I wanted to pass this info to everyone, even though it's probably false.
There is a workout supplement known as "No Xplode" and this supposedly makes your blood vessels wider and helps to get a better workout, somehow, I don't pretend to understand the science behind it. But I was told on another forum by someone claiming that their friend gained an inch by using this stuff and the results were very fast.
Now before I get flammed for this, I realize that this is he said she said blah blah and more then likely bullshit, but I felt like it might be worth passing on to others... so there ya go. Sorry if it's a waste of time to read this, but I'm going to look into this stuff and if it works, I'll be sure to let everyone know that as well. But has anyone ever heard of or tried this stuff before?
There is a workout supplement known as "No Xplode" and this supposedly makes your blood vessels wider and helps to get a better workout, somehow, I don't pretend to understand the science behind it. But I was told on another forum by someone claiming that their friend gained an inch by using this stuff and the results were very fast.
Now before I get flammed for this, I realize that this is he said she said blah blah and more then likely bullshit, but I felt like it might be worth passing on to others... so there ya go. Sorry if it's a waste of time to read this, but I'm going to look into this stuff and if it works, I'll be sure to let everyone know that as well. But has anyone ever heard of or tried this stuff before?