i'm about 7,5" long and i have a width of 2" but girth of only 5,5".
so i'm thinking about changing to dry jelqs, because they're much better girth exercise. are there any reasons to keep at wet jelqing?
For me, it's easier to get more blood pumped into my penis when I wet jelq. Dry jelqing is o.k. with various stretches. But for getting a really pumped, and therefore a girthier penis, there is nothing like a half hour wet jelq session.

It's messier, of course. And it requires a longer warm-up, which is essential. After a ten minute hot rag warm-up, I start the wet jelqing session, then, with a lot more blood in my dick. I've reached some of my greatest temporary girth increases while wet jelqing. Some of these have translated into permanent gains.

This is just one man's experience with wet jelqing. I practiced it for three months before I started the stretches and eventually dry jelqing.
well that does not apply to me. as i'm wet-jelqing it's just "pumped" and more blood as usual is in it.

but as i'm dry-jelqing my penis almost explodes. i'm also able to do some bends, while holding the root of my penis.

the thing is: i'm 90% happy with my length, but although i got 5,5"+ in girth and 2" in width, i'm not happy with these two values. i'd like to have at least 6"1/4 in girth and 2"1/4 in width...

and as i read, dry-jelqing is the better girth excercise. also i'm not getting very excited by doing wet-jelqs. maybe because of lack of motivation :/

dry-jelqs also feel much more... uHydromax... powerful
I prefer dry jelqing for girth,the technique i like to do is clamp at the base,do a quick kegal then a short one inch jelq,kegal one inch jelq for about 5 or 6 reps,this gets a lot of blood in,then clamp hard and do one or two slow long dry jelqs.
prince Albert said:
I prefer dry jelqing for girth,the technique i like to do is clamp at the base,do a quick kegal then a short one inch jelq,kegal one inch jelq for about 5 or 6 reps,this gets a lot of blood in,then clamp hard and do one or two slow long dry jelqs.

well, i "clamp" with my hand (with the other one i'm bending my penis to the right side, because it has a slight curve to the left) and then im pushing my clamping hand as much upwards until it hurts... feels good :) and i got girth of about 6,5" =)
about 1 or 2 hours after my workout i get damn hard erections, so i think it can't be that bad ;)