yeah you would think that he would measure the same way in both pics to prove gains, it defo makes it less convincing
shortdick;623862 said: got a question here, the way he measures his penis is not convincing he is supposed to measure PAPB maybe in the first pic he is measuring his penis a bit more correctly but in the sec pic if we measure that way we get a bigger result... just an "observation" i had...

yes it think it is clear he is pulling on his penis. i find it funny that pic comparison would be used
One picture he is measuring from the center and the other he is measuring from the side, this will cause a different measurement in all men. It is important, for self proof, to measure from the same place consistently or the gains will not be true.
doublelongdaddy;624071 said:
One picture he is measuring from the center and the other he is measuring from the side, this will cause a different measurement in all men. It is important, for self proof, to measure from the same place consistently or the gains will not be true.

these pics are a joke. i am surprised they use them

shortdick;624152 said:
yes when we measure from the side we get a bigger size... NBPEL is the most accurate....

for sure. i have only ever care about my NBEL. and my NBPFSL a bit.
Zambrodom3;624337 said:
I care mostly about my NBPEL and my NBPFL. :)

That is all about weight loss and fat reduction. I have an incredible way of dropping weight quickly but up to now I have never kept track of it. I am hoping the depression will lift soon and I can write down exactly how I do it. Fastest ever was when I lost 140 pounds in 4 months.
doublelongdaddy;624473 said:
That is all about weight loss and fat reduction. I have an incredible way of dropping weight quickly but up to now I have never kept track of it. I am hoping the depression will lift soon and I can write down exactly how I do it. Fastest ever was when I lost 140 pounds in 4 months.

This CAN'T be healthy! Losing SO MUCH in such a little amount of time...

Btw- what happened to the book of PE project, I am still waiting for the height increase part! :)
Zambrodom3;624482 said:
This CAN'T be healthy! Losing SO MUCH in such a little amount of time...

Btw- what happened to the book of PE project, I am still waiting for the height increase part! :)

To be honest it was the healthiest I have ever felt. I know that many say this is not a good thing but from my experience it was incredible. I was finally able to see all the size I gained and was able to have a penis with no fat pad. I lost about a pound a day and that was hugely motivating. I can't tell you exactly how yet but when it happens again I am going to keep excellent record.

The book is on hold until we get other, more pressing things done. It is written and needs to be edited, which lis a much bigger job than I imagined. Many mistake to be corrected, some rewrites and further research needs to be done. It will happen but I can't say when.
doublelongdaddy;624494 said:
To be honest it was the healthiest I have ever felt. I know that many say this is not a good thing but from my experience it was incredible. I was finally able to see all the size I gained and was able to have a penis with no fat pad. I lost about a pound a day and that was hugely motivating. I can't tell you exactly how yet but when it happens again I am going to keep excellent record.

The book is on hold until we get other, more pressing things done. It is written and needs to be edited, which lis a much bigger job than I imagined. Many mistake to be corrected, some rewrites and further research needs to be done. It will happen but I can't say when.

Wow! Well, do it again DLD! That way you can motivate yourself and get out of the depression you are in now. :)
Forget about the "success stories" you find on any PE product site, most of them are exagerated, taken to maximize the gains(semierect in the before and viagra erection in the after pic) and also photoshoped.

Look in the real world for results, in free forums such sd this one .
Blueballs;625500 said:
Forget about the "success stories" you find on any PE product site, most of them are exagerated, taken to maximize the gains(semierect in the before and viagra erection in the after pic) and also photoshoped.

Look in the real world for results, in free forums such sd this one .

Blueballs;625500 said:
Forget about the "success stories" you find on any PE product site, most of them are exagerated, taken to maximize the gains(semierect in the before and viagra erection in the after pic) and also photoshoped.

Look in the real world for results, in free forums such sd this one .

Nothing holds more truth online than the forum. Forums are filled with real people who are really dong the exercises, websites are usually filled with overinflated or even fake results. I can't count how many sites I have seen that use the same pictures, pictures that have been taken from our user section. I have seen Supra's penis on like 10 different sites that he has nothing to do with.
shortdick;626060 said:
Gains will do the talking, we are here because we have seen how real the change is..

And there are 13 years of gains to back that up!
The gains are real, it's just some people want to make themselves believe they've grown bigger FASTER than reality to justify their expense, but in time they won't need to do such a thing. There are tons of others all throughout this forum with better measurements, results, etc. Don't base your judging on one person, look for the masses. If this stuff didn't work, I'm sure this forum wouldn't be here or anywhere near as popular is it is now.
Well that was the pic i had doubts about the size gentics is a device i think is quite practical and useful,but the way the guy measured is not the kind of measuring that is convincing,yeah there are tons of pic and testimonials that can prove the gains,im included i was 5.somethin now years later despite all of the interrupted sessions, breaks,and hard times im 7¨BPEL .....:) maybe is a quite humble size but i have been skeptical and had a ton of doubts evenso i tried and now i see that gaining is possible.
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BigDickler;628185 said:
The gains are real, it's just some people want to make themselves believe they've grown bigger FASTER than reality to justify their expense, but in time they won't need to do such a thing. There are tons of others all throughout this forum with better measurements, results, etc. Don't base your judging on one person, look for the masses. If this stuff didn't work, I'm sure this forum wouldn't be here or anywhere near as popular is it is now.

This is the best reason to belong to a forum like [words=]MOS[/words]. In a forum you have 1000's of unique, individual men giving their own experience with no desire to promote the product, only their gains using it. Websites that are set up for sales strictly will always give their best cases or even in some cases fudge the truth, at least in a forum you can questions the gainer and get their answers.