If there was a one world government you would have more things on your mind than offshoring. Offshoring sucks Im with you on that but complete government control is nothing I want to see happen.
We need some way to level the playing field when it comes to competing for jobs. I cant compete because I require alot of money just to live in my country. Its a good thing im self employed or else I would really be worried that I went through 6 years of school for nothing.
Im not talking complete government control with a 1 world government. Each country should and will handle its own affairs and policies. But like the EU, somehow amalgomate all the countries into a single economic entity but with each country still having its own identity.
Ya I agree.

That's the main problem with all these people today thinking all they have to do is go to college/university and they will automatically make 100 grand a year.

Most of them that come out won't find a job. They have to be the best at what they do to even get a job let alone a job with security.

I don't have much problem here with not finding work. There will always be work for what I do so when I do things on the side it works better in the end.

I like how Europe did the Euro dollar. If there was only one currency we both know what kind of currency that would be. I think if that was to happen it would go straight to peoples heads and that would be a problem.
kausion_420 said:
I like your take on it and I too believe GOD is ultimately in control. With religion being so tainted nowadays one has to have their own personal beliefs.

It is interesting how when ever someone says something about a truth that is hiden in plain sight they are automatically ruled out as a conspiracy theorist. Almost as if throwing the possibility right out the window will be more blissful and simplier than taking it into consideration. What I have read was mainly written by those who are part of it. You can find much information on the open source.

To say something is a conspiracy theory it would mean that there is absolutely proof. For example, lets say the lotto next week is 40 million dollars. You are thinking about buying a ticket but you have not purchased one. In "Theory" you could win that money, but in order to do that you would have to buy a ticket. Now as soon as you buy a ticket its no longer a "Theory" it becomes a possibility.. the more tickets you buy the more probable your chances of winning become.

The same is with what I say. If I hadn't read many articles and quotes and seen any footage of what I speak of. Or had not talked to people who's fathers are part of the group I research, I would have no proof and therefore my thoughts are only Theoritical. As soon as I find some kind of proof it becomes possible and the more proof one finds the more probable it becomes.

You can turn on your TV and see right for yourself how New York is becoming a police state. Time and time again UN members, Presidents and other people high up talk about world government and different methods to achieve it. If there is to be a world government it would mean all leaders would have to ultimately be striving for the same thing.

I have said all I can and need to say. I believe in what I have worked hard to find others believe in what they are told or see.

"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." - Brock Adams, Director UN Health Organization

great post.

honestly im late on this thread. but lets say for arguments sake, that god wanted this war to happen ( i highly doubt that as i am sure god probably wants all of mankind to stop fighting and realize there is enough big macs to go around so everyone can be happy) and furthermore god is different to each person yet i think we all bow down to the same entity in some fashion. be it jesus johova, budha, allah whatever. its all the same thing. i was born and raise a catholic do i beleive the catholic church is right for hiding facts about misconduct of there priests, no like ed norton says in 25th hour, fuck the preists that put there hands down some innocentboys pants and fuck the church that protects them delivering us into evil!"

Everyone yells go bush go bush go bush. fuck bush. he is ripping the country apart. our children wont have social security. health care will be for the rich and the air you breath will be chokin our life from us. see its funny you ask most americans the number one reason about this election and it was the iraq war and the protection of terrorist attacks. funny thing is most of these statements come from the likes of mid america and southern states. the bible belt and the left over confederates. come on people. this is 2004. the phsycological warefare that this admistration has waged on its people is evident just look at the color code of attacks. yellow, orange, red, orange, yellow, all this based on bullshit information. as the american people become more and more frightened into beleive that terrorists will be runnikng through our streets holding stores up!
helllllo.... wake up. thats exactly how this country is fooled into beleiving we need mr bush as our president. hes stead fast! oh so basically if someone is steadfast regardless if there a bummbling idiot and make all the wrong choices you still see him as a stand up guy? i see kerry actually picking up a m 16 and shooting charlies in vietnam while bush (aka pussy little rich white boy trying to impress daddy go fight your own war bitch grab a m 60 heavy art gun and lead your own war the way real leaders used to do it back in the day YOU your self should get on the front line and fight mr president if you believe so much in this wmd shit)was hiding from the war thanks to daddy in the government. bullshit this war was for personal gain on the backs of 16 million americans. my grandfather fought 5 long years in germany for this country so no one can ever call me unpatriotic like this admistrations is trying to prep the country as if your not down with his agenda then your anti american. anti american my nuts.

this segways back to the original comment i made. most of the scared states are these midwestern southern states that got bush into office. very unpopulated states compared to the big cities with populations double and trippling the bible belt states whom all got kerrys vote. what are you scared middle america? thats what i want to know or is it that half of them are so red kneck or backwards they will follow anything remotely related to religion even if its wrong. i am a New York born and raised in Brooklyn new york 30 years in the making, i work exactly 2 blocks from thre trade center and my girlfriend worked in the trade center not to mention most of my friends worked in surrounding buildinds. who did this state vote for? kerry. who got hit the hardest on sept 11 while half of america watched on tv i was clearing soot from my lungs and dust from my head. us new yorkers know the show is over and the gig is up the shock and awe and the victoray strut from a dumb country boy is gay save it for dad in your house we all know you got "yella" down your back and witrh the us military backing you we got the biggest bully around in office. so all of you who voted for him give yourself a round of applause cause when they kick in your door in 10 years cause you called the president a prick you have yourself to thank.

you think illuminati is just a fuckin conspiracy theory
thats why white racist are running shit and your
phone is tapped my the federal goverment
hiv was constructed by masons for population control
amongst blacks and latins it back fired i garantee you if
hiv was brought to the front door of the oval office
poof there would be a cure all of a sudden.

the problem in this country is not enough people really take time to find out the facts instead the go by what one man told him or what the new said.
this country was founded on blood and lies
we robbed this land from the indians brought slaves here
and both are written out of the history books that
your children hold on there way to 4th grade
there is hipocrasy in our democrasy
freedom isn't free especially when people are seen as disposable
to fight a war that has to impress a small dicked father and
secure oil for both of there oil companies make cheney and his croonies richer
getting no bid contracts for haliburton and turning this country
into the united states of hipocrasy.
this coming from a new soldier i have a feeling you people will see alot more of in the future. the youth. the truth. let us mosh to the steps of the white house. take back this country that was sold like a cheap whore.

revolution solution
i love this country i hate the people running it
Shafty said:
Ghosttt, that was an awesome post! You spoke as if from my very heart, even though I'm not an American! :yes:

It was very heart felt.

I found a lot of great points. I liked your quote "revolution solution". I believe that is the only way that America well get back on track. One way or another whether a peaceful revolution or not. A peaceful revolution can only happen if the masses wake up and stop being so selfish.

I have said this time and time again. Many people hate bush, I personally have no problem with the guy. On the surface it seems like you have a choice and you hate bush so vote Kerry. Get under the surface and you will realize that no matter which choice you made the branches lead back to the same path. So in essence, you have no choice.

Also glad someone else knows about the Illuminated Elitests. They are everywhere and have been since 1776. Taking over other Societies that go back before the 15th century. Your dollar bill has their logo and their saying under it "New Age of Order". Their monuments are scattered throughout your country and Europe. The new age is now, the 21st century. Believe me or not, soon it will all become clear.
ghosttt, great post. i agree with it all.

one problem i see with the world today and more specific, a problem with the masses is, they will never change there ways. you are trying to encourage them to think for themselves, and even if they listen to you it won't be.... shit this is hard to explain.

"the problem in this country is not enough people really take time to find out the facts instead the go by what one man told him or what the new said."

see thats what you said, and in a perfect world thats what would happen, but the masses don't work like that, if they listened to someone like you it would only be "going by what one man told him or what the new said." you see what i mean, shit like that makes me mad, they never wake up, they just find someone else to lead them and make new opinions for them.

but hey, at least theres a few people who arn't blind, and im glad to see some of them are on this board.
i'm sorry that i hit the thread late, but all i gotta say is the first thing that i wrote up on my white board here at school was "we're all fucked"
9cyclops9 said:
More people are unemployed than ever? I find that extremely hard to believe. Which book would you have me read? Just because there are books out there that claim this stuff doesn't make it absolute truth. I'm sure that whatever book you want me to read has been refuted by another book. Don't be brainwashed into believing everything you read, or everything Michael Moore says. Which of our civil rights are in trouble? I haven't heard of any of my rights being threatened by Bush, so please enlighten me.

Oh and by the way, war results in lost lives. On both sides. It's part of it. What reason could you possibly give for not wanting to take Saddam out of power? I don't understand.

Oh and that IQ thing earlier, even if it was true, doesn't explain crap. My IQ is 155, so please explain to me why I didn't vote Kerry? It has nothing to do with intelligent people vote one way, and stupid people vote another.

The IQ thing needs to be dropped in either side's case because it's what you know that is percieved to be truth and what you ultimately believe is factual. Form your own opinion but when it comes to the bigger issues someone is always lying up at the top trying to gain something personally. I don't think Bush and the people he surrounds himself with are the right people for the jobs they have. I think they mislead,lie, and prey on those who think he's right based on the misleading information. There is no accountability with Bush's administration. We all have our point of views and families involved in the wars going on in the world. I just don't feel right with this President.
Hey kausion....do you mean this is new world order, but in latin....novus ordo seclorum... that's very interesting...what are the monuments??? Dude I want to learn...PM me some of your info sites man, and not the alex site, it's interesting, but his info isn't all that put together, as in organization is poor.
I only recently learned of Alex's stuff I have been following the same path he has been for years though. So when I found his stuff it connected some dots as I felt I was crazy or something.

I find a lot of info on the open source the same place I find my games and movies. You can join one of their groups and speak with members directly, wanna be members and kids of members who are really high up. You can also find documents and such. Gather as much as you can from all different sources and put things together for yourself. Most of the places all say similiar things which makes the search more interesting.
Maybe the Illuminati are Illuminated and are working for you, not against you .
Humanity is moving as a group to a place that is as close to Utopia as mortals can get. Thats what we want. Us. The Illuminati.
One world government will be cool if the different cultures can retain their differences; languages, religions etc., while living together. Same economic scale, etc...
But thats hard to do with the "media" playing us against each other just so they can sell "tickets". Who makes up this media? Thats what I would like to know.
One thing I feel certain about is that Christianity is a great religion- philosophy thing. It is not race exclusive. Not to uptight. Not unforgiving to say the least. Well catholics can be harsh, but anyway.
I know this guy that says that the Jews run American media and they are pushing out all this shit in order to take over the world. He said that Jewish law allows the owning of slaves, and that in Isreal its not unheard of for a family to own a slave, usually Eastern European orphans these days. He says that to Jews, and their brothers the Muslims, all none Jew/Muslims are not considered to be Human. I dont know about all that, but it sounds like a problem. So...
But yea we will make it!!! As a race, the HUMAN race. To a place that is best. The question.........What is Best? Answer that.
Personally Im pretty happy sittin around with a woman to make love to, gettin high (legalize it!), entertainment, a healthy enviorment, And Oppritunity..

Buddha is pretty cold by the way.
The media has been and always will be controlled by those in power. Those who control the federal reserve and the world banks control the media and the education system.

When you speak of world government it does not mean everyone will have their own religion. There would be one choice brought fourth by those imposing this world government. You are either with us or with them... (where have I heard that phrase before?).

There is vast knowledge out there to be discovered. Those who are in the highest levels of power horde this knowledge. It was documented from the ancient times that those cultures who could predict the actions of the sun could predict and manipulate what goes on around them. We all send out vibrations and in return get back the same vibrations that we put out. An angry person sends out these vibes and gets nothing back but more anger which slows down their evolution. This is the information that is very powerful and is used in a sense to control the masses.

Think of it like a pyramid based structure. Those at the top have the ultimate knowledge as the pyramid broadens towards its base the knowledge becomes ignorance. Control works from the top down. Many symbols like the sun and pyramids turn up almost everywhere you look. This is a knowledge that is not to be shared to the rest of us.

As far as christianity and other religions I encourage you to read about Egyptian and Babalonian history. Read the story of Isis and Horus and about Nimrod. You will discover that even though both of these ancient societies came about long before christianity for some reason christianity is almost a replica of this. Horus being the son of god who was born on Dec.25 to the virgin mother Isis. The story of Nimrod follows this exactly only Babalonian history precedes Egyptian. Now there is christianity with the same story about Jesus and Mary. Seems strange to me but the more I read the more things I find out.
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copper_handshak said:
First of all you dont seem to be lacking knowledge to me. What do you do for a living if you dont mind me asking? What about schooling? How old are you.

I am 20. I am an insturmentation mechanic/maintainence electrician. Schooling just to grade 12. There is more knowledge out there than what could ever be taught inside a school.

I learned lots at school mainly just math. In history class it became obvious that someone was manipulating the system to better themselves. The teacher would say certain things that would buffer the real reasons which is when I started finding other sources for this type of education.
And now we have a REAL president!

Big Schwanz Acht;735436 said:
Talk about cognitive dissonance, lol

lmao! So true. But also, we have been around a long ass time!