
Im not new to pe just my first time posting. I have been doing stretches and jelqs for a while now and I feel like I need something else. I've decided to start hanging. I need some advice from Somebody who has made (and uses) stillwantmore's homemade hanging device routinely. I'm worried with that thing i'm gonna cut off circulation because i already have had some minor nerve damage to the head(nothing serious). And what is the exact difference between the Bib and the homemade, because the way I see it, is why spend $130 bucks when you don't have to right? That's like 2 weeks party money! Anyway...Hit me Back
NeXus, Welcome to the forum. I am going to keep this post here until Stillwantmore sees it then it will move into the hanging forum. I want to make sure he responds to it for you. I have a real Bib and the quality is amazing. I would never attempt to make anything myself just because I have 2 left hands but I know there are very good directions to do so.
Well I'm not the hang master but I can tell ya I made the do it your self version and later bought the BIB starter model. THERE IS NO COMPARISION. The starter model is only 95.00 and sufficient for most guys. I made several other types of hangers and none of them come close to the bib starter. Just an honest opinion.
Which home made Bib hanger (its not my design) are you using anyway? The regular or modified? If not the modified I recommend making and using a modified. It puts most of the pressure on the sides of the glans. How far back is the hanger from your glans when you put it on? How much weight you using? If you want to continue with hanging, I also highly recommend the Bib Starter model. I'm not attempting to promote it but, it is a very good hanger and much better than the home mades. The home mades are pretty much all anyone had to use until a year or so ago before BIb made the production pieces. I posted the instrutions/diagrams over here in the hangers forum for the benefit of the guys who wanted to give hanging a safe first start ...so they wouldnt use a noose or something more dangerous without investing much money. That way if they decided to NOT hang, there was nothing lost but a little time.

i guess i will make the modified bib hanger to start out with. Correct me if i'm wrong but you say it puts more pressure on the sides of the glans and i thought there was to be no pressure on the glands while hanging because of injury. and that all the pressure is more or less behind the head and on the shaft. im going to start out with 5lbs or less for the first month or whatever and then i will probably get the starter or regular bib.
but i live with a couple buddies and would feel weird lying or explaining what it is. plus i looked at the actuall bib hanger, and it dosen't look all that complicated to make. my friend works at a hardware store so im sure the parts are there
Couple questions for ya.

what are you measurements flacid length, girth, as well as erect length and girth. Shorter penis measurements need the BIB Starter. Start light in weight especially with the homemade one. I would recommend 1-2 pounds at most. Try that a couple times before you increase weight. I used the modified Bib to begin with as well. For me it was hard to keep it from sliding toward the glans. Thats the reason I went ahead and got a Bib Starter. Make sure you read the posts at the top of the hanging forum. Don't take a chance with injuring yourself.
Some pressure on the glans IS ok. You just dont want the pressure on top of the shaft right behind the glans where the nerve bundle is. The heavier you go with the home made hangers the farther back you have to place the hanger when putting it on and before tightening because theres no way to move the pressure from the front of the hanger to the back or to put more pressure on the sides of the penis shaft rather than behind or on the sides of the glans. Another advantage of the production hangers. You can attempt to make a rudimentary hanger of your own...a knock off of the production piece but, it wont be the same. You would have to make the internal fingers and ridges to get the same effectiveness. I have yet to see any guys post pics where they have done so. there are some guys on Thundersplace who have attempted and done OK at it but, they do things like place ridges of silicone caulking inside the hanger halves and it just does not work the same. Just some insight.
my erect length is 6.6in and erect girth is 5in in response to whoever asked.

i haven't actually hung before but i know you must be completely flaccid. last nite when i was flaccid i stretched my unit a little and put my fingers around the shaft and pulled down to kind of simulate what it might be like to hang. and i've noticed that it seems to pull my skin down more instead of pulling the ligs or inner penis. will this go away when i actually put on the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]ace bandage[/words] and hang? or am i not doing something right?
You are going to get "some" skin stretch especially in the beginning. Please don't think I'm just trying to convince you to get a Bib model...not so at all. However, with the Bib it is designed to be tightened very tight. This tightness grips the inner penis not just the skin. My erect length is 6.50 and I could definately NOT use the regular Bib yet. The Bib starter is all my flacid shaft has room to accomodate. Try the homemade one for now. Just be careful and pay attention to the glans...watch the color and the temp. Don't let it get cold, purple or white in color. Coolness is normal cold or numb is NOT.