My routine may not work for you. But this is my routine and I have had great results. I started out with my warm up as it stated, then I go right into my stretching exercises, and I kegel at the same time after that I massage my balls for the next ten to 15 minutes. Now when I first started to jelk was a year ago and this routine gave me the results I was looking for. I started with 50 then went to 100 every other day so as to give my penis a rest and get used to the change. Then I gradually got to the 500 mark and after 2 months boy could I see I was getting thick and I was even getting longer. Now I will tell you that when I started I was 6 inches erect and my girth was 4 inches after 5 solid months of jelking I was a thick 5 inches and another inch longer and boy could my g f tell the difference. I took 3 months off from jelking but now I am back at it and I just can't believe the results that I am getting from my routine. I measured myself this morning after being back on my routine for 3 months and I am a whopping 6 and a quarter inch girth and stretching the tape at a little over 8 inches long. My cock feels like a monster in my hands now. Now I am no spring chicken but I eat right and exercise everyday and I am still a good looking man for 62 and my g f who is a R N nurse is 34 y/o she just loves my new cock !! I just might shoot to get 10 !! So for all you doubters out there don't give up just find what works for you I did !!
Great gains my friend and I am happy to know that they stuck with you during your break. I hope with your restart you see equally as good results. If you get to the pony where gains start to slow we can suggest more intense exercises for you to follow but for now I would stick with what is working. Must be great to have a woman half your age:) Nothing like youth to keep us old men young!
i know it feels great to hold your thick cock in your hand . after all its hard work by your hand
I cant wait to start PE again
This is awesome. Progressive overload is everywhere in my life right now. Great story man thanks for sharing! I think the massage of the balls has something to do with it. Probably some minor increase in test with manual stimulation. Incredibly motivating story jellmaster!
Jellmaster, I hope you come back and spend some more time in the Brotherhood!