Penis enlargement is much more than exercises and tools and the physical portion of things, there is a mental factor that is just as important as the physical. Many ask; How big can I get and the answer is always, as big as you believe you can get. So if a man comes into PE with expectations of gaining nothing he certainly will have a problem gaining size no matter what he does as belief matters. If a man come into PE with expectations of gaining the process becomes so much easier and size is gained that much faster. There is also the unrealistic goals where men say they want a 14" penis or they want to gain 8"....this is totally unrealistic and having these expectations will disappoint you also.
So how big can someone get, if we go by averages men will gain an inch in girth and length in a one year period, this is average. If we go by extremes, I made a 2" gain in length is 6 months. What made the difference for me? First and foremost, once I knew it was real I believed 100% in PE. I was following a guide from usenet
if anyone remembers pre-www days
The instructions I read gave some basic exercises as there were not many exercises in the beginning. He also gave unrealistic claims on how big one could get. He stated, "if you do not gain 4" in 6 months you are doing something wrong" Well at the six month mark I gained 2" (which is unreal) but I was disappointed because I was looking for the 4" gain! Silly as I was I joined my first PE forum (there were 3 at the time) and when I came out with my disappointment in how little I gained in 6 months I was attacked
I was called a liar, people were telling me a 1/2" gain in a year is a big deal! Reality started to set in and I realized I actually was one of the fastest gainers around.
The difference between myself and the new forum I was attending were great. They had a handful of exercises, jelqs, stretching, and a couple modifications of the jelq. In my arsenal I had 30-40 exercises I had already created and was testing and using. I was also doing Kegels constantly and eventually invented the reverse Kegel. I was doing all girth work erect and at the time it was considered too dangerous. I had developed simple tools that helped me make fulcrum stretches that birthed the [words=]PowerAssist[/words]. I had visuals I would look at to inspire me. These were adult entertainment starts that were bigger than me. I would work my way through everyone of them until I reached Lexington Steel size. I was also doing much work in developing super set routines for when plateaus were met. My whole approach and belief system was completely different from those around me. This is about the time I coined the disorder PDD (penis dysmorphic disorder) a disorder that would hold men back from realizing gains they made due to past trauma or lack of self-confidence. This opened the door to Mental Penis Enlargement which would take the Brotherhood by storm!
When the Brotherhood was created all of my past experiences were brought into light. We had a small but rapidly growing memberships and most were coming from 3 rival forums. Men wanted to make big gains and they wanted to make them as fast as possible. So my goal was 2 fold, create the most advanced exercise programs in PE and crate a new way for men to approach things. I wanted a Family not members, I wanted all to be part of a Brotherhood that not only gave them the fastest gains but one that fed them the spiritual food to believe and make things happen.
Belief and Work need to be tied to a size that you can realistically imagine and focus on and the right exercise/tools/routines to get there. If you can believe with your mind and all of your heart that you can become the size you desire than it will be done for you, all you need to do is the work!
The only limit in PE is time.
God Bless my Brothers!
So how big can someone get, if we go by averages men will gain an inch in girth and length in a one year period, this is average. If we go by extremes, I made a 2" gain in length is 6 months. What made the difference for me? First and foremost, once I knew it was real I believed 100% in PE. I was following a guide from usenet

The difference between myself and the new forum I was attending were great. They had a handful of exercises, jelqs, stretching, and a couple modifications of the jelq. In my arsenal I had 30-40 exercises I had already created and was testing and using. I was also doing Kegels constantly and eventually invented the reverse Kegel. I was doing all girth work erect and at the time it was considered too dangerous. I had developed simple tools that helped me make fulcrum stretches that birthed the [words=]PowerAssist[/words]. I had visuals I would look at to inspire me. These were adult entertainment starts that were bigger than me. I would work my way through everyone of them until I reached Lexington Steel size. I was also doing much work in developing super set routines for when plateaus were met. My whole approach and belief system was completely different from those around me. This is about the time I coined the disorder PDD (penis dysmorphic disorder) a disorder that would hold men back from realizing gains they made due to past trauma or lack of self-confidence. This opened the door to Mental Penis Enlargement which would take the Brotherhood by storm!
When the Brotherhood was created all of my past experiences were brought into light. We had a small but rapidly growing memberships and most were coming from 3 rival forums. Men wanted to make big gains and they wanted to make them as fast as possible. So my goal was 2 fold, create the most advanced exercise programs in PE and crate a new way for men to approach things. I wanted a Family not members, I wanted all to be part of a Brotherhood that not only gave them the fastest gains but one that fed them the spiritual food to believe and make things happen.
Belief and Work need to be tied to a size that you can realistically imagine and focus on and the right exercise/tools/routines to get there. If you can believe with your mind and all of your heart that you can become the size you desire than it will be done for you, all you need to do is the work!
The only limit in PE is time.
God Bless my Brothers!