Hello, so I started jelqing in Oct. 06, and pe'd until Jan., at which point I got a T-vein, and stopped. I had maybe gained a 1/4", after that I stopped entirely, my gains disappeared not too long afterwards. So I got the itch to try pe, and started again June 01/07, after 2 months, I went from 7" nbpel to 7.5" nbel and gained 1/4" girth, from 5.25-5.5", and low and behold... another T-vein, 2 of them. So I have stopped pe'ing for the last week, the one vein is gone, but the other is still there, and I won't quit this time, but it's driving me insane not being able to do my workouts, and the thing is, I always warm up for at least 5 min, oh well, just wanted to vent, and share my gains, and frustrations, I will post some pics soon. Usually my routine is half hour stretching, various stretches, and anywhere from 40, to an hour of wet jelqing, I try for 10 sec. strokes when jelqing, I found great gains doing very slow concentrated jelqs this time around as opposed to the 3 sec jelqs I was doing the first time jelqing. Any other advise on how to avoid the bastard T-veins? I will probably wait another few days before attempting some jelqs again, but am anxious to start up again, thanks guys.
Long time lurker, first time poster
Long time lurker, first time poster