I've read a little bit on the subject of microtears, which is basically the science behind NPenis Enlargement. Now, given that we're here, we're all pretty much believers. The medical community has said that microtears can cause weakness in erections.

Most experienced NPenis Enlargement vets swear that NPenis Enlargement provides numerous positive benefits to erections. So, I'm asking, is the medical community completely full of shit on this one? Has anyone ever had such a negative effect? Don't get me wrong--I'm committed to giving NPenis Enlargement a try. My flaccid length is so awful that I would take some risks for gains. What I'm basically wondering is if there is any truth at all to this. I suspect that there is very little if any truth, but I don't want to skew your replies.

DLD, please don't take this post to be negative. I am a firm believer in what you do and I'm glad to be an [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] subscriber. I am simply interested in evaluating the criticism of the medical community, which I personally believe has alterior motives.
My board is free to discuss and debate any and all issues surrounding the penis. I completely understand someones fears based on the medical contradictions and how that relates to penis enlargement. I can only speak for myself on this issue. As ironic as it may sound I started doing penis enlargement to get better erections. I was taking medications that made it virtually impossible to get a good erection. Upon my quest for answers to this problem I stumbled onto Penis Enlargement. I am on an even higher dose of the same meds today (3 years later) with erections that are harder then a lead pipe. (and this is with a much larger penis)
To be honest when i first read up on NPenis Enlargement i would read all the medical reports etc and take them really seriously and follow them like the bible, but since then i have realized that they don't really make much sense and that the people here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Mos[/words],PP or Thunders know alot more on the subject than them.
The medical community is still in denial that NPenis Enlargement really works and yet there are all these people making these gains, id take any advice given here over what some doctor has said (as they have never really tried NPenis Enlargement). Back to the question, i have (since starting NPenis Enlargement) got ALOT better erections and mean alot better (there like a fucking rock). Not to mention there bigger
:clapper: .
I think that the medical community is out for the money. Just like almost every other profession out there. NPenis Enlargement is bad for business and they are going to say anything bad about it they can. Think about it... you are a surgeon making 3-4k per surgery. Would it be good for business to tell your patients that they can do this at home without surgery? Not too good for business. This is why I rarely believe anything I hear if it has to do with doctors and their money. I'm not saying all doctors are bad, but when it comes down to it, they're after the green.

To add my personal experience. I used to have a minor erection problem, I think due to poor circulation in my penis. Now that I've been doing Penis Enlargement, I've had the hardest erections I've ever had.
Originally posted by Spektrum
. you are a surgeon making 3-4k per surgery. Would it be good for business to tell your patients that they can do this at home without surgery? ....doing Penis Enlargement, I've had the hardest erections I've ever had.

Isn't it funny that one of the things Penis Enlargement surgeons recommend is hanging?

I too have rock hard erections from NPenis Enlargement. I'm a slow gainer, and when I get frustrated and quite doing my excercises routinely I also suffer from less hard erections. The moment I start stretching, morning wood could cut diamonds again.

This is about what I expected. I don't put a lot of faith in the medical claims. If I'm not mistaken, I believe most of their talk focused on scar tissue, which I've always heard is actually heavy dense tissue.
This is a tricky subject. Scar tissue is unresponsive to PGE1 and would limit erections. This is seen in Peyronies. I don't believe this is the case because they grow smooth muscle cells in a lab using stress and a few growth factors. Collagen vs. elastin levels in the tunica isn't our problem so much as the smooth muscle layer. Just be careful and I would assume you'll be fine.
And WHERE exactly is this "scar tissue" being formed by Penis Enlargement??? That's what I'd like to know. If there really was scar tissue being formed we'd all pretty much either be subjecting ourselves to the extreme risk of peyronies or not be seeing any gains at all because most of us are probably aware that scar tissue is VERY thick and much much harder than regular tissue to stretch. As an illustration...I have a female friend who has had a baby (she's 19 and popped right back into shape ...5' 9" 105lbs>..wouldnt know it lookin at her bangin' body) and, had her belly button pierced. I went with her when she got it done. The piercer had to literally put his upper body weight behind the brand new needle to pierce her belly button. My point I guess is that if we were doing nothing but, creating scar tissue in our penises...we would not be able to enlarge them via these exercises and, the medical community would be 100% correct. :cool:
I don't know that much about the differences between the types of tissue, but an article I've read does claim that scar tissue forms from microtears. If microtears are giving you guys stronger erections than something must be inaccurate in the assumptions from the medical community.
Originally posted by penguinsfan
something must be inaccurate in the assumptions from the medical community.

my only advice to you is to take everything the medical community says with a grain of salt. Hospitals are almost always a business. Independent doctors are usually after making the most money they can, plastic surgeons especially. My mom is a nurse and will be the first to tell you that some doctors and most hospitals will lie if there is more money in it for them.

I've read numerous articles from doctors on how NPenis Enlargement is fake and how it doesnt work. Well, I have news for them. I hit puberty at 11 years old, my dick slowly started growing at around 13. I stopped growing at around 18 and had a measurment of 6x4. I had that measurement until this year when I started Penis Enlargement. I'm now 6.5x4.5 at 21 years old. So to all those money hungry doctors, here is a big "fuck you" :mad: Penis Enlargement DOES work and I probably would have started sooner if it wasnt for those bullshit articles.

Anyway, everyone here knows that it works, so thats all that matters ;)
Originally posted by Spektrum
my only advice to you is to take everything the medical community says with a grain of salt. Hospitals are almost always a business. Independent doctors are usually after making the most money they can, plastic surgeons especially. My mom is a nurse and will be the first to tell you that some doctors and most hospitals will lie if there is more money in it for them.

I've read numerous articles from doctors on how NPenis Enlargement is fake and how it doesnt work. Well, I have news for them. I hit puberty at 11 years old, my dick slowly started growing at around 13. I stopped growing at around 18 and had a measurment of 6x4. I had that measurement until this year when I started Penis Enlargement. I'm now 6.5x4.5 at 21 years old. So to all those money hungry doctors, here is a big "fuck you" :mad: Penis Enlargement DOES work and I probably would have started sooner if it wasnt for those bullshit articles.

Anyway, everyone here knows that it works, so thats all that matters ;)

They'd just tell you that your "gain" (see them making the quotation marks with their fingers as they sarcastically say "gains") are a temporary result of hemorraging under the skin in the inner tissues and, or, scar tissue development....you must stop all of this "Penis Enlargement nonsense" at once or risk peyronies....pulling out the the Physicians' Desk Referrence to show you "the facts" and pictures of men with peyronies of varying degrees of severity.....or WORSE....impotence!! As they charge you $200 on your way out the door and, refer you to "a good surgeon who specializes in phalloplasty". LOL.
Hospital and Dr's are a business first. Not all but 99.9% of them and they denounce anything they cant make more money off of.
more money more money, when will they do things for the good of the human civalisation and not there pockets, dam retards JUST ADMIT Penis Enlargement WORKS DAMMIT.
Yeah, I see what you guys mean, but they can keep saying that if they want. :D Less competition.. Oh, and when my penis gets big enough I'm gonna go to each of their houses, pull out the baseball bat and whack them in the face. (Not a real baseball bat mind you, just a certain object as big as one.)

I am not taking the Drs. side in this or any issue. However, the Dr.s are only allowed to say what the American Medical Association allows them to say.
Fact: In this country it used to be considered "quackery" if a Dr. washed his hands before seeing his patients even though 1000's died from infections. They couldn't even wash their hands before surgery or they risked having their liscenes revoked. Lots of other stupid things just like this exist their as well.
Fact: A Dr. close to my town did a seminar recently and told the crowd that THIS country has known the cure for cancer for many years ......but "chemotherapy" is a multi billion dollar a year industry and they would lose too much revenue if they cured people instead of using the chemo.
Fact: The Drs. know if they contradict the AMA they will be out of business.
Good luck trying... but don't hold your breath trying to change a Dr.s mind!
I always knew we lived in a corrupt society... I always thought that they had a cure for cancer too. Oh well, what can you do though? Kinda sucks, but nothing :( and voting doesnt help! its just voting for the lesser of two evils
Doctors are usually wonderful and intelligent people but:

1. They're human. They fuck up and make mistakes. They also don't know everything about anything.

2. Their hands are often tied by the AMA, which is conservative (not politically) in the sense that they're slow to accept any kind of new finding or revelation. We can only speculate as to the thinking behind these individuals, but we'd be naive to think money doesn't play any part of it. Doctors don't make as much money as they once did, with the emergence of managed care. It is not as attractive of a profession as it once was and that is reflected in medical schools lowering their admissions standards slightly. You'd better believe they're going to look to preserve what influence they have.
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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