Like I said, I hate jelqing. Stretching I like. It really feels good. I will stretch until I hear ligs popping, which I find gratifying, like popping my knuckles. But jelqing...nnnnn....Anyway, tonight, after doing my stretches, I knew I needed to jelq, but decided to try something different. I laid my penis out on the bathroom sink, doubled a warm cloth over it, and then started rolling it with a small, cylindrical perfume bottle, like I was rolling dough out. I could feel the pressure working on it real good, but I wonder if anyone has tried doing this regularly, and if so, how successful they were doing this. It did seem to give me a good workout, as my dick was big and red and floppy when I was done. Also, is this more or less dangerous than jelqing. I am a little sore right now, so maybe this is a little rougher than jelqing. Not sure. Let me know, guys!

PS-- Do you bee-hotches like my new avatar!?!? I'm down with the homies now! :P
BeBobBox said:
Hey this got me thinking. Is michael Jacksons penis black or white????

I don't think about this daily, but have wondered the same thing!

As for your exercise Kong1971, it sounds very much like the DLD compression exercise! This is done on the edge of the toilet set! Your cock would be placed on the porcelean, on the edge! You would then give it a good pressing, and work it from the base to the glans! I will give your method a shot, it sounds good!
Cool! Did I think up something new? I will call it The Kong Roll-A-Dong! Really, tho, guys, what do you think. This thread kinda got sidetracked...
Funny......I hate stretching but love jelqing. I hang just so I don't have to stretch, but I'll jelg till my dick is purple.
Your rolling idea sounds like the power jelg. I don't think the "Roll-A-Dong" is for me till I get a little bigger, or lose more fat pad.
Thanks for the new idea.
BeBobBox said:
Hey this got me thinking. Is michael Jacksons penis black or white????

Does he even have one any longer? I mean, he has erased all of his other masculine characteristics, so it wouldn't surprise me.

And Kong, love the avatar! rofl
It sounds like you are doing fine! I myself dont like jelqing either but I hang using my bib hanger and do the Ball & LIG PC Stretch and Dual Stretches also. Jelqing makes my hands more sore than my unit! rofl
ctmwm said:
It sounds like you are doing fine! I myself dont like jelqing either but I hang using my bib hanger and do the Ball & LIG PC Stretch and Dual Stretches also. Jelqing makes my hands more sore than my unit! rofl

I hate jelqing also, but as I just started Phase II this morning I won't be doing jelqs for a while at least not the regular kind anyway. (Other than to wamr up) My hands have gotten worked to the point of muscle pain in the thumbs man. I got some red and purple spots on my dick today though and that is the first time that's happened on my shaft so hey maybe something is happening. I need to go get some baby powder this week cause the A stretch is still fairly new to me and my grip is not that great I've found out after today.

Kong, I agree though with you getting back to the thread...I hate jelqing. I used to like it until I "upped" the amount I did.
I'd look into something like Supra Slammers if you hate jelqing. There are much more efficient exercises (like the slammers) than jelqing. ;)
Sorry, fellows. However, I love jelqing and stretching. The combination is great. Of course, you will hate it after a while, but if you want that bigger "cock" you will do whatever it takes to achieve your goal that is just my opinion.
michael jackson has a 7 inch penis. Dude i was listenin to his song and readn the lyrics too one part a lil erotic and he said "7 inches in" referring to his dick. I forgot what song it was though.... but still is it black or white. Im thinkin black cuz he was born black
yea, I believe that's the only black part left on him. But my proof is based on the testimony of the young boy back in the early 90's when naked pictures where taken of MJ. The kid said Mikey had a black dick and sure enough the pictures showed it. That was more than 10 years ago so who knows what color his dick is now.