yeah thats what im saying, plus dont u think it would be more expensive? I emailed them with some questions, so im waiting for that. Do u guys know anything about getting taller if there is anything cheap that works?
Janesripper said:
yeah thats what im saying, plus dont u think it would be more expensive? I emailed them with some questions, so im waiting for that. Do u guys know anything about getting taller if there is anything cheap that works?

Inserts in your shoes, shorter women, or grow a big dick and say to hell with it rofl rofl
I don't know anything about, but:

1) I know that, besides the testimonials on the site, I remember learning of some good feedback from strangers on the internet ... in regards to .

2) In general, if you stretch/form ANY part of the body in a proper manner, it will react appropriately. I suppose that if you did a lot of [words=]traction[/words] for the spine on a consistant basis, then you would gain some length in the spine. Same with ANY other body part. Seen the National Geographic pics of tribes that force the necks to grow like Girraffe by using a method of [words=]traction[/words] that stacks rings around the neck? Those people easily gain several inches. This is not proportionla gain tot he rest of the body, but it is a gain and substantiates my opening sentence. Seen the ears that are stretch extremely long, see the dick progress on this forum, see the saggy tits of women, learn of surgery for legs that actually breaks bone and uses [words=]traction[/words] to stretch it as it heals, etc etc etc.

If any of you really want to try to gain some height, I suppose if you utilize a proper diet, try to the stuff at, swim a lot for anti gravity stress, use some sort of entire body [words=]traction[/words] like hanging from a bar from extended periods of time or buying one of those whole body [words=]traction[/words] machines and inversion machines etc etc ... you could gain some height.
Testimonials from for convenience, even though they COULD be fake.

My name is William Thomson, Ph.D., Research Scientist and part owner of HeightMax™. HeightMax™ is a revolutionary height enhancing formula that combines many years of research as well as traditional oriental herb supplements. Allow me to share with you the story of how HeightMax™ came into being.

Because I came from a short and stocky family—my mom was 5 feet (152.4 cm.) and my dad was 5 feet 5 inches (165 cm.), I came to realize back then that I have no other choice but to accept my predisposition—that I am going to be a short, stocky person.

At the age of 12, I was one of the shortest students in school. By the time, I got into high school, I couldn’t get dates, much less have fun with girls. I used to go home and play with my Atari…. It was pathetic to say the least.

So that was how I was. It was with those reasons in mind that I set the goal of finding that elusive “miracle” potion to help short people like me—be taller. After getting my Ph.D. in Biochemistry, I decided to put my attention to the discovery of a “miracle” potion.

After years of research and clinical trials, HeightMax™ was born. In 2001 we launched HeightMax™ and it quickly gained recognition in our local area. Since then, thousands of young adults are thanking us—HeightMax™ creators—for giving them a chance—a really solid chance of being taller!

The thing is, I myself, could not take it as I am past 30….okay, I’m 47. But just the same, I look forward to knowing that so many others can benefit from this truly life-altering product. It will change lives! Try HeightMax™ and it could change your life too!

William Thomson, Ph.D.
Washington, D.C.

“HeightMax™ is great! Took it for 3 months to date, and gained almost an inch and a half….it is just amazing!”

Gregory D.
17 years old,
Virginia Beach, VA

“Couldn’t say how HeightMax™ does it, but my children seem to be growing faster than before taking HeightMax™. So I will encourage my kids to take them till they are satisfied with their height…which for them seems to be 6 foot 5!”

Helen M.
Mother of 3 teenage kids
15, 17, 20 years old
Staunton, VA

“Wow, can’t say enough good things about HeightMax™, except, it works!”

Mark H.
23 years old
Charlotte, NC

“My friends were asking me how I was able to grow taller since I almost stopped growing since I was 18, but since taking HeightMax™, I was able to gain 2 more inches in 6 months time. They were really surprised at my “second” growth spurt.”

Nancy T.
20 years old
Philadelphia, [words=]PA[/words]

“I could not believe the claims of HeightMax™ until I tried it myself. I thought that at my age, I could not grow taller anymore. However, surprise of all surprises, I grew by one inch more and lost almost 5 pounds.”

Karen S.
24 years old
RicHydromaxond, VA

““It’s unbelievable, I have grown almost 3 inches this year. Thanks to HeightMax ™.”

Pablo M.
21 years old
Miami Beach, [words=]FL[/words]

“HeightMax™ really helped me with my height problems. Although I am not as tall as I would like to be…I was 5 foot flat, but now am 5 foot 2 inches and this without doing much, just taking the pills regularly morning and evening. I would definitely recommend this to my other relatives and friends. My brothers and sisters also were happy with the results that HeightMax™ had on them. Really works!”

Donna R.
18 years old
New York City, NY


"I would like to thank HeightMax™ for letting me grow 2 inches. Thought I stopped growing at age of 17, but grew more. Grateful for this. Will let everyone know of this growth supplement."

Nhiem P.
18 years old
New York City, NY


"Thanks to the Internet, I am very glad to have stumbled into HeightMax™. Had HeightMax™ shipped all the way here to India for my children. All 3 of my children are now taking HeightMax™ and it has made them taller, stronger, and healthier. Absolutely, better than supplements sold in Asia or India."

Rajiv S.
43 years old
Chennai, India


"Excellent product. Would recommend this to all my friends and relatives. Thank you SHN Tech!"

Teh-Ming C.
21 years old
Taipei, Taiwan


"Well, at the risk of sounding cheesy, all I can say about HeightMax™ is that it is a wonder drug-at least for me. I stopped growing since I was 16, but within a year of taking HeightMax™, grew an astonishing 2 inches. Now, I am 23, taller and more confident than ever."

John M.
23 years old


"A friend of mine saw an ad about HeightMax™ and excitedly told me about it. I went to see what the hype is about. Yes, it was fairly interesting, I thought at that time. But still reluctant and unsure if I should use, or even try it. I said to myself, "Well, heck, what is there to lose?" It has a 30-day money-back guarantee so why not? And now, 6 months after and 3 inches taller, all I can say is that I AM GLAD I MADE THE RIGHT DECISION!"

Jeffrey Chan
19 years old
San Francisco, California

I would like to say that I am very happy with HeightMax™. It really works. In less than a month, I grew half an inch. That's the amount I usually grow in a year.

I would also like to add that while taking HeightMax™, it has helped me with scoliosis I have a slight degree and it's gotten a lot better and my Doc says whatever I am doing to keep doing because it's getting better.

My name is Juney I am from Fords NJ and I would love that you put my testimonial on your web page to show that your product is the real thing and not a rip off. Take care and once again thanks for providing this product.

Juney H. 17 years old Fords, New Jersey

Hi I have two boys on your height max formula and they both have grown 1/2 inch in 33 days. I would like now to order multiple bottles of HeightMax"

A. Davis
Parents of 2 kids
Salem, Utah

hi. i have heard about your height pills from my sister's boyfriend. he is around 21 to 22 and he was pretty short when i first saw him. he was about the same height as me when we first met but now he is taller because he takes your height pills. i'm very short myself, only 5'0 and i'm 17 years old. all my friends are taller than i am and i've always felt a little lower than them because i'm short. with your height pills, i would hope to be a little taller. i would like to order a bottle of your height pills.

Vong K.,
17 years old,

I love your product, I have gained an inch after 3 months of usage. Good things always come slowly. It is blatantly absurd that some other companies that would say you can gain 3 inches in 3-4 months. Heightmax is my friend now.

It is the nice hybrid from the east and the west, makes me admire Heightmax.

Yu Ng
21 years old,
Orlando, Florida

My name is Andrew Scott. I received heightmax on January 20th of 2004, It is now March the 3rd and I'm a little more than a half of an inch taller. I got measured about a week ago for a physical. My height is 5'10 and a half. I got measured 2 months ago and I was 5'10. I always wanted to get taller for basketball and I believe heightmax can and will do the trick. THANKS,

Andrew Scott
17 yrs old
Youngstown, Ohio

I am writing you in order to confirm that bank wire transfer for six (6) HeightMax sets is complete. Please email us for acknowledgement. Also, I would like to say that my friends who are now taking HeightMax, have grown about 2 inches in a months time. My brother and I are really excited to try this out for ourselves.

Elva K. & Sunil K.
Bombay, India

Hello Dear Height Max company, I am taking your Height Max supplement and i felt some allergy, then i started to take only half of the Height Max concentrate capsule and all 3 capsules of the Height max plus and the allergy is gone! I am satisfied-seeems like i am growing.I already have grown 0.7cm !!!Thank you very much!!!

14 years old
Pabrade, Lithuania

Hi, I would like to thank you guys for having such product. Just wanted to let you know of the progress I am having. Grew 2 inches in a span of 2 months. Exactly an inch a month. I have stopped growing since 14 or 15 years old, but now have re-gained this growth and am so amazed by it. Will take this forever or until I ran out of money!

Jose Vega
23 years old
Miami, Florida

My name is Kodwo Ghartey, and have been using heightmax for the last four months. I am happy with the results in the past four months I have grown an inch (5'8 to 5'9).

Kodwo Ghartey
Pennsauken, New Jersey

Hello HeightMax Team! I would like to know if there are any great stretching exercises that i could perform. I have noticed a 1.5 inch growth in 4 months which i think is great. I am now 5foot 7.5 inches tall. Thanks,

R. Tarkeshian
22 years old
San Clemente CA

I bought the HeightMax for my daughter and she loves it. The way it transformed her, both physically and mentally, was good enough reason for her to be taking HeightMax. Before, she does not follow any good nutritional diet, get enough sleep, and don't take her supplements regularly. But now with HeightMax, it instilled in her a sense of discipline, psychological confidence and healthier lifestyle. Its really great that you guys have such a product.

D. Hopkins
Mom of a teenage daughter
Sacramento, CA

I am about 5ft 7-8inches tall . I don't think I am really at all insecure with my height. I find myself to be the optimal height for many things. I don't have a problem dating taller women. I don't even really think about my height. I am confident in my intelligence, my experiences, my life/character/persona in general and since my height is "low/mid-avg", I don't really have ANY problem with it at all.

I don't have "small man complex" of whatever that absolutely ridiculous phrase was created to describe. I find that the people who often perpetrate these kind of "fantasy diagnosis" complexes are actually people who are insecure about themselves and have a potentially real "superiority complex" that influences them to exploit the often only (or one of few) "superior" quality(ies) that they may have over the other .... which is height.

Still, I wouldn't mind being 4-5 inches taller. I may find that I only like it and have nothing bad to say about it if I were. However, I suppose I could find that I find inconveniences with being taller. Not sure. Wouldn't know unless I got taller. I do think that I wouldn't want to be much/at all taller than 6ft. Since I have about 4-5 inches to get there, and my chances of growing that much taller seem VERY slim, after I get some business out of the way, I'll give the stuff a try and keep detailed track of progress. I'll consider looking into too.
pyro said:
I came across the site also.. that cant be real if it was... it would be heard about everywhere

Just to share my perspective, I really DESPISE AND PITY the whole "if it's too good to be true then it must be" and like forms of limited/trained/conditioned/"in the box" thinking. We would never have anything to look forward to if everyone subscribed to this. Still, the masses do. Still, the masses are poor (granted, not soley at their own fault) and tend to settle for being overworked and underpaid and tend to underachieve what dreams they imagined for themselves earlier in life ... etc. But, there are those that challenge this ideology and it is those people who discover and or take advantage of revolution and progression and quality of life and stretch and breakthrough the paradigms of what I suppose could be called a more primitive, conservative and serville mindset.

Just to give you one example out of tens/hundreds/thousands, even with all the hundreds and thousands and maybe millions of people around the world who know about and practice Penis Enlargement, there are still plenty who don't know about it, deny it's unequivocal effectiveness and even try to criticise it in a manner that influences people to be concerned about trying it.

You should always consider that you may be doing the same thing in regards to other less known of information. Being as open minded and rationally and critically discerning as possible is the ideal mindset.

This idea of being able to grow taller, in general, is not impossible at all. In multiple ways, it has been proven possible time and time again whether it is exploited as a well known business practice or not. Which methods work and to the extent of which they work is entirely different.
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I've been wanting to try some "grow taller" stuff for quite some time. Hell, if I could find a proven way to gain a couple inches in height, it would be priceless to me. By the way, I am about 5'7" (maybe 5'8" on a good day). I would LOVE to be 5'10" to 6'0"...mainly from a confidence standpoint and just so I feel more respected from everyone else. I really don't have anything against my height, I would just love to have more. It's kind of like my dick...if I'm happy with what I have, but if there's a chance to get more, it's worth trying.

Anyway, I have debated this for long's time to do something. I bought the book off and it is on the way. I will let you guys know what I think. Also, I'm thinking about the kit from (.net instead of .com). This program uses some sort of thing that you put in your shoe that acts like acupuncture to stimulate the pituitary gland. On top of that, you can buy MFIII that is supposedly what models/actors use to stay looking young (it also loosens up discs in the back and joints). It is basically cell therapy that comes from sheep placenta (comes in pill form). The bad thing is that it is REALLY expensive (like $159 a bottle). So I'm still checking out my options. I'm going to read the book about the stretches and stuff and then I'll decide whether I want to go all out and spend the big bucks for more stuff. I have also checked out sites like and which both look good too. Basically, I am really freakin confused, but it is worth the gamble to me to try things out. Maybe I'm gullible, but I am a risk taker...that's how I found Penis Enlargement.
matts22 said:
I've been wanting to try some "grow taller" stuff for quite some time. Hell, if I could find a proven way to gain a couple inches in height, it would be priceless to me. By the way, I am about 5'7" (maybe 5'8" on a good day). I would LOVE to be 5'10" to 6'0"...mainly from a confidence standpoint and just so I feel more respected from everyone else. I really don't have anything against my height, I would just love to have more. It's kind of like my dick...if I'm happy with what I have, but if there's a chance to get more, it's worth trying.

Anyway, I have debated this for long's time to do something. I bought the book off and it is on the way. I will let you guys know what I think. Also, I'm thinking about the kit from (.net instead of .com). This program uses some sort of thing that you put in your shoe that acts like acupuncture to stimulate the pituitary gland. On top of that, you can buy MFIII that is supposedly what models/actors use to stay looking young (it also loosens up discs in the back and joints). It is basically cell therapy that comes from sheep placenta (comes in pill form). The bad thing is that it is REALLY expensive (like $159 a bottle). So I'm still checking out my options. I'm going to read the book about the stretches and stuff and then I'll decide whether I want to go all out and spend the big bucks for more stuff. I have also checked out sites like and which both look good too. Basically, I am really freakin confused, but it is worth the gamble to me to try things out. Maybe I'm gullible, but I am a risk taker...that's how I found Penis Enlargement.

Well it says MFIII is HGH, and HGH is a growth hormone, so it might work, so if u do decide to try the stuff, keep us updated on your progress and results. But i do know that for max benefits, you need to use kimi ( the thing you put in your shoes), MFIII ( the HGH ) and the stretching exersises, to get good results. Hopefully it works for you, then im sure if it does, we will all try it. Well atleast the guys under 25. Good luck Bro!
matts22 said:
I've been wanting to try some "grow taller" stuff for quite some time. Hell, if I could find a proven way to gain a couple inches in height, it would be priceless to me. By the way, I am about 5'7" (maybe 5'8" on a good day). I would LOVE to be 5'10" to 6'0"...mainly from a confidence standpoint and just so I feel more respected from everyone else. I really don't have anything against my height, I would just love to have more. It's kind of like my dick...if I'm happy with what I have, but if there's a chance to get more, it's worth trying.

Anyway, I have debated this for long's time to do something. I bought the book off and it is on the way. I will let you guys know what I think. Also, I'm thinking about the kit from (.net instead of .com). This program uses some sort of thing that you put in your shoe that acts like acupuncture to stimulate the pituitary gland. On top of that, you can buy MFIII that is supposedly what models/actors use to stay looking young (it also loosens up discs in the back and joints). It is basically cell therapy that comes from sheep placenta (comes in pill form). The bad thing is that it is REALLY expensive (like $159 a bottle). So I'm still checking out my options. I'm going to read the book about the stretches and stuff and then I'll decide whether I want to go all out and spend the big bucks for more stuff. I have also checked out sites like and which both look good too. Basically, I am really freakin confused, but it is worth the gamble to me to try things out. Maybe I'm gullible, but I am a risk taker...that's how I found Penis Enlargement.

Very cool dude!!!! rofl :wave: :bouncesqu :mrgrin: :bouncings :rocker: :highclap: ;)

You're not gullible just because you are trying this stuff. If you want to see what may or may not work then you have to try it. Just remember to actually do everything that you spend your money on as good or better than described. Don't let you fail for yourself and then blame it on the stuff you bought. Sure, it will be easy to pop some pills as desacribed, but if there are exercise routines, like Penis Enlargement, then you need to stay disciplined and do them.

Kick some butt man!!!!! Definitely keep us updated right here in this thread. I am excited for you. Now I don't have to be "the lone pioneer", rofl :cool: ;) .

rofl :wave: :bouncesqu :mrgrin: :bouncings :rocker: :highclap: ;) smells like bullshit to me. Theres no way vitamins,minerals,and amino acids can make you grow taller.

Matts22 let us know how that book is.
Mosterson said: smells like bullshit to me.

Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't.

Theres no way vitamins,minerals,and amino acids can make you grow taller.

THAT'S bullshit, to an extent.

Go out and get some seeds and flower pots.

Fill one flower pot with all of the best miracle grow/extra mineral and nurtrient rich soil you can find. Add whatever mineral and nutriet rich stuff to it that you want. Put seeds in. Water it with some normal tap .

Fill the other with some crappy dirt you find in some area where there is dead grass or something like that. Don't add anything else. Put the seeds in. Water it with thoroughly microwaved water.

Tell us which one grows faster and larger than the other.

For more experimentation, keep the rich one in the open atmoshpere where sun can get to it. Keep the other in a dark closet with poor ventilation.

More?: Rig some short cieling for the deprived one, so that if it grows to a certain height it will hit a "roof".

See what happens.

You could do the same to a kid if you wanted to be a sick twisted asshole. ;)

Vitamins, minerals, nurtrients, amino acids etc ... aid growth. To what extent they can for certain people and certain circumstances is different.

Matts22 let us know how that book is.

Agreed. Let us know how everything goes.
What the hell are you talking about? lol If you suggest taking "vitamins, minerals, nurtrients, and amino acids" to get taller then tell the man to go to GNC, jeez, dont waste your time talking about growing plants and advocating for some BULLSHIT website. But please rant away...
im going to try the kimi foot things from, its 50 bucks, so ill see how that works out and all tell u guys. also ill be using there book that has exercises and stuff.
Mosterson said:
What the hell are you talking about?

Facts that prove you wrong and an experiment that would help you understand since you obviously don't seem to from a desciption and from general knowledge. I'm substantiating that you specific comments are erroneous.

" lol "

If you suggest taking "vitamins, minerals, nurtrients, and amino acids" to get taller then tell the man to go to GNC, jeez, dont waste your time talking about growing plants and advocating for some BULLSHIT website.

I simply objected to your false comment and substantiated the facts that you comment is false with a desciption and experiment. I didn't really advocate any of these methods. I have mostly contributed to the thread in a neutral and objective manner, having a DISCUSSION in a DISCUSSION FORUM, ON TOPIC and providing as much info as possible and DISCUSSING the pros, cons and possible and unequivocal truths and false. Your statement happened to be false.

As I typed yet you still seem to not comprehend:
Vitamins, minerals, nurtrients, amino acids etc ... aid growth. To what extent they can for certain people and certain circumstances is different.

You said,
Theres no way vitamins,minerals,and amino acids can make you grow taller.
That is false. How difficult is that to follow/comprehend?

In regards to any products and where to shop for them: how can you shop for something at GNC that isn't sold at GNC? Here's a hint: You can't.

I don't know all of the ingredients in some of these supplements, nor do you. I have simply posted where you could order a product, and read info about it including testimonials. I even said that the testimonials could be fake. They could also be authentic. Unless you have some supernatural powers that allow you to verify the authenticity of such things by glancing at a website, you can't tell either. You're whole "I smell bullshit" and "bullshit" this and that with absolutely NOTHING to support in combination with being closed minded to fair and truthful objections to your false statement is unintelligent bullshit in itself, whether these methods turn out to help anybody grow or not.

Which brings me to my conclusion which I essentially stated before. The only way you're going to know if it really works is if you try or learn from others that you know have tried and done everything properly. Read the rest of my posts if you want an elaboration. Hope you'll actually comprehend the words this time if you can manage to not be too ignorant and apathetic. If it doesn't interest you, don't waste YOUR time.

Fact: You made a bullshit/false statement.
Fact: I pointed it out and substantiated why it is false.
Fact: You apparently didn't comprehend the validty of my response and you don't seem to comprehend why your statement is false. Then you distorted the reality of my participation in this thread.
Fact: You claim things are bullshit with absolutely no proof. State your theories in the open discussion all you want, but you are making unequivocally conclusive statements with NOTHING to support it to date.

So, you're the only verified bullshitter here thus far. lol :s :P rofl

I'm not trying to make "enemies". I think we should all get along. But your statement is false and the attitude in my post is simply in response to that of yours. If you're gonna dish it out, don't get your panties in a bunch when it comes back to ya. :P

But please rant away...
Request fulfilled. However, if "rant" is to have a negative connotation and implication, then I would think that your posts of theoretical, unsubstantiated with elaborate fact or opinion are more fitting to such a definition.

rofl :P :) lol

In all good fun, I digress. :)
Janesripper said:
im going to try the kimi foot things from, its 50 bucks, so ill see how that works out and all tell u guys. also ill be using there book that has exercises and stuff.

From the glancing and a bit of searching that I did on the day that this thread was made, my opinion was that the Kimi product was the least likely to aid growth. This came mostly from some testimonials of no success and from my opinion from pictures of the product only. But, maybe I am wrong.
Some kids get human growth hormone in their teens, and they grow a few inches. I am 5'9"-5'10, but I need to work on my posture and getting enough calcium.

I would get one of those inversion tables if I had some place to put it. The feeling of your whole body getting stretched is good. I'm not sure if it is permanent though.

You will never know unless you try some things. I started taking zinc pills a few days ago after reading about them on the Internet from one of those herbal medicine websites, and it actually fixed my problem I think.
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Oh god what did I get myself into :banghead:
People like you are so exhausting!!

Alternate said:
Facts that prove you wrong and an experiment that would help you understand since you obviously don't seem to from a desciption and from general knowledge. I'm substantiating that you specific comments are erroneous.

I must have missed the part where you proved me wrong, or are you referring to the most inaccurate retarded display of a metaphor I've ever read? Are you assuming that Matts is a infant (seed) typing away in Somalia right now eating sand and dirt in dier need of a food pyramid poster? lol
Im guessing and daring to assume that he consumes plenty of the "vitamins, minerals, nurtrients, and amino acids" in his daily grind to make him a big strapping plant. And you should have made that assumption too before you concocted that joke of a metaphor and started this whole thing.

Alternate said:
I simply objected to your false comment and substantiated the facts that you comment is false with a desciption and experiment. I didn't really advocate any of these methods. I have mostly contributed to the thread in a neutral and objective manner, having a DISCUSSION in a DISCUSSION FORUM, ON TOPIC and providing as much info as possible and DISCUSSING the pros, cons and possible and unequivocal truths and false. Your statement happened to be false.

As I typed yet you still seem to not comprehend: .

You said, That is false. How difficult is that to follow/comprehend?

First off let me say that if anybody was that condescending to me in person I would bitchslap 'em with a quickness. And Im a pretty big plant alternate Ill break your branches off and beat you with them. ;)

I should have known being that you were already lurking on this thread that I should have said "there is no way a supplement of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids can make you taller." :hammer: But being the jackass that you are you took it literal and went on ANOTHER another ridiculous quoting rampage. God I cant stand you!!! And to think your thread on HGH and this one were enough for me to think you're a no common sense having quote button abusing reject! Heres the links for you people crazy enough to dip into the depths of alternates fascinating pysche 1
God did they mop the floor with you in there! I guess thats why you just mysteriously stopped posting.

I said and I quote like we all loooooove to do
Mosterson said:
If you suggest taking "vitamins, minerals, nurtrients, and amino acids" to get taller then tell the man to go to GNC, jeez, dont waste your time talking about growing plants and advocating for some BULLSHIT website.

and you said
Alternate said:
In regards to any products and where to shop for them: how can you shop for something at GNC that isn't sold at GNC? Here's a hint: You can't.

Oh God WTF are you talking about? Do you know what GNC is? Its an acronym for general nutrtion center smartguy!!!! ?:(

Alternate said:
I don't know all of the ingredients in some of these supplements, nor do you.
If you would actually read growmax or whatever it is you would know that they STATE the the supplement consists of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids genius.

Anyways Im getting tired and I dont feel like quoting and responding to every other word you typed so Im gonna go ahead and give you MY conclusion.
Your a no common sense having,eccentric, ignorant, quote crazy weirdo!
:blowjob: :moon: :tomato: :bootyshak :hammering :finger: :blasting:
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rofl :P lol :s ;)

Just STFU with your double speak hypocritical seizure of a rant already.

Emoticon contest:

:s :O :P rofl :cool: ;) :O :moon: :scratchch :fight: :drowning: :bootyshak :tomato: :censored: :heated: :hammering :drool: :banghead: :blahblah: :blahblah: :finger: :blowjob: :grab: :blasting: :screaming :balling: :mixedup: :mixedup: :mixedup: :secrets: lol :wave: :rocker: :bouncings :mrgrin: :gluedtosc :bomb: :mrgrin: :biggun: :clap: :D

I win. lol

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I found this website that explains alot of the scams people fall for. The URL is The site is apparently a resource for short people, theres a whole bunch of info there. Kinda like a consumer reports type of thing. The most important thing is that its an INDEPenis EnlargementNDENT resource, that means no bullshit testimonials and flimsy science. Its a shame that so many people attempt to capitalize on the insecurities of others, but oh well.

Maybe if you're still young and your growth plates haven't fused yet, you could do a few stretches and maybe gain an inch or two. Theres also a whole bunch of stuff on that website that might help.

On a closing note, comparing the human body to a common houseplant is quite possibly the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life. Just thought I'd put that out there.
Poseidon said:
I found this website that explains alot of the scams people fall for. The URL is The site is apparently a resource for short people, theres a whole bunch of info there. Kinda like a consumer reports type of thing. The most important thing is that its an INDEPenis EnlargementNDENT resource, that means no bullshit testimonials and flimsy science. Its a shame that so many people attempt to capitalize on the insecurities of others, but oh well.

Maybe if you're still young and your growth plates haven't fused yet, you could do a few stretches and maybe gain an inch or two. Theres also a whole bunch of stuff on that website that might help.

On a closing note, comparing the human body to a common houseplant is quite possibly the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life. Just thought I'd put that out there.

so where does it say which are scams, and which really work? i really want some thing that works, but isnt that expensive. do u think that kimi thing from works?
More than likely none of them work. If you click on the section that says Worst of the Worst, it mentions some of the companies that sell the kimi insole. It apparently is BS. I think the point of that site is more of a support group type of thing, rather than actually helping people get taller. If it was that easy to make yourself taller, every guy would be atleast 6' tall. The best you can do is save your money.
ok i read it, but the im not saying there lying, but it seems like there just bashing the websites. like they dont say if there are any good ones and like give info on them, also it says with the kimi thing, that it was to painful for people to walk with, so they stoped using them, do u think if they stuck with it and continued to wear them, they might of worked?
i just ordered the kimi devices, from, im going to wear it like a mad man, even if it hurts, cuz thats accupressure. ill tell u guys how it goes! Wish me luck
Alternate said:
Seen the National Geographic pics of tribes that force the necks to grow like Girraffe by using a method of [words=]traction[/words] that stacks rings around the neck? Those people easily gain several inches.

Their necks do not grow. The rings cause compression (not [words=]traction[/words]) of the shoulder girdle, i.e. clavicles and scapulae, diminishing the chest volume and only making the neck appear longer. There is no change in their height.
Being of small stature, I tried everything to grow taller- Don't waste your money on the insoles, they are garbage, they are uncomfortable and the only thing they do is make your feet sweaty. Their are many names for the insoles, kimi, yoshi-to name a few, and they are all rip-offs. The only thing that I figure might produce results is to do the manual exersizes.( that makes sense) I did them for about 2 weeks, then I stopped necause of abdominal pain from stretching.
Mosterson said:
You're just asking for more aren't you? , lol .

I chose not to make an elaborate response before, but it appears that I should "break it down" for you, now that I have some more time. What a wonderful that self control is.

Be prepared for actually reading. Realize that volume of a post explains nothing more than that in simplicity. If you want to be ignorant and apathetic in regards to this post by not reading it entirely and trying to comprehend it, then do not rationally justify any sort of response to it or assume anything from it.

Mosterson said:
Oh god what did I get myself into :banghead:
A discussion, in a discussion forum, of which you seem to be using as a means to vent aggression towards people who you disagree with or don't comprehend. Don't hurt yourself while you get all pissed off over something so trivial. I'm surprised that you have resorted to praying to your God. ;) (Don't get your panties in a bunch about that one either, b/c it's a joke).

Like I said before:
Alternate said:
I'm not trying to make "enemies". I think we should all get along. But your statement is false and the attitude in my post is simply in response to that of yours. If you're gonna dish it out, don't get your panties in a bunch when it comes back to ya.
I guess you were ignorant and or inept in regards to that statement, because you obviously got your panties in a bunch over what is simply supposed to be discussion of knowledge. I suppose, in using another one of the hypocritical comments you made, lacking common sense would be an accurate description too.

In a civil and productive discussion, you need to be receptive to other people to get the most out of it. You need to be open to the idea that you may be incorrect and try to avoid being stubborn and narrow minded.
"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing." - Socrates
"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who
cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn,
and relearn." -- Alvin Toffler

It is important to be careful that we are not being bigots:

n : a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own

"Real bigots can be distinguished from mere partisans or
zealots by the fact that they refuse to learn alternatives even when
the march of time and/or technology is threatening to obsolete the
favored tool. It is truly said "You can tell a bigot, but you can't
tell him much."
I don't think either of us are being bigots. I think we are both right in some ways, but simply have a misunderstanding in some other ways which may be leading us to be wrong. I think it is obvious that there is some ignorance, likely due to being overzealous about showing the other why one is right and the other is wrong. Aside for being overzealous, I suppose it would be irrational and inconsiderate to assume that being tired does not have anything to do with it either. As you said:
Mosterson said:
Anyways Im getting tired..., I'll give you benefit of the doubt. I suppose some of the volume of my posts do not make it easier to calm down and read them, but you should if you are wanting to respond rationally and accurately.
Mosterson said:
People like you are so exhausting!!
Excuse me for being rational, articulate, analytical and fair. If you disagree of those descriptions, I'd have to say that you aren't understanding me; yet you still label me.
Don't be so quick to label what you can't comprehend.
Mosterson said:
I must have missed the part where you proved me wrong, or are you referring to the most inaccurate retarded display of a metaphor I've ever read? Are you assuming that Matts is a infant (seed) typing away in Somalia right now eating sand and dirt in dier need of a food pyramid poster?
This is getting redundant, but, it's really simple. You said:
Mosterson said: smells like bullshit to me.
I said:
Alternate said:
Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't.(Bullshit)
You were being conclusive with no supporting factual information. Granted, at that point, you were also saying "to me", insinuating that you were open to other people's opinions. I was acknowledging that you and I really do not know if it works or not.
You said:
Mosterson said:
Theres no way vitamins,minerals,and amino acids can make you grow taller.
I said:
Alternate said:
THAT'S bullshit, to an extent. ....*example why stated here* .... Vitamins, minerals, nutrients, amino acids etc ... aid growth. To what extent they can for certain people and certain circumstances is different.
Your statement was plain and simple, cut and dry, black and white. It is incorrect in isolation, plain and simple, ct and dry, black and white. I DID use common sense to acknowledge that in some circumstances you would be correct. You did not articulate/elaborate yourself to describe which circumstances you would be correct about. I did not either. Neither of us really know, but I am (obviously IMO) stating that there is likely a point in somebody's genetic body makeup and or growth cycle where such things will not help them grow anymore. I am not knowledgeable enough to really define that point and you don't seem to be either. vaguely implies that they think this point would be somewhere into a homosapien's mid 20s.

If you were really exuding this common sense, rationale, intelligence, attention etc that you purport to ... then I would think that this would all be obvious to you and you wouldn't let your zeal and ignorance give more reason to "justify" your aggressive (panties in a bunch) responses as they have been.
Mosterson said:
Im guessing and daring to assume that he consumes plenty of the "vitamins, minerals, nurtrients, and amino acids" in his daily grind to make him a big strapping plant. And you should have made that assumption too before you concocted that joke of a metaphor and started this whole thing.
Like I said, I did already whether you comprehended it or not. Maybe he doesn't consume specific vitamins, minerals, nutrients and amino acids ... or specific volumes of them .... that would help him to grow and maybe he still has potential for more growth. You act like you know everything. Maybe you just assume too much. Like many of know,
when you assume too much, you make an ass out of you and me
... as you have stared to do here.
Alternate said:
I simply objected to your false comment and substantiated the facts that you comment is false with a description and experiment. I didn't really advocate any of these methods. I have mostly contributed to the thread in a neutral and objective manner, having a DISCUSSION in a DISCUSSION FORUM, ON TOPIC and providing as much info as possible and DISCUSSING the pros, cons and possible and unequivocal truths and false. Your statement happened to be false.

As I typed yet you still seem to not comprehend:**blah blah repeated above* .

You said*blah blah repeated above*, That is false. How difficult is that to follow/comprehend?
Mosterson said:
First off let me say that if anybody was that condescending to me in person I would bitchslap 'em with a quickness. And Im a pretty big plant alternate Ill break your branches off and beat you with them.
You're being such a hypocrite. You enter a conversation, in which you are condescending, aggressive and conclusive from pure assumptions with poor articulation/explanation/elaboration. Then, somebody actually decides to point that out to you unequivocally and your zeal, ignorance, lack of rationale, fatigue etc helps you to burst out into "seizures of a rant" in which you become more condescending/irrational/aggressive and start talking to "God", labeling what you can't comprehend, making hypocritical comments, and posting emoticons showing that you want to bang your head into a wall .... and because you still can't keep up with rational intellect/are having simple misunderstanding due to ignorance/zeal/fatigue , you talk about getting into a physical fight ... with an anonymous person ... over the internet . I'm glad that you used to little " ;) " emoticon to show some humor/that you may be joking. I hope you are. Because I pity you, immensely if you aren't. The said thing is, you may have been serious and only be winking about using the metaphor of "breaking my branches" while stating how "big" you are. Dude ... I don't give a shit. This is the internet. I'm not here to fight you. I was simply chatting in a conversation. You get your panties in a bunch and get all "huff and puff macho".

I'll quote it again:
Alternate said:
I'm not trying to make "enemies". I think we should all get along. But your statement is false and the attitude in my post is simply in response to that of yours. If you're gonna dish it out, don't get your panties in a bunch when it comes back to ya.
Mosterson said:
I should have known being that you were already lurking on this thread that I should have said "there is no way a supplement of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids can make you taller."
That IS what you said:
Mosterson said:
Theres no way vitamins,minerals,and amino acids can make you grow taller.
...supplement or not ... same thing.

You're making it easier for me to understand why you aren't understanding some of what I type, because you can't even recall and or understand what you type. You seem to have been to fatigued/apathetic to look at what you typed in order to see if you were repeating yourself. I guess you were ignorant of yourself. If you're ignorant of yourself, I can understand more of why you'd be ignorant of somebody else. lol ;)
(Just a bit of fun in truth, don't take things so seriously and get all pissed off again.)
Mosterson said:
But being the jackass that you are you took it literal and went on ANOTHER another ridiculous quoting rampage.
There's that hypocritical name calling-labelling crap from you again. I already discussed your statement and explained my rationale behind it which you should have already known if you truly have the common sense and comprehension that you purport ... or that you claim to be utilizing by hypocritically concluding that I am absent of such abilities and or use of them.

Here's another break down for you: I quote things out of respect for reader's comprehension. As we have already proved here, it has been difficult for you to keep up with things that you have typed. So, I figure I need all the help I can get, using quotations that are implemented into forum interface for these exact reasons, to help you to understand and not ignore the validity and rationale of my posts.
Mosterson said:
God I cant stand you!!!
There you go ranting to "God" again. I wonder who your God is. I wonder what type of God would approve of you. I hope you'r God is the type that forgives you, because it looks like you could use some forgiveness. Figure of speech or not, you're point is still that you "can't stand" me. Ok....
If you don't like/can't take the heat, get out of the oven/fire."
The fact is, you keep falsely and hypocritically labeling me due to your ignorance, zeal, aggression and lack of desire or effort to actually understand me. When I point that out, I can imagine how you may be upset. If you're a really humble and rational guy, you would get upset. You'd appreciate that somebody is actually trying to communicate with you and have productive mutually beneficial conversation and you'd take ownership of some of your faults and put your defensive aggression aside.
Mosterson said:
And to think your thread on HGH and this one were enough for me to think you're a no common sense having quote button abusing reject! Heres the links for you people crazy enough to dip into the depths of alternates fascinating pysche 1
God did they mop the floor with you in there! I guess thats why you just mysteriously stopped posting.
lol ... Are you intimidated/baffled by rational, articulate, analytical and fair Q&A and objective discussion? ... Or can you just not understand it at all? Maybe you don't care to actually take the time to read it (ignorance,apathy/fatigue etc), yet still think that you can pass judgment on it(lack of common sense)? Whatever. Point is ... those links contain mostly rational, analytical, articulate, intellectual discussion for mutual benefit while attempting to have everyone understand each other. There were some questions asked to actually challenge people to back up empty statements and in doing so we were both able to correct, clarify and understand each other. That is exactly the type of production that came from it.
"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." - Albert Einstein
Nobody mopped the floor with me at all. There is no mysterious stopping of response from me. I see nothing left to respond to at this time. I have a life too. If you didn't notice, in my last post of this thread, I chose to keep things short and prioritize my time. I also had no desire to post. Today, I checked up on the thread and decided to respond. It's my choice. There's no mystery. Don't "strain your brain" over it. ;) ;) lol ;)

Mosterson said:
I said and I quote like we all loooooove to do
Originally Posted by Mosterson
If you suggest taking "vitamins, minerals, nurtrients, and amino acids" to get taller then tell the man to go to GNC, jeez, dont waste your time talking about growing plants and advocating for some BULLSHIT website.
and you said

Originally Posted by Alternate
In regards to any products and where to shop for them: how can you shop for something at GNC that isn't sold at GNC? Here's a hint: You can't.
Oh God WTF are you talking about? Do you know what GNC is? Its an acronym for general nutrtion center smartguy!!!!

Why the hell do you think I didn't ask what GNC is, "wannabe smart ass"? I know what it is. You either misunderstood me, or you just like being an asshole. I did elaborate for further explanation in this regard, to which you quoted:
Mosterson said:
Originally Posted by Alternate
I don't know all of the ingredients in some of these supplements, nor do you.
If you would actually read growmax or whatever it is you would know that they STATE the the supplement consists of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids genius.

Okay, "wannabe smart ass", "hypocritical 'sarcastic genius' labeling/name calling", "hypocritical 'sarcastic smart guy' labeling/name calling" man ....

I'm glad that you took the time to not be ignorant and to state the common sense obvious that we both already knew that the site states "vitamins, minerals and amino acids". Is it common sense for you to imply that I didn't realize this even though I had been discussing it already(hello no, it's lack of common sense on your part), or were you choosing to ignore common sense (when we are talking about you) in favor of mindless slander ... hoping that I wouldn't call you out on it?

Now, since I thought my statement was very easy to comprehend by use of common sense ... yet you till seem to have either not comprehended it or chosen to ignore the validity of it and distort it for the illusion of your having justification to hypocritically comment and label me as you have .... I shall repeat myself again ... and elaborate further on that elaboration.

I said:
Alternate said:
I don't know all of the ingredients in some of these supplements, nor do you.

Hello?!?!?! Where does explain what vitamins, minerals and amino acids are in their supplement?.... AND, where does it explain what the quantities of each of those are?... AND where does it explain what variations/compounds/etc of each of those may be? Answer- No-where. ;)

Just in case you still aren't following(yes, I know that is condescending, but also getting very rationally justified, and still in good fun, so read all the quotes about being friendly/not getting pissed off/not gett5ing in the fire if you don't like the heat etc and take a chill pill), how can you shop for something when you don't know what you are shopping for? Metaphorically speaking, how can you buy the right plane ticket to meet your friend when you don't know where to meet your friend? Your chances of doing so a very slim. You'd have to guess the right ticket,location/vitamins,mineral,nutrients, amino acids. Hope this is easier to understand now.

My sincere apologies for any fault on my part to not explain further or more appropriately before. In all humility, I thought my previous statement were plain to comprehend from common sense.

Mosterson said:
Im gonna go ahead and give you MY conclusion.
Your a no common sense having,eccentric, ignorant, quote crazy weirdo!

Conclusions are what you have been giving all along. Mostly you've done it without any rationale. At least this time you tried to concoct a conclusion based on some substance. However, I must say, your conclusion is poor, inaccurate and hypocritical at best.

To be a picky "jackass" for fun - the correct spelling is "You're". ;) There'a slot of those little spelling eorros. I like to use "spelcheck". I understand. I make typos too. Just having fun.

"no common sense having" - hell no. Already showed you why that is extremely false and hypocritical and you just haven't understood me ... likely due to your fatigue, apathy, ignorance, or lack of common sense ... and maybe due to my choice of vocabulary or volume of posts.

"eccentric" =
Departing from a recognized, conventional, or established norm or pattern.
Well, I agree with you to some extent. I was "eccentric" when I was skipping school to party and failing miserably due to not putting in any effort. I was also eccentric when I started paying critical attention and getting straight As [words=]ans[/words] A+s while many of the rest got frustrated of not having the interest, zeal or intellect to keep up. However, I am quite normal in many ways. I am a humble human. I think over 90% of us are capable of perfect understanding of everything if we take the time and effort. I can choose to be less "eccentric" in different crowds. If I want to be irrationally conclusive and hypocritical, I can fit in with that (to mostly my disliking) ... and if I want to be the opposite (my natural choice and desire) then I can fit in with that. It seems that you are really explaining that you think I am different from YOU. Maybe I am. You'll decide why for yourself.

"ignorant" - hell no. I did not ignore anything here to my knowledge. My apologies if I did. I actually already proved why this is false and hypocritical as well. If you choose not to be ignorant and apathetic of this post, then you can read the proof.

"quote crazy" - I already explained that I quote for you to understand more clearly from the organization. This is out of respect and consideration to anybody who reads. That's what the quote feature is for-clarity. Get over it.

"weirdo"- synonym for eccentric, basically. I guess we all repeat ourselves sometimes. Sometimes we know it. Sometimes we don't.

If you meant to describe lunacy or something of the sort-keep this in mind:
"The difference between dreamer and genius, between lunatic and visionary, is very thin." -Dan Gurney

My conclusion- is basically this entire post. To add last remarks, I would ask you to please remove the stick from your ass which appears to be inserted so far up that it is screwing your brain. You've been really up tight, aggressive, irrational, hypocritical. Again, don't get all pissed off just because I point out my observations and unequivocal facts with rational and accurate vocabulary to fit the definitions, metaphors to relate and jokes to give humor (duh).

Don't give me that "wannabe smart ass" crap about how it must have taken me this whole week to type this post either. I have a life. I chose to not view the forum for a week. I got on and posted this just now. Granted, it did take me about 45 minutes, but it has been fun and I have the time for that today. I know many people read this for/surf the net for multiple hours a day. Occasionally, I focus my time on certain posts/topics. Although this post may seem like an "attack" to you or some "defensive aggression" or even "passive aggression", I really don't mean it to be that way. I am just helping with some understandings and having some fun while I'm at it.

To get more general about the topic, instead of you and me, this stuff may work for some people and may not work for other people. I already stated what I think may and may not work. I did not say that anything will definitely work or not work because I do not know. I can guess and hypothesize from rational discernment of info, but I don't know of any info thus far that can make my totally conclusive about what I have discussed.

Whether all of this turns out to be bogus for everyone, helps some people, helps nobody etc is beside the point of discussion in my opinion. The discussion itself serves to help people discern info and to understand each other. That is what the forum is for (duh).
Its's not the critic who counts....The credit belongs to the man who actually is in the arena, who strives violently, who errs and comes up short again and again...who if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement, but who if he fails, fails while daring greatly. -Theodore Roosevelt

When we all have rational discussion to try to understand every point of view in calm, civil, analytical, articulate ways ... we are all right ... whether some of our particular hypotheses or conclusions were wrong or right along the way.

Also, to "succumb" to the more "childish" modern slang, in order to show humor and fun and to state the obvious, I have just completely "OWNED" you. ;)

Still, sincerely, peace.
Poseidon said:
I found this website that explains alot of the scams people fall for. The URL is The site is apparently a resource for short people, theres a whole bunch of info there. Kinda like a consumer reports type of thing. The most important thing is that its an INDEPenis EnlargementNDENT resource, that means no bullshit testimonials and flimsy science.

Cool. I know what you mean. Like I said before, some independent "strangers on the internet" told me that they had good results from AND good diet, exercise and posture. Also, I read of independent testimonials and seeming professional opinions, when used in combo with some apparent logic, make me think that the "kimi" "device" is the least likely to be a good height aid.

Poseidon said:
Its a shame that so many people attempt to capitalize on the insecurities of others, but oh well.
So true. Yet, unfortunately, not so uncommon.

Poseidon said:
Maybe if you're still young and your growth plates haven't fused yet, you could do a few stretches and maybe gain an inch or two. Theres also a whole bunch of stuff on that website that might help.

That's exactly what I have said, among other things and sometimes more vaguely. In certain circumstances, for certain people, some people may actually achieve desired results from proper exercise, AND diet/supplements. Even posture is obviously a key role. We train our bodies how to stand by how we stand. Some people with "hump-back" do not have that purely from disease or deficiency of some sort. Plenty of those people actually started to keep that posture and their body picked up the the habit.

Poseidon said:
On a closing note, comparing the human body to a common houseplant is quite possibly the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life. Just thought I'd put that out there.

I can understand what you mean, but I do not understand how my example was actually retarded/"dumbest shit" in any way for the purpose that it was meant for.

Yes, I agree, the genetic makeup and body composition etc of a plant in comparison to a human is very different. That's why, for most experiments to theorize results on humans, researches will use a monkey, rat, etc animal with some sort of specific similar characteristic in regards to that particular study.

However, my example was to simply prove that every living organism feeds off of something that is essential to it. If you deny those essential things, suppress specific ones out of a group of many, suppress certain dosages of specific ones out of ideal dosages out of a group of many etc ... then you are going to see the relative deficiency.

My apologies for not making that intention "crystal clear" before, but I didn't think I would need to at that time.

If you neglect to give a baby certain things that are essential to any sort of growth, or ideal quantities of those things, you will see results from that. If you totally neglected your body of something that is essential to it right now, after a period of time, you would see the consequences. Once you replaced the deficiency with the correct quantity of that missing aid, you will see a restoration. Depending on what extent you took this to, your muscles could have complete atrophy, for instance. Then, they would grow back with proper exercise and vitamins, minerals, amino acids, nutrition.

Also, people grow muscles and bone, in certain circumstances and in combination with certain applications of exercise, with aid of vitamins, nutrients, amino acids, etc supplements or additional ingredients of something. I know, this is not getting taller, but it is relevant to my point.

So, in regards to certain people potentially growing from certain vitamins, minerals, nutrients, amino acids, exercises, posture etc etc .. to say that is impossible is not true. Some people may have a deficiency in some certain exercise, vitamin, nutrient, amino acid, etc ... that when used in combination with the body still being able to grow if certain things are exploited/utilized then it is possible for somebody to grow taller.

I'm not saying that it will definitely work for everyone. But, to say that it will work for absolutely nobody is dumb.

Two cases in point:

1a) I started eating and exercising very healthy. I ate all kinds of great food, at the proper times, in the roper quantities, to the proper types and quantities of supplements and additives, kept the right posture, and I was still able to grow so I did grow a 2-3 inches.

1b)Also, I noticed that I was getting a lot of muscle twitches/cramps/fatigue. I found out that even with all of this careful eating, supplementing, exercising etc ... and the results were showing ... I was not consuming the proper amounts of potassium. When I started consuming the proper amount of potassium, the twitches/cramps and fatigue went away. I got the result I wanted.

2) I have a friend who went into the army at late-19. He was only about 5ft 9 MAX. He and his doctor thought he was fully grown. After being in for 4 years, having changed his diet (army food), posture ("attention"/firm cots) and exercise routines dramatically b/c of the army ... he came out of the army standing 6ft 4 - 6ft 5. No joke. I suppose, one could argue that he was just destines to grow anyways and that maybe his doctor had been incorrect in saying that he didn't think he would grow anymore. But, I don't know if it wold be very rational to disregard all of the influence that the 4 years of diet, posture and exercise had on him. I think it is possible that he would not have grown the staggering ~7 inches in those 4 years of his early 20s.

Thus, this is some of my justification of the rationale I exhibit herein. ;)

I do not think that everything dicsussed will help ever particular person, but I do not think that everything is guaranteed to not help particular people either.

My opinion (for the 3rd time) is that the "kimi" soles are least likely to aid growth and maybe totally bogus.

If something was going to work for your specific genetic makeup, current growth cycle, current lifestyle/circumstances etc ... then I would think that you best chances woudl be with diet/nutrition, exercise/stretching and posture.

Not sure. Maybe "kimi" soles will help secrete HGH, help with posture, help you grow etc. My aunt works with acupuncture, but I can't get in touch with her right now to ask her opinion.

I have already said that from the testimonials of no success, seemingly professional opinions and my discernment of info ... it just seems least likely to work.

Look at Kal-el's post. It just seems like "kimi" gets less postive reviews that everything else. But, it is appealing to everyone b/c it seesm easy and cheap.

It's kinda like modding cars. Choices are cheap, fast/quick and reliable. You can only pick two. The same principle may apply here wuth cheap, easy, results. But, apparently you ordered them and are trying them. I'm interested in your findings.

Thanks for the input Kal-el.


Priapologist said:
Originally Posted by Alternate
Seen the National Geographic pics of tribes that force the necks to grow like Girraffe by using a method of [words=]traction[/words] that stacks rings around the neck? Those people easily gain several inches.
Their necks do not grow. The rings cause compression (not [words=]traction[/words]) of the shoulder girdle, i.e. clavicles and scapulae, diminishing the chest volume and only making the neck appear longer. There is no change in their height.

Wow. Interesting. Thanks for the input. Please provide some links to info that substantiates this as unequivocal fact. It seems very logical, but I have never learned of anything to prove this, or even theorize this, at all.

Lastly- The username = funny and cool. rofl :cool: ;)

Take care and peace to all.
Alternate said:
Wow. Interesting. Thanks for the input. Please provide some links to info that substantiates this as unequivocal fact. It seems very logical, but I have never learned of anything to prove this, or even theorize this, at all.

Dude, are you a non-native English speaker? You've got an impressive vocabulary (you must have well-worn dictionary and thesaurus set), but an odd syntax. Regardless, the proof you demand is located in the very same article as the picture that you reference: The Many Faces of Thailand, National Geographic magazine, February, 1996. If you want the "unequivocal fact", you'll have to find a copy and look it up yourself.


p.s. thanks, you may be the only person who has figured out my nick.
Priapologist said:
Dude, are you a non-native English speaker? You've got an impressive vocabulary (you must have well-worn dictionary and thesaurus set), but an odd syntax.

Heh. Great post. rofl

Yes, native. Thanks for the compliment on vocabulary. I just speak that way naturally and I don't really use a dictionary or thesaurus. Occasionally, I use the online dictionary to correct spelling and or confirm that I know the definition of a word.

My syntax represents my expression of : I could use formal/proper sentence structure all the time but I don't really care to and I like my run-on real-time speech simulation of sentence structure. I just spit it out . However, the syntax in my post to you was not really a good example of this IMO. It was pretty normal. Also, sometimes I make typos from typing fast so my posts may get confusing or seem to mean something that they don't ... like everyone experiences at times.

Priapologist said:
Regardless, the proof you demand is located in the very same article as the picture that you reference: The Many Faces of Thailand, National Geographic magazine, February, 1996.

Ah ha, my friend. But, while it is intuitive of you to reference this particular National Geographic picture and article, it is only your assumption that I was actually referering that particular picture and article. My truth is that I do not recall ever knowing of that article or picture from that source prior to your menioning of it. However, I know that National Geographic and many other sources have documented such things.

Priapologist said:
If you want the "unequivocal fact", you'll have to find a copy and look it up yourself.

Very fair. I won't be zealously scrambling for it, but I may look it up sometime. For now, I will take your word that you have read it from that source. Thanks for mentioning the source.

Priapologist said:
p.s. thanks, you may be the only person who has figured out my nick.

Haha. Maybe. No problem. It is quite witty. Good choice. rofl :cool: ;)
:D :highclap: :rocker:

Cheers, and peace, to you too. Thanks.
Alternate said:
Ah ha, my friend. But, while it is intuitive of you to reference this particular National Geographic picture and article, it is only your assumption that I was actually referering that particular picture and article. My truth is that I do not recall ever knowing of that article or picture from that source prior to your menioning of it. However, I know that National Geographic and many other sources have documented such things.


Just some friendly advice: it's this sort of pseudo-intellectualism that causes many people to have negative responses to your posts. You are evidently a smart young man, but your rhetorical skills are limited, resulting in twisted logic and ad hominem attacks on those with whom you debate. I'm not writing this to insult you, but to help you see how you can improve yourself. You remind me of myself when I was younger, and I too used to think that turning a clever phrase was more important than the substance of what I was writing.

From reading your earlier posts, my impression is that you are not old enough to legally post on this forum. What prompts this impression is your excessive use of emoticons, your sometimes petulant attitude, and your perseverative style of arguement. I realize that these are not exclusively the domain of the young, but in an adult it would suggest a lack of maturity.

Again, this is not a flame post; I am not trying to insult you. This is constructive criticism, and your response will be contributive to the aforementioned topic.

it's definitely hGH, no doubt. If this is the real deal, e.g. pro-stemcell chemicals (essentially what they are claiming - to grow taller), they have cracked what scientists have been attempting for a little over a decade??
I don't think so......I can get my hands on real HGH and take high doses. I still think it will effect my musculature and not my height and or skeletal system
If you're stretching the hell out of your back at the same time I imagine HGH would speed up the ossification of cartilage to bone.

I haven't kept up with the back stretching I was doing, but I definitely got about 1/2"-1" taller than I'd ever measured myself before that and I've kept it over the last 6 months. I might start again soon. I think being 6'1-6'2 would be perfect for me and I'm close to that.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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