No matter what time this gets called, or how long it takes to verify the popular vote stands that George W. Bush is the chosen majority leader of the United States of America. I don't know why you voted or who you voted for, but he is a bold leader and is not affraid of a little criticism. He has made some questionable decisions but ultimately he heas stood by them and will continue to. I am very grateful and quite hopeful for the coming time, and may we all praise God for the days to come. Blessed are the meek who will inherit the Earth. My feelings on politics are very strong, but I don't think most would understand why I feel the way I do or approach it in the manner I chose to. There is a book that was recently published that I think deserves much attention and that's The American Prophecies. Very interesting read, even though I haven't read it to completion, but being very much into the book of Revelations and books on the topic are always of interest to me.

I do know that to all my brothers in Christ it is soon to be our time to stand up and to call upon the Lord to move us as one Body and one Soul, no matter what the denomination or creed, or race. Our God will be with us in all things in the coming time and we must stand in faith against the torrent of hatred and upheval against the faith. Do not be alarmed by these words but be prayerful and seeking of Him in all things we do.
I'm not going to go out and dance in the streets, but I'm personally glad that it's Bush and not Kerry. God knows Bush has many flaws. Many good people voted for Kerry because they had enough reason to be disgusted with Bush. Personally, Kerry was further on my disgust scale, although Bush made the rankings himself. I'll just be glad when it's finalized.
millionman said:
No matter what time this gets called, or how long it takes to verify the popular vote stands that George W. Bush is the chosen majority leader of the United States of America. I don't know why you voted or who you voted for, but he is a bold leader and is not affraid of a little criticism. He has made some questionable decisions but ultimately he heas stood by them and will continue to. I am very grateful and quite hopeful for the coming time, and may we all praise God for the days to come. Blessed are the meek who will inherit the Earth. My feelings on politics are very strong, but I don't think most would understand why I feel the way I do or approach it in the manner I chose to. There is a book that was recently published that I think deserves much attention and that's The American Prophecies. Very interesting read, even though I haven't read it to completion, but being very much into the book of Revelations and books on the topic are always of interest to me.

I do know that to all my brothers in Christ it is soon to be our time to stand up and to call upon the Lord to move us as one Body and one Soul, no matter what the denomination or creed, or race. Our God will be with us in all things in the coming time and we must stand in faith against the torrent of hatred and upheval against the faith. Do not be alarmed by these words but be prayerful and seeking of Him in all things we do.

when i read that i couldn't help but visualize a crazy freaky guy with pure white eyes saying it in a haunting monotone voice.
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when i read that i couldn't help but visualize a crazy freaky guy with pure white eyes saying it in a haunting monotone voice.

Im glad Bush won (its just a matter of time before Kerry conceides). I voted for him and feel good about the next four years, but I would SO prefer someone between Bush and Kerry. Where is that party? For instance I support medical marijuana but do not support abortion on demand without parental notification for 14 year olds. I enjoy pre-marital sex but think adultry should be illegal.
I feel like the Dems want to be to loose and the Reps want to be to tight.

Anyway...I hope my friends here who were pulling for Kerry arent to bent over this. I know if Kerry had won I would be pissed. :)
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It's still not over either. In the end the Dems might lose up to 4 seats in the senate including the minority leader Tom Daschle. They are gonna have to rethink their policies and I think they shouldn't endorse wackjobs like Michael Moore. It can't be good for them.
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Well, I certainly have my issues with Bush and I've been quite vocal about that, but hey, it's just another 4 years. Unless an even worse leader comes out of the woodwork after that. :D j/k

Seriously though, I don't want to turn this thread into another Bush beating, so I'll just shut up now. I certainly don't want to ruin anyones joy over the seemingly imminent outcome of this election.

Whatever comes of this, I sincerely hope things turn out for the best for America. I love the country: it is like a second homeland to me, and the years I lived there were rich in experiences and adventures. Hopefully the war will end soon so that America can focus more of it's potential on righting the wrongs of the country and maybe helping the rest of the world do the same.

On a side note, it seems that I'll be going on a 2 week vacation to the Bay Area again this coming spring!! Man, I'm already so psyched! Can't wait! Long live the USA and the Golden State! (*cough cough*.. kiss ass)
Oh and for all the People who belive Bush has been selected by God. Do you realy belive that God would choose a person who has started 2 wars for selfish reasons? Do you realy belive that god stands by a person because of who thousands of people have died, then go sit in the corner and read the bible.
to me picking kerry would be the lesser of two evils...i know a lot of people i know didn't know too many issues that were being discussed besides the war and they didn't watch the debates...but voted for kerry...with the mindset that it have to get better than this...if bush do win the election do you think he can reverse all the wrong that he has done while he was in office...we are still at war and our deficit is out of control...and on the other hand you have kerry who is obviously a pussy...we are just screwed
Texan said:


Hopful, if you look in the Bible, you'll see that there were many wars that were ordered by God to happen. So why would he change his mind in the 21st century just because society has changed its outlook on war?

And, NBC is reporting that Bush has 269 votes and Kerry has 238. I don't know which news station is more accurate, but with those figures the best Kerry can do is tie. Then the House votes, and the house is predominantly Republican. Either way, it looks good for Bush. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is hearing these Bostonians whine for the next 4 years.
I am not a very knowledgeable person when it comes to politics but it seems allot of guys are saying all these things that Bush has done wrong over the past 4 years, can someone be specific and show how it was his doing? Help a lame-man out:)
Yeah, He won. I'm not a huge fan either way, but at the same time if you think a man who can't stand on principle or even on the words that come out of his mouth, you by all means should have voted for Kerry. Bush ultimately stands for what he believes, and starting a war for selfish reasons, what would that be??? I'm sorry farenheit 9/11 was garbage no matter how you look at it, but I am one who doesn't believe everything he hears. And honestly I didn't get the opporunity to vote, my absentee ballot wasn't dated soon enough. I feel that the right leader won, I can't see John Kerry being president. He's all old and saggy, kind of looks like a bushy eyed bull dog..... That's not the point though, we need strong leadership now, and if we were to have had a changing of the guard in the middle of a war that could only lead to confusion and disaray.

By the way, the whole last part of my first post is not neccesarily in regards to Bush as president, but for all the brothers and siters in christ to stand up and be accounted for, it's a call to action. No wild eyed crazed person, just a simple encouragement and call to action.
Congrats to you Bush supporters out there, you deserve it. Bush not only won the electoral votes, but the popular vote as well. No question about it.

I personally am saddened and disappointed in the outcome, but I also wasnt too overly optimistic. I really thought we were ready for a change tho.

But hey, lets move on eh?
hopful said:
Oh and for all the People who belive Bush has been selected by God. Do you realy belive that God would choose a person who has started 2 wars for selfish reasons? Do you realy belive that god stands by a person because of who thousands of people have died, then go sit in the corner and read the bible.

When you think about it in that sense it is safe to say GOD is nor good nor bad. We are free to make our own choices, GOD does not mess with ones free will.

In a biblical sense it would be safe to say Jesus is good and Lucifer is bad. Some worship Jesus, others worship Lucifer. Those with greater power worship one of these two idols as it becomes more aparrent as years pass by.

Bush is the better man for the job to get the main goals accross.
kausion_420 said:
When you think about it in that sense it is safe to say GOD is nor good nor bad. We are free to make our own choices, GOD does not mess with ones free will.

In a biblical sense it would be safe to say Jesus is good and Lucifer is bad. Some worship Jesus, others worship Lucifer. Those with greater power worship one of these two idols as it becomes more aparrent as years pass by.

Bush is the better man for the job to get the main goals accross.

Well said, but understated. Jesus is the savior and Satan is the fallen angel. God is perfect, and pure. Meaning He is more than simply Good, but infallible and beautiful. Bush is indeed the best to get the job done, and the people spoke loud and clear on who the chose to be in office. For months I sat by and watched the election antics go on and the media simply put emphasis on Kerry as president and the evil's of the Bush administration. Ultimately I do not believe people are as naive as to simply follow what some media organization has said, and if they do follow and do not seek for themselves then they are sheep who are to be led to the slaughter.
hopful said:
Oh and for all the People who belive Bush has been selected by God. Do you realy belive that God would choose a person who has started 2 wars for selfish reasons? Do you realy belive that god stands by a person because of who thousands of people have died, then go sit in the corner and read the bible.

Uh...two wars?
RazedNegative said:
Congrats to you Bush supporters out there, you deserve it. Bush not only won the electoral votes, but the popular vote as well. No question about it.

I personally am saddened and disappointed in the outcome, but I also wasnt too overly optimistic. I really thought we were ready for a change tho.

But hey, lets move on eh?

Nice post. I know, from what I've read, that you, like many other fellow Pittsburghers, were hoping for a Kerry victory. However, your kind words say much about you. Kerry was also very good in his concession earlier today. I'm glad this didn't drag out like last time.
penguinsfan said:
Uh...two wars?

I think he was referring to the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq. The first one was justified IMO, but the second one was (and will be since there seems to be no end to it) bullshit for the lack of a better word to describe it.
i think someone else used this quote somewhere here, and i think it applies in this thread.

"how convenient for the leaders that the masses do not think" - Adolf Hitler.

i'd like to point out that i in no way support Hitler.
Shafty said:
I think he was referring to the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq. The first one was justified IMO, but the second one was (and will be since there seems to be no end to it) bullshit for the lack of a better word to describe it.
My brother-in-law has been over there for quite some time he said "The crap you hear on TV is not whats going on over there at all. Most of Iraqian's are gratful we showed up and got rid of a mad man." btw If Bush senior would have finished what he started we wouldn't be there now. :s
I think it is wonderful that the extreme efforts of hollywood, the establisHydromaxent media, foreign governments, and even the UN have failed, and the American people have returned the correct man for the times. Never before in US history has a sitting leader been hit from so many different angles, and survived.

PT Barnum was right, you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

Over the last 18 months, I have never heard so many lies. Long live GWB.

Bib said:
Over the last 18 months, I have never heard so many lies. Long live GWB.
Agreed. I think that the complete slander campaign that the liberals tried to run is ultimately one of the main reasons they were not able to win the election, endorsing looney tunes such as Michael Moore and attempting to portray GWB as the next Adolf Hitler which simply isn't true, whether you like the guy or not.
I think it is wonderful that the extreme efforts of hollywood, the establisHydromaxent media, foreign governments, and even the UN have failed, and the American people have returned the correct man for the times. Never before in US history has a sitting leader been hit from so many different angles, and survived.

I think that the complete slander campaign that the liberals tried to run is ultimately one of the main reasons they were not able to win the election

I totally agree.
Enough said? So we should think the same as the majority of the world? Mark Twain said "If ever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it's time to change." Who cares what the majority of the people, especially outside of America, thinks? Does that make them right?
Not at all. It matters what the Penis EnlargementOPLE of AMERICA say, and they said President Bush. So lets all get over it (yes im talking to the people who are complaining/moaning), and all work together to make America the best we can.

And yes, I voted for Kerry, but thats not important anymore.
You want to say that Kerry was the right choice for President, I'm willing to bet that 90% of the people did not realize that this was true.....

Guess who is endorsing John Kerry?
> >
> >The Communist Part of the United States of America
> - "CPUSA" -
> >is publicly supporting the election of John Kerry.
> >
> >No, this is not a read it correctly. The
> CPUSA has made
> >
> >available on its Web site, "",
> an advertisement
> >
> >entitled Top Ten Reasons to Defeat Bush. This
> advertisement can be
> >
> >downloaded. The communist party urges readers to
> place this ad in local
> >
> >newspapers throughout the country to defeat
> President Bush.
> >
> >Remarkably, the "Top Ten Reasons" of the Communist
> party are identical to
> >
> >those of the Democratic party; out-sourcing,
> homosexual rights, abortion
> >
> >and so on.
> >
> >At first, it was thought this is only a
> coincidence.The Democratic party of
> >the
> >
> >United States couldn't be in lock step with the
> Marxists!
> >
> >So, the originator of this email wrote to a
> spokesman of the CPUSA in
> >Georgia.
> >
> >
> >
> >Following is part of the spokesman's letter:
> >
> >"The CPUSA supports the John Kerry campaign with
> donations and volunteer
> > effort. We believe that defeating George Bush is
> the single most
> >important
> > issue this November"
> >
> >**Next, it was noted that one of Kerry's campaign
> themes is "Let America
> >
> > be America Again." This slogan was borrowed
> from a Communist poet,
> >
> > Langston Hughes.
> >
> >This is not common knowledge to the average
> American. "Let America be
> >America Again" sounds good, but in actuality is a
> rambling, gloomy poem.
> >
> >Note: Another poem by Langston goes as follows;
> >
> > "Goodbye, Christ Jesus, Lord, God, Jehovah. Beat
> it on away from here
> >now.
> >
> > Make way for a new guy with no religion at all
> -- a real guy named Marx,
> >
> > communist, Lenin, Peasant, Stalin, Worker, ME --
> yes, I said ME!"
> >
> >If this doesn't convince you that the Democratic
> party 'has lost it'.....
> >
> >there is a third discovery........!
> >
> >**A Vietnam vet group took a trip to Communist
> Hanoi to investigate a
> >report
> >
> >that John Kerry is 'honored' in the "Hanoi Hall of
> Fame!" Yes, there is a
> >museum
> >
> >in Hanoi with a section dedicated to foreign
> activists who help defeat the
> >United States Military in Vietnam. Of course, you
> would expect to see Jane
> >Fonda's picture there. Alas, there too is John
> Kerry's picture, shaking the
> >hand of a communist official.
> >
> >Does the word Traitor ring a bell? This was truly a
> slap in the face to
> >America
> >
> >......from one of it's own military!
> >
> >Has the Democratic party been taken over by the
> far, far left?
> >
> >It's not only the communists who are appalled that
> George Bush is married
> >
> >to a woman!
> >
> >They are enraged that President Bush wants a
> constitutional amendment to
> >protect traditional marriage between a man and
> woman.
> >
> >Then we have the ACLU running to a federal activist
> judge with every piece
> >
> >of legislation that doesn't fit into their leftist
> agenda. They support
> >every Democratic socialist whim.
> >
> >The removal of the Ten Commandments is their top
> priority!
> >
> > Is this not called SECULARISM..!!
> >
> >Don't just accept this message for the truth --
> visit the CPUSA website at
> > -- read the articles, then
> decide for yourself.
> >
> >So...who will get your vote in this Presidential
> Election?
> >
> >This a matter of concience and integrity.
> >
> >This message needs to be seen. Send it out, if you
> care about America's....
> >
> >and your own....future. ~
I wouldn't doubt that the communist party was backing him. They would be backing the both of em. The main goal is a world gov't republicans and democrats have very different ways of going about achieving it but they both still have to have the same goal. Once a world gov't is created everything would be communist or worse anyways.
So tell me do we want a communist running our country....You may not think it says much, but if some will think back to Clinton's administration one of their items on the agenda was to actually change over to the Euro....not talked about very much, but was going to come up to the senate shortly before the Lewinski scandal, and was dropped from the agenda because of it. The democrats and the CPUSA have the same core beliefs and have their minds set on ultimately creating a huge central government and slowly but surely moving to a communist state. My roommate sent me this e-mail and that's the reason why no one should have voted for Kerry. By the way for anyone interested there is a new book called Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man, it's very interesting and insightful to his ploys and his misuse of information. He hates rich white america, HE IS RICH WHITE AMERICA, wake up america. Good grief, you can't hate yourself and love yourself at the sametime, so where does his interest lie, certinly not in the truth, but in self preservation. The media is all made up of lies.
I definitely see your point Kausion, but you have to look at the way the Republicans are attempting to shrink government, yes the patriot act is dangerous, but they are working to remove gov't involvement in our everyday lives.

It's not simply the fact they backed him, but their beliefs are exactly the same as the democratic party across the board. Does that make sense???
From the side I am taking due to lots of reading and such. I come to the conclusion that It starts as one group and breaks into democrat and republican. They both have the same ultimate goal. No President can even begin to run without becoming a member to the new age of order. So since they are all members they must have the same goals. Of course different people will have different ways of acheiving these goals which is why they are split into two groups. Also having two groups works for the people in many ways.

Whether Democrat, Republican or UN member they all have the same goal. Which ever angle you look at it America is slowly becoming a communist state.
really great points millionman. Im greatful for your passion. :-)

Hey kausion, whats up? Do you see that (move to communisim) as some sort of natural rytHydromax within the evolution of society and is it avoidable? Is it bad? It all becomes very complicated doesnt it...
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I get what you mean Kausion, I don't necessarily agree with you, and the main reason is because of the us vs. them mentality held among the members of the respective parties. I can't see both parties working towards these goals, you may be right on some things in regards to the government, but of some things that I've read very strongly come across as wackos with pens. There is a limit to established authority, and with God ultimately in control I can honestly say, "I ain't scared" I was paid for with blood and nothing will change that. I'm very much one of the silent majority, I watch pay attention and listen, and things can get really murky when you throw in some conspiracy theories. I've read some of the same things you have since you linked me to some of it, but if there's some more info you'd like to share you can PM me and I'll check it out and discuss it with you. I just don't think things are as deep and dark as some like to think, in the end they are just human beings, despite what those who have written about the illuminati and things of the nature believe.
I like your take on it and I too believe GOD is ultimately in control. With religion being so tainted nowadays one has to have their own personal beliefs.

It is interesting how when ever someone says something about a truth that is hiden in plain sight they are automatically ruled out as a conspiracy theorist. Almost as if throwing the possibility right out the window will be more blissful and simplier than taking it into consideration. What I have read was mainly written by those who are part of it. You can find much information on the open source.

To say something is a conspiracy theory it would mean that there is absolutely proof. For example, lets say the lotto next week is 40 million dollars. You are thinking about buying a ticket but you have not purchased one. In "Theory" you could win that money, but in order to do that you would have to buy a ticket. Now as soon as you buy a ticket its no longer a "Theory" it becomes a possibility.. the more tickets you buy the more probable your chances of winning become.

The same is with what I say. If I hadn't read many articles and quotes and seen any footage of what I speak of. Or had not talked to people who's fathers are part of the group I research, I would have no proof and therefore my thoughts are only Theoritical. As soon as I find some kind of proof it becomes possible and the more proof one finds the more probable it becomes.

You can turn on your TV and see right for yourself how New York is becoming a police state. Time and time again UN members, Presidents and other people high up talk about world government and different methods to achieve it. If there is to be a world government it would mean all leaders would have to ultimately be striving for the same thing.

I have said all I can and need to say. I believe in what I have worked hard to find others believe in what they are told or see.

"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." - Brock Adams, Director UN Health Organization
Please go read a book. Bush is the worst president since Taft. Unfortunately a majority of these posts just show how uninformed Americans really are. The economy is horrible, more people are unemployed than ever, and our civil rights are in trouble; so to say that Bush isn't a push over is true you will never be able to push him to help the working class American.

Read Noam Chomsky or Howard Zinn. They are not Liberal so don't throw that around they are just truthfull. And if you don't have time to read you can get thier books on tape.

So, unfortunately no one will do this, it may have to take thousands of more lives lost in Iraq for people to change thier minds, I don't want to see that.

Enjoy lower taxes and higher bills for the next four years.
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More people are unemployed than ever? I find that extremely hard to believe. Which book would you have me read? Just because there are books out there that claim this stuff doesn't make it absolute truth. I'm sure that whatever book you want me to read has been refuted by another book. Don't be brainwashed into believing everything you read, or everything Michael Moore says. Which of our civil rights are in trouble? I haven't heard of any of my rights being threatened by Bush, so please enlighten me.

Oh and by the way, war results in lost lives. On both sides. It's part of it. What reason could you possibly give for not wanting to take Saddam out of power? I don't understand.

Oh and that IQ thing earlier, even if it was true, doesn't explain crap. My IQ is 155, so please explain to me why I didn't vote Kerry? It has nothing to do with intelligent people vote one way, and stupid people vote another.
9cyclops9 said:
Oh and that IQ thing earlier, even if it was true, doesn't explain crap. My IQ is 155, so please explain to me why I didn't vote Kerry? It has nothing to do with intelligent people vote one way, and stupid people vote another.

maybe you just have book smarts.
tonedef said:
The economy is horrible, more people are unemployed than ever...
The flip-side of that is more people are now employed than ever. That's twist on truth because the population is higher than ever. Unemployment RATE, which is what counts is pretty low. Economists regard "full employment" as around 6% unemployment. We are currently at about 5.4%, so we are doing very well. Either you are the one who is uninformed or you just like to twist the truth to try to make things look worse than they are. Unfortunately for you, there are people here who are informed.

tonedef said:
...and our civil rights are in trouble;
You're gonna have to explain this one to me.

tonedef said:
so to say that Bush isn't a push over is true you will never be able to push him to help the working class American... Enjoy lower taxes and higher bills for the next four years.
Hey, my home payments are the lowest they've ever been, and, overall, home ownership is at an all time high thanks to some of the lowest mortgage rates in history. Inflation has been static to minimal since Bush took office, and since 2000, I have been able to fully purchase 2 vehicles (for my wife and I). Plus we have paid less in income taxes than during the Clinton years. I don't see how life with Bush is so bad, and I am working my way through law school.

What do you think Kerry was going to do differently that is so great? Raise taxes on small business owners while simultaneously raising minimum wage? Unemployment and inflation go up to pay for these things.

Evidently Bush isn't all that bad, he got more votes than any other President in history. Including mine in case you couldn't tell.
Speaking of intelligence...

I thought it was funny as shit when Peter Jennings was interviewing Kerry and he told him evaluations of their military admissions tests (ASVAB) showed Bush with a superior intelligence to Kerry. Kerry handled it well, but I thought for a second he was going to fall out of his chair. That had to be one of my favorite moments of the campaign.
I think the fact that Ashcroft defended the right of American Muslim children to wear their head scarves to school while the French outlawed the wearing of head scraves by Muslim children is telling about the 'degradation of our civil rights' and religious intolerence. Also didnt Canada just ok fly overs of neighbor hoods using thermal imaging technology to look for grow houses? That will never happen in the U.S.A.
Shithead said:
maybe you just have book smarts.


If that even were true, explain to me how it would be relevant. So it isn't intelligent, educated people that vote for Kerry, it's people that are some other kind of smart? IQ is a measure of intelligence. Therefore, his statement that people of higher IQ (higher intelligence) vote for Kerry is total BS. My point was that it's not a difference in intelligence, it's a difference in political thought, moral conviction, etc.

But what am I talking to you for? All you do on this board is stir up trouble.
9cyclops9 said:

If that even were true, explain to me how it would be relevant. So it isn't intelligent, educated people that vote for Kerry, it's people that are some other kind of smart? IQ is a measure of intelligence. Therefore, his statement that people of higher IQ (higher intelligence) vote for Kerry is total BS. My point was that it's not a difference in intelligence, it's a difference in political thought, moral conviction, etc.

But what am I talking to you for? All you do on this board is stir up trouble.

the kind of intelligence i'm talking of is people who think for themselves.

they use books, people, education not to create an understanding for them but to aid them in creating their own understanding.

what im trying to say is really really hard to explain.