OK my girl and I have been dating for 3 1/2 months now. We have done it 3 times. She has never cummed/orgasmed, (mainly because I dont last long) and says she never has before with past b/f. Well she doesnt let me eat her out and doesnt like the idea of me fingering her, but she might let me sometime. She says fingering herself doesnt feel all that great. The sex we have she says feel good and she gets into it and likes it rough, but she never cums/orgasms.

I need to last longer and I want to know how to get her off. Tips please.
Despite what your buddies might say (or some of the guys on this forum) not every woman has gushing multiple orgasms every time they have sex. The actual statistics are something like this (thereabouts): 40% of women often have orgasms during sex, 40% rarely have orgasms during sex and a sad 20% never have orgasms during sex.

Pointer #1-- Don't drive her crazy about having an orgasm. Just fuck and let her have her fun. All you're going to do if you pester her about it is give her performance anxiety. More than likely, she's going to start faking it. Younger women will fight off an orgasm because they think they are going to pee or are afraid to let it loose. All you can do is be patient and let her gain experience with her own body and feelings.

Pointer #2-- Most women have problems having an orgasm because of the "good girl" training they get growing up. Unlike men, women are taught as they grow up that being sexually aggressive is "dirty" and "slutty". What you have to do is get her to relax and open up. Talk in bed, use humor, be silly, goof around and take your time. When she feels comfortable being naked with you and intimate and sexual, those barriers will fall and she will rock your world. You two should be just as chatty and relaxed in bed as you are on a date or watching tv.

Pointer #3-- If she is still too repressed to let you finger her or eat her, you are going to have to rely on penetration to get her off. Just take your time, vary your technique and don't race to the finish line. As you are doing it, kiss her, touch her, sweet talk her and play with her boobs. Don't try to make her cum, just enjoy the pleasure you are sharing and make it last as long as possible.
Kong said it very well.

As for lasting longer, wear two condoms, go slow. If you feel you are about to burst, take it out and rub it on her clit lightly until you are back under control. You can also possibly get her more turned on by telling her you are having trouble controlling yourself because she is so hot or feels so good or...you get the point.
2 condoms = rubbing = breaking.

Low self confidence or past issues. Do you see either in her?
She is a confident person in general, but when it comes to her body (which is fine 5' 4" 125lbs), with NICE tits and a cute little butt and also a VERY beautiful face, all the guys are like OMG dude she is so hott blah blah, but she denies it. She is a little insecure about her body and being naked with me.

Also past issues might be there, cant say for sure, but I am thinking yes.

Any good tips for lasting longer?
i think kong might have nailed it with younger woman not orgasming cuz it might feel strange to them...i remember my first girl would always make me stop eating her or fucking her when we get to a certain point...we got together again about 7 yrs later and she was totally different...she probably isn't ready to allow herself to have one...and as for lasting long....try to concentrate on you breathing...i find when i'm thinking about what i'm doing too much...is when i blow...good luck sephin
Ill try to get some over the next months and report back when I get some more feedback (fu2-3 more sexual experiences).

Also I seem to get off fast fucking, but not at all from blowjob/handjob. I mean it feels really good and I can almost get to the semi-orgasmic state, but I cant.
Never had a condom break that way, but if it has for you then obviously dont do it. I used the non lubricated kind so there wasnt any friction.

Other ways to prolong sex:

Masturbate soon before having sex.

Wear thicker condoms instead of two. Yes they have them.

Buy a cream that desensitizes you.

You already mentioned one. GO slow.

Think of anything but what you are doing.

Vary your pace, go fast until you think you are getting close, then slow down or stop.

Do alot of kegels.

Or as twins said, focus on your breathing.

Good luck.
The deeper I penetrate, the longer I last. I dunno if it's like that with everyone but with your base girth you should give it a shot man. Also the reverse kegel(like yer forcing a shit) helps me to ward off an orgasm. Just make sure you dont have to shit when u do one.
That would be a mood killer. You're going at it, getting close, reverse kegel "Hydromaxmmgggg!" and drop a big steaming brownie in the bed. :D How would you cover that?!
The part that she doesn't like being fingered or eaten out is normal. My girlfriend doesn't like being fingered using penetration but she loves when I rub her clit basically using the fingering motion but jsut using it to stimulate the clit. She also didn't like anyone going down on her.. She never got off from it and girls can be self conscience. This will jsut take time while you guys become closer and more comfortable. When i really got her in the mood and she was comfortable with me she let me go down on her i worked around her clit cuz i knew she liked it and she was going nuts i was trying to tell her to keep quiet so the parents didn't wake up.

As for the sex. I don't care what anyone says sex is the best when youve been with a person for a while because you know exactly what each other likes and doesnt like and theres that comfortableness. When I forst started having sex with my girlfriend it was new and felt mad good and I was quick, I wasnt comfortable enough to ask her to hold up for 3 seconds. If you want to last longer the simple method of stop fucknig all together for maybe 5 seconds, this is a huge saver. If you don't want to be blatent about it jsut try and change positions and stop when you do the change over.

"The sex we have she says feel good and she gets into it and likes it rough"
Great news!! Kong was right by saynig girls are taught to not be "slutty" Well guess what girls love fucking jsut as much as we do. When my friends in highschool and college are complaining of not wanting sex all the time id always smile becuase i was having sex everyday. Most girls LOVE talking dirty, being rough (obviously with good intentions nothing physco) and so on. However, most girls who are respectable will only do this in serious relationships who feel completely comfortable which you seem to be in. The downside to all this... Its very hard when your trying not to blow your load not to when your girlfriend is screaming "fuck me harder with your big cock" but hey its fun.

I say work around what you know she likes. Try new things also, but take it slow and subtle jsut dont rush into it... This is a testing stage do something subtle if she shows positive reaction keep going in that direction if not go for soemthing different. Just work on the cumming too fast and trust me the more times you guys have sex the easy it gets. Man youve only had sex with her 3 times don't get down, I was real quick for the first couple of weeks of sex with her and now i can completely control when i cum. Good luck and have confidence, the more comfident you are the better it will be, if you arnt confident and in your mind you think your doing something wrong then it wont be good. Keep us posted..later
sephin said:
...She says fingering herself doesnt feel all that great. The sex we have she says feel good and she gets into it and likes it rough, but she never cums/orgasms...

Can she get herself to orgasm?? If she can't get herself off, then most likely there's not much that you can do to get her off.

Hmmf...Doesn't like touching herself, doesn't like it when you finger her, doesn't like oral, can't get off manually or thru sex, and likes rough sex. I don't want to sound judgemental but it sounds like there could be some underlying issues...

How old is she?? If she's real young it could just be as Kong and others alluded have to and that she's just not comfortable with herself and her sexuality yet.
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Newbie here.. but not new to the art of pleasing a woman....

Lasting longer takes a bit of skill... first things first.... Slooooooooow down.. Don't be so excited because you are finally getting it... If she likes you alot, the pussy aint going no where... Take your time and get to know her pussy...

good tip:

While going deep is something that feeds our ego's, it's not always how deep you go that get's a woman excited.... Depending on how large you are or how tight she is, 3/4 of the way in she be enough to find her G-Spot...

Try this and see how it works for both of you....

Get into slow long and deep kisses while you are in her.. move slowly from side to side and only move it in and out about 1 to 2 inches max..... se how her body responds.. if you feel her moving her feet back and forth or curling her toes, you've hitting the spot... then sloooowly and gently pull it out about 1/2 way and grind down while putting it back in against the bottom of her opening towards her anus, but remember slow and consistant and only 1/2 way in and out about 1 to 2 inches in each direction... this should help you last longer and if done right should bring her close to an orgasm if not over the top.

Second suggestion is to buy one of those tiny vibrators known in the adult entertainment industry as a pocket rocket... Ask her to let you give her a massage.... if you've never given a massage here is another good tip... be gentle but firm in the way you press on her muscles, women are fragile... lay her on her stomach and start at her feet.. use some baby oil or massage cream or lotion( baby oil works best) Always keep one hand in contact with her body...

work you way up and make sure you massage her ass and anus slowly, rub your thumbs back and forth in an upward motion across her anus but you have to do it gently and slow... slip the very tip of your thumbs in the hole as you glide by... then tell her you are going to use a small vibrator to stimulate the muscles in her back and her neck, Take the pocket rocket and gentle run it across her body without the plastic cap that comes with it.. run it around in circles with one hand while keeping the other hand in contact with her body. now, begin to use your body like you used your hands and run your chest up across her ass and run your nose and tongue up her back while you are doing this.... after awhile ( 5 mins)Get her to turn over on her back. Start your massage the same way for the front of her body, masages her breasts gently and slowly, but when you get to her waist dont just attack the pussy... form a W using your thumbs and massage the entire area around her virgina...dont not stick your fingers inside of her.... just massage the outside.. put your pointer fingers and middle fingers together and gently massage using your thumbs (W) in a upward motion along her libia... run your fingers around the ood that hides her clit until you feel her pushing her pelvis up towards your fingers as you press down over it... (This pussy is gonna CUM I can tell) Now get the pocket rocket and begin to run it on low around the areas you r just massaged keeping one hand working the area aroung her clit.... when you feel that she is increasing the way she pushes her pelvis up towards you, take the pocket rocket and place it right over the hood....

Now is a good time to get your head closer to her virgina cuase you are about to lick that coochie....it the rocket in place without moving it, using you other hand to conitue to massage the area around it Gently and slowly.. Begin to lick the insides of her thighs... slow and lightly otherwise she is going to stop you... let your nose rub up against her pussy ad you do this... run your nose along the opening of her pussy... all while keeping the rocket in it's place.. if she stops moving her pelvis up and down, back off a little.. if not go to the next step... Begin to run your tongue along te lips of her pussy.. Try not to get too excited or else you will begin to move to fast and too hard.. and she'll make you stop... the idea is to not allow her to realize what you are doing or otherwise distract her from where ever the fuck she is right now... (Heaven)

If she is responding to this well take one hand and open her lips and place the rocket directly on her clit.. keep it still.. or it may hurt her be gentle and dont push it hard... now that her pussy is stread open lick it real slow and gentle... bearly touch it as you go up and down.. she should be good and wet right now.... once you have it so wet that the juices are flowing, move the rocket and begin to suck gently on her clit, short slurps and run your tongue down her pussy and back up again... if she has not cum by this time eat that pussy as long as you can without drying it out. dont suck her clit too hard or too long otherwise the sensitivity level will decrease.. hopefully by now she will have had an earth shattering orgasm from the rocket alone or from you licking her pussy.. if not slide up inside her and do the slow side to side thing and slow grind as described above...

If all else fails... send me an e-mail with directions to your place and I'll come and show how to personally do it.... ;)
Also the best way to last longer with her is to stay with her long enough to get older. When I was younger I struggled with getting off to quick but as I grew older the sex just kept getting longer and longer. It's a good thing too because my current gf is very difficult to get off. In a eight year relationship she's never got off quickly. Of course like all females there are some mental issues.
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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