geewise said:
hi guys, this is a bit serious for me. my dick seems big but its not really. i'm 5.5" inches long when fully erect. i got a big girth but not sure. maybe 3-4"

ummm...dude your girth has got to be well past 4''...try to get some exact measurments....make sure you are measuring from the top.
Dick looks fine but this is a penis enlargement site. Some suggestions for you for a good beginning:

1) Join the pay site and get going on an organized program. The money will be well spent as you will learn a huge amount in a quick time and you can add some serious inches to your thick tool. If you can't afford to join, then make use of the search button and read, read, read.

2) Get on a diet and loose some weight to shrink your fat pad in the penis area. Do this and you will gain a good deal of visible penis length.

3) It is best to not eat and touch your willy at the same time and if I were you , I would switch to wheat.
Dashdeming said:
Dick looks fine but this is a penis enlargement site. Some suggestions for you for a good beginning:

1) Join the pay site and get going on an organized program. The money will be well spent as you will learn a huge amount in a quick time and you can add some serious inches to your thick tool. If you can't afford to join, then make use of the search button and read, read, read.

2) Get on a diet and loose some weight to shrink your fat pad in the penis area. Do this and you will gain a good deal of visible penis length.

3) It is best to not eat and touch your willy at the same time and if I were you , I would switch to wheat.

AMEN TO THAT!!!! rofl start a stretching routine to help with gains.
Is ur dick size ok?

What the fuck are you asking a bunch of guys on an internet forum for?

Start fucking a bunch of broads. If they yawn and start to file their nails while you are humping for dear life, then its time to gain. If they get wetter than when you first went in and moan you are their size. If they tell you to slow down or push your stomach back it means you are to big and long.

Not that hard man.
LOL Duppi_KronKite! I'm loving your posts!

geewise, You look pretty thick to me. I reckon you could make some girls squeal with that!
I'd say just work on your length a little. There's tons of posts on here that'll give you some help, and joining the paysite will get you WAY ahead of the game.