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Yes, swank, I have been hanging about just a little...

I have been thinking hard about some things. Wondering what I've been doing, why I've been doing it, what I'm trying to give and what I'm trying to take from this and other forums.

I have realized that I have a thin skin, probably too thin to be promoting anything as controversial as foreskin restoration. I just take things way too personal. I thought I would take a break from [words=]MOS[/words] for awhile, maybe find a more receptive group at another pe forum, but that was obviously a joke. The very first actual thread I started got me hounded by no less than 6 moderators and Thunder himself sent me three PMs basically telling me to shut up. Haha. And I thought the [words=]MOS[/words] crowd was tough!

Anyway, I've just gotten tired of this. It's the same game wherever I go. The problem is denial and the objective is to shut down the dialogue. I don't want to give my detractors any more ammo, so I'm just going to make this brief. Well, maybe not... you know me...! ;)

DLD...thank you for giving me a soapbox to get up on and preach for awhile. You are a wise and open-minded man and never tried to censor me, even when you did not agree with some of the things I was saying. You are a gem and I highly respect you for giving me the freedom to speak my mind here. I truly do believe that FR can be a great aid to penis enlargement... well, actually it IS Penis Enlargement, just the skin instead of the shaft, but, hey, bigger is bigger, no matter what part it is, right? I think you indulged me maybe because you saw a little bit of yourself in me, or maybe that's just my own wishful thinking, but whatever the case, thanks for letting me have a voice here.

RED...thanks for backing me up. You stuck up for me when no one else had the balls. If you were here right now, I'd buy you a drink. You are a standup guy and you don't take shit from nobody and I respect that more than just about anything. I wish I had your fuck 'em attitude, but I don't. I take things to heart, even an anonymous jerk on an internet forum.

PRIAPOLOGIST...You're it, man. I'm giving you my job, if you want it. Your intellect is amazing to me. I never claimed to be an intellectual, but that is what it takes to put these goofballs down. It wasn't more than a week or so of your joining in the FR dialogue that swankie and his crew moved on. It was really quite obvious that you had them outgunned mentally, and knew how to debate without getting worked up or taking things personal, a weakness that was used quite often against me. I really hope you will continue to post in the FR forum and keep it up and running. I really put my heart and soul into getting the word out on FR and I'd hate to see it peter off now that I am completely out of heart and soul. It's an important message. You can literally change someone's life if they open their mind and take the leap. It was worth all the angst, cause they will write you and thank you and it means so much more than making someone look like a fool on a dick forum, but I just can't do it anymore. I always thought of myself as the FR cheerleader, but I just do not have the energy to jump and do the splits right now...

KOOKY... Thank you for your concern. I always felt like you cared about me and could see when I needed someone to give me a little boost. It's nice to have someone looking out for you. You gave me good advice. I just wish I was not too hardheaded to take it so many times.

EXECUTIONER... You were there from just about the begining. I wish you long life and long foreskin, buddy. Of all the FRers here, I think you GOT me the best. You understood what I was trying to explain even when I did not explain it all that good. You knew I wasn't trying to sell anything, glorify myself, or get attention. I just wanted to get an idea across to a bunch of guys cause I found something worthwhile and good in it and wanted to share it.

TO MY DETRACTORS... I guess you can feel like you won. Enjoy the gloating. Swank, you're a smart guy, but you have no compassion for others. If you even caused one man to abandon the idea of restoration when it might have improved his life and made him happier, then you've done nothing but ill here. Sometimes good comes only from a leap of faith. Analysis is just the sum of the first four letters of the word itself. Shithead, you're never going to be happy until you find out what it is you actually need, and it's not a big dick. Know why? You already have one. I always could tell you were a decent guy for the most part. You just need to find what your missing to be a happy one, too. Skepdick, you seem to have the most real hatred for me. You accuse me of being a scam artist and a peddler, but I never asked you for one penny. Think about that. What did I ever ask from you? Ancientchina, you'll be a cool guy when you grow up. I'll tell you when a man knows he's grown up, too. When he stops thinking he knows everything and realizes he doesn't know jack shit.

That's about it.

In my defense, I never claimed half the bullshit that has been attributed to me. If you would like to know what I actually proposed FR could do for a man, you need only look to the stickies at the top of this forum. That's the sum and total of it.

You all know how addicting [words=]MOS[/words] is so don't believe for a minute I won't be back, but I tell you it's going to be a loooooooong time before I post again. I have a foreskin to grow and a business to run and a life to live... and a few wounds to lick [self-inflicted or not]. I'm a happy-go-lucky person and [words=]MOS[/words] has become a drag.

Grow those dicks big and keep on tugging! I know I will.
Damn, well later man. I always enjoyed your presense on the forums, and thought you were very supportful. I didn't know you took FR so seriously.
This is getting really weird. Okay im just gonna be blunt.
The very first actual thread I started got me hounded by no less than 6 moderators and Thunder himself sent me three PMs basically telling me to shut up. Haha.
WHY??!?! why can't you understand, i just can't comprehend how a person can be so childish and swept up in such a delusion. Your idea to go to Thund3rs Pl@ce was the the absolute peak of your immaturity. I never reply to your post without thinking that Kong will eventually come around and stop this nonsense. But this has made it obvious to everyone how deluded you are. Everyone can see this except you, WHY!!?!?!

The problem is denial and the objective is to shut down the dialogue.
Denial? we're all in denial?!? and we're trying to shut you up before you bring to light the monstrocity of circumcision?!?! Ludicracy!

(DLD)I think you indulged me maybe because you saw a little bit of yourself in me
This is a perfect example of you deluded world. People please tell me that im not the only one who thinks that statement of Kong's is a tad bit freaky.

TO MY DETRACTORS... I guess you can feel like you won.
Jesus christ, grow the fuck up!

Swank, you're a smart guy, but you have no compassion for others.
This coming from a person who spews lies (intentional or not) and personal opinionated jargon daily... Swank has compasion for the truth, don't ya Swank, ha.
Shithead, you're never going to be happy until you find out what it is you actually need
You've been saying this to me for a while now, and the only responce i've got is what the fuck are you talking about?! Your feeble attempts at personality analysis only further show your delusion.

Skepdick, you seem to have the most real hatred for me. You accuse me of being a scam artist and a peddler, but I never asked you for one penny.
Once again, you completly go off topic, all in one sentence this time. What the hell does you asking (metaphorically) for a penny from Skepdick have anything remotely at all to do with him pointing out your scams? Your once again attacking only the poster and not the post.

I'll tell you when a man knows he's grown up, too. When he stops thinking he knows everything and realizes he doesn't know jack shit.
Look in mirror.

In my defense, I never claimed half the bullshit that has been attributed to me.
We've said it a thousand times, WHAT BULLSHIT!?!?, we've only ever shot down your arguments, we don't bring in extra stuff to attribute to you.

f you would like to know what I actually proposed FR could do for a man, you need only look to the stickies at the top of this forum. That's the sum and total of it.
No, you went far FAR beyond that.

Kong, just slap yourself in the face, and throw away all the nonsense. There's always hope, we'd all love to have a decent FR forum, but you've trivialized it beyond recognition with all the babble, and not just the FR forum to. But like i said, there's still hope
There's a lot in that post so I'll have to be old school about this and break it down into some quotes.

"I thought I would take a break from [words=]MOS[/words] for awhile, maybe find a more receptive group at another pe forum, but that was obviously a joke. The very first actual thread I started got me hounded by no less than 6 moderators and Thunder himself sent me three PMs basically telling me to shut up. Haha. And I thought the [words=]MOS[/words] crowd was tough!"

First off, you introduced yourself at that forum by praising them for being so level-headed and polite, then as soon as they don't fall all over your posts with compliments and agreement you're out of there? You also told them you were leaving this place because of the neagativity, bigotry, ect. - and yet all you encountered there were guys asking you to validate your information, not the homophobia, personal grudges, and whatever else you've claimed ruined your dish over here at [words=]MOS[/words]. So what was really the problem?

So the truth is, you wanted to post about FR with total impunity again, hoping to not have to back up any claims or cite anything, and to cultivate a new group of guys who sit around and agree with whatever you come up with. You realized pretty quick that wasn't happening and they weren't going to tolerate any of this half-assed "go find it yourself" and "science isn't real" type of business, so you're out of there. You posted almost 70 times there in 2 days, uploaded all your pics, talked about what hellhole [words=]MOS[/words] had become, and started 4 threads - but as soon as they said "we've already been over this circumcision stuff, everybody already has an opinion - and the quality of your posts needs to be better if you want good responses -" bang, you're gone. Don't act like it was some kind of prejudice or bad conduct on their part - they didn't insult you, bait you, they weren't even all that critical - it was just clear they have a standard of information over there that rains on your parade. Or were you just sucking up when you said you'd been staking them out for a long time and decided they were just a terrific bunch of guys (but not if they don't agree with your circumcision/FR hype, right? Then they suck).

"Anyway, I've just gotten tired of this. It's the same game wherever I go. The problem is denial and the objective is to shut down the dialogue."

Not at all, actually everybody that has engaged you has basically just asked that you supply some proof regarding your information or at least supply some access to where it comes from. If not, then they have asked that you make it clear that you either invented it or that it's just your opinion. You take that fact that others feel your views and ideas may be incorrect as a signal that those people are just too closed-minded or stupid or biased to adopt your perspective.

You never acknowledge that others might have legitimate points about your posts - it's always "they're just trying to crush my argument with empty scientific jargon, they're not listening to what I'm saying and hate me for no reason, ect" Perhaps you should consider that the people at Thunder's had the exact same objections to your posting there (which was composed of statements a lot less far-fetched than what you have posted around here at times) as people have had right here. They also commented on your compulsive need to play the victim and start all your posts with invitations to argument (such as intros along the lines of 'some are unable to handle this information, some find this offensive,' ect) just as people have around here. I don't believe this is a random coincidence.

"PRIAPOLOGIST...You're it, man. I'm giving you my job, if you want it."

Great idea, in fact he already volunteered to take over as a sort of fact-checker for the forum. He and I probably don't agree on everything, but he was quick to point it out when he though you were making claims not based on any tangible evidence and he's been very even-handed in his approach to the many claims about circumcision and FR. He's also a mature adult and doesn't take every conflict of opinion to be a personal attack.

"It wasn't more than a week or so of your joining in the FR dialogue that swankie and his crew moved on. It was really quite obvious that you had them outgunned mentally, and knew how to debate without getting worked up or taking things personal, a weakness that was used quite often against me."

Actually, I did continue to post for quite a long time after Pripologist first showed up, which, as always, is clearly in the posting record, but this is a minor point. I intentionally quit posting in the FR forums for several reasons - but chief amonst them was that I wasn't hearing so many insane claims on a daily basis as a result of the previous discussions. The fact that Pripologist also stepped up and offered to regulate the quality of information floating around there seemed to contribute to this as well, as I doubted any more claims that "FR will release an inch or more of trapped inner penis and your circumcision has made you a violent person" would get lobbed around under his watch. Additonaly, I had pretty much expressed every single opinion that I have on the matter and so I had little reason to repeatedly post the same things over and over again. Unfortunately when I stopped posting there, you started following me around the forum attempting to instigate some kind of exchange or cause trouble, though I repeatedly told you to just leave me alone.

Also, don't call me Swankie, that's creepy. And I don't have a crew. This is an internet forum, people don't have crews. Real life - crews. Internet - no crews, just people who agree with you.

"TO MY DETRACTORS... I guess you can feel like you won. Enjoy the gloating. Swank, you're a smart guy, but you have no compassion for others. If you even caused one man to abandon the idea of restoration when it might have improved his life and made him happier, then you've done nothing but ill here. Sometimes good comes only from a leap of faith. Analysis is just the sum of the first four letters of the word itself."

I do have quite a bit of compassion for others, how could you possibly judge that from how I post on an internet forum relating to penis enlargment techniques? You're right in one respect I suppose: I don't have a lot of compassion for people who create their own problems and then whine about it endlessly. You have made all number of strange inferences about my personal life and character, this idea that I have no compassion for others is just another very odd statement.

So far as me only causing ill by contradicting your more outlandish claims in the FR forum, my only goal was to get men to consider YOUR CLAIMS about restoration and circumcision, and I have stated that I think it works and can be a very postive thing countless times. This of course is verified by my posts and is available for all to see, so another cheap attempt at villification by you is rebuffed. I would ask, how many men do you think have read your posts stating that they're sexually mutilated or not as capable of having a totally fulfilling sex life with a circumcised penis and were hurt or disturbed by these claims? How many guys may have read your claims that FR would boost orgasms and enlarge their penises, only to dissappointingly find out this wasn't the case?

Your arguments for faith and not examining basic scientific facts aptly demonstrates how you approach all of this stuff. You advocate believing things without collecting any information and suggest that making up your own mind after careful contemplation of all the aspects of a given concept (that uselss activity known as analysis) is a fool's errand. I do believe that you really believe this, as it's something you clearly don't do and would be happier if others didn't as well. I have always encouraged men to scrutinize my arguments and to think hard before buying into anything they read online. I was also posting to spread information, not to obscure it, which is basically what you argue for with those comments.

"Skepdick, you seem to have the most real hatred for me. You accuse me of being a scam artist and a peddler, but I never asked you for one penny. Think about that. What did I ever ask from you?"

He accused you of peddling misinformation and basically running a scam by perpetrating things you made up as cut and dry fact. Do you actually think that he suggested you had monetary motives in mind with your posting? Did he ever suggest you were trying to find a way to make a buck from FR? This is just silly. You didn't ask him for money, sure, but with your posting you dared an intelligent person who likes the forum to ignore the fact that a moderator was being deceptive, pushing an agenda with cruddy if not alltogether bad information, and basically behaving pretty badly.

"I'll tell you when a man knows he's grown up, too. When he stops thinking he knows everything and realizes he doesn't know jack shit."

Take your own advice.

"In my defense, I never claimed half the bullshit that has been attributed to me. If you would like to know what I actually proposed FR could do for a man, you need only look to the stickies at the top of this forum. That's the sum and total of it."

If you feel you've had something attributed to you that isn't fair or accurate, name it and we'll see if we can find where it came from. Otherwise, it's just more empty whining and pity mongering.

Now, this is yet another long and emotional post from you where you paint yourself as a victim of mean-spirited and empty attacks directed at you for no real reason. At the same time you usually pepper these posts with falsehoods, accusations, and a few insults. It's clear you're looking for some sympathy after your plan to move in at Thund3rs Pl@ce and resume "FR guru" activity there backfired, and this is some muddy placeholder for when you start posting at [words=]MOS[/words] again in a few weeks or whatever. And that's all well and good, nobody ever tried to push you off the forum - you decided to leave after embarassing yourself by confessing that even after I stopped posting about FR and asked you to leave me alone, you held a grudge and attempted to try and stir up arguments and flame wars with me. You were technically the source of the thread which pissed you off enough to go over to Thunder's and cozy up with them.

I don't care if you post, lurk, whatever - as I said before when you were still badgering me on random threads - I just wanted to be left alone. I don't consider this to be my forum and I don't care if people who have different ideas or just plain don't like me are around. Why doesn't it bother me? It's a fucking internet forum, that's why. Try thinking about that. Numerous people have now called you out on your behavior and strange compulsions, even at other forums. If you are really going to stay away for a while then I suggest that you contemplate why it might be that people would have such identical criticisms.

I personally think you shouldn't be a moderator as you tried to start a flame war with me because of some ancient personal beef and then went over to a forum that hates this place and kissed some major league ass when things at [words=]MOS[/words] didn't go your way. You claim DLD is a "gem" in your post, yet you were trying to get mighty chummy with the same guys who shit all over him and his forum. This isn't personal for me Kong - it can't be, I don't know you. But when you repeatedly name me in your posts, start shit with me, make false accusations and insinuate things that never happened, you know people are going to respond. And I doubt it's just the people that you seem so compelled to fight with that are getting sick of reading it.

In short I think you post to gratify yourself and for some reason crave a level of prominence on your chosen "internet home." If you get the slightest negative feedback (which seems to happen a lot) you take it personal and post without thinking. You get way over involved and this will always end up annoying others and fostering ill will. This is your own fault, but you will always make yourself into a victim and whine loudly that you've been targeted. You've cycled through this repeatedly here and it only took you two days at Thunder's. If you really find yourself exhausted from your forum activity on the internet, then it is my personal opinion that you need some kind of professional help with this and ought to cut it out of your life. It's one thing to be online all day if that's your job, but if you're employed otherwise, have a family, or a normal life in general, internet activity to the tune of 70+ posts in two days at a Penis Enlargement forum plus whatever other online time was spent, is really really out of hand.

And if you are so deeply bothered by AC, Skepdick, Shithead, or me, or anybody, than just block them or ignore their posts. And leave them (me) alone while you're at it. You make the choice, and you create your own problems, which is why I lack compassion when you frequently complain.
I'm sad to see you go Kong. I learnt a lot from reading yours and others posts in here in a very short time and am hopefully on the road towards a healthier penis because of that.

Thank you, sad to see you go.

I have defended you at times and at others I have gotten on your ass as much as anyone else. All I can say is I wish you would have applied some of my advice more often than not. When at your best, you were an easy guy to talk to and learn from. You did open my eyes about quite a few things about circ in general. At your worst, you were at times very hard headed and quite fanatical(sp?) at times. You also seem to not be able to tell the difference when someone is challenging you or just your opinions. I really wish your impact here would have been different. I feel bad because I feel like I have in a way contributed to you feeling like you were being singled out to be picked on. I want you to know that I never wanted to see it come to this. I would have liked for you to carry on here and continue to help guys who did have problem circs.

Anyway, good luck to you and I hope you can take some of the things you learned here about human(internet) nature and apply it to your stay at Thunders.

Kong, I know you will be back some day soon, until then have a good break, keep on tugging that skin and don't forget your real life. Forums are just virtual, so try not to get too caught up in there drama and get too emotionally involved because it can be quite compulsive. Take a break, and come back when you are ready too as I in particular enjoyed reading your posts here.
Take it easy buddy.
I had already posted here... what happened to my post?!?!

Anyway, I'll make it shorter this time

I think you are a smart guy, and nice when you want to. Nobody can deny your supportive nature with newbies and those in need of help. I also enjoyed your jokes and funny posts. On the other hand, you striked me as a a little too carried away by your ideas, especially with FR.

In my oppinion, all personal attacks denigrate the attacker. With each of them, you and your "enemies" moved down on my respect list. Not that anyone should care of what I think anyway, but I do.

I will miss your (peacefull) posts and hope you come back sometime and keep sharing your experiences and knowledge, Penis Enlargement related or not.

Good luck.
Kong, I always liked you and still do...your a freind.
Keep in touch man, log on and PM me or email me...PM and I'll send you my email.
I hope you will comeback, I know its hard sometimes to take things not so literally as I've been their and used to do it but have just developed so it doesnt bother me much.
All the best, perhaps you can boost your forums more? if so than PM me and I will visit their more once I find my password and help you out.
Regards man, the redman.
Keep tugging man.

It is summertime, get outside and live a little.

I haven't read all of your posts, probably less than 75, but I think you are right about circumcision and FR.

At least keep us updated on your progress.
AC and crew, mainly just AC now. I know getting involved in this probably isn't the best thing to do , but fucking christ guys. Lay off the posting. I've been following these little disputes on various threads, and for everything Kong posts, you guys have to pick apart kongs post paragraph by paragraph giving your two cents, then makign some other statements, then making another post about something else. You guys act like Kong has violently hurt your reputation and you need to make sure theres no doubt in anyones mind that all Kong says about you are lies, and hes the crazy one. People arn't that stupid, they can read the posts and decide for themselvs. It just gets tiring seeing you guys talk about how crazy kong is and how everyone should move on blah blah. Now AC you're last few posts were funny, because I think people on this forum do get over dramatic about leaving like its a funeral, but christ man you guys feed the drama sometimes when you all type out long ass responses to Kongs msgs and actions. You all say pretty much the same thing as each other as well. Im not saying I have a problem with any of you guys, but if it were me I probably just wouldn't care that much and not make massive posts about Kong.
Hey Kong!
So sad to see you go. I hope that you won't stay away too long. Thanks for your hints ant tips, they were really great for me as beginner when I started FR about 2 months ago.

I have no idea about this other "shit" that was/is going on here with you and other guys. But now a tip from me: just ignore them :)

Franchise - you bring up some good points, but you don't have the full perspective either. Just recently I have seen you argue with another poster who's intentions and usefullness you questioned - pretty much the same thing that has gone on with Kong.

Plus, Kong repeatedly brings up myself and others in his posts and accuses us of things that simply aren't true. Try not responding to posts that accuse you of things that are completely fabricated (which is actually a very stupid thing to do on an internet forum where everything is recorded and easily accessable). He has, by his own confession, tried to stir up ill will and start trouble because he holds a grudge against people who challenge any of his claims about FR or circumcision. You're absolutely right that it's a bit weird, but such is forum culture.

I'm never sure what it means when people complain that they've been following arguement posts and then chip in their own post to say that they don't like it. It has been my experience that when a thread goes down the road of argument and personal barbs, people know this. If they want to check it out they will, if not they'll leave it alone. But to voluntarily read the posts and then say it's not a worthwhile thing to do, well, consider the reasons why the posters might feel otherwise. Or, just ignore it.

As I said before franchise, you recently had it out, although briefly, with somebody who you thought was full of shit and posting to glorify themselves (I happened ot have agreed on your main point and appluad your honest reaction). Well, welcome to the last six months of Kong posting at this forum. His poor behavior and untruthful posting, as well as his frequent instigation of bickering have been a constant on the forum for a long time. Posts that may seem outlandish to the casual observer are either amusing or very pertinent to the members who have had to deal with this guy. The backlash against Kong at the moment isn't random - this is perhaps the third or fourth time he has threatened to leave the forum in the last few months because anybody questioned his opinions or otherwise pointed out the untruthful nature of his posting. It's basically a joke to those who have been observing, hence the over the top posts as of late.
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Yea, you're right. I have no rebuttle for anything you said. I just thought I'd see what the deal was. I didn't know this thing with Kong went back so long and was personal between all of you. I understand especially online when things are personal it can at times be worse than in real life, because there's nothing you can really do about it online. Aside from what apparently happend, which was things kept going back and forth until someone broke down and the other persons point is realized. I didn't think it was such a personal long drawn out dispute, which is why I was wondering what you guys were going nuts over.
Well, I wouldn't say it was personal so much as a long and drawn out deal. I would be pretty horrified if anything taking place on the internet actually started to affect me in a personal manner. I guess I was just trying to say, in an extremely roundabout way, that everything related to this should be taken with a generous grain of salt. I understand that it looks odd though, and no harm in you pointing this out.
Priapologist said:
I wonder if "mister Kong" is now hanging out at [words=]MoS[/words] under a new screen name?

Who knows, I wish I would have been around to see the action as it first took place. From the posts I did read in the section seems like he was quite a drunk dillusional fat bastard (No Offence).

But who knows maybe FR is the cure for everything bad you could have and maybe you can gain 2 inches in a month. Maybe my cock is 12 inches long and 10 inches around. How would you ever know?
Duppi_KronKite said:
Who knows, I wish I would have been around to see the action as it first took place. From the posts I did read in the section seems like he was quite a drunk dillusional fat bastard (No Offence).

Fat bastard? Interesting choice of words, since Kong loves the Austin Powers movies.

Duppi_KronKite said:
But who knows maybe FR is the cure for everything bad you could have and maybe you can gain 2 inches in a month. Maybe my cock is 12 inches long and 10 inches around. How would you ever know?

lol We wouldn't... unless you took a picture. With a ruler :D
Priapologist said:
lol We wouldn't... unless you took a picture. With a ruler :D

Why would I ever need a picture?

How I see it is very simple. I can tell anyone I have a massive beast and as long as I come up with awsome excercises that seem like the MIGHT work, people are going to believe my claims.

I may be new to these forums but I have been on many BodyBuilding forums to know how things work.
Someone should check out CheekyCherry or PPforums (whatever it was called) to see if Kongs going through the process again.

But yeah, i'd guess that's the last we see of the user name Kong...

Edit: Has that thing under Kongs name "gone to greener pastures" just been put there, or have i just noticed.
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Couldn't resist popping in for a sec tonight! ;)

All I gotta say is... "Wow, you guys are pathetic!" :D

I confessed, one night while in my cups, that I was trying to needle swank a little and ya'll act like I tried to shoot the Pope or something. I actually even apologized for it, which was pointedly NOT accepted [which clearly shows that I am not the only one around here who takes things a little too personal!] Just to set the record straight: I am not crazy. I only tried to needle one forum member a little. I post alot because I work in the back in my office selling online and get bored. Also, I type fast. I am not socially awkward or mentally challenged. Once, as a child, I put a bottle rocket in a frog's mouth and shot him off, but that's basically the most evil thing I ever did to another living creature.

And you guys accuse me of being a little drama queen...

I think you guys might actually miss me a bit, judging by the amount of BS going on in this thread. It's hilarious. I agree I should be de-modded, however. I'm just not going to be around much anymore.

As much as you guys might want to think otherwise, Kong is not dead.

Forum soap opera, indeed... :D Even at the very heights of my FR fanaticism, I never ever made half the fuss that you four have. What hypocrites!

Anyway, thanks for the laughs. See ya around!
You needling Swank has got so little to do with our entire beef. Your apology was rightfully shot to shit, and how does Swank accepting it or not have anything to do with how personal he's taking this board?

Even at the very heights of my FR fanaticism, I never ever made half the fuss that you four have. What hypocrites!

We never said you were causing fuss, we said you were peddling tripe that lead to fuss.

I really have to stop this, but i mean every sentence of every post you make can nearly always be shot to shit.
I think there is something deeply wrong with people who make it there mission to tear apart each of the words tat another member posts on an anonymous forum...
Shithead said:
Someone should check out CheekyCherry or PPforums (whatever it was called) to see if Kongs going through the process again.

But yeah, i'd guess that's the last we see of the user name Kong...

Edit: Has that thing under Kongs name "gone to greener pastures" just been put there, or have i just noticed.

Why do u want to stock Kong? are you in such a need to pick on someone as to chase him over the internet? if there is a lack of suitable people here to pick on then i suggest you move over to the other forum, where there are an abundance of people that with gladly indulge u in a lively debate.
Kong dont let these guys run you off, i enjoy your posts ( not that i agree with all of them) and the lively debates keep up the good work.
belowav said:
Why do u want to stock Kong? are you in such a need to pick on someone as to chase him over the internet? if there is a lack of suitable people here to pick on then i suggest you move over to the other forum, where there are an abundance of people that with gladly indulge u in a lively debate.
Kong dont let these guys run you off, i enjoy your posts ( not that i agree with all of them) and the lively debates keep up the good work.

It was meant as a joke, i couldn't care less about searching for Kong on other forums, and i don't expect others to do it either.

What forum are you talking about that likes debates? What's wrong with debates anyway? Wait, you told me to bugger off to another forum if i wanna debate, then you said "i enjoy your posts and the lively debates". ?:(
Shithead said:
It was meant as a joke, i couldn't care less about searching for Kong on other forums, and i don't expect others to do it either.

What forum are you talking about that likes debates? What's wrong with debates anyway? Wait, you told me to bugger off to another forum if i wanna debate, then you said "i enjoy your posts and the lively debates". ?:(
please reread my post, i thought it was self explanitory
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Wow, always a fascinating new development or two when I haven't checked the forum in a bit. So I guess that a "loooooong time" is actually about 4 days. Can't say that really suprises me very much.

And this was trashed! Another thread, on the 'censorship free' forum gets tossed because a moderator just decides that they don't like it. Funny, once upon a time there were two threads on this forum where two seperate moderators declared their homosexual fantasies/curiosities (Red, SWM *cough*) that disappeared as well. I guess that whole "no threads get deleted ever" thing is more like a guidline than a rule, right? Bullshit, the first sign of bad management in the 'grown-up' world is that they can't follow their own rules. How could any mod ever bitch about any thread disappearing when they erase them with total impunity? This forum is losing any kind or credibility on that front in a hurry. It ceases to be an open forum at that point, and any high school civics student knows that censorship stifles the advancement and betterment of information, even if you (ghasp) sometimes don't like the content of the speech you come across. There's a lot more useless and embarassing content on this forum than threads like this, deleting them is obviously the acting out of something equating to personal taste, not concern for forum betterment.

If a thread that involves "drama" is undesirable, then why would Kong be allowed to return and start a thread titled "Bro-telligence or Just Hard to Swallow." I'm not a master of rhetorical suggestion, but the very title of that thread sounds like an invitation to argument to me. The fact that it contains content that amounts to nothing more than ideas that have been cycled through on this forum about a thousand times further suggests that it was just created to start conflict and collect attention, or as you all have labeled it, "drama." Kong actually said he enjoyed and missed the arguments on the board at one point when I said I was done with it, so it's no shock to me, but any of you mods or forum regulars that think otherwise are kidding yourselves.

This whole business about "Oh, well I type fast and I don't think about what I'm saying, so I'm not responsible for any shitty or infalmmitory posts that I make" comment that somebody has been spouting off about? Let me put it this way, if you drove too fast and ran over a cafe patio, do you think the judge would rule in your favor if you argued that "well, your honor, it's just that I always dirve fast and I don't usually think about what I'm doing or pay attention, that's all."? Hell no. Why not? Because you're an adult, and in the world of adults you're not supposed to make bullshit excuses like that. It's pretty standard for children, but I really can't think of anywhere else it would fly. The reason I point this out is fairly petty, I admit. I hate it when fully grown adults make childish, simpering explanations for their piss poor behavior. Guess it's a just a pet peeve.

On top of that I guess nobody cares that Kong went over to another forum and tried to establish himself as an FR/anti-circ guru there, with the oddly titled thread "Can I Come Play With You Guys?" in which he implored the members of Thund3rs Pl@ce to accept him and talked about how excited he was to become a regular there? Now, when I checked this out it was only my second visit there, but I did notice that they think that DLD and RedZulu are idiots and liars, but according to Kong Thund3rs Pl@ce is an awsome bunch of guys that he had been staking out for months and he really wanted to be part of their forum. But then Kong also said DLD was a 'gem,' and Red was a real friend, so you figure it out. Either guys that think DLD and Red are stupid assholes are awsome, or DLD and Red are good friends and wise and other guys at Thunder's aren't really really great and better than the [words=]MOS[/words] crowd. Well, you can be assured that he was completely bullshitting in order to suck up at least once, but which statement is crap doesn't matter to me. Part of what I do for a living involves evaluating people for job positions and projects, and I know from experience that if they lie about one thing, in general they'll lie about anything. Bullshitters are a special breed, and they're easy to spot. Incidentally I never hire them. Well just from those two statements we know Kong is already bullshitting, so could he be fudging anything else? If I had it my way we'd never have to worry because his ass would have been outta here already.

Anyway, since this post was already trashed for no reason whatsoever, it will probably be there again soon. I just found it hilarious that the first time I looked at the forum after a brief stint of travel, that Kong was not only once again posting full force after his one-millionth "I'm leaving this place for a while, please continue my legacy of helping men" thread, but that several of the most stupid and alarmist threads I've seen had been started in the interem.

They might be pretty anal and whatever else you want to say over at that thunder's forum, but when Kong made his posts over there, they saw them for what they were and called him out on it real fast: threads devoid of real or helpful facts, as well as invitations for argument just for the sake of attention.

More than ever I see this forum isn't about FR or anything really Penis Enlargement related. Like Priapologist (who is about the only open-minded and well-informed regular poster on this section of the forum) reminds, why can't the forum actually be about foreskin restoration methods and each other's progress/success/questions? Oh yeah, it's more fun to garner attention and controvsersy. Drama indeed. If it's really not about attention and starting shit, just link a few of the anti-circ websites, say "hey, plenty of good information here if you think circumcision is wrong" and be done with it. But that's not quite as fun eh? Nope, better to start hundreds of nearly indentical threads and dogmatically repeat the same tired propaganda and keep refering to to it as some kind of public service. I find it more funny than harmful now, but seriously, does nobody else see the comedy of this behavior?

And your apology wasn't accepted because I didn't care that much in the first place. As I've always said, it's a fucking internet forum! All I wanted was the bizarre behavior of following all my posts with baiting or combative comments to stop, and it eventually did. I didn't see any need to make some big show of an internet hug to satisfy your need for all this whacko internet emotion and contrition. What were you apologizing for? Being a really strange and bored guy? Hey, you paid your own piper when you fessed up to your behavior. The fact that you came out and admitted that you waste your time obsessing over that kind of weird shit was plenty for me. I'd been saying it all along, so I admit it was gratifying that you actually owned up to it.
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Swank >"And your apology wasn't accepted because I didn't care that much in the first place. As I've always said, it's a fucking internet forum! All I wanted was the bizarre behavior of following all my posts with baiting or combative comments to stop, and it eventually did. I didn't see any need to make some big show of an internet hug to satisfy your need for all this whacko internet emotion and contrition. What were you apologizing for? Being a really strange and bored guy? Hey, you paid your own piper when you fessed up to your behavior. The fact that you came out and admitted that you waste your time obsessing over that kind of weird shit was plenty for me. I'd been saying it all along, so I admit it was gratifying that you actually owned up to it."

For a guy that doesn't care about any of this because "it's just an internet forum" sure seems to get upset and involved, that was a very big post for someone that doesn't care, are you sure your the one thats not full of bullshit?
Get over yourself, swank.
[words=]MOS[/words] is a very lax and open forum. Yes, sometimes threads get trashed. Big weehooop. No one ever designated you the leader of the ethics and censorship committee here. In fact, no one even asked you to join the forum. If you hate it so much, move elsewhere. Lord knows we've been asking you to do just that for a long time here in the FR forum. But you never seem to do that, do you? Even when we try to settle things down and be good, you come back yammering and carping.

You say you don't care, but that obviously is not true. You say I am a liar, when I come right out and admit all my foibles and flaws. I know I would respect and trust someone who admits their mistakes and flaws more than I would someone who cannot. We're all only human, tho some of us would rather think they're perfect, I guess. You are now not only personally attacking me but other moderators as well (red, swm). Why? What did those two ever do to you? Or maybe you just don't like them because they don't fall for your manipulative BS and "I'm better than you" routine. I am still posting at Thunders as well as [words=]MOS[/words]. Thunders does not attack [words=]MOS[/words] quite as much as you think. In fact, I haven't really come across any threads doing such a thing, although I admit that I didn't start digging through all the old threads, looking for any dirt. Although there is alot more rules and discipline there, they pretty much just do what we do... bullshit around.

As for your position hiring and firing people. I'm sure it gives you a big bone to sit behind your desk and act all uppity. I, however, am a non-conformist. I own my own business because I got tired of kissing asses. You couldn't hire or fire someone like me because I am your worst nightmare. I'm the shaggy, unshaved smartass who thumbs his nose at guys like you. I make shitloads of money and never have to brown-nose anyone. Yes, I'm weird. I love being weird. I'm the monkey wrench in the machine, not one of the cogs. Maybe that's why you go out of your way to harass me. "Oh no! One of the automatons is trying to break free and think for himself! Get him!"

From now on I am just going to ignore your attempts to censor me. I don't care what you think. You're a control freak who can't even accept a guy's apology and... well, you're not even very honest with yourself, to say you don't care when you do care. You have some real issues. I feel sorry for you a little.
kong1971 said:
I love being weird. I'm the monkey wrench in the machine, not one of the cogs..... "Oh no! One of the automatons is trying to break free and think for himself! Get him!"

LOL!!! Kong, you crack me up! rofl

Peace, Love, Dope!

btw, it's actually a Moncky wrench, created by Charles Moncky in the 1850s.
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