to disarm them. One of them was really drunk and was poking me constantly. I just sat there smiling, blowing STICKY in his face like it wasn't a damned thing. It's nice having a big physical body to intimidate others, he was clearly wanting to fight but wouldn't step up. I was high as shit, chuckling inside. Turns out this girl's friend (also hot but with another guy) came up and we started doing the whole "whispering" game with each other. The guy (her boyfriend perhaps) was getting ancy that she was paying attention to me, and the girl who introduced herself to me was wondering what the hell we were talking and whispering about (girls go crazy over that shit!). However, I was tired as fuck, it was almost 3. I peaced out, and went home to complete my 60 minutes of pumping for the day (hell yes I'm motivated).

All-in-all I'd say this week was one rollercoaster ride.
Oh okay. And then she decided to wait and tell you afterwards, but then she was a little afraid it would mess things up with you two, waited a little bit and then told you. I can understand having sex with an ex, I still do with my ex. But you have to think if that kind of relationship is right for you. Even in an open relationship it can mess you up if the other person has sex with another person. It would probably be best to have a relationship like I have with my ex. We keep in touch, we're still great friends who have sex, and we both pursue other people. But even then at times it can be straining. We both have a very strong emotional attachment but realize while the sex might be amazing we might not make the best couple.

In your situation it might be better to just not have sex with her anymore, but thats something that you must work out for your own I guess.
longstretch;295695 said:
Oh okay. And then she decided to wait and tell you afterwards, but then she was a little afraid it would mess things up with you two, waited a little bit and then told you. I can understand having sex with an ex, I still do with my ex. But you have to think if that kind of relationship is right for you. Even in an open relationship it can mess you up if the other person has sex with another person. It would probably be best to have a relationship like I have with my ex. We keep in touch, we're still great friends who have sex, and we both pursue other people. But even then at times it can be straining. We both have a very strong emotional attachment but realize while the sex might be amazing we might not make the best couple.

In your situation it might be better to just not have sex with her anymore, but thats something that you must work out for your own I guess.

Yeah I'm going to keep a check on things. However, the sex is really amazing. Not many girls that will let me tongue their ass then let me pound them there after all. It doesn't mean I'm pussy whipped by any means, but I do like having good sex.
We all can relate to liking having good sex, but as much as us men wanna deny it we tend to have better sex with people we know/care about (it's not just women) and I have found when I keep fucking a chick I'd always dismiss is it as her/she "is so into me" that she lets me fuck her whenever I want. And once I realized this notion was a way of padding my own ego, I realized this is how women fuck with us long after the relationship has run its course, and lets face it, if you're screwing someone (an ex) and that's it, it's still a relationship. Whether we like it or not, when we decide to lay around naked with someone and screw, their actions on some level matter to us. For instance, even if it is understood amongst two peope a relationship is "strictly sexual" how many people could say that the other wouldn't care if they found out u fucked someone else not them in the same day, same week? It's a trap, an emotional one no matter what u say.......and as long as ur fuckin her, ur not giving urself a real chance to let go, I hope ur ok with that.
alwaystrying;295738 said:
We all can relate to liking having good sex, but as much as us men wanna deny it we tend to have better sex with people we know/care about (it's not just women) and I have found when I keep fucking a chick I'd always dismiss is it as her/she "is so into me" that she lets me fuck her whenever I want. And once I realized this notion was a way of padding my own ego, I realized this is how women fuck with us long after the relationship has run its course, and lets face it, if you're screwing someone (an ex) and that's it, it's still a relationship. Whether we like it or not, when we decide to lay around naked with someone and screw, their actions on some level matter to us. For instance, even if it is understood amongst two peope a relationship is "strictly sexual" how many people could say that the other wouldn't care if they found out u fucked someone else not them in the same day, same week? It's a trap, an emotional one no matter what u say.......and as long as ur fuckin her, ur not giving urself a real chance to let go, I hope ur ok with that.

Nah because the thing is we're not fucking all the time, and when a girl comes along I'm feeling it with I'm going to be tickling her cervix.
dude, i did this type of thing before, and it only ends up badly. believe me! my ex was a great fuck, and hell both of them were, and for a while after we broke up we kept having sex, then other guys came into the pic and other girls then feelings came into play. blah blah blah, trust me, just back off and don't talk with her. she said rumors and shit to get in your head and to hurt you and make it so you can't get any other women. then now she's doin the same thing except in a nother way. i identify greatly with what your situation is, and believe me..end it! go after one of those girls at the parties, kick their bfs asses or whatever, do whatever you gotta do...but forget this girl.
10inchadvantage...are you sure you have already seperated sex and emotion with this woman that you just broke up with not too long ago...i think a lot of us has been here...and yeah things are okay guys aren't together but still dealing with each get to play in her a little bit with no's cool...eventually she will deal with someone else and you may feel a little hurt by that cuz it's gonna take you back to her doing you wrong...the first time you find yourself blowing off another girl even if it's a phone call to talk to your'll realize that your feelings are still in it...i hope everything work out the best for you though...if you feel like you guys are mentally strong enough to still deal with each other i wish you the best

10inchadvantage;295742 said:
Nah because the thing is we're not fucking all the time, and when a girl comes along I'm feeling it with I'm going to be tickling her cervix.
twins172_up;296104 said:
10inchadvantage...are you sure you have already seperated sex and emotion with this woman that you just broke up with not too long ago...i think a lot of us has been here...and yeah things are okay guys aren't together but still dealing with each get to play in her a little bit with no's cool...eventually she will deal with someone else and you may feel a little hurt by that cuz it's gonna take you back to her doing you wrong...the first time you find yourself blowing off another girl even if it's a phone call to talk to your'll realize that your feelings are still in it...i hope everything work out the best for you though...if you feel like you guys are mentally strong enough to still deal with each other i wish you the best

If I end up blowing off another girl of equal or more hotness for her, then I have a problem, I agree. I'll be monitoring myself.
well that is a good idea, but don't forget you shouldn't just get a girl to get back at her....FUCK a girl to get back at her lol..but don't go out with a girl to get back at her, that never works out.
10inchadvantage;295709 said:
Yeah I'm going to keep a check on things. However, the sex is really amazing. Not many girls that will let me tongue their ass then let me pound them there after all. It doesn't mean I'm pussy whipped by any means, but I do like having good sex.
You'd be surprised.
samzman;296135 said:
well that is a good idea, but don't forget you shouldn't just get a girl to get back at her....FUCK a girl to get back at her lol..but don't go out with a girl to get back at her, that never works out.

I'm not.
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    Young419 is our newest member. Welcome!
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    KySym is our newest member. Welcome!
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    Chandigarfuntoys is our newest member. Welcome!
  • Hey_There @ Hey_There:
    So happy to see the forums back. Hello everyone!!
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    Younh is our newest member. Welcome!
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    500MattersofSize is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Hey_There, howdy. Come join us in the forum.
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    JKKJ is our newest member. Welcome!
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    jammmer is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: jammmer is our newest member. Welcome!