Newbie here.. but not new to the art of pleasing a woman....
Lasting longer takes a bit of skill... first things first.... Slooooooooow down.. Don't be so excited because you are finally getting it... If she likes you alot, the pussy aint going no where... Take your time and get to know her pussy...
good tip:
While going deep is something that feeds our ego's, it's not always how deep you go that get's a woman excited.... Depending on how large you are or how tight she is, 3/4 of the way in she be enough to find her G-Spot...
Try this and see how it works for both of you....
Get into slow long and deep kisses while you are in her.. move slowly from side to side and only move it in and out about 1 to 2 inches max..... se how her body responds.. if you feel her moving her feet back and forth or curling her toes, you've hitting the spot... then sloooowly and gently pull it out about 1/2 way and grind down while putting it back in against the bottom of her opening towards her anus, but remember slow and consistant and only 1/2 way in and out about 1 to 2 inches in each direction... this should help you last longer and if done right should bring her close to an orgasm if not over the top.
Second suggestion is to buy one of those tiny vibrators known in the adult entertainment industry as a pocket rocket... Ask her to let you give her a massage.... if you've never given a massage here is another good tip... be gentle but firm in the way you press on her muscles, women are fragile... lay her on her stomach and start at her feet.. use some baby oil or massage cream or lotion( baby oil works best) Always keep one hand in contact with her body...
work you way up and make sure you massage her ass and anus slowly, rub your thumbs back and forth in an upward motion across her anus but you have to do it gently and slow... slip the very tip of your thumbs in the hole as you glide by... then tell her you are going to use a small
vibrator to stimulate the muscles in her back and her neck, Take the pocket rocket and gentle run it across her body without the plastic
cap that comes with it.. run it around in circles with one hand while keeping the other hand in contact with her body. now, begin to use your body like you used your hands and run your chest up across her ass and run your nose and tongue up her back while you are doing this.... after awhile ( 5 mins)Get her to turn over on her back. Start your massage the same way for the front of her body, masages her breasts gently and slowly, but when you get to her waist dont just attack the pussy... form a W using your thumbs and massage the entire area around her virgina...dont not stick your fingers inside of her.... just massage the outside.. put your pointer fingers and middle fingers together and gently massage using your thumbs (W) in a upward motion along her libia... run your fingers around the ood that hides her clit until you feel her pushing her pelvis up towards your fingers as you press down over it... (This pussy is gonna CUM I can tell) Now get the pocket rocket and begin to run it on low around the areas you r just massaged keeping one hand working the area aroung her clit.... when you feel that she is increasing the way she pushes her pelvis up towards you, take the pocket rocket and place it right over the hood....
Now is a good time to get your head closer to her virgina cuase you are about to lick that the rocket in place without moving it, using you other hand to conitue to massage the area around it Gently and slowly.. Begin to lick the insides of her thighs... slow and lightly otherwise she is going to stop you... let your nose rub up against her pussy ad you do this... run your nose along the opening of her pussy... all while keeping the rocket in it's place.. if she stops moving her pelvis up and down, back off a little.. if not go to the next step... Begin to run your tongue along te lips of her pussy.. Try not to get too excited or else you will begin to move to fast and too hard.. and she'll make you stop... the idea is to not allow her to realize what you are doing or otherwise distract her from where ever the fuck she is right now... (Heaven)
If she is responding to this well take one hand and open her lips and place the rocket directly on her clit.. keep it still.. or it may hurt her be gentle and dont push it hard... now that her pussy is stread open lick it real slow and gentle... bearly touch it as you go up and down.. she should be good and wet right now.... once you have it so wet that the juices are flowing, move the rocket and begin to suck gently on her clit, short slurps and run your tongue down her pussy and back up again... if she has not cum by this time eat that pussy as long as you can without drying it out. dont suck her clit too hard or too long otherwise the sensitivity level will decrease.. hopefully by now she will have had an earth shattering orgasm from the rocket alone or from you licking her pussy.. if not slide up inside her and do the slow side to side thing and slow grind as described above...
If all else fails... send me an e-mail with directions to your place and I'll come and show how to personally do it....